Vol. III Ch.9 Hematology Key Terms

VIII Ch. 9
anemia-479-an inadequate number of red blood cells or inadequate hemoglobin within the red
blood cells.
antigen-471-protein on the surface of a donor’s red blood cells that the patient’s body recognizes
as “not self.”
autoimmune disease-467-condition in which the body makes antibodies against its own tissues.
Bohr effect-463-phenomenon in which a decrease in PCO2 acidity causes in increase in the
quantity of oxygen that binds with the hemoglobin and, conversely, and increase in PCO2 acidty
causes the hemoglobin to give up a greater quantity of oxygen.
chemotaxis-464-the movement of white blood cells in response to chemical signals.
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)-485-a disorder of coagulation caused by
systemic activation of the coagulation cascade.
erythrocyte-462-red blood cell.
erythropoiesis-464-the process of producing red blood cells.
erythropoietin-461-the hormone responsible for red blood cell production.
fibrinolysis-470-the process through which plasmin dismantles a blood clot.
hematocrit-464-the packed cell volume of red blood cells per unit of blood.
hematology-460-the study of blood and the blood-forming organs.
hematopoiesis-461-the process throught which pluripotent stem cells differentiate into various
types of blood cells.
hemoglobin-462-oxygen-bearing molecule in the red blood cells. It is made up of iron-rich red
pigment calles heme and a protein called globin.
hemolysis-464-destruction of red blood cells.
hemophilia-484-a blood disorder in which one of the proteins necessary for blood clotting is
missing or defective.
hemostasis-469-the combined three mechanisms that work to prevent or control blood loss.
inflammatory process-468-a nonspecific defense mechanism that wards off damage from
microorganisms or trauma.
leukemia-482-a cancer of the hematopoietic cells.
leukocyte-464-white blood cell.
leukocytosis-482-too many white blood cells.
leukopoiesis-465-the process through which stem cells differentiate into the white blood cells’
immature forms.
lymphoma-483-a cancer of the lymphatic system.
major basic protein (MBP)-466-a larvacidal peptide.
multiple myeloma-486-a cancerous disorder of plasma cells.
neutropenia-467-a reduced number of neutrophils.
phagocytosis-464-process in which white blood cells engulf and destroy an invader.
plasma-461-thick, pale yellow fluid that makes up the liquid part of the blood.
pluripotent stem cell-461-a cell from which the various types of blood cells can form.
polysythemia-479-an excess of red blood cells.
sequestration-464-destruction of red blood cells.
sickle cell anemia-480-an inherited disorder of red blood cell production, so named because the
red blood cells become sickle shaped when oxygen levels are low.
thrombocyte-468-blood platelet.
thrombocytopenia-484-an abnormal decrease in the number of platelets.
thrombocytosis-484-an abnormal increase in the number of platelets.
thrombosis-470-clot formation, which is extremely dangerous when it occurs in coronary
arteries or cerebral vasculature.
2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG)-463-chemical in the red blood cells that affects
hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen.
von Willebrand’s disease-485-condition in which the vWF component of factor VIII is