8/20/07 ON THE EDGE

ON the Edge: The Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuroimmune Diseases
Part Two
August 29, 2007
By Pat Fero
I researched the partnerships and collaborations and a bit of history about the Medical School
in Reno. Five major buildings form the medical school complex. A major goal of University
President Marvin Glick, PhD (Chemistry – UW Madison) is to create a larger presence
outside Nevada for the research and training facilities the Reno campus has to offer. Dr. Glick
is most interested in academic training for all fields as he is personally committed to topnotch
education for all students, especially those seeking advanced degrees.
To expand the Reno campus is a huge undertaking. Construction sites and new facilities dot
the campus. It appears that Nevada is committed to generating vast sums of money to
support programs and increased faculty. In addition, expansion means building partnerships
and collaborations outside of the University.
John A. McDonald, M.D., Ph.D (Duke University, Biochemistry – Rice) is Dean of Medical
Sciences. Aside from this, in 2006, Dr. McDonald was appointed to a new Nevada State
Commission on Medical Research and Health Care. Dr. McDonald oversees planning
(Small word – Big job) for the Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM). This is a collaboration
among the Medical School, the Nevada Cancer Institute, a private non profit, and the
Whittemore Peterson Foundation, also a private non profit.
As I learn about this, I think about the numbers of people working on the CMM, the money,
the meetings, the negotiations and those who work within these entities. I wonder if Dr.
McDonald is aware that thousands of people with ME and CFS and FM and other
Neuroimmune Diseases are watching and waiting for the completion of the CMM and within
it, the Whittemore Peterson Institute?
I feel sure that Dr. McDonald is not aware of the huge interest among patients and scientists
and Medical Professionals. I imagine he is busy all the time and when he goes to a planning
meeting, a roundtable of key people work through problems. People understand the Nevada
Cancer Institute because all of us have been hearing about cancers of one kind or another
since we were born. We have cancer centers in our communities. However, do people
understand Neuroimmune Disease? I don’t.
Here is the plan. Would you please write a letter to Dr. McDonald to thank him for his interest
and work on the Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuroimmune Diseases? Bags of mail,
BAGS of mail tell people that what they are doing is significant. E mail does not count
because if you are reading this, you know that you can get 100
e mails a day and when busy, you must discard 75.
If you are an academic, a scientist or a medical professional, your letter would be like a gold
bar in a mail bag. Please think about the possibilities for a new state of the art research,
training and clinical center in 2010. It’s all good! You know how thankless a job it can be to
attend planning meetings to overcome obstacles and work on endless details. Please write a
letter to Dr. McDonald and if you are also sick, too, you might mention how important such a
center would have been before you became too ill to work.
If you have ME or CFS or FM, please, please get a handwritten letter out to Dr. McDonald.
You can give your former career, how many years sick and just say thanks on behalf of all
the patients you know in your community. Ask your family members to write, too. I plan to ask
my 82 year old mother to write a letter. Despite her own failing health, she will do it if I can get
the envelopes, address the envelopes and get the stamps ready.
Bag of mail, 2 bags of mail, How about 3?
John McDonald, MD PhD
University of Nevada School of Medicine
1664 N. Virginia Street (0332)
Reno, Nevada 89557
If you can, please cc the President of the University:
Milton Glick, PhD
President - University of Nevada
1664 N. Virginia Street (001) Reno, NV 89557
This is a personal request. I want a lot for us) The plans are made, the building is going up,
and I want the message LOUD and CLEAR. EYES are on RENO.