Security - Ladybirds Daycare

Security Policy
Ladybirds Daycare Ltd recognises that as a responsible employer we have a
responsibility to ensure the security and safety of our staff and their
belongings while they are employed by us. With this in mind we have a
number of security, safe guarding and health and safety policies designed to
ensure we can all work together and ensure each others safety while at work.
All visitors must ensure that they identify themselves to a member of staff
before entering the building and provide proof of identification if required. On
arrival all visitors should sign in the visitor’s book.
The visitor’s book is kept in a central location as part of the daily register
folder and all staff made aware of the procedure to follow if someone visits.
On departure all visitors should sign out of the visitor’s book.
If members of staff are concerned about the behaviour of any visitor, they
should inform the owner or most senior person on site immediately. They may
then ask the visitor to leave or in extreme cases call the police to assist on
Security system
The security system control panel is located in the play ground entrance. In
the morning it is disarmed by the first person on sight and is armed again by
the most senior person leaving in the evening.
The security of the building and key holding responsibilities are only given to
responsible level 3 members of staff and they will receive training in how to
secure the building at night as well as how to set and unset the security
system using the security numbers given before being asked to take these
responsibilities on. The only other people with access to the building are the
cleaning staff who use the same process, out of nursery hours.
Front door
Key Holder Criteria
In order for our operations to run smoothly it is necessary for certain staff
members to have key holding responsibility. Due to the level of responsibility
holding a key brings our policy dictates that this responsibility is only open to
Security Policy
level 3s and any full time staff who due to their shift hours want and need to
be a key holder.
Any key holders selected will receive training in their responsibilities so that
they feel confident to take responsibility for the security of the building and
lock up at night.
During the day the main entrance door to the nursery is kept closed at all
times to ensure the security of the children in our care.
Security tags are issued to each member of staff which will enable them to
easily operate secure door opening procedures throughout the day. The tag is
assigned to individual members of staff and is used to scan the top or bottom
of the door entry system to operate door opening. Staff will hear a beep and a
green light will flash to show that the door is open. Tags are the responsibility
of the staff member they are issued to and staff will be responsible for the
replacement cost of any tags lost or damaged while in their possession. Keys
should only be used to secure the building at the end of the day or to gain
access first thing in the morning.
When a visitor rings the bell for entry, staff should where possible first check
for recognition or appointment and then open the door to allow entry. As per
our visitors section if any member of staff is concerned about the behaviour of
a visitor to the nursery they should immediately inform either the owner or
most senior person on site who will assess the situation and if necessary
involve the police.
As far as possible all members of staff should know or be introduced to the
person who is picking up each child at the end of the sessions. Staff should
ascertain when the child joins the nursery if there is anyone who should not be
collecting a child.
Staff Personal Safety
It is the responsibility of all staff to follow all health and safety procedures and
to report any potential hazards or security breaches as per our health and
safety policy.
Types of incidents to be recorded include any
Security breaches.
Security Policy
Acts of deliberate violence against staff.
Verbal assault against staff including any made over the phone.
Occasions when restraint of a child has been necessary.
Any such incident should be recorded as soon as possible following the
occurrence. It should be dated, including the time and signed by the person
completing the incident details. This will provide a history of security issues
that the managers can review in order to improve our overall nursery security
and ensure the children and staffs protection.
Handbags/Personal valuables
The nursery has its own room for storing coats, bags and other personal
possessions. We provide secure lockers for staff but ask staff to keep
personal possession storage to a minimum during their working shift. We do
not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal possessions left
on site. Where valuables have to be brought to work we will provide a lockable
tin for cash storage as extra security. The keys to this tin are only assigned to
the manager on duty who has the responsibility of the tin at all times.
Car Parking
In order to ensure our children can arrive and leave our premises in as safe a
manner as possible we have to restrict the amount of parking that is made
available to our staff.
