James Madison High School Daily Bulletin Today is Wednesday, March 7, 2012 ====================================================================== ATHLETICS No Events Scheduled COMING EVENTS March 9 – Senior Class Meeting 9:55-10:15 AM – Madison Cafeteria March 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, & 17 – Musical Production Pirates of Penzance 7:00 PM Hibbard Auditorium (except for March 11th – 2:00 PM matinee) March 10 – Saturday School 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Madison HS March 10 & 11 – Abby’s Closet – 8th Annual Prom Gown Giveaway, Lloyd Center Doubletree Hotel Exhibit Hall (for more information www.abbyscloset.org ) March 13 – Rose Festival Assembly NOTE DATE CHANGE March 19–23 Food Week 2012 March 14 – Madison’s Grad Night Fundraiser – McDonald’s Restaurant, 3330 NE 82nd Ave, 4-7:00PM STAFF & STUDENTS Madison’s Grad Night fundraiser – Come support the Class of 2012 at McDonald’s from 4-7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 14th. Enjoy dinner at McDonalds and a portion of the total sales will be donated to Madison’s Grad Night. Get your Raffle Tickets! Raffle items include, G6 Airpark Gift Card, Oregon Culinary Institute, Beauty Basket, Madison Basket, Applebee’s, Olive Garden, Ole Ole Gift Card, Wunderland Party Package, Sandy Barber Basket, Bebo’s Coffee Basket, Timberline Ski Passes, Wine Basket, Baking Basket, and much much more. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20.00. To purchase tickets, see Julie in the Counseling Office. STUDENTS 10th 11th and 12th graders interested in Outdoor School must have cards submitted by March 14. The weekend retreat is March 23 & 24. Invitations will be sent to accepted students who have their cards in on time. Students are required to leave the school property immediately after their last class ends unless they are in a SUN activity, with a Step Up advocate, or in a classroom receiving support from a teacher. Students without a 7th or 8th period who need to stay on campus for athletics should report immediately to the study hall held in the cafeteria. Students that need credit recovery and missed registration with Portland Evening Scholars can sign up with Mt. Hood Community College’s Evening High School Credit Recovery program. Classes run twice a week for five weeks and cost $95.00 per class. For more information call 503-491-7421 or see your counselor for details. TODAY! It’s Multicultural Assembly time again. This year we have spaces for 10 acts and our fashion show. Auditions for the show will be on March 7th at ST time in Mr. Grosscup’s room, C-2. Be sure to have a specific culture in mind when you are trying out. If you have questions, please see Mr. Grosscup. Defy gravity and impress yourself! Tuesdays and Thursdays are juggling days at lunch in C-10. Come and have fun! Share your skills and pick up some new ones! COLLEGE & CAREER DIGIGIRLZ - MICROSOFT CAREER DAY FOR GIRLS MARCH 9, 2012, 9:00AM – 4:00PM Calling High School Girls for a day at Microsoft to Spotlight Women in Technology Experience cutting edge products Practice your interview skills Meet other technically minded women Have fun dreaming for the future DigiGirlz is open to freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Limited spots are available. Students will be registered on a first come, first serve basis Register online at www.digigirlz,.com Human Services Career Day at Oregon DHS Thursday, Mar. 8, 9:00am - 2:00pm Students will spend a day learning about many occupations related to the Department of Human Services. Occupations include: Caseworkers, Career Advisors, Disability Service Coordinators, Program Analyst, Volunteer Service Coordinators. *Lunch will be provided Nike Career Day Mar. 20, Time TBA This event is for those interesting in careers in the design, graphic design, and marketing fields. More info coming soon. Sign up today with Mrs. Spencer in the College & Career Center, space is limited, slots a being filled fast. SENIORS Friday March 9 9:55-10:15 (during SSR) Senior Meeting in the Cafeteria: Talk about graduation, prom, commencement etc. Juniors, check out your scholarship bulletin on Naviance! QuestBridge is open until March 27th and Nordstrom is open until May 1. For more information, log into Naviance as a guest using go senators as the guest password. Search for scholarships by due date in Naviance by clicking on links located on the right side of the Welcome Page. These lists are updated regularly! Find a scholarship you want to apply to but need the application? Come to the counseling center and look in the Scholarship Notebook for a copy today! SUN SCHOOLS There will be an Open Mic Night on Tuesday, March 13th after school in the cafeteria. Show up at 3:30pm for snacks and to get on the list! We will officially start at 4:00pm and go until 6:00pm. Staff and students are invited so please come show your talent! (Coffee and snacks provided.) Want to get a job? Jobs 101 can help! This after school class starts Thursday. Talk to someone in the SUN Office in the cafeteria to sign up.