UV DEGREE Table Data Elements and Definitions Name SEMESTER Type Length Definition Char 5 A Year/Semester code that indicates the semester of degree completion for all data elements in the table. Code Values: YYYY1 = Spring YYYY2 = Summer 1 YYYY3 = Summer 2 YYYY4 = Summer 8-wk YYYY5 = Fall All degrees awarded in the summer are included only in the Summer 2 session or Summer 8-week. No degrees will be found in Summer 1. Multiple records per semester may occur if a student completed a degree in more than one major or completed two different degree programs in the same semester. Common Usage You would use this field to limit degree data to a particular semester. Be careful if you use this field to join to another UV table, such as UV ENROLLMENT. Students may not be officially enrolled during the semester a degree is awarded. You may only join to CC tables on Fall and Spring semesters because of multiple summer session codes in the UV tables. Community college data include only one summer session. Setting a minimum function on this field will select the earliest semester a student completed a degree. (Students may complete a second baccalaureate degree or a graduate degree in subsequent semesters.) However, multiple records may still occur if a student was awarded degrees in more than one major. This field may be joined to CODE UV SEMESTER to get a description. ACADEMIC YEAR Char 8 A concatenation of years to indicate the Academic Year in which a given semester falls. You would probably use this field only for descriptive purposes or to limit records to semesters in a given year. Academic Year is considered to be the sequential semesters Fall, Spring, and Summer. (For example: 20002001 = Fall 2000, Spring 2001, and Summer 2001) You should NOT use this field to join with other tables. ARIZONA UNITID Char 6 A code that reflects the NCES Unit ID for each university. This field may be joined to CODE ARIZONA UNITID to get a description. You will use this field to limit queries to a specific university only. It does NOT apply to community colleges. You should ALWAYS use this field to join with another UV table. Do NOT use it to join with a CC table. ASSIST STUDENT ID Char 8 The 8-character anonymous ID that is assigned to each student during the ID matching process. You will ALWAYS use this field to join with another UV or CC table so you can get data on the same individual. UV LAST SEM IN DEGREE PROGRAM Char 5 A Year/Semester code that indicates the last semester in which a student was officially enrolled in a degree program prior to degree completion. If you are interested only in ASU or NAU degree data, you can use this field to join with other UV tables, such as UV ENROLLMENT. (Limit Arizona Unitid to the specific university first.) The same semester codes are used as listed in the Semester field above. This field is populated only for ASU and NAU. In most cases, this field will be the same as the degree semester. However, if a student was not officially enrolled for the semester in which the degree was completed, it will reflect an earlier semester. UV UNDERGRAD GRADUATE CODE Char 1 A code that identifies whether a degree is an undergraduate or graduate degree. Code Values: U = Undergraduate G = Graduate You can use this field to limit degrees to undergraduate or graduate level only. UV COLLEGE CODE Char 2 A code that reflects the college in which a degree was awarded at a given university in a given semester. College codes are unique for each university. This field may be joined to CODE UV COLLEGE to get a description. The LABEL field will provide a more standardized set of college descriptions where possible. UV DEGREE CODE Char 7 You would use this field to limit records to a particular college for a particular university. If you use the LABEL field from CODE UV COLLEGE, be aware that several ASU colleges that are found on different campuses will be collapsed under one label. (For example, Education will include both the College of Education at ASU Main and the College of Education at ASU West.) A code that reflects the type of degree awarded in a given semester. You would use this field to limit records to a particular degree type for a particular university. Degree codes are unique for each university. ASU and UA use alpha codes for this field (e.g., BA, BS, B ARCH). In Summer 2003, NAU switched to an alpha code from its previous 2-digit numeric code. However, you would probably use it primarily to join to its corresponding Code Table. LABEL could then be used to show the different types of degrees your students were awarded. This field may be joined to CODE UV DEGREE to get a description. The LABEL field will provide a more standardized set of degree descriptions where possible. UV MAJOR CODE Char 4 A code that reflects the actual major in which a degree was awarded in a given semester. Major codes are unique for each university. ASU uses university-specific 4-digit numeric codes for this field. UA uses an alpha code. Beginning in Fall 2003, NAU changed to a 10-digit major code from its previous 4-digit numeric codes. This field may be joined to CODE UV MAJOR to get a description. The LABEL field will provide a more standardized set of major descriptions where possible. You would use this field to limit records to a particular major for a particular university. However, you would probably use it primarily to join to its corresponding Code Table. LABEL could then be used to show the different majors in which your students were awarded degrees. Because of the uniqueness of majors across universities, it is recommended that Major CIP Code be used when the objective is to report majors for ALL