Expanded Core Curriculum Content Areas Resource Mapping Content Area Assistive Technology Technology Career Education Assessments EVALS3 WIAT model3 Assistive Technology for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired: A Guide to Assessment2 EVALS3 Assistive Technology for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired: A Guide to Assessment2 EVALS3 Teaching Curriculum Talking Typer1 Learn Keys1 Braille + Mobile Manager1 Refreshable Braille1 Verbal View of Windows1 Hands On1 Prevocational Skills Development Materials1 Going Places1 Transition Tote System1 Going Places1 Blankenship, K., Coy, J., Prause, J., & Siller, M. The Essential Assessments Rubric. www.earubric.com Resources Foundations of Education 2 2008 Access World Guide to Assistive Technology Products2 Itinerant Teaching: Tricks of the Trade for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments2 Foundations of Education2 Possible Gaps Foundations of Education2 Business Owners who are Blind or Visually Impaired2 Career Perspectives2 College Bound2 A Practical Guide to the ADA and Visual Impairment2 Health Care Professionals who are Blind or Visually Impaired2 Jobs to be Proud Of Skills for Success2 Teachers who are Blind or Visually Impaired2 Page 1 Content Area Assessments Teaching Curriculum Compensatory EVALS3 Assessment of Braille Literacy Skills (ABLS)5 Brigance1 Key Math1 K-Fast1 Woodcock-Johnson1 Growing Up1 Assessment Kit 3 Building On Patterns1 Patterns1 Braille writing Dot by Dot1 Calendar System1 Tactile Treasures1 Move, Touch & Do1 Growing Up1 Effective Use of Objects1 PATTER1 Wilson Reading System1 Turbo Phonics1 Word Play House1 StackUps1 Math Builders (1,6) 1 Focus in Math1 Beginning Abacus1 Sense of Science Series1 Address Earth1 Maps Represent Real Places1 Recognizing Landforms1 Walk/Run for Fitness1 Jump Rope to Fitness1 Expandable Calendar Boxes1 Tactile Connections1 Fun Braille1 Braille Contraction Recognition1 Touch and Tell1 Freund Longhand Writing1 Blankenship, K., Coy, J., Prause, J., & Siller, M. The Essential Assessments Rubric. www.earubric.com Resources A Parent’s Guide to Special Education for Children with Visual Impairments2 Foundations of Education2 Braille Literacy: A functional Approach 2 Reach Out & Teach2 Collaborative Assessment: Working with Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired, Including Those with Multiple Impairments2 Foundations of Braille Literacy2 Guidelines & Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading2 Hand in Hand: Essentials of Communication and O&M for students who are deafblind2 Instructional strategies for Braille Literacy2 Looking to Learn: Promoting Literacy Skills in Students with Low Vision2 Making the Most of Early Communication2 Focused On: Social Possible Gaps Page 2 Content Area Assessments Teaching Curriculum Web Chase1 Scattered Crowns1 Braille Fundamental3 Un’s the One3 Independent Living EVALS3 Brigance1 Oregon Project4 INSITE7 O&M 3 EVALS TAPS3 Twist, Turn, & Learn1 PATTER1 Sherlock Talking Label Identifier1 Making Picture Recipes1 Money Handling & Budgeting1 Money Talks1 Reclaiming Independece1 Independent Living Series3 INSITE7 Oregon Project 4 3 TAPS Mini Guide1 K-Sonar Curriculum Guide1 Chang Kit1 Picture Maker: Wheatley Board1 PATTER1 Walk/Run for Fitness1 Jump Rope to Fitness1 Miniguide US1 Blankenship, K., Coy, J., Prause, J., & Siller, M. The Essential Assessments Rubric. www.earubric.com Resources Skills2 How to Thrive, Not Just Survive2 Teaching Social Skills to Students with Visual Impairments2 Beginning with Braille: Firsthand Experiences with a Balanced Approach to Literacy 2 Foundations of Education2 How to Thrive, Not Just Survive2 Early Focus: Working with Young Children who are Blind or Visually Impaired2 Toward Independence: The Use of Instructional Objectives in Teaching Daily Living Skills2 Reach Out and Teach2 Foundations of Education2 Imagining the Possibilities2 Independent without Sight or Sound2 Early Focus: Working with Young Children who are Blind or Visually Impaired and Their Families2 Possible Gaps Page 3 Content Area Assessments Teaching Curriculum O&M Tactile Graphics1 Recreation/Leisure EVALS3 Guided Art Stories1 Time for Art Projects1 Portable Sound Source1 Walk/Run for Fitness1 Jump Rope to Fitness1 Armadillo Army Software1 Termite Torpedo Software1 Toodle Tiles1 Web Chase1 Blankenship, K., Coy, J., Prause, J., & Siller, M. The Essential Assessments Rubric. www.earubric.com Resources An Orientation & Mobility