Introduction of CELL TRANSPLANTATION and submission

The Regenerative Medicine Journal
Cell Transplantation publishes original, peer-reviewed research and review articles on the subject
of cell transplantation and its application to human diseases. To ensure high-quality contributions
from all areas of transplantation, separate section editors and editorial boards have been established.
Articles deal with a wide range of topics including physiological, medical, preclinical, tissue
engineering, and device-oriented aspects of transplantation of nervous system, endocrine, growth
factor-secreting, bone marrow, epithelial, endothelial, and genetically engineered cells, among
others. Basic clinical studies and immunological research papers are also featured. To provide
complete coverage of this revolutionary field, Cell Transplantation will report on relevant
technological advances, and ethical and regulatory considerations of cell transplants. Cell
Transplantation is now an Open Access journal starting with volume 18 in 2009, and therefore
there will be an inexpensive publication charge, which is dependent on the number of pages, in
addition to the charge for color figures. This will allow work to be disseminated to a wider
audience and also entitle the corresponding author to a free PDF, as well as prepublication of an
unedited version of the manuscript.
Cell Transplantation features:
Original Contributions: Peer-reviewed, high-quality research investigations that represent new
and significant contributions to science.
Review Articles: Reviews of major areas in cellular transplantation. These may be of any length
and are peer reviewed.
Brief Communications: Timely and brief peer-reviewed studies.
Letters to the Editor: Readers' comments on journal articles and other matters of interest to
transplant researchers.
Announcements and News: Notices of upcoming meetings, conferences, seminars, and other
events of interest to those in the field.
Submission Requirements: Authors are requested to submit the original manuscript (and revised
manuscript if needed) electronically via email to the office of EITHER of the Coeditors-in-Chief:
Huang Hongyun, President of International Association of Neurorestoratology. The e-mail address
is Send the text portion of the manuscript, including tables and figure legends,
as an email attachment in either PDF or Microsoft Word (IBM compatible) format. Send the figures
as separate files in PDF format (or in Microsoft Word, or as tiff or jpeg). Note that large graphic
files, especially color, may need to be compressed (zipped) to send via email. PDF format is
preferred for figure files.
Include a cover letter, and insert "Cell Transplantation submission" in the subject line of the email.
The cover letter should contain the name, address, telephone, and fax number and electronic mail
address of the author responsible for correspondence. Follow the General Form guidelines below
to prepare the manuscript, figures, and tables.
On receipt of your manuscript, it will be checked to ensure that it is correctly formatted and then
you will receive a letter detailing the new open access policy and including a page that will need to
be signed acknowledging both your agreement to pay the open access fees and that as
corresponding author you have the permission of all the authors to be their representative.
When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) will be required to provide two hard
copies of the manuscript, two high-quality copies of all artwork, and a CD or disk (no zip disks)
(see Final Accepted Manuscript/Disk below). Information on where to mail the final hard copy,
figures, and CD/disk will be provided in an acceptance letter. Manuscripts are accepted for
consideration with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere except in abstract
form and are not concurrently under review elsewhere.
General Form: Papers should be typed in English, double spaced throughout with at least 3-cm
margins on paper approximately 22  28 cm (8 1/2  11 in.) in size. Please consult the most recent
issue of the journal for style and format. Number all pages consecutively, beginning with the title
page. Use metric units of measure; other units may be given in parentheses. Typically, only three
levels of headings are recognized. The paper should be organized as follows.
Title Page: The title should be brief and specific. The title page should contain in the following
order: title, name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s) including city, state, postal code, and country,
and a suggested running head of not more than 50 characters and spaces. Also indicate the author to
whom correspondence should be addressed, with complete mailing address, telephone and fax
numbers, and e-mail (if available). Recognition of support can be provided as an unnumbered
Abstract: An abstract of 300 words or less should begin on page 2. It should contain a concise
summary of the results, conclusions, and other significant points in the review.
Key words: For the purpose of subject indexing, provide four to six key words immediately
following the abstract.
Text: Every effort should be made to avoid jargon, to spell out all nonstandard abbreviations the
first time they are used, and to present the contents of the study as clearly and concisely as possible.
References should be given for all discussions and conclusions of previous studies. Trade names
may appear in parentheses and should be capitalized. Critical discussions of the literature are
preferred more than historically oriented information.
Acknowledgements and Disclosures: Please acknowledge any funding support. In addition, all
authors need to disclose any conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, in a separate section before
the references. Conflicts of interest may include:
1. Direct ownership of equity or shares in a health care or pharmaceutical company relating to the
manuscript, by any author or their immediate family members.
