Ionic and Covalent Bonding Test


Ionic and Covalent Bonding Study Guide

1. The state of matter in which particles are arranged in either a crystalline or an amorphous form is

2. Which state of matter undergoes changes in volume most easily?

3. Which particles in atoms have a negative electric charge?

4. In an atom, the number of protons equals the number of

5. The elements in a column of the periodic table

6. What information in the periodic table indicates the number of protons in an atom?

7. Most metals are NOT

8. Which group contains the most elements?

9. In the periodic table, the most reactive metals are found

10. Which property of bromine could you NOT predict based on the fact that it is a nonmetal in the halogen family?

11. The elements that do not ordinarily form compounds are

12. Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are part of a family called

13. Electrons involved in bonding between atoms are

14. What is the greatest number of valence electrons an atom can have?

15. If atoms of a halogen nonmetal (Group 17) gain one electron, the atoms then have

16. When an atom loses an electron, it becomes a

17. An ionic bond is the attraction between

18. Ions that are made of more than one atom are examples of

19. Magnesium bromide is an ionic compound with the chemical formula MgBr


. What does the “2” tell you?

20. What is the chemical name for the compound with the formula Na



21. In the chemical formula for an ionic compound, which item is written first?

22. Which of the following is a characteristic property of ionic compounds?

23. In what form can an ionic compound conduct electricity?

24. A chemical bond formed when two atoms share electrons is called a(n)

25. What is a double bond?

26. Which is a property shared by most molecular compounds?

27. A covalent bond in which electrons are shared unequally is

28. Water is polar and oil is nonpolar. What happens when the two liquids are poured into the same container?


29. In crystalline solids, how are the particles arranged?

30. What is the charge on a protons?

31. What are the horizontal rows in the periodic table called?

32. What do the elements in a group of the periodic table have in common?

33. Which are the most chemically reactive metals in the periodic table?

34. How many electrons do the halogen family of elements typically gain when they react?

35. What are uncharged particles in an atom’s nucleus called?

36. What kind of ion does an atom become when it gains an electron?

37. What kind of bond is the result of the attraction between a positive ion and a negative ion?

38. Orderly crystal shapes, high melting points, and electrical conductivity when dissolved in water are properties of what type of compounds?

39. When electrons are transferred between two atoms, what type of bond is formed?

40. Low melting points and lack of electrical conductivity are properties of what type of compounds (ionic or covalent)?

41. What type of bond is formed when two atoms share electrons unequally?

42. In an electron dot diagram of aluminum (Al), how many dots should be drawn around the element’s symbol?

43. Which group of elements loses electrons most easily?

44. Which group contains elements with two valence electrons?

45. How many atoms of a Group 17 element would be needed to react with one atom of a Group 2 element?

46. In each period, how does the number of electrons in each kind of atom change from left to right between

Groups 1 and 2?

47. Which three elements are from the group containing the most reactive nonmetals?

48. What is the charge for a lithium ion?

49. What is the symbol for a calcium ion?

50. What is the chemical formula of the compound that forms when sodium and chloride combine?
