Washington Reformed Presbyterian Church Youth Group Minutes


Washington RP Youth Group Minutes

On Sunday, September 28, 2014, the Washington RP Youth Group held their monthly meeting. Those present included: Sarah Todd, Lois Skubal, Isaac Skubal, James

Skubal, and Micah Jarrard. Adults attending were Lana Todd, Nancy Skubal, and Rob

Jarrard. The meeting opened at 12:45 p.m. Rob opened with prayer.

In old business, Lana mentioned that Our Family labels are still being collected.

Patti Rowe has been a big contributor. There are almost enough to send in and receive money. The group also talked about activities that happened over the summer. Many members helped clean up around Pastor Drost’s new house. Also, members had been taking turns mowing the church yard over the summer. Mowing is about to come to a close for the summer. The youth retreat at Camp Curry was also a success. Pastor Jason

Ryce talked about Psalm 22. The last summer activity discussed was the Iowa RP Family

Camp. Pastor Greg Stiner gave lectures on “The Meaning of Grace in a Fallen World.”

In new business, the upcoming CY retreat was discussed in much detail. Those planning on going are: Sarah Todd, Lois Skubal, Micah Jarrard, Bailee Lybarger, Ileia

Kraft, Palmer Thomas, and Kenan Todd. Nancy offered to chaperone. It was also decided that baptized and/or communicant members would have their registration fees paid by the youth group.

The upcoming youth group bible study will be at the Todds’ house on October 11.

Also, on Saturday, October 4, the group will meet at George Masson’s house to help clean his garage. James Skubal was given the task of checking into the possibility of doing another fundraiser at Pizza Ranch.

Finally, new officers were elected. Isaac Skubal was nominated and voted in as

President. Micah Jarrard was nominated and voted in as Vice President. Lois Skubal was nominated and voted in as Secretary. Sarah Todd was nominated and voted in as

Treasurer. James Skubal was nominated and voted in as Photographer.

Micah moved to adjourn the meeting. James seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 1:24 p.m.

Washington RP Youth Group Minutes

On February 10, 2013 , the Washington RP Youth Group held its monthly meeting. Those present were: Kenan Todd, Sarah Todd, Lana Todd, Isaac Skubal, Lois Skubal, Nancy Skubal,

Micah Jarrard, Rob Jarrard, Elora Kraft, Ariana Kraft, and Nathan Fitchner. The meeting was called to order at 11: 55. Isaac opened with prayer.

Old business was discussed first. First, the bible study was talked about. It was held at the

Fitchners in January. Next time, it will be at the Skubals at 7:00. That will be on February 15. After that, the March one will be at the Jarrards. If possible, the study will be held on the second Saturday of each month.

In other old business, the subject of fundraising was discussed. Working at Pizza Ranch has previously been done, and the group decided that would be a good idea. Lois motioned to do it again and Nathan seconded the motion. Isaac was put in charge of getting possible dates. Also in fundraising, Kenan talked about a fundraising calendar that was done a few years ago. Lois is going to create one again, and Sarah said she would help her.

The last of old business was the bulletin board in the church basement. It needs to be updated.

Everyone is supposed to bring a picture of themselves doing something they like. The idea to bring a

baby picture and have people guess who it is was also talked about. It was decided to wait on the baby picture idea.

In new business, Lois talked about the adult night out in April. She said the youth could babysit the kids at the church that night. All thought it was a good idea. It will be on April 20 th

. Everyone is supposed to bring a game to play that night. Kenan was put in charge of notifying Lorna for the bulletin.

Last in new business, the upcoming spring retreat was talked about. It is March 30-31 in

Shawnee, Kansas. Pastor Greg Stiner will be the speaker. It was decided that we wait until it is closer to decide whether to go or not. The meeting was adjourned at 12:12 as Kenan closed with prayer.

Washington RP Youth Group Minutes

The Washington RP Youth Group met on Sunday, August 12, 2012. 2 new members, entering 7 th

grade, Isaiah Kraft and Micah Jarrard were welcomed into the group. Also in attendance were: Kenan and Sarah Todd, Lois and Isaac Skubal, and Ileia,

Elora, and Ariana Kraft. Adults in attendance were: Greg and Nancy Skubal, Lana Todd, and Rob Jarrard.

The meeting was called to order at 12:46 p.m. in the church library. Greg opened with prayer. Isaac gave the treasurers report. The current balance is $102. It is unchanged from the last meeting.

