OCR GCSE Computing

Lesson Objectives
• To understand that users with disabilities require
different input and output devices
• To be able to identify these devices and explain
how they can be used
Users with specific needs
• http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11898534
• Computers have revolutionised the lives of people
with disabilities.
• There are many input and output devices
available that allow people with disabilities to use
computers in the same way as an able bodied
person. Sometimes, they enrich the lives of
disabled people by allowing them to do things
they wouldn’t ordinarily be able to do.
Task 1:
• In groups of 2 or 3 complete the mind map.
Think about how you might use a computer if you were visually
impaired or had limited mobility.
• From each node write the input and output devices that you could
not use.
• From each device list solutions that you think would overcome these
Users with
• It does not matter if your solutions do not exist, as long as they are
HARDWARE. Think outside of the box. We will look at real life
solutions later in the lesson
Visually Impaired Input
Braille is a system which allows blind people to read and
write using an alphabet of raised dots on sheets of paper
• Blind people can use braille
keyboards to input text directly to
the computer.
• Many blind
users may use a
braille overlay
Visually Impaired Output
Braille users can also use
braille printers that, instead
of putting ink on the paper,
punch braille dots from
behind the paper to form
raised letters
Screen readers (technically not hardware, so be careful) –
Magnification software to enlarge text, speech output
software which reads text and outputs through speakers or
headphones and devices that read text and concert this to a
braille interface with raised symbols
Limited Mobility input
• Eye tracker/Typer
• These devices use a camera to
track the movement of the eyes
and can detect where the user is
looking. A slow blink or a stare is
used to select
Voice Input
For those who find it difficult
to operate a keyboard, spoken
commands can be translated
into text by software and used
to communicate or instruct the
computer to take actions
Limited Mobility Input
Adapted Keyboards
Keyboards can have
larger buttons or
different shapes. This
keyboard is designed for
people with only one
• Joystick
• Can be used to control the mouse
on screen for people with limited
movement in their fingers.
Specially adapted joysticks have
been made to control with the
Limited mobility input
Foot Mouse
For users with no or limited
mobility in the hands.
Controls the mouse in the
same way using feet.
Puff-Suck Switch
This device is a switch which can
be turned on and off by either
blowing or sucking into a small
tube. The software then
interprets the actions to take
Limited Mobility Output
• Actuators
• These devices create a physical movement in
response to a computer command and are
incorporated into a range of everyday devices so
that those with limited physical mobility can
operate them using a suitable input device.
Voice Synthesisers
Spoken output from a computer can be used for
those unable to communicate verbally.
Task 2:
• Complete the input devices test on the Dynamic
Learning website.
Task 3:
• Complete the exam style question