
I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes
California State Polytechnic University Pomona
Meeting Logistics
I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Meeting
Review our programs and services to determine whether they should
receive increased support, decreased support, level support, be
restructured, discontinued, or initiated and assign budget accordingly
for new projects and positions.
Monday, August 14, 2006
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Debra Brum, Mauricio Calderon, Marvin Campbell, James Caplette,
Curtis Clark, Stephanie Doda, JoAnn Karns, H Keita, Gabe Kuri, David
Levin, Dave Lyon, April McKettrick, Denny Mosier, Marci Payne, Susan
Reese, Janet Rice, Karin Schott, and Abel Zamora
Topic 1: Project Team Charge
20 min.
Topic 2:
10 min.
Team Leaders
30 min.
Project Team Membership Updates
Finance Web Tools – Mauricio
Help Desk – Denny
Help Line Trouble Ticket System – Denny
Studio Six – David
Wireless Infrastructure – Susan
Topic 3: Evaluation Committee Update
 Items 66 – 110
Topic 4: Next Meeting
 Monday, August 28, 2006 at 1:00 PM
I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes
California State Polytechnic University Pomona
August 14, 2006
Project Teams
Project Name
Project Teams
Finance Web Tools
Team Leader – Mauricio Calderon
October 2006
Team Members – Marvin Campbell,
David Chiang, Stephanie Doda,
Denny Mosier, and Glendy Yeh
Resources – Saraswathi Kumathi
Help Desk Staffing
Team Leader – Denny Mosier
Team Members – Jorge Bonilla,
Candie McDougall, Janet
Rice, James Schneider, and
Abel Zamora
Resources – Claudio Escobedo,
Lori Okamoto, Bill Sing, and Marcy
Help Line Trouble Ticket System
Team Leader – Denny Mosier
Team Members – Chris Crudo,
Stan Jozefowicz, Candie
McDougall, and Marci Payne
Resources – Dave Lyon,
Susan Reese, Janet Rice, James
Schneider, Bill Sing, and Marcy
April 2007
Studio Six
Team Leader – David Levin
Team Members – Curtis Clark,
Jerry Lerma, April McKettrick,
Peggy Perry, and Daniel Smith
Resources –
March 2007
Wireless Infrastructure
Team Leader – Susan Reese
January 31, 2007
Team Members – Gabe Kuri,
Yen Nguyen, and Janet Rice
Resources –
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Due Date
I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes
California State Polytechnic University Pomona
August 14, 2006
Topic 1: Project Team Charge (Stephanie)
Handouts: I&IT Division – Prioritization & Recovery Committee Project Team Charge and I&IT
– Prioritization & Recovery Project Team Report
Stephanie presented the document prepared by Debra and her. Per Stephanie, every team
should start off with the same charge and list of responsibilities. Curtis suggested that we
number the bullets. Per David’s suggestion we will eliminate the 6th, 7th and 8th bullets as they
repeat in the Project Team Report form. The charge was approved with these changes.
Topic 2: Project Team Membership Updates (Team Leaders)
Finance Web Tools – Mauricio
Mauricio’s has a complete team. The due date for the Project Team Report is still October
Help Desk – Denny
Denny has a complete team. The due date for the Project Team Report will be December 2006.
Help Line Trouble Ticket System – Denny
Denny has a complete team. The due date for the Project Team Report will be moved from
April 2007 back to February 2007.
Studio Six – David
Per David, add Teshia Roby and Hari Singh as team members and Karin Brzoska as a resource
person. He has asked Fred Gallegos to join the team. If Fred is not available then he will ask
Ruth Guthrie. Peggy Perry may be a resource person instead of a team member. The due date
for the Project Team Report is still March 2007.
Wireless Infrastructure – Susan
Per Susan, this group needs to figure out what approach they will be taking. They may ask one
of their student assistants to be involved. The due date for the Project Team Report is still
January 2007.
Topic 3: Evaluation Committee Update (Evaluations Committee)
#66 – Network Management Systems – High profile, High Quality, Low Cost. This is
Intermapper and a few other things. The profile is high because it used by Systems and the
CO’s office. Computes to keep up the good work.
