Standard 2: Assessment System and Unit Evaluation


Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions

Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other professional school personnel know and demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates meet professional, state, and institutional standards.

1.1 Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates

Element Statement

1.1.1 Teacher candidates know the subject matter that they plan to teach and can explain important principles and concepts delineated in professional, state, and

Course Number and Name

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


Not Applicable

1.1.2 institutional standards.

Eighty percent or more of the unit’s program completers pass the academic examinations in states that require examinations for licensure.

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

Element Statement

1.2 Content Knowledge for Other Professional School Personnel

Course Number and Name Methods Evidence



Candidates for other professional school roles know their fields and can explain principles and concepts delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards.

Eighty percent or more of the unit’s program completers pass the academic examinations in states that require examinations for licensure.

CNED 6093 – Counseling

Children & Adolescents

Child/Adolescent Case

Study Paper or Project and Presentation

Not Applicable Not Applicable

This paper or project is designed to enhance your ability to counsel children/adolescents. This paper or project must be preapproved by the instructor.

Once approved the paper or project cannot be changed.

Examples of possible choices are: a case study of a selected child/adolescent from a particular theory, focus on a particular issue and research the efficacy of different treatment approaches to that issue, an annotated bibliotherapy listing focusing on a particular topic, further in-depth research and reading on a particular topic of interest in this field, a critical review of articles or a book in this field, a detailed treatment plan for a specific child/adolescent, etc.

Papers and projects must comply with all APA format and ACA ethical guidelines.

Not Applicable




1.3 Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates

(Initial and Continuing Preparation of Teachers)


Teacher candidates have a broad knowledge of instructional strategies that draws upon content and pedagogical knowledge and skills delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards to help all students learn.

They facilitate student learning of the subject matter through presentation of the content in clear and meaningful ways and through the integration of technology.

Course Number and Name

Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Not Applicable







Not Applicable

Not Applicable

1.4 Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates

(Initial and Continuing Preparation of Teachers)

Statement Course Number and Name

Not Applicable


Not Applicable Teacher candidates can apply their professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards to facilitate learning.

They consider the school, family, and community contexts in which they work and the prior experience of students to develop meaningful learning experiences.

Not Applicable Not Applicable

1.5 Professional Knowledge and Skills for Other School Personnel

Course Number and Name Methods Statement

Candidates for other professional school roles have an adequate understanding of the professional knowledge expected in their fields and delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards.

CNED 6093 – Counseling

Children & Adolescents

In-Class Dyadic

Experiential Therapeutic

Learning Model

(maximum gain 10 points)


Not Applicable

Not Applicable


- I am a firm believer that a child or adolescent counselor/therapist should never use a technique or intervention with a child or adolescent until the counselor has experienced it firsthand.

Therefore, there will be a regular part of the class which involves active

1.5.2 They know their students, families, and communities; use current research to inform their practices; use technology in their practices; and support student learning through their professional services.





Developing Your School

Counseling Program:

Handbook for Systemic

Planning participation with a classmate in a model of learning that requires self-disclosure, roleplaying, reliving parts of your own childhood and adolescence, etc. Part of each class session will be utilized to practice the child/adolescent counseling and therapy skills, therapeutic media, intervention strategies, counseling approaches presented hat session and techniques that apply to what has been covered. I expect that you will be open to role-playing as a child/adolescent when your partner is practicing the counselor's role and that your partner will be open to roleplaying a child/adolescent when you are practicing being a counselor.

– The midterm examination will consist of application type essay questions and be completed in a manner consistent with comprehensive examinations.

Developing Your School

Counseling Program: Handbook for Systemic Planning

You are required to read the assigned chapters from Developing

Your School Counseling Program prior to the class in which the chapter will be discussed. In many instances, there will be work for you

Element Statement

1.6 Dispositions for All Candidates

Course Number and Name Methods to complete or information to research prior to coming to the class.

Individual activities should be completed in writing before coming to class.

Group activities should be reviewed, notes made, and necessary research conducted.

The actual completion of the activities will be done in class with your group. The Reflections on each chapter will be presented to the instructor at the start of each class for grading. Use the book as a workbook, writing your input and opinions in the book (I would suggest you use a pencil), making notes throughout the chapter.


