CONSTITUTION Graduate Student Association Towson University Article I. IDENTIFICATION Section 1. The name of the organization is the Towson University Graduate Student Association, hereafter referred to as the GSA. Section 2. The principal office of the GSA shall be located on the Towson University campus. Currently, it is located in the York Road building, room 215. Section 3. The fiscal year of the GSA shall be from July 1st to June 30th. Section 4. The purpose of the GSA is the following: A. To represent all graduate students at Towson University B. To increase the visibility of and uphold and support the mission of Towson University C. To provide a vehicle for graduate students to express their needs, interests, and concerns to Towson University’s administration D. To provide a vehicle for graduate students to participate in social, academic, and professional pursuits as participants in the GSA Article II. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. The membership of the GSA shall consist of all graduate students enrolled at Towson University. This includes non-degree students and fully and conditionally admitted degree seeking students.\ Article III. EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. The executive board shall exercise the authority of the GSA. The board must exist of the GSA President. The board may also include the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Three Members-at-Large; all of which are voting officers. Section 2. The graduate school liaison shall be an ex-Officio, non-voting member of the executive board. Currently, this position goes to the Associate Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and Research (CGSR). The position also serves as the GSA faculty advisor. Section 3. The executive board must meet with the Dean and Associate Dean of CGSR at the end of each semester to present a progress report detailing the accomplishments of the GSA. 1 Article IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the GSA. The president shall preside at all open and executive board meetings. The president shall act as official spokesperson for the GSA and student members. The president shall run the GSA Awards program. The president shall maintain and update the GSA website. As needed, the president shall appoint chairpersons to all non-standing committees, with a majority vote of the executive board, and shall be a member ex-officio of all such committees. The president shall coordinate all activities of the GSA and assign attendance to university committees. The president shall have the power and authority to perform all other duties usually incidental to the office of the president, which this constitution does not assign to another officer. Section 2. The vice president shall assume office of the president if for any reason the office becomes vacant or when requested to serve in his/her absence. The vice president is solely responsible for the production and distribution of the GSA’s semester newsletter. The vice president shall perform all duties as the president and executive board assign him/her in the administration of the GSA, including attendance at assigned university committee meetings. Section 3. The secretary shall notify all members of executive board and open meetings. The secretary shall keep the minutes of all board and open meetings, and any and all non-financial records. The secretary shall update and disseminate all amendments passed by the executive board a minimum of two (2) weeks before an annual meeting. The secretary is responsible for having the open meeting minutes posted on the GSA website. Section 4. The treasurer shall attend executive board and open meetings. The treasurer shall preside over executive board and/or open meetings in the absence of the president and vice president. The treasurer shall be responsible for all funds of the GSA, which includes full and accurate accounts of all receipts and expenditures. The treasurer shall stay in contact with the CGSR director of finance and report back to the executive board about the status of the GSA’s finances. The treasurer shall be responsible for purchasing all items needed for orientations or events and filing the appropriate reimbursement vouchers. The treasurer shall generate the orientation cost spreadsheet. The treasurer shall keep financial records and make a report to the executive board about what the GSA spent each semester by event. Section 5. The members-at-large shall attend executive board and open meetings. The members-at-large shall have ad hoc responsibilities as identified by the president and executive board. The members-at-large shall act as a liaison between the executive board and the general membership. Section 6. If one of the executive board positions is not filled, the president will divide the remaining duties among the executive board members. 2 Article V. ASSIGNMENT/ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 1. If there is no system for election in place, the Associate Dean of the CGSR shall hire the GSA president and vice president, which are graduate assistantship positions. It is then up to the president and vice president to recruit volunteers to fill the other executive officer positions. Section 2. If there is a system for elections, then follow these guidelines. All officers shall be elected for a term of one year, beginning the first full week of April, to allow for training by the previous executive board through the end of the spring semester. Candidates may be nominated from the floor at the annual meeting, by petition signed by ten (10) or more graduate student and him/herself, or by recommendation of the executive board. The Associate Dean of the CGSR must approve the president and vice president positions. The executive board will set a deadline for submission of nominations. The executive board shall appoint an election committee to execute and oversee all election procedures. Article VI. MEETINGS Section 1. At least once a month the executive board must meet. These meetings are required to remain on the executive board. Section 2. At least one general meeting is required each semester. These meetings are open to all members of the GSA. All executive board members must attend at least one meeting in order to remain on the executive board. Article VII. BY-LAWS Section 1. The GSA will develop by-laws consistent with this constitution, will provide for committees, and will establish its own rules of procedure. Article VIII. AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments to this constitution can be proposed by the executive board or by petition bearing ten (10) signatures of graduate students at Towson University. Amendments to the constitution require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership attending an annual meeting. Date of ratification by the GSA executive board: December 9, 1992 Renewed: December 16, 2005 3