Class 1 – The Existence of God

Class 1 – The Existence of God
Paragraph/Short Essay [Catechism 31-34,41,282-285] In your own words, make an argument for the existence of God,
based on one of the proofs below. Use the back of this worksheet.
First Cause – Where did everything come from? Every effect has a cause: something first caused something else,
which led to the next thing, etc. until we have what now exists. Without a first “cause” of things happening, nothing
subsequent would be. This very first “cause” must be “uncaused” (otherwise you would have an infinite chain of regression
– with no first cause – and hence no subsequent effects, and there would be nothing now). This “uncaused” “first cause”
of everything, we call God.
Design (Order) – There is intricate design, order, and harmony in the universe. With living organisms, the
intelligence of the design is even more sophisticated. Just as a complex machine such as a watch could not come into being
randomly, by chance, or spontaneously out of chaos, neither can the universe or living organisms. Therefore there is an
Intelligence which designed the universe. This we call God.
Modern belief about evolution and the origin of life assumes (without basis) that chaos or randomness can
spontaneously produce intelligent order, if given the right conditions and the right amount of time (whatever those are).
Also, it assumes that ordered complexity can (somehow) spontaneously develop out of simplicity.
Final Cause – Why are we here? Things are ordered to an “end”; there is a reason or purpose to activity. Without
an ultimate End, there would be no subordinate ends. This ultimate “end,” i.e., the thing which explains every subordinate
end, is God.
Perfection (Beauty) – Some things are judged good or better, worthy or unworthy, honorable or base, immoral or
evil, beautiful or ugly. This implies there exists an objective standard of beauty, goodness, and truth. The standard is God.
(If there were no ultimate standard, on what grounds would something be good or evil, right or wrong, tragic or
meaningful? Why is Bach’s music any better than a smoke alarm?)
Miracles – Especially in human life and history, things happen that have no scientific explanation, and no possible
scientific explanation. For example: healings, prophecies, and miracles such as Jesus raising Lazarus from death after 4 days.
There exists a power above and beyond nature, which is God. A sub-argument of this category is the miracle of life itself.
Life, its origin and functioning, cannot be explained by science.
Conscience – There is in man a purely spiritual activity (with no connection to any biological process) that involves
abstract thinking, discursive reasoning, judging, and free choice regardless of environmental influences or physical desires.
Conscience is a voice deep within man’s spiritual soul that judges his actions, and is above him. Also in this category of
spiritual life are such things as human artistic creativity and spiritual experiences of interaction with angels and demons.
These things cannot be explained unless there is a supreme spiritual reality which is God.
What are common adjectives used to describe God
a) God is above all things;
He is ______________
b) God is beyond all time;
He is ______________
c) God is perfectly good and worthy of utmost reverence;
He is ______________
d) God can do all things;
He is ______________
e) God knows all;
He is ______________
f) God’s nature cannot be grasped by human thought; He is ______________
g) God is the supreme source of being
He is ______________