Primer for Families and Young Children2 O&M Techniques: A Guide for the Practitioner2 Reach Out and Teach2 English/Spanish Basics for O&M Instructors2 Collaborative Assessment2 Foundations of Orientation and Mobility2 Hand in Hand How to Thrive, Not Just Survive 2 The Art & Science of Teaching O&M2 Simon Says Is not the Only Game2 Teaching O&M in the Schools: An Instructor’s Companion2 Foundations of Education2 Art Beyond Sight: A Resource Guide2 Creative Recreation for Blind and Visually Impaired Adults2 How to Thrive, Not Just Survive2 Possible Gaps Page 4 Content Area Self-Determination Assessments EVALS3 PATTER1 Oregon Project4 Teaching Curriculum Game Kit1 Wooden Constructo Sets1 Independent Living Series3 PATTER1 Web Chase1 Empowered 3 Sensory Efficiency Auditory Tactual Resources Reaching Out: A Creative Access Guide for Designing Exhibits & Cultural Services for Persons who are Blind or Visually Impaired2 Foundations of Education 2 College Bound2 Skills for Success2 Teaching Social Skills to Students with Visual Impairments2 A Parent’s Guide to Special Education for Children with Visual Impairements2 Loving You1 EVALS3 Sensory Learning Kit1 INSITE7 Growing Up 8 Oregon Project4 Listen & Think1 Sensory Learning Kit1 SAM 1 Guided Art Stories1 Portable Sound Source1 Foundations of Education 2 EVALS3 Tactile Treasures1 INSITE7 Setting the Stage1 Sensory Learning Kit SAM1 Tactile Treasures1 Twist, Turn, Learn1 Tangle Toy1 Rolling into Place1 StackUps1 Basic Science Tactile Graphics1 Foundations of Education2 Tactile Leaning Strategies2 Hand in Hand2 Independence without Sight or Sound2 Tactile Graphics Tactile Leaning Strategies Blankenship, K., Coy, J., Prause, J., & Siller, M. The Essential Assessments Rubric. www.earubric.com Possible Gaps Page 5 Content Area Assessments Visual 3 EVALS FVALMA1 ISAVE1 Sensory Learning Kit1 TOAD1 Vision Tests for Infants2 INSITE7 Growing Up 8 Oregon Project4 Teaching Curriculum Basic Tactile Anatomy1 Atlas World at your Fingers1 Address Earth1 Maps Represent Real Places1 Time for Art1 Tactile Connections1 Touch and Tell1 Teaching Touch1 Draftsman Tactile Drawing Board1 Graphic Art Tape1 O&M Tactile Graphics1 Picture Maker: Wheatley Board1 Students who are Deafblind using APH Products1 Scattered Crowns1 Envision (I & II) 1 Program to Develop Efficiency in Visual Functioning1 Sensory Learning Kit1 SAM1 Sense of Science Series1 Let’s See1 Light Box Activity Guide1 INSITE7 Growing Up 8 Oregon Project4 Resources Blankenship, K., Coy, J., Prause, J., & Siller, M. The Essential Assessments Rubric. www.earubric.com Possible Gaps Foundations of Education 2 What Can Baby See? 2 Autism Spectrum Disorders and Visual Impairments2 Cortical Visual Impairment2 Early Focus: Working with Young Children who are Blind or Visually Impaired and Their Families2 Essential Elements in Early Intervention2 Page 6 Content Area Assessments Teaching Curriculum Social Interaction INSITE7 Oregon Project 4 Growing Up 8 Sensory Learning Kit1 EVALS3 PATTER1 PATTER1 Independent Living Series3 Getting to Know You--Social Skills/Ability Awareness Curriculum 1 Sensory Learning Kit1 INSITE7 Oregon Project4 Growing Up 8 Resources Foundations of Low Vision2 Functional Vision: A Practitioner’s Guide2 Independence without Sight of Sound2 Looking to Learn2 Preschool Vision Stimulation2 InFocus with Low Vision Kit 6 Ben and Buzzy's Busy Days6 Foundations of Education 2 Development of Social Skills by Blind and Visually Impaired Students2 Web Chase1 Possible Gaps The items cited above are available from the following: 1. American Printing House for the Blind. www.aph.org 2. American Foundation for the Blind Press www.afb.org 3. Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Curriculum Department. http://www.tsbvi.edu/curriculum-a-publications 4. The Oregon Project for Preschool Children who are Blind or Visually Impaired. South Oregon Education Service District, http://www.soesd.k12.or.us/sectionindex.asp?sectionid=132 5. Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School. Available through Educational Service Center- Region 4 http://www.region4store.com/Catalog.aspx?catid=347927&itmid=348557 6. Education Service Center – Region 4. http://www.region4store.com/Catalog.aspx?catid=347927&itmid=669829 7. SKI-HI Institute, Utah State University. http://skihi.org/INSITE.html 8. Growing Up. Reference to be added by authors Blankenship, K., Coy, J., Prause, J., & Siller, M. The Essential Assessments Rubric. www.earubric.com Page 7