Q_TYPE True False (001–055)

1) What type of fossils form when bones harden into a rock-like substance?
A) moulds
B) casts
C) trace fossils
D) petrified fossils
2) Anna is using a Mohs scale set of minerals to test some rock samples. Which would she find
has the greatest hardness value?
A) quartz
B) feldspar
C) calcite
D) diamond
3) Which of the following is not a method used to identify minerals.
A) color
B) hardness
C) cleavage
D) clarity
4) What term describes the powdery mark left behind when a mineral is scratched along a piece
of unglazed porcelain?
A) colour
B) lustre
C) streak
D) residue
5) Which of the following would have the best chance of being preserved?
A) wings of a fly
B) shell of a oyster
C) skin and fur of a lion
D) a worm
6) The most common of all the earthquake faults is the:
A) reverse fault
B) normal fault
C) strike-slip fault
D) convection current
7) Which of the following minerals is the softest on the Mohs Hardness Scale?
A) soapstone
B) feldspar
C) talc
D) shale
8) Which of the following is not an example of a metamorphic rock?
A) granite
B) gneiss
C) marble
D) pumice
9) Pierre is working on a project about sedimentary rocks. Which of the following should he
include in his project?
A) granite
B) limestone
C) feldspar
D) marble
10) Which of the following terms describes a rock with a rough jagged edge?
A) cleavage
B) fracture
C) hardness
D) color
Figure 4-1
11) The rock cycle shown in Figure 4-1 indicates that each type of rock can
A) provide materials to make other rocks
B) form other rocks
C) be changed by forces at Earth's surface
D) all of the above
12) Figure 4-1 shows that sedimentary rocks are changed to sediment by
A) compaction
B) weathering
C) cementation
D) melting
13) Rocks that break with smooth flat edges are known to have
A) cleavage
B) fracture
C) clarity
D) luster
14) Which of the following is the best example of chemical weathering?
A) frost wedging
B) acid rain
C) tree roots
D) landslides
15) Rocks that fall down a hill due to gravity is a result of
A) chemical weathering
B) biological weathering
C) mechanical weathering
D) erosion
16) A growing tree root can eventually split a rock. What is this process called?
A) wind erosion
B) biological weathering
C) crop rotation
D) desertification
17) Which of the following is not a form of mechanical weathering?
A) frost wedging
B) gravity
C) wind
D) acid rain
18) What are tracks, burrows, and other evidence of animal activity known as?
A) moulds
B) casts
C) trace fossils
D) original remains
19) Frost wedging is caused by ____________________.
A) acids freezing on rocks
B) water and oxygen reacting
C) water freezing and thawing
D) rocks colliding with each other
20) When oceanic and continental plates collide, one plate is forced under the other. What term
describes the areas where these plates overlap?
A) subduction zones
B) conduction zones
C) convection zones
D) subvection zones
21) What is the name of the supercontinent that formed over 200 million years ago? Hint: This
supercontinent eventually broke up into the present day continents.
A) Pangaea
B) Rhodesia
C) Gondwanaland
D) Rhodinia
22) When organisms are preserved, in full or part, as fossils, what are they known as?
A) trace fossils
B) moulds
C) casts
D) original remains
23) Plates move apart at ____________________ boundaries.
A) convergent
B) stable
C) divergent
D) volcanic
Ref: Use the following to answer question 24
24) The Ring of Fire surrounds which of the following oceans?
A) Pacific Ocean
B) African Ocean
C) Atlantic Ocean
D) Indian Ocean
25) Plate move together at _____________________ boundaries.
A) convergent
B) stable
C) divergent
D) volcanic
26) The layer of the earth that is the thinnest of all is the
A) inner core
B) outer core
C) crust
D) upper mantle
27) Which of the following terms is the correct definition of the visible layers we see in a section
of soil?
A) strata
B) stratification
C) layering
D) soil profile
28) Most earthquakes happen ____________________.
A) without warning
B) in areas where earthquakes have occurred in the past
C) along plate boundaries
D) all of the above
29) The point above the earth in which an earthquake occurs is the ____________________.
A) focus
B) epicentre
C) fault
D) hot spot
30) Which term describes volcanoes that are not currently erupting?
A) active
B) dormant
C) sleeping
D) extinct
31) If a layer of sandstone lies on top of a layer of limestone in which a 300 million-year-old fossil
is found, the layer of sandstone must be ____________________.
A) older than 300 million years
B) younger than 300 million years
C) the same age as the limestone
D) older than 600 million years
32) The portion of soil which supplies the nutrients for plant growth is
A) humus
B) fertile soil
C) compost
D) topsoil
33) Which option lists the layers of Earth's crust in order from the centre of Earth to its surface.
A) inner core, outer core, mantle, crust
B) mantle, crust, outer core, inner core
C) crust, outer core, inner core, mantle
D) crust, mantle, outer core, inner core
34) Which of the following is not a type of earthquake wave?
A) primary or P wave
B) L wave
C) surface wave
D) secondary or S wave
35) Where does an earthquake begin within Earth?
A) focus
B) epicentre
C) fault
D) focal point
36) Which of the following volcanoes has been the most active?
A) Mount St. Helens, Washington, USA
B) Mount Vesuvius, Italy
C) Mount Kilauea, Hawaii
D) Mount Pinatubo, Philippines
37) Which is more likely to be preserved as a fossil?
A) bear fur
B) salamander's skin
C) insect shell
D) leech
38) The name of the rock before it goes through the changes to become a metamorphic rock is
A) changed rock
B) sedimentary rock
C) parent rock
D) igneous rock
39) The hottest of all the layers of the earth is the
A) crust
B) mantle
C) inner core
D) outer core
40) What is the correct order of events in the eruption of Mount St. Helens?
A) B, A, C, D
B) B, D, A, C
C) A, B, D, C
D) A, C, B, D
Planet Earth
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