The Ethnic Development of China Fall semester, 2012 Dr. Jiunn Yih Chang 張駿逸 Office hours: 14:00-16:00, Wed. A. The class will start from Sept. 19, 2012 to Jan. 3, 2013, totally 17 weeks. Class will be conducted by three sections: teacher's lecture, student's presentation and discussion. Grade is evaluated by: 1. Class presentation, 30%. Schedules of the presentation will be settled on the first day of the class. Students are requested to give a presentation related to the subject of the week; each student will have one hour to present. The presentation should be conducted by power point, please e-mail your materials to the teacher and each classmate in advance. 2. Term paper(the same content as the oral report, but should be strictly of the academic forms, ie., footnotes, bibliography……)。I pay more attention to what your own opinions are, instead of a whole lot of quotations from books.40%. The deadline of term paper is Jan. 3, 2013. Term-papers should be around 10 pages in length, #12 word size , single space and thesis format. Please hand in your power point presentation and term paper by disc to the class leader on Jan. 3, 2013. . 3. Participation and discussion 30%. I hope you will raise questions and try to join discussion; I will check attendance also. B. Class schedules and contents 09/19 Introduction About This Class, Presentations’ Arrangement, General Introduction and Reference Books. Catherine Kwai Po Ip “Minority Policies in Post-Mao China”, Master Thesis at the University of British Columbia, 1994. A Survey of China's Policies Regarding the National Minorities, ed. by 吳仕民、占巴扎布, Beijing: Ren-min Publication, 1995 . China's Minority Nationalities, ed. by China International Book, Beijing: China Reconstruct, 1984. Ethnicity & Ethnic Groups in China, ed. by Chien Chiao and Nicholas Tapp, Hong Kong: the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1989. 1 Gang Hechun and Zha Xi (ed.), Chinese Nationalities, Beijing: Zhung-guo min-zu she-ying yi-shu chu-ban-she,1998. Dru C. Gladney, "Representing Nationality in China: Refiguring Majority/Minority Identities", The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 53, No. 1. (Feb., 1994) p. 92-123. Ethnography and its Methodology. 09/26 no class tonight (class moves to 09/29¸ pls pick up ticket from Angela next week). 09/29 Attending "Show of the E-lun-chun( 鄂 倫 春 ) Autonomous County's Performing Art Group".(9/29 Sat. at 國父紀念館 Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial , will start at 19:30, but be there around 19:00). Pls hand in a one-page report of this show on 10/03. 10/03 10/03 Ethnography of the Minorities in North-east China and Inner Mongolia. Ethnography of the Minorities in the north-west China. Reference Books: L. C. Harris, "Xinjiang, Central Asia and the Implications for China`s Policy in the Islamic world", The China Quarterly, No. 133. (Mar., 1993). Hannum, E., Xie, Y., "Ethnic Stratification in Northwest China: Occupational Differences Between Han Chinese and National Minorities in Xinjiang", 1982-1990. Demography, Vol. 35, No.3. (Aug., 1998). McMillen, D., H., Chinese Communist Power and Policy in Xinjiang, 1949-1977. Westview Press, 1979. 10/10 no class (the National day) 10/17 Ethnography of the Minorities in the South-West China(II). Reference Books: China’s Tibet Fact and Figure 2005. Ethnography of the Minorities in the Mid-South and South-East China(I). 10/24 Ethnography of the Minorities in the Mid-South and South-East China(II). 2 10/31 The Development of the Minorities' Autonomous System. Reference Books: Constitution of the People’s Republic of China Rena Singer, “China Also Debates Affirmative Action,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 20 August 1997. Heberer, T., China and Its National Minorities: Autonomy or Assimilation?, An East Gate Book, 1989. Tom Grunfeld, “In Search of Equality: Relations Between China's Ethnic Minorities and the Majority Han”, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Vol. 17, 1985 . Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, “Regional Autonomy for Minority Peoples” premade/9052/autonomy.htm 1st presentation: 11/07 杜睿宸 The Development of the Minorities' Education. Reference Books: Lamontagne, J., "National Minority Education in China: A Nationwide Surveyacross Counties", in G. A. Postiglione (ed) China’s National Minority Education,Culture, Schooling, and Development (pp. 133-171), New York, Falmer Press.,1999. Jing Lin, "Policies and Practices of Bilingual Education for the Minorities in China", Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1997, p. 193-205. Jan-Ingvar Lofstedt, "Education for National Minorities in China: An Overview", The Journal of Negro Education, Vol. 56, No. 3, (Summer, 1987) p. 326-337. 2nd presentation: 喬偉 Chyau, Woei 11/14 Attending "Show of the Xin-jiang Autonomous Region's Performing Art Group". Pls hand in a one-page report of this show on 11/21. 