REED new update2013


Guidelines for Reevaluations

Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED)

A Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED) is required as part of any reevaluation to determine which specific areas, if any, need evaluation .

In all cases, the REED must be done in a meeting (staffing or ARD) by

ARDC members, including the parent. Specialists in the current disability area(s) must be present during the meeting. Current related service providers must be included in the collaborative decision-making process for evaluation recommendations.

The ARDC members must review the student’s existing evaluation data including:

 Previous evaluations

 Evaluations and information provided by the parent

 Teacher information/observations

 Classroom-based, local and state assessments.

The committee must ensure that information obtained from these sources is documented using the REED form in SEAS and all areas are carefully considered. Specifically, the group conducting the REED must determine whether further assessments are required to determine:

 Whether the student

 Whether the student

 The student’s

 Whether

has or continues to have a disability and the educational needs of the child.

needs or continues to need special education and related services


present levels of academic achievement and related developmental needs


additions or modifications to the special education and related services are needed to enable the child to meet the measurable annual goals set out in the IEP and to participate, as appropriate, in the general curriculum


Parents must receive prior written notice of the REED meeting regardless of whether it is done in conjunction with an ARDC meeting or not. When a REED is conducted as a separate meeting and not part of an ARDC meeting, parents must be invited to participate per the requirements of prior written notice.

REED Planning:

Prior to each annual ARD, consider when the next re-evaluation is due. If the re-evaluation is due before the next annual ARD, prepare to complete the REED process at the annual ARD. Once a decision is made that additional evaluation data are needed, the evaluation(s) must be completed within 60 calendar days of the date of consent or by the three year re-evaluation date, whichever comes first.

Full and Individual Evaluation is required by SBISD in the following circumstances:

 when a student currently identified as NCEC approaches his/her sixth birthday

 when the previous FIE does not meet TEA and/or SBISD standards

 for students who first were identified at ages 2, 3, 4, or 5 a full reevaluation should be completed in the elementary years (consider the nature of the concern, student progress and qualitative data to determine if a new FIE would provide needed information at the first reevaluation date)

 in response to a parental request for an FIE if one has not been conducted within the last year

District practice recommends that a student have at least two Full Individual Evaluations between the ages of

5 to 21 that establish consistent eligibility and need for special education and related services.

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REED Documentation

When an FIE is requested

, a Full Individual Evaluation report will be completed and there is no need to attach the REED document to the report.

When additional assessment in specific areas is requested

, a Summary of Findings and a copy of the previous FIE report are attached to the REED document. The REED document, with the attachments, is the new FIE. Attach an FIE Summary page to the front of the new FIE to indicate all evaluations/documents that are part of the new FIE. The dates of the FIE, condition report(s), and related services report(s) are updated to the date upon which the last assessment is completed. The FIE must be reviewed by an ARD committee within 30 calendar days of completion.

In some cases, it may be appropriate for the ARDC to consider requesting a specific evaluation to rule out a new disability condition without requesting a new FIE. Before this is recommended, the evaluation specialist in the area of suspected disability must be present in the meeting and concur that sufficient current information exists to complete the requested assessment.

When no additional assessment is requested,

the REED becomes the FIE. The dates of the FIE, condition report(s), and related services report(s) are updated to the date of the REED. A complete FIE report in this circumstance includes an FIE Summary, the REED document and a copy of the previous FIE. The

REED document must include a summary of the student’s current functioning in each area which substantiates the decision not to recommend further assessment. The decision to accept current evaluation data without asking for additional information can be made only when the requirements for an FIE are met and appropriate assessment personnel are present in the meeting as indicated by their signature on the REED document.


Consultations (e.g., behavior, speech, OT/PT) often are requested to recommend additional strategies for IEP implementation. Consultations are not considered evaluations for eligibility for special education and related services and therefore do not require a REED. If the consultation report recommends further evaluation, the

ARD committee should complete the REED process as a part of the ARD to review the consultation report.