1.6.1 Candidates are familiar with the dispositions expected of professionals.

CNED 5363 Dynamics of

Group Counseling

Outside Group Experience Students are to interview a counseling professional with group counseling experience. A 3-5 page paper is due which reflects the content of the interview and the student’s reflections on the findings/perceptions of the interview. Students will work with a partner to create an ethical or legal dilemma that may arise in a counseling situation. Each team will be assigned a general area of ethics from which to create the scenario.

Students will analyze the dilemma using any decisionmaking model presented in class. Case analysis should include specification of the

(a) the details of how this ethical issue could arise, (b) counseling principles which are applicable, (c) portions of the ACA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice which are applicable, (d) decision-making model used, and (e) appropriate alternative options for resolution. Partners must submit a paper, in APA format, describing the case and including information on all of the specifications listed above. Each member of the team will receive the same number of points for completing this assignment.



1.6.2 Their work with students, families, and communities reflects the dispositions delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards.

CNED 5403: Case

Management and


CNED 5373-Ethical and Legal

Issues in


Diagnostic Paper & Class


Legal and ethical case analysis

Each student will write a diagnostic paper or paper related to case management in the counseling profession.

If the diagnostic paper is chosen, students may opt to use a movie character as a case study. The paper and presentation will either relate to a clinical case or to a film that depicts a protagonist who has a mental disorder.

Papers relating to a clinical case will describe the diagnostic rationale for a particular client. Elements of a clinical paper will typically include the client’s identifying information

(age, sex, ethnic background, occupation, referral source, etc..), presenting problems, symptoms, personal history, treatment

Students will work with a partner to create an ethical or legal dilemma that may arise in a counseling situation. Each team will be assigned a general area of ethics from which to create the scenario. Students will analyze the dilemma using any decision-making model presented in class.

Casenalysis should include specification of the (a) the details of how this ethical issue could arise, (b)



1.7 Student Learning for Teacher Candidates

(Initial and Continuing Preparation of Teachers)


Teacher candidates focus on student learning as shown in their assessment of student learning, use of assessments in instruction, and development of meaningful learning experiences for students based on their developmental levels and prior experience.

Course Number and Name

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

1.8 Student Learning for Other Professional School Personnel




Candidates for other professional school roles are able to create positive environments for student learning.


Not Applicable

Course Number and Name

CNED 5373-Ethical and

Legal Issues in Counseling


Class discussion on Ethical



Partners will lead a class discussion, including information sharing and class interaction, of the ethical dilemma derived from the assignment above.

Discussion leaders will present information on their case analysis and lead a discussion on (a) possible ramifications of the dilemma, (b) specific portions of the ACA Code of Ethics and Standards of

Practice which are applicable, and (c) alternative responses.

Discussion leaders should prepare classmates in advance by outlining the ethical dilemma one week prior to discussion. The class discussion should

1.8.2 They understand and build upon the developmental levels of students with whom they work; the diversity of students, families, and communities; and the policy contexts within which they work.

CNED 5513:


HUMAN DIVERSITY include strengths of the case analysis and limitations that should be considered. Each member of the team will receive the same number of points for completing this assignment.

Personal Experience Visit: Each student will identify a group, individual, family, or organization that is in some way different or diverse from you. For example, if you are not familiar with the Jewish faith/culture, you might visit a temple or synagogue, speak with a

Rabbi or other individual.

If you have not had much contact with the Hispanic culture, you might consider researching the counseling services offered to

Hispanic families or individuals in the NW

Arkansas area, and interviewing a clinician of that culture who provides services to this population.

Prior to the visit, each student will present a written plan, outlining the proposed visit and the concerns or interests that stimulated the visit. This

outline will be due the 4 th week of class. After the experience, the student will write a short personal reaction paper, that will including the following:

Your preconceived notions or expectations (if any) about the specific culture, group or individual interviewed and how that might have been altered or supported by your experience,

What actually happened when you participated in the experience,

How the experience potentially influenced your ability to work professionally with the particular group or individual with whom you visited,

Students will share this experience with the class.

Paper is due Tuesday,

November 4, 2003.