In old business, Camp Curry was discussed. The group sent 6 members to it.

Comments were mostly the same: it was fun, but hot. The next retreat will be held in

Laramie, Wyoming over the Labor Day weekend. Isaac and Lois are planning on going, and possibly one more member.

Also in old business, presbytery will be held at Crooked Creek in October. In previous months, the group decided to make a meal to help out. It would consist of lasagna, bread, and salad. There would be around 60 people to make food for. Members were asked to go home and check their calendars for a date that would work. Sarah will put an announcement in the bulletin, asking for donations to help cover the cost of the food. Also, the idea for having a movie and meal for the youth group was mentioned. It was agreed that it would be a good idea, logistics just need to be worked out. Members were asked to also come with movie ideas to the next meeting.

In new business, Lana mentioned having a bible study once a month. The idea was tabled for another meeting. Election of officers will also be coming up soon. The officers will be new in January, at the beginning of the year.

Greg motioned to adjourn the meeting. Isaac seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 1:04 p.m.

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group Meeting

The Washington Reformed Presbyterian youth group met on January 15, 2012 at

1:03 p.m. The meeting was held in the church library. Members present were Kenan

Todd, Sarah Todd, Lois Skubal, Isaac Skubal, and sponsors, Greg Skubal and Lana

Todd. Also present were Nancy Skubal and Elora Kraft.

First, old business was talked about. The youth retreat went very well. Many people had positive feedback and appreciated all of the hard work put into it. Then next one will be in March in Manhattan, Kansas. A topic is not posted yet. Also in old business, was raking the LaMay’s leaves. They really appreciated it.

In new business, Greg brought up helping the session prepare for Presbytery. He suggested making food in advance. Everyone agreed that it was a good idea. Also in new business, a fun night was suggested. Everyone will check if February 25 will work.

Some ideas for the fun night were bowling, the movie Courageous , trap shooting and Wii game tournaments. More ideas should be brought to the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:19 p.m.

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group Minutes

The Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group met on Sunday, December

04, 2011 in the church basement. The meeting started at 12:50. Jared and Seth Todd were not present. All other members were present.

The winter retreat was discussed in depth. Lana said that Heidi Mann would send emails out to people letting them know about it. Registration will be at 11:45 on that


In addition, the Sharon congregation has offered to help with food. They offered to make some soups for the Sunday meal. It was decided that on Saturday, December

10, the group would meet at the Todd’s house to pre-make and cook lasagna, taco meat and breakfast pizza.

The meeting was cut short at 1:12 because of the afternoon psalm sing.

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group Meeting

The Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group met on Sunday, September 8,

2011 in Mike and Lana Todd’s home. The meeting was started at 2:25. All members were present except for Jared Todd. The meeting started with prayer. The previous meeting’s minutes were read.

In old business, Camp was briefly discussed. Also, mowing was talked about. It was decided that the churchyard would need to be mowed about 2 more times.

In unfinished business, Lana brought new information about the youth retreat. It would start on Saturday. Noon is the estimated start time. It would end sometime Monday morning. There would be around 3 lectures from Alex Tabaka. Isaac Skubal and Kenan

Todd are going to figure out what meals to have. The group still needs to figure out an icebreaker. Activities for the retreat might include tubing, activity center, fox and geese and board games. More information will come later.

In new business, raking leaves for the church was talked about. Sarah Todd will email

Lorna Olson to put an announcement in the bulletin. Members were asked to bring dates that would work to the next meeting.

Lastly in new business, officers were elected. They are as follows: President-Kenan

Todd, Vice President-Isaac Skubal, Secretary-Sarah Todd, Treasurer-Isaac Skubal,

Photographer-Sarah Todd, and Reporter-Lois Skubal. Lois Skubal will also be in training

for the treasurer’s position.

Isaac Skubal gave the treasurer’s report. The current balance is $355.71. Isaac Skubal made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kenan Todd seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:07 p.m.

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group Meeting

The Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth group met for their monthly meeting on July 17, 2011 in the church basement. The meeting was called to order at 11:50 A.M.

Jared was not present.

In old business, Pizza Ranch was discussed. $236.57 was made. Kenan said

“Good.” Isaac replied, “Really long, but really good pay.” The group may want to do this again sometime in the future.

Also in old business, camp was discussed. The youth group will do the ice breaker on Monday night. Two ideas were brought up. First, Nancy talked about

“Appointment Time.” Each person would go around and set up an “appointment” with someone for every hour. Then, they would meet with them when the hour was called.