Car parking for staff is available in certain areas within the nursery car park
however where parking is done off site staff should ensure they park legally
and safely to ensure the security of their car during their working shift as any
loss or damage that occurs can not be the responsibility of Ladybirds Daycare
Data Protection 1998
As an employer we have to obtain a great deal of personal information about
our staff. This information is only asked for if it necessary for us to hold it and
is not kept any longer than is necessary for us to comply with employment
Any paper records are destroyed and any computerised information deleted
as soon as we are legally able to do so.
From time to time we may ask you to update personal information we hold
about you in order to assist us in always holding up to date information on our
Security Policy
employees. We also ask you to keep us up to date with any changes to your
personal information in writing as they occur to maintain our records.
All information held on our staff is kept in personal files kept in locked filing
cabinets with restricted access to those people who have to deal with that
data to perform their job roles. Similarly any staff data held on computer
records is password protected and only accessible to staff who have to deal
with that data to perform their job role.
Any member of staff can have access to the information we hold on them and
can see their personnel files at any time by putting their request in writing to
Cathy McKendrick as the registered data controller who will then arrange a
suitable time to review your information with you.
Authorised Use of Computer Equipment while at work
Ladybirds Daycare Ltd provides various computer equipment and internet
access which is designed and made available to staff for business purposes
only to support their work within the nursery. This includes all email
correspondence and internet site browsing.
It will be considered GROSS MISCONDUCT if anyone is found to have used
any equipment or facilities provided for the use of the business operations for
their own personal use, whether this is in their own time or their contracted
hours and as such any staff found to be in breach of this policy will be dealt
with as per our disciplinary procedures which could result in you losing your
In addition personal storage devises are not to be used for carrying any
information about the children in our care or their families as this information is
protected under the Data Protection Act and must not leave the building.
If you wish to carry out work at home and feel that you need to use
information / standardised sheets etc from our system you need to get signed
authorisation from your manager that this will acceptable and not put yourself
at risk of breaching our responsibilities under the Data Protection Act.
If you are ever in doubt that your actions may be at risk of breaking our Data
Protection Regulations it is your responsibility to ensure you check with your
manager before carrying them out.
In January 2009 the nursery installed CCTV cameras to provide additional
security for the children in our care, both inside and outside of the nursery.
Security Policy
There are 11 cameras that provide wide angle views of all internal and
external areas.
The cameras are primarily installed to ensure a secure environment for the
children and staff at all times however they can also be used to monitor
children’s attainment against the early year’s development key stages and for
staff training. Signs are posted to inform all our visitors that the cameras are
in operation.
Right of Search
The employer reserves the right to search employees or any of their property
held on the employers premises at any time in line with our search policy
detailed below.
Any search will always be carried out by two people, one of which must be a
manager, in the presence of the owner of the property. These searches will be
recorded in a stop and search book which will include the names and dates
searched together with the outcome of the search, all parties will sign and
date to record situation.
Searches will never involve physical bodily searches however staff may be
asked to remove tabards, step out of shoes, turn pockets out, empty bags etc
to assist in search.
Searches can also be conducted on property stored in lockers and cars when
parked on Ladybirds property. Staff will be asked if they have any objections
to a staff search being carried out prior to the search however failure to
comply with the search request will normally be treated as amounting to gross
misconduct and will entitle the employer to take disciplinary action including
These searches can be conducted as part of our random search procedure
when no suspicion of infringement is involved or as a result of the employer’s
belief that a criminal offence may have been committed.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not permitted in the nursery, irrespective of their
technology. Phones can be kept either in cars or in lockers during working
hours to enable staff to retrieve them at break and lunchtime as appropriate to
collect messages or make calls.
Security Policy
The nursery number can be given to family to be used for urgent or
emergency calls, leaving routine calls, of whatever nature, to situations where
they can access their own phones. To ensure this policy is adhered to staff
are advised that our staff search policy will be used to carry our spot checks
and any breaches to this policy will be dealt with according to our disciplinary