7th Grade Social Studies Mexico & U.S. History from the Revolution

7 Grade Social Studies
Mexico & U.S. History from the Revolution to Reconstruction
Class 73—Lewis and Clark Expedition
December 16, 2013
Focus: Clear everything off of your desk except for you focus sheet, pencil, and 8.2 outline.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Objectives:
1. I will recognize Jefferson’s purchasing of the Louisiana Territory as doubling the size of the United States territory.
2. I will identify Lewis and Clark as the travelers assigned the task of exploring the new territory of Louisiana.
3. I will recognize the ways in which Sacajawea (Suh (as in supper) - cog - uh - wee –uh) helped Lewis and Clark on
their exploration of the Louisiana Territory.
4. I will recognize Zebulon Pike’s contributions to the exploration of the Louisiana Territory.
-Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3, pgs 278-280-stop @ Conflict in West (due 12/17)
-Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 280-283-start at Conflict in the West (due 12/18)
-Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 284-287 (due 12/20)
-Chapter 8 Test Wednesday 1/8
I. Louisiana Purchase
II. Core of Discovery
A. Meriwether Lewis
B. William Clark
C. Sacajawea
III. Zebulon Pike
Key terms/ideas/ people/places:
New Orleans
Louisiana Purchase Meriwether Lewis
Core of Discovery
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
William Clark
Robert Livingston
James Monroe
Zebulon Pike
By the end of class today, I will be able to answer the following:
How did Thomas Jefferson get around his strict interpretation views in order to buy the Louisiana Territory?
Who led the Core of Discovery?
What Native American woman helped the Core of Discovery?
When was the Louisiana Purchase?
What did the U.S. pay for the Louisiana Territory?
Class 73—Lewis and Clark Expedition
December 16, 2013
Louisiana Purchase:
 Spain closes New Orleans
o Jefferson sends Robert Livingston and James Monroe to buy New Orleans for $10 million
o Talleyrand and Napoleon offer to sell the Louisiana Territory for $15 million
o Doubles the size of the U.S.
Core of Discovery:
 Led by Lewis and Clark
o Mission
 Map route to Pacific Ocean
 Study climate, wildlife, and mineral resources
 Learn about the Indians
o Sacajawea (Suh (as in supper) - cog - uh - wee –uh)
 translator
 guide
 gathered wild vegetables
 told the men where to hunt and fish
Zebulon Pike:
 Explores the Southwest
 Captured by the Spanish
 Pike’s Peak
7 Grade Social Studies
Mexico & U.S. History from the Revolution to Reconstruction
Class 74—Barbary Pirates and Embargo
December 17, 2013
Focus: Why would the United States pay tribute to the Barbary Pirates when neither France nor Britain did so? Why
wouldn’t the United States stand up and attempt to get rid of the Pirates?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Objectives:
1. I will identify foreign trade as a major benefit to the United States economy.
2. I will identify the Barbary States as nations that will interrupt United States trade.
3. I will determine if Jefferson’s Embargo Act of 1807 and the Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 were successful in keeping
the U.S. out of war.
-Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 280-283-start at Conflict in the West (due 12/18)
-Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 284-287 (due 12/20)
-Chapter 8 Test Wednesday 1/8
I. Barbary States
II. Stephen Decatur
Key terms/ideas/ people/places:
Barbary States/pirates
Thomas Jefferson
Stephen Decatur
Halls of Montezuma
Thomas Jefferson
Non-Intercourse Act
By the end of class today, I will be able to answer the following:
Who were the Barbary Pirates?
What ship did Stephen Decatur sink?
Where are the Barbary States? Halls of Montezuma?
Were the Embargo and Non-Intercourse Acts effective? Why or why not?
Embargo Act
Class 74—Barbary Pirates and Embargo
December 17, 2013
Britain impressing (Being forced to serve in the military) Americans sailors
Barbary States: North Africa
 Barbary Pirates-want tribute or bribe
 Tripoli still attacking U.S. ships
o Jefferson blockades Tripoli
o USS Philadelphia runs aground-taken by pirates
o Stephen Decatur sneaks on board and burns the Philadelphia so the pirates can’t use it
o U.S. Marines are also sent in “to the shores of Tripoli”
Jefferson’s embargos:
 Embargo Act
o forbade Americans to import or export goods
o “In effect, to put pressure on Britain and France, the United States went to war with itself and blockaded
its own shipping.”
o Smuggling an issue
 Non-Intercourse Act
o Can trade with all nations except France and Britain
o “Between 1803 and 1807 Britain seized 528 ships and France seized another 389.”
7th Grade Social Studies
Mexico & U.S. History from the Revolution to Reconstruction
Class 75—Burr vs. Hamilton & Tecumseh vs. William Henry Harrison
December 18, 2013
Focus: Read the following quote and then answer this question: What was Hamilton asking Monroe to do?
“Mr. Hamilton requests an interview with Mr. Monroe at any hour tomorrow forenoon which may be convenient to him.
Particular reasons will induce him to bring with him a friend to be present at which may pass. Mr. Monroe, if he
pleases, may have another.”
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Objectives:
1. I will recognize the death of Alexander Hamilton as a serious blow to the Federalist Party.
2. I will recognize Tecumseh and the Prophet as legitimate adversaries for William Henry Harrison.
-Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 284-287 (due 12/20)
-Chapter 8 Test Wednesday 1/8
I. Honor System
A. Burr vs. Hamilton
II. Tippecanoe
A. Tecumseh & Prophet vs. William Henry Harrison
Key terms/ideas/ people/places:
Alexander Hamilton
Honor system
By the end of class today, I will be able to answer the following:
Where was the Prophet and Tecumseh defeated? By who?
What is the honor system?
Who shot Alexander Hamilton?
William Henry Harrison
Aaron Burr
Weehawken, NJ
Class 75—Burr vs. Hamilton & Tecumseh vs. William Henry Harrison
December 18, 2013
Aaron Burr vs. Alexander Hamilton Duel:
 July 11, 1804
 Honor/honor system
 Weehawken, NJ
 Burr shoots Hamilton
 Hamilton dies next die
 Tremendous blow to the Federalist Party and Burr’s political career
Tecumseh and the Prophet (Tenskwatawa):
 ignore the white ways and return to the roots of the Native American past
 United Native American resistance to encroaching white settlers
 Tecumseh
o Pan tribal unity
o Militant resistance to whites
Battle of Tippecanoe:
o William Henry Harrison (Harrison regards Tecumseh as a genius) claims a U.S. victory over the Native
American alliance of Tecumseh and the Prophet