NOTE: Do not request consultations in a REED as a part of a reevaluation. Encourage teachers to share concerns as they arise, not only at annual ARD or reevaluation time. If a consultation is needed, it should be conducted prior to the REED so that the ARD committee has the information they need to determine if further evaluations are required in any area. If you are completing a REED and teachers and/or parents request evaluations for concerns that have not been previously identified or addressed in the IEP, the ARD committee should discuss whether those concerns can be addressed through accommodations or interventions before asking for evaluations.


An evaluation is required for dismissal. A REED may be accepted as the FIE or formal testing may be requested.

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Guiding Questions for Reevaluation Consideration

Language/Communication Status -- includes review of language factors, speech therapy needs, and communication needs a.

Does the student continue to demonstrate characteristics consistent with the

 if no, consider whether additional evaluation data are needed to continue or discontinue eligibility b.

Does the student continue to demonstrate characteristics consistent with the

 if no, consider whether additional evaluation data are needed to continue or discontinue eligibility c.

Would the student be able to meet the instructional demands of grade-level standards without special education and related services?

 if yes, consider the student for dismissal from special education or specific related services with no additional assessment

 if no, consider whether additional information is needed for IEP development [e.g., curriculum based assessment, functional behavioral assessment, and/or consultations with specialists in the student’s area(s) of disability] d.

Does the student require all current special education and related services to meet curriculum demands?

 if no, consider dismissal from specific conditions and/or services e.

Is there sufficient data to develop appropriate measurable goals and objectives?

 if no, consider additional curriculum based assessment and/or functional behavioral assessment

(documentation must be provided to the ARD committee) f.

Is the student making adequate academic and behavioral progress?

 if no, consider consultations with specialists in the student’s area(s) of disability for the purpose of developing recommendations for instructional and/or behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports

Physical/Medical (Including Motor Abilities) -- includes review of mobility needs, health needs, previous eligibility as OHI/OI, OT/PT needs and ability to participate in regular PE a.

Does the student continue to demonstrate characteristics consistent with the

disability condition(s) previous evaluation disability condition(s) previous evaluation





 if no, consider whether additional medical information is needed to continue or discontinue eligibility b.

Does the student continue to demonstrate characteristics consistent with the

 if no, consider whether additional medical information is needed to continue or discontinue eligibility c.

Would the student be able to meet the instructional demands of grade-level standards without special education and related services?

 if yes, consider the student for dismissal from special education or specific related services with no additional assessment

 if no, consider if additional information is needed for IEP development [e.g., curriculum based assessment, functional behavioral assessment, and/or consultations with specialists in the student’s area(s) of disability] d.

Does the student require all current special education and related services to meet curriculum demands?

 if no, consider dismissal from specific conditions and/or services e.

Is there sufficient data to develop appropriate measurable goals and objectives?

 if no, consider additional curriculum based assessment and/or functional behavioral assessment

(documentation must be provided to the ARD committee) f.

Is the student making adequate academic and behavioral progress?

 if no, consider consultations with specialists in the student’s area(s) of disability and or related service providers for the purpose of developing recommendations for instructional and/or behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports

Sociological -- includes review of any significant changes in family situation that may impact evaluation or educational needs a. Are there any significant changes in family situation that may impact evaluation or educational needs?