universities. You can also use this field to eliminate duplicate records per semester (i.e., double majors) by setting a minimum or maximum function on it. UV MAJOR CIP CODE Char 6 A code that reflects the 6-digit NCES Classification of Instructional Programs scheme for standardized reporting of academic disciplines. You would use this field to identify the types of disciplines in which your students were awarded degrees at all universities. Currently, the 2000 CIP Version is used for reporting all degree majors. This field may be joined to CODE UV MAJOR CIP to get a description. The descriptions in the Code Table reflect the three-tier categorizations found in the NCES CIP manual and includes previously used 1985 and 1990 codes as well as 2000 CIP codes and some institutionally defined codes. UV CUMUL TOTAL EARNED HOURS Floating Decimal 8 A number that reflects the total hours earned at the time of degree completion. It includes all hours earned at a given university PLUS all transfer hours that are accepted prior to degree completion. You can use this field to calculate the average number of hours earned by your students at the time of degree completion. It will include transfer hours from your institution IN ADDITION to any transfer hours from other institutions. Earned Hours only include courses that count towards a degree. They do NOT include courses for which a failing grade was assigned. You should only calculate averages on unduplicated records. You can use a minimum or maximum function on Major Code to remove duplicate records per semester. Prior to Spring 2000, this field is not populated for ASU unless a degree was posted for an earlier semester after that time. You should only calculate averages on records with a minimum value of 120 hours. Records with values less than 120 hours are probably cases in which a student completed a second baccalaureate degree (which only requires an additional 30 hours). ASU only captures community college transfer hours up to a maximum of 64 hours. In most cases, you will want to re-format this field to reflect either 999.9 or 999 for consistency. The default format is 999.9 for cases in which a decimal value is included. Hours with no decimal value will be reflected as whole numbers. UV CUMUL GPA Floating Decimal 8 A number that reflects the grade point average for all courses assigned a grade of A, B, C, D, or E at the time of degree completion. Cumulative GPA is calculated only for net hours completed at a given university. It does NOT include Transfer GPA. The default format is 9.99 for cases in which a two-digit decimal value is included. GPAs with one-digit decimal values will be reflected as 9.9 and those with no decimal values will be reflected as whole numbers. You can use this field to calculate the average GPA for your students at the time of baccalaureate degree completion. You should only calculate averages on unduplicated records. You can use a minimum or maximum function on Major Code to remove duplicate records per semester. You should only calculate averages on records with a non-blank GPA and a minimum value of 120 hours in the Cumulative Total Earned Hours field. Records with values less than 120 hours are probably cases in which a student completed a second baccalaureate degree (which only requires an additional 30 hours). In most cases, you will want to re-format this field to reflect 9.99 for consistency. UV CUMUL TOTAL INST HOURS Floating Decimal 8 A number that reflects the total hours earned ONLY at the degree granting university at the time of degree completion. It DOES NOT include any transfer hours accepted prior to degree completion. You can use this field to calculate the average number of hours earned by your students at the degree granting university at the time of degree completion. It will NOT include transfer hours from your institution NOR ANY ADDITIONAL transfer hours from other institutions. Earned Hours only include courses that count towards a degree. They do NOT include courses for which a failing grade was assigned. You should only calculate averages on unduplicated records. You can use a minimum or maximum function on Major Code to remove duplicate records per semester. The default format is 999.9 for cases in which a decimal value is included. Hours with no decimal value will be reflected as whole numbers. In most cases, you will want to re-format this field to reflect either 999.9 or 999 for consistency. This data element was added in 2007 and is populated starting with ASU records from Fall 2006. UV CUMUL TOTAL TRANSFER HOURS Floating Decimal 8 A number that reflects the total hours transferred that are accepted prior to degree completion. It includes the total accepted hours transferred from all institutions counting to the particular degree from a given university. ASU only captures community college transfer hours up to a maximum of 64 hours. The default format is 999.9 for cases in which a decimal value is included. Hours with no decimal value will be reflected as whole numbers. You can use this field to calculate the average number of total transferred hours earned by your students at the time of degree completion. It will include transfer hours from your institution IN ADDITION to any transfer hours from other institutions. You should only calculate averages on unduplicated records. You can use a minimum or maximum function on Major Code to remove duplicate records per semester. In most cases, you will want to re-format this field to reflect either 999.9 or 999 for consistency. This data element was added in 2007 and is populated starting with ASU records from Fall 2006. UV DEGREE Table LAST UPDATE: July 17, 2007