#67 – Open Access General Computing Labs – High Profile, High Quality, High Cost. This is a
mandated service that results in high costs due to the hardware, software and personnel
required to operate it. Per Keita, there isn’t a potential to reduce cost. We need two students in
the evenings due to security reasons. We have cut back on the students during the daytime.
Over the next few years as more students get laptops we may be able to reduce the hours of
operation and equipment costs may go down, but staffing will still remain high. Computes to
ignore this for now. The stats need to be looked at annually. Next review date is Summer
2007. Date evaluated changes to 8/14/06. Evaluator changes to P&R Team.
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I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes
California State Polytechnic University Pomona
August 14, 2006
#70 – Patch Management – Low Profile, High Quality, Low Cost. Patch management guidelines
will be coming from the Office of the Chancellor. We will need to revisit this at that time.
Evaluation is ignore this for now. Next review date is Summer 2007.
#79 – Repurposing/Redevelopment of Desktop Technologies – Low Profile, High Quality, Low
Cost. Per Keita, this year we have not repurposed as many computers as in previous years
because money was available for the other areas to purchase new computers. It was
mentioned that Debra wants to review this annually because this current year is unusual.
#82 – SAI Call Accounting System – High Profile, Low Quality, High Cost. This is a turnkey
vendor application that is utilized to capture the PBX call detail that we use to bill back
exchange charges to the departments. We changed the profile to high because this service is
mandated for security reasons by Public Safety. The quality is low because we are looking for
more metrics in order to validate what we are doing in this area. Also, this software doesn’t
allow us to do this easily. Evaluation is fix this now. Our recommendation is that another project
team be formed for this item.
#88 – Studio 6 – Low Profile, High Quality, High Cost. The evaluation was overridden to
improve quality. Need to determine the mission of Studio 6 and as necessary determine how to
improve the degree to which it's meeting the mission. A project team has already been
established to look at this service.
#89 – Tape Backup – High Profile, Low Quality, Low Cost. Computes to improve quality. Being
replaced as part of the Intranet Replacement Project. Another project team is not needed.
#93 – Telephone Maintenance and Support – High Profile, High Quality, High Cost. Computes
to reduce cost. This will be difficult to reduce because we are required by Avaya to have a
maintenance contract on the Avaya switch. We will ignore this for now but we need to evaluate
with respect to future technologies. Next review date is 2007.
#95 – Traffic Shaping Service – High Profile, High Quality, Low Cost. As part of the dual CENIC
Link p
Project we are looking at limiting the traffic on a port level to prevent individual users from
monopolizing traffic. Per Susan we have the equipment but it isn’t installed yet. Evaluation is
keep up the good work.
#97 – User Training on Telephone Instruments/Features – Low Profile, High Quality, Low Cost.
The synopsis was changed to “should link to web info from eHelp. This should be done by
Winter Quarter 2007.” Evaluation is ignore this for now. Next review by Spring Quarter 2007.
#100 – Viking Database System – Low Profile, Low Quality, Low Cost. We have had numerous
meetings with Advancement about the problems of Oracle compatibility and the lack of security
on this system. Currently we are not paying the maintenance bill on this system until we can get
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I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes
California State Polytechnic University Pomona
August 14, 2006
Advancement to return to the table to discuss our concerns. Computes to discontinue or
improve quality.
#104 – Work Order Entry System – Low Profile, Low Quality, Low Cost. This system is critical
to the people doing adds, moves and changes for the PBX. The tasking of fixing it or replacing
it has recently moved from Systems to Web Development. Computes to discontinue or improve
#109 – Commencement – This service was recently added by the Assessment Team and it
belongs to Learning. Marvin needs to fix this so David can add information about the service.
#110 – I&IT Services Database – This service was recently added by the Assessment Team
and it belongs to Applications. Marvin needs to fix this so Mauricio can add information about
the service.
Topic 4: Next Meeting
Monday, August 28, 2006 at 1:00 PM
Per Stephanie, the managers are still in the process of getting their budgets in to Debra and
Stephanie. We received the overall budget from Pat Farris late last week. For every new
person we hire this year we have to pay their benefits. This is about a 35% increase in cost.
This money used to come out of the university’s budget but it will now be our responsibility.
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