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 if yes, request an updated Parent Input form completed by the parent

Emotional/Behavioral -- includes review of discipline record, previous eligibility of ED/AU/OHI(ADHD), BIP, counseling needs, classroom performance, special programming needs, and positive behavioral support needs a. Does the student continue to demonstrate characteristics consistent with the

 if no, consider whether additional evaluation data are needed to continue or discontinue eligibility b. Does the student continue to demonstrate characteristics consistent with the

 if no, consider requesting additional evaluation data c. Would the student be able to meet the instructional demands of grade-level standards without special

education and related services?

 if yes, consider the student for dismissal from special education or specific related services with no additional assessment

 if no, consider if additional information is needed for IEP development [e.g., curriculum based assessment, functional behavioral assessment, and/or consultations with specialists in the student’s area(s) of disability] d. Does the student require all current special education and related services to meet curriculum


 if no, consider dismissal from specific conditions and/or services e. Is there sufficient data to develop appropriate measurable goals and objectives?

 if no, consider additional curriculum based assessment and/or functional behavioral assessment

(documentation must be provided to the ARD committee) f. Is the student making adequate academic and behavioral progress?

 if no, consider consultations with specialists in the student’s area(s) of disability and/or related service providers for the purpose of developing recommendations for instructional and/or behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports

Intellectual/Adaptive Behavior -- includes review of previous and current intellectual testing, formal/informal screening of adaptive behavior, consistency of results over time, and impact on programming needs a. Does the student continue to demonstrate characteristics consistent with the b. Does the student continue to demonstrate characteristics consistent with the

disability condition(s) previous evaluation disability condition(s)

 if no, consider whether additional evaluation data are needed to continue or discontinue eligibility

previous evaluation



 if no, consider requesting additional evaluation data c. Is there sufficient data to develop appropriate measurable goals and objectives?

 if no, consider additional curriculum based assessment and/or functional behavioral assessment

(documentation must be provided to the ARD committee)


? d. Is the student making adequate academic and behavioral progress?

 if no, consider consultations with specialists in the student’s area(s) of disability for the purpose of developing recommendations for instructional and/or behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports

Academic/Developmental/Functional Performance -- includes review of classroom assessments, progress on goals and objectives, results of State Assessments and/or Alternate Assessments, teacher observations, transition needs and impact on programming needs a. Would the student be able to meet the instructional demands of grade-level standards without special education and related services?

 if yes, consider the student for dismissal from special education or specific related services with no additional assessment

 if no, consider if additional information is needed for IEP development [e.g., curriculum based assessment, functional behavioral assessment, and/or consultations with specialists in the student’s area(s) of disability]

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b. Does the student require all current special education and related services to meet curriculum demands?

 if no, consider dismissal from specific conditions and/or services c. Is there sufficient data to develop appropriate measurable goals and objectives?

 if no, consider additional curriculum based assessment and/or functional behavioral assessment

(documentation must be provided to the ARD committee) d. Is the student making adequate academic and behavioral progress?

 if no, consider consultations with specialists in the student’s area(s) of disability for the purpose of developing recommendations for instructional and/or behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports

Assistive Technology -- includes review of need for communication devices, word processors, positioning devices, calculators, etc. to access curriculum a. Would the student be able to meet the instructional demands of grade-level standards without assistive technology support?

 if yes, consider discontinuing specific assistive technology support

 if no, consider if additional information is needed for IEP development [e.g., curriculum based assessment, functional behavioral assessment, and/or consultations with specialists in the student’s area(s) of disability] b. Does the student require and utilize all current assistive technology supports to meet curriculum demands?

 if no, consider discontinuing specific assistive technology support(s). c. Is the student making adequate academic and behavioral progress?

 if no, consider a consultation with assistive technology specialist to determine whether or not the student needs a particular piece of equipment or supports which would increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of the student.

Instructional Recommendations -- includes review of supplemental aids and services, program modifications and supports currently provided to the student, on behalf of the student or to school personnel, including review of need for related services to support the child’s progress and participation in the general curriculum or appropriate pre-school activities a. Is there sufficient data to develop appropriate measurable goals and objectives?

 if no, consider additional curriculum based assessment and/or functional behavioral assessment

(documentation must be provided to the ARD committee) b. Is the student making adequate academic and behavioral progress?

 if no, consider consultations with specialists in the student’s area(s) of disability and/or related service provider for the purpose of developing recommendations for instructional and/or behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports

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