11/21 The Development of the Minorities' Languages Henry G. Schwarz, "Communist Language Policies for China’s Ethnic Minorities: The First Decade", The China Quarterly, No. 12 (Oct.-Dec. 1962), p. 170-182. June Teufel Dreyer, "Language Planning for China’s Ethnic Minorities", Pacific Affairs, Vol. 51, No. 3. (Autumn, 1978) p. 369-383. 3 11/28 3rd presentation: 李蘊曦 Nicole Kozlowski The Development of the Minorities' Economy. Reference Books: Hongyi Harry Lai, "China’s Western Development Program: It’s Rationale, Implementation, and Prospects", Modern China, Vol. 28, No. 4 (Oct., 2002), p. 432-466. Caroline Humphrey and David Sneath, The End of Nomadism? Druham: Duke University, 1999. Maurer-Fazio, Margaret, “The Economic Status of China’s Ethnic Minorities” Preliminary draft of paper being prepared for: International Research Conference: Poverty, Inequality, Labour Market and Welfare Reform in China Australia National University August 25-27, 2004. Goldstein, Melvyn and Cynthia M. Bell. “The Impact of China’s Reform Policy on the Nomads of Western Tibet.” Asian Survey 29, no.6. (1989): 619-641. Yeh, Emily T. “Green Governmentality and Pastoralism in Western China: Converting Pastures to Grasslands.” Nomadic Peoples 9, no. 1-2. (2005): 9-30. 4th presentation: 克里斯緹 Christie Lucila Clampos Conde 12/05 The Development of the Minorities' Religion. Reference Books: Dillon, M., Xinjiang – China`s Muslim Far Northwest. Routledge Curzon, 2004. Fowler, Merv and Jeaneane, Chinese Religions,Beliefs and Practices, Oregon: Suseex Academic Press, 2008. Lipman, Jonathan Newman, Familiar Strangers, a History of Muslims in Northwest China, Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1997. Overmyer, Daniel L., Religion in China Today, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Tan Guang-guan, Lee Min-sheng, Ma Biao, Guo Hui, Meng Xian, Overview of the minorities’ religions in China, Beijing: Publishing House of Central Institute for Nationalities, 1988. Wickeri, Philip L., Reconstructing Christianity in China, Maryknoll NY: Orbis Book, 2007. Unidentified member of the State Council's Bureau of Religious Affairs, Religion Statistics in the People's Republic of China, published in Beijing Review, Sept. 1-7, 1997, 4 ics.htm Zhang Qiao-Gui and Chen Shu-Lin, Anthropology of religion Investigation and study of primitive religion in Yunnan minority nationalities of China, Publishing House of Sichuan University, Sichuan, 1993. 5th presentation: Retno Widyastuti、Alexander van der Meer 12/12 The Development of the Minorities' Tourism. Reference Books: Li Yang; Geoffrey Wall. “Minorities and tourism: community perspectives from Yunnan, China”. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 2009, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 77 – 98. Tim Oakes, Tourism and Modernity in China. Routledge, 2006. 6th presentation: 阪口佳奈 Kana Sakaguchi 12/19 The Development of the Minorities' Political Thoughts/Seperatism Reference Books: Chandra, K. 2006. What is Ethnic Identity and does it matter? Annual Review of Political Science: 9. Wang, Y. "Toward a Synthesis of the Theories of Peripheral Nationalism: A Comparative Study of China’s Xinjiang and Guangdong". Asian Ethnicity. 2(2), 2001. Michael C. van Walt van Praag, The Status of Tibet: History, Rights and Prospects in International Law, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1987. Melvyn C. Goldstein, The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet and the Dalai Lama, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997. Becquelin, N. 2004. Criminalizing Ethnicity: Political Repression in Xinjiang. China Rights Forum On the Margins, 39(1). Dwyer, A. 2005. The Xinjiang Conflict: Uyghur Identity, Language Policy and Political Discourse. Policy Studies: 15. 7rd presentation: Fabian Foeh 5 12/26 The Development of the Minorities' Population. Reference Books: Hoddie, Matthew, “Ethnic Identity Change in the People’s Republic of China: An Explanation Using Data from the 1982 and 1990 Census Enumerations,” in William Safran (ed.) Nationalism and Ethnoregional Identities in China, Frank Cass: London, 1998. Science, and Technology Statistics and State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Department of Economic Development, The Tabulation on Nationalities of 2000 Population Census of China, Ethnic Publishing House: Beijing, 2003. Information Office of the State Council Of the People's Republic of China, White Papers From China - Family Planning in China, August Beijing, 1995 . 8th presentation: 張小梅 01/02 The Development of the Minorities' Modernization Reference Books: Mackerras, C., China`s Ethinic Minorities and Globalization, Routledge Curzon, 2003. Mackerras, C. China’s Minorities: Integration and Modernisation in the Twentieth Century. Hong Kong, Oxford University Press,1994. White Paper on Tibet’s March Towards Modernization, 2001, China Tibetology Research Center, Report on the Economic and Social Development of Tibet, March 2009, 9th presentation: 吳藝鎮 Oh Yejin 6