They would each exchange answers for a silly and a serious question. Lana brought up an idea called “10 Random Things about Me.” In registration packets, a paper would be given to each person. They would have to fill in 10 things about themselves. The papers would be on a table in the lodge and people would be free to look at them.

It was decided that both of the ideas would be used. Appointment time would be used for the ice breaker. 10 random things about me would be used thoughout the week.

Each member of the group is asked to submit 10 questions. 5 serious and 5 silly questions.

In new business, giving money to camp was discussed. There was a misunderstanding, and funds were not available for a family. After much discussion, it was moved to donate $50. Motion carried 4-0.

Isaac gave the treasurers report. The current balance is $405.71. Also, the upcoming winter retreat was briefly discussed.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:17 P.M.

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group Meeting

On Sunday, June 5, 2011 the Washington RP Youth Group held their monthly meeting. It was held in the Church library. The meeting started at 1:05 p.m. There were no minutes from the previous meeting to be read. The balance was $169.14. It went up

$15 with a check.

In old business, Pizza Ranch was discussed. Advertising for June 22 was brought up. It was decided that Sarah and Lois would make the posters to hang up. Lois would put them up in Washington and Sarah would put them up in Columbus Junction. Kenan was put in charge of calling KCII to advertise there. It was agreed on that most business would come from word of mouth. Also, there is a scheduled prayer meeting that night. It might be held at Pizza Ranch. Lastly, a purpose for the money was brought up. It was decided that it would be service projects.

Also in old business, the Camp Curry Retreat will be held June 25 and 26. Campers must bring their own tents. It costs around $20 to attend the retreat.

For mowing, May was taken care of. The Todds will take June. The Skubals will take July. The Todds will take August. Sarah will contact Lorna about putting it in the bulletin.

In new business, camp was brought up. Nancy suggested that the group could run the first night “Getting to Know Each Other Mixer”. A game using pie was discussed, but discarded, as pies will not be there this year. Instead, Little Debbie cakes will be served in honor of Debbie Good. Also, having a traveling trophy for talent night was commented on.

Right to Life donated a book, Unplanned, by Abby Johnson. More information can be found at www.unplannedthebook.com

. A motion was made to donate $20 to the Right to Life for the annual baby bottle drive. The motion was carried. The treasurer will take care of that.

Kenan motioned to adjourn the meeting. Isaac seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 1:16 p.m.

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group Meeting

May 8, 2011

The Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group held their monthly meeting on Sunday, May 8, 2011 at the Todd’s house. The meeting started at 7:37 p.m.

Isaac read the treasurer’s report. $30 was withdrawn from the account to go to the

Japan fund. It helped the earthquake victims. About $21 was added from the fundraising calendars. In the end, the balance came out to be $154.14.

In old business, Pizza Ranch was contacted. The date was set at June 22. The time will be coming later. This will be at the new building. Sarah will tell Lorna to put it in the bulletin.

Fundraising calendars were discussed. Isaac got feedback from some people who participated. They had a few objections. They suggested that next time. You should not put in money if you read your Bible because otherwise it encourages people to not read their Bibles. Also, it added up to about $11. Next time, it should not be any more expensive, maybe even a little less. Lastly, the group suggested doing this fundraiser twice a year. It was discussed that it shouldn’t be done too often.

In new business, it was decided that no one in the group could go on a mission trip this year. Also, there was a bulletin board that was for missionaries in Yemen. They a ren’t there anymore, so Lois and Lana will be in charge of the board for the youth group.

Camp was talked about. Greg said that maybe the youth group could sponsor something. The talent show was considered. The youth group could sponsor it and have a MVP (most valuable performer) award. The decision was tabled. Lastly in new business, elections will be coming up. Members were asked to think about that.

Kenan moved to adjourn the meeting. Isaac seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m.

Washington RP Youth Group Minutes

March 20, 2011

The Washington RP youth group held a meeting on March 20, 2011 in the church library. The meeting started at 11:45 p.m. All members were present. The treasurers report was $144.32. The secretary’s minutes were read.

Old business was brought up. Pizza Ranch fundraising was discussed. Pizza

Ranch does one fundraiser per month on a Wednesday night. May was the next open month. The group would receive 10% of sales for the night, and also tips. Jared moved to do it on the 4 th Wednesday in May. Lana seconded the motion. It was suggested that the night should be advertised on KCII.