2. Receipt of any form of income by any author or their immediate family members from health
care or pharmaceutical companies related to the manuscript within the calendar year preceding
original submission.
3. Personal interest such as being an expert witness, public advocate, grantee, consultant, founder,
owner, or employee of a health care or pharmaceutical company related to the research.
References: Literature cited should be prepared according to the Numbered/Alphabetized style of
the Council of Biology Editors. Where possible, please cite related Cell Transplantation articles in
order to enhance continuity of topics within the Journal. References should be cited by number
separated by a comma, in parentheses, within the text (only one reference to a number) and listed in
alphabetical order (double spaced) on a separate sheet at the end of the manuscript. Journal
citations in the reference list should contain the following: (a) surnames and initials of all authors
(surnames precede initials); (b) title of article; (c) journal title abbreviated as listed in the List of
Journals Indexed in Index Medicus and with abbreviated words punctuated; (d) volume, inclusive
pages, and year. Please pay particular attention to the punctuation and spacing shown in the
examples below.
Journal Article: Johnson, P. R. V.; White, S. A.; London, N. J. Collagnase and human islet
isolation. Cell Transplant. 5:437–452; 1996.
Book Article/Chapter: Rajotte, R. V.; Lakey, J. R. T.; Warnock, G. L. Adult islet cryopreservation.
In: Ricordi, C., ed. Methods in cell transplantation. Austin, TX: R. G. Landes Co.; 1995:517–524.
Book: Jarrell, B. E.; Carabasi, R. A. Surgery, 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1991.
Tables: Tables should be numbered and cited sequentially in the text. Prepare each table as a
separate page at the end of the manuscript text, after the references. Avoid very wide or long tables
that would not fit a printed page. Each table should have a title, and each column in the table should
have a brief heading. Define all abbreviations in the table footnote at the bottom of the table.
Figures: Figures should be numbered and cited sequentially in the text. Prepare figures to provide
high-quality hard copy output for final accepted submission (see Final Accepted Manuscript).
Avoid light lettering and shading that will not reproduce well. Figure dimensions and scaling
should be suitable for reduction (if necessary) to fit column or page size. Care must be taken that
letters and other symbols do not become so small that they are illegible when the figure is reduced.
Complex formulas should be prepared as illustrations. (Do not embed figures within the
manuscript text. Prepare as separate files or at the end of the manuscript, after tables and figure
legends.) The author is required to bear the costs for the publication of color figures (costs and
color authorization form will be provided at proof stage). Authors may submit a color photograph
for consideration as a cover photo for the issue in which their article appears.
Figure Legends: List all figure legends sequentially on one or more pages at the end of the
manuscript text, after the references, and identify all symbols used in the figures. The figure legend
should be as clear as possible and should fully describe the contents of the figure. (Do not include
the figure legend as part of the figure). If the figure is from a previously published article, indicate
that permission has been obtained from the original publisher.
Permissions: If data from any other source is used in tables or figures it is the responsibility of the
author(s) to obtain permission to reproduce such material. Provide proof that permission has been
granted from the original publisher and indicate the source.
Final Accepted Manuscript/Disk: When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s)
must provide two hard copies of the manuscript, two high-quality copies of all artwork (glossy
paper is preferred for photomicrographs and color figures), and a CD or disk (no zip disks).
Ensure that the hard copy and electronic file match exactly. Photocopies or poor quality copies of
figures are not acceptable. The final manuscript file (including tables and figure legends) must be
submitted in IBM-compatible form, either as a Word document or as a plain text (ASCII) file. A
PDF file at this stage is not acceptable. Identify all figures on the back with figure number, first
author's name, and indication of the top of the figure. Information for where to mail the final hard
copy, figures, and CD/disk will be provided in an acceptance letter. Once the final manuscript is
correctly formatted and payment authorization is received, by purchase order, credit card, or
electronic transfer, an unedited black and white version of the manuscript will go online. Later,
the manuscript will be copyedited for journal publication.
Page Proofs and Offprints: All material accepted for publication is subject to copyediting.
Authors will receive page proofs of articles before publication and should answer all queries and
carefully check all editorial changes at this point. Any corrections to proofs must be restricted to
printer's errors. Along with the page proofs, the corresponding author will receive a form for
ordering reprints and full copies of the issue in which the article appears. All co-author reprint
requirements should be included on the Offprint Order Form.