Lastly, for old business, the fundraising calendar was brought up. The group decided that they would let anyone do it if they wanted to.

In new business, $30 will be donated to the Japan Relief Fund. It will help those directly affected in the Japan tsunami. The motion carried.

Briefly, a youth retreat in Sterling, Kansas was discussed. It was March 26. Also, a new movie, Soul Surfer is coming out April 8. The group would like to go see it. Lana will bring more information about it to the next meeting. Lastly, it was discussed that someone might take care of the youth bulletin board. It was tabled until the next meeting.

Kenan motioned to adjourn the meeting. Sarah seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 p.m.

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Church Youth Group Minutes

February 13, 2011

Jared Todd called the meeting to order at 12:31 p.m. in the church library. Greg,

Jared, Sarah, Kenan, Isaac, and Lois were present. Lana attended, but got their late.

Sarah read the previous meetings minutes. They were accepted. Isaac reiterated that Phil did not have a problem with making our account a part of the current church account.

Also in old business Isaac has not talked to Pizza Ranch. He will do that by the next meeting. The group is still planning to bus tables at the beginning of March.

Greg asked about Labels for Learning, a program similar to box tops for education. Lana said that we could still do it. It would be painless and not everyone would have to participate. The group decided that it would be done, but nobody would go out of their way just to buy the Our Family brand. For every 500 labels, there would be a

$25 profit.

Rob Jarrard gave the OK for the youth group to mow lawns. Lois will make a calendar with a schedule on it. Lastly in old business was Meals on Wheels. Greg will try to switch the dates, as it is scheduled during church camp.

In new business, Lois showed a sample calendar. It helps people to save change if they want to for the youth group. The money would go toward helping the group achieve their goals. Lois will make a similar calendar for April.

Isaac gave the treasurers report. The balance was the same as last time,

$144.32. Isaac made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kenan seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 1:43 p.m.

January 2011

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group Monthly Meeting

The Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group met on Wednesday,

January 19, 2011 in the basement of the church. Those present were Isaac, Lois,

Kenan, Sarah and Jared. The meeting started directly after the congregational meeting was done.

First discussed was Pizza Ranch. It was suggested that the group would try to work some night at the beginning of March. A Thursday, Friday or Saturday night would work well. Isaac will talk to the director at Pizza Ranch.

Also brought up was George Masson. Later in the year, the youth would like to go to his house and work with his speed bag. It was decided that Jared would call him and check it out. Isaac also brought up that maybe we could see if he needed any work done in or around his house.

Greg asked if there were any elderly people in Columbus Junction who might need some help. Jared could not think of any. He will check and report back at the next meeting. That was the last of old business.

Isaac gave the treasurer’s report. The balance was $144.32. It was the same as at last month’s meeting. There have been no withdraws or deposits.

In new business, Isaac asked about mowing the lawn. He said that the youth group could take care of mowing the church lawn for the summer. That would be a good service project. Greg, who is a trustee, said that that would probably work. Lois will have a calendar made up by the next meeting. It will have a schedule on it assigning people weeks to mow.

Greg brought up Meals on Wheels. He said that maybe the youth could help with that since mostly the same people deliver every year. He stated that it was scheduled during church camp, and he would try to change it to a different time.

Lastly, Isaac updated the group on the bank account. He said that Dorcas suggested that the youth group fund is kept in the general fund. Greg added that even though it would be in the general fund, there would be a separate balance for the youth group. Someone was going to talk to Phil Falk about it.

Kenan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Isaac seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:32.

November 2010

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group Minutes

The Washington RP youth group held a meeting November 15, 2010 in the church library. The meeting started at 12:45. All were present. Also there was Greg


Starting out with old business, Lois asked for a re-vote on bussing tables at Pizza

Ranch. It was decided that Jared didn’t get enough information, and Lois was to check into it more carefully. Also on old business, Isaac asked about having a supper at Bea

Johnson’s. He will check on it when he talks to her about the shooting range.

Under new business, Lana brought up box tops. She said that the youth group and the church could collect them and it would be a good fundraiser. She will check into it more.

Isaac said that he would check at Marr Park to get shooting passes. There needs to be one pass for every 3 people. That would be for shooting at Bea’s. They are available at the shelter in Marr Park.

Lois updated us about the rock-a-thon. She said that it was in December, but did not know when. Times would be around noon she thought. She will email the information about the rock-a-thon to Lana.

Lana brought up that she thought the retreat in Lafayette would be a good idea for those over 14 to go to.

Lastly, for new business, Isaac explained that he checked with West Chester

Savings Bank. He said that they have special accounts for groups like ours. A discussion was held on what would be in the best interest of the club. Lois motioned to keep our money in a bank account. Motion carried four to two.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:02 pm.

October 2010

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Church Youth Group Minutes

The youth group held its monthly meeting on Sunday, October 10, 2010 in the church library. In attendance were: Sarah Todd, Kenan Todd, Jared Todd, Lana Todd,

Isaac Skubal, Lois Skubal, and Nancy Skubal.The meeting was called to order at 12:32 pm.

Old business was discussed. It was decided that bussing tables at Pizza Ranch was not a good deal. It would make around $50 in 2 hours. Jared will check with Pizza

Hut before the next meeting.

The proposed Rock-a-thon was already planned. Nobody went to the meeting, but Nancy got an email update. The group is invited to participate and would be willing to plan part of the time. Also, Nancy messaged Tony Gazo about possibly staying with them for the Walk For Life in Washington D.C. At the time, she was waiting for a response.

Isaac was to call Bea Johnson about the shooting range. He will do so before the next meeting. The group is not sure whether to go to a range, or shoot some targets in a field.

For new business, raking leaves was a possibility. At first, profit was discussed.

An idea was discussed to do it as a service project. Someone could make up business cards and give them to people. It would probably be a Saturday.

Having a bank account was also discussed. Lana was going to get the money to

Treasurer, Isaac Skubal. He was asked to do a little bit of research to see which bank was the best.

The retreats for winter and fall were brought up. Information would be emailed to each of the members. Also, Jared is to check on the speed bag at George Masson’s before the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 12:54 p.m.

September 2010

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Church Youth Group Minutes

The meeting of the Washington Reformed Presbyterian youth group on

September 12, 2010 was held at the home of members Isaac and Lois Skubal and was called to order by president, Jared Todd at 7:24 pm. Old business was discussed. Jared will check into the fundraising idea at Pizza Ranch mentioned at an earlier meeting. He will give his report at he next meeting.

Motions were made and 2nded for the following offices ---secretary, treasurer, vice-chairmen and photographer. All were voted on and passed. The following are the officers for the 2010-2011 year. Jared Todd, President, Kenan Todd, vice-chair, Isaac

Skubal, treasurer, Sarah Todd, Secretary and Lois Skubal, photographer.

For new business, Lois Skubal shared information about an upcoming fundraiser for the Washington County Right to life group. After a motion and 2 nd were made, it was passed that Lois will attend an informational meeting on Oct. 5, 2010 to see how we can be involved in this event.

In other new business, a motion was made to hold our meetings on the 2 nd

Sunday of each month when we have the fellowships dinners. Meetings will is held prior to the meals while food preparation in taking place. Jared will ask the Thomas boys if they would like to be involved in our group.

In other new business, it was voted upon and decided that Sarah Todd d would update youth information on our church website. Finally, a discussion was held about upcoming events in several of the presbytery retreats. Jared and Lana will get more information on these events.

The meeting was adjourned by the president, Jared Todd at 7:48 pm.

May 30, 2010

Minutes of the Washington Reformed Presbyterian Youth Group Meeting

The meeting began immediately after church in the library. Those present were:

Jared Todd, Kenan Todd, Isaac Skubal, Sarah Todd, Lana Todd, and Mike Todd. Also attending was Nancy Skubal. Not attending were Andrew Monger, Lois Skubal, and Seth


Jared led the meeting with prayer. Old business was discussed. A discussion was held about who was in charge of calling people for different activities and service projects.

New business was brought up. The idea of having a “Fun Day” at Mike & Ginger

Pyle’s pond with a zip line was discussed. It was decided that Sarah would call and check if the morning of June 9, 2010 would work.

Jared was supposed to check out bussing tables at Pizza Ranch for a fundraiser.

He was given the job of doing that before the next meeting.

The group also talked to George Masson about going to his house and practicing with his speed bag. The date was tabled until the next meeting.

Also, there is a possibility of going to a shooting range with Bea Johnson. Isaac questioned who would provide firearms. Mike answered that Bea will provide them as of now. Andrew will check on that.

Another topic held forth was possible service projects. Kenan mentioned

“assisting the elderly.” The idea has been put into action in the past, and they decided to brainstorm practical suggestions.

Mike Todd motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kenan and Sarah seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:23 pm.
