Barber Cemetery Between Tahlequah and Stillwell Cherokee County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Kathe Determan 5 Dec 2005 ================================================================================ USGenWeb NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free Information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. =============================================================================== These directions may be confusing to some; I am one of those "who knows how to get there". In Tahlequah turn north on the road that says Tenkiller Lake or Tenkiller Dam. Go over the Illinois River and turn left and go east on North 100 towards Stillwell. At the bottom of a hill on the east side of the road there is a road that says Welling Road and across North 100 is a bar named Kooter Brown's. Directly before you reach this bar on the west side there is a road named S. 585 with a sign that reads Barber Cemetery. The cemetery is behind this bar. My eternal thanks and gratitude go out to fellow helpers with whom I could not have accomplished this project. Kudos, hugs and much love to my awesome brother, Bruce Pack and his wonderful wife, Roslyn Pack for their help, patience, and time. Kudos to Clifford Powell for his help and the photographs of this cemetery. This mapping took place on November 26 and 27, 2005 and lists the tombstones that could be read. If there is partial information it is included. There are also notes at the end of the list that cover other items. There are several double headstones in this cemetery that list husband and wife. These will be noted under the "Notes" column. I live in Roswell, New Mexico. It is my hope that this helps people who are searching for their ancestors as my brother and I have done in the past. If you have any info that is not covered or is incorrect on this please let me know so I can add it or correct it. NAME Adney, Arthur Jackson Adney, Mary Nell BIRTH DEATH 5/27/1943 1/26/1944 9/10/1987 none NOTES h/o Mary w/o Athur Adney, Robert Jacks Adney, Ruby Johnson Andrade, Tonya (Baby) Bailey, Bill Baker, James Edward Bearpaw, Addie Bearpaw, Annie Bearpaw, Annie Lou Bearpaw, Charlie (Reverend) Bearpaw, Hester Bearpaw, Mary Bearpaw, Nancy Bearpaw, Nancy Bearpaw, Polly Bearpaw, Sallie Bendabout, Bill Bendabout, Blunt Bendabout, Dina Bendabout, James Bendabout, Martha Bendabout, Morris Bendabout, Perley Bennett, Darrell Wayne Bennett, Dorothy M. Bennett, Freeman L. Bigeater (no other name) Bohanon, Jane Bohanon, Benjamin Boland, Baby Bolin Bolin Bolin Bolin Bolin Bolin Bolin Bolin Bolin Bolin, Lila Bolin, Martin Bolin, Oscar Brackett, Cynthia Brackett, Infant Brown, George Brown, Susie C. Buckner, James Allen Buckner, Sue Philpott Bunch, Lee Moose Bunch, Yvonne Handle Bush, Becky Buzzard Butler, Annie Butler, George Ross Butler, Katie Christie Butler, Susie Buzzard, Lydia S. Cameron, George Campbell Campbell, Andy 9/20/1921 8/25/1926 12/1/1975 4/2/1961 10/26/1964 no date no date 1/14/1952 11/15/1872 no date 2/19/1915 12-9-1884 12/16/1904 1829 1888 6/10/1910 no date 1853 1873 8/22/1887 no date 12/18/1908 8/4/1956 12/10/1937 7/2/1936 no date no date no date no date no date no date no date no date no date no date no date no date no date 1906 7/19/1945 8/31/1920 no date 5/30/1893 9/15/1899 1/24/1940 9/26/1944 7/10/1947 2/11/1946 6/25/1930 no date 8/16/1930 3/22/1903 no date 10/11/1909 4/8/1932 8/29/1902 1/19/1993 2/4/1989 3/3/2002 9/4/1988 1912 no date 7/14/2000 4/20/1945 no date 3/11/1917 3/19/1920 2/15/1992 1935 1947 8/15/1910 6/19/1907 1888 1938 8/31/1911 no date 8/18/1909 6/5/1996 no date no date 1899 no date no date no date no date no date no date no date no date no date no date no date no date 1970 3/4/2000 3/10/2003 1937 no date 12/26/1960 2/7/1980 no date 1/14/1999 no date 12/22/2003 2/5/1989 no date 2/24/1999 9/10/1990 no date 5/5/1957 10/13/2005 12/17/1970 concrete marker concrete marker aged 24 years Cherokee Alphabet concrete marker w/o Freeman h/o Dorothy concrete marker concrete marker Row 2 Space 3 Row 2 Space 4 Row 2 Space 6 Row 2 Space 8 Row 2 Space 10 Row 2 Space 11 Row 2 Space 13 Row 2 Space 17 Row 2 Space 18 concrete marker concrete marker h/o w/o h/o w/o Sue James Yvonne Lee concrete marker concrete marker h/o Emma Campbell, Archie Dewayne Campbell, Billy Ray Campbell, Birdie Fixin Campbell, Charley C. Campbell, Dave W. Campbell, Emma Campbell, John Campbell, John Campbell, John Campbell, Millie Campbell, Nancy Campbell, Nellie Campbell, Nora Ellen Campbell, Olo Campbell, Wesley Campbell, Willie Candy, Infant Girl Carpenter, Patricia Ann Burr Carter, Houston Caviness, Barbara Caviness, Elmer H. Caviness, Inez Cheater, Emma Cheater, William Christie (no other name) Christie (no other name) Christie (no other name) Christie, Aggie Christie, Akie Christie, Allene Christie, Annie Christie, Annie Christie, Annie Swimmer Christie, Bobby Christie, Buffalo Christie, Charley Lee Christie, Charlie Christie, Cynthia Christie, Daniel B. Christie, Dick Christie, Frank Christie, Hasting Christie, Ida Mae Christie, Infant Christie, Infant Christie, Infant Christie, Jane Christie, Jess Christie, John Christie, Josie Ann Christie, Katie Christie, Liza Christie, Maggie Christie, Mary Christie, Ned Christie, Okleberry 2/20/1947 7/1/1963 3/4/1995 3/12/1989 10/9/1925 5/29/1906 6/25/1924 July, 1905 2/4/1941 no date 1881 1857 11/23/1906 no date 10/16/1921 11/1/1856 11/29/1930 1927 11/17/1909 9/14/1956 1872 no date 12/18/1918 1/12/1936 2/2/1932 11/14/1923 no date no date no date 1901 1861 4/25/1928 12/18/1879 no date no date 12/18/1925 1859 5/30/1954 1884 no date 1893 no date 1922 no date 6/26/1920 no date no date 1940 no date 1/13/1915 3/14/1918 no date 1853 11/24/1981 8/19/1994 10/25/2002 March, 1940 4/22/1998 1936 6/28/1946 1938 5/6/1957 1940 9/18/2004 11/1/1923 no date 2005 11/18/1909 3/1/1997 1936 5/22/1954 11/26/2001 12/22/1977 6/27/2000 5/14/1995 no date no date no date 1944 7/6/1909 12/23/1985 5/11/1963 1941 1919 1/11/1990 5/2/1919 5/30/1993 5/2/1908 no date 1977 no date 1922 no date 12/20/1999 no date no date 1940 no date 5/13/1987 10/16/1989 no date 1938 1/11/1890 7/18/2001 11-7-1876 1937 no date 1/8/1909 1849 1920 no date s/o Charlie & Birdie h/o Nancy w/o Andy concrete marker w/o Charley concrete marker w/o Wesley h/o Nora d/o George&Martha Row 29 Space 5 Row 29 Space 7 Row 29 Space 9 age 48 concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker Row 15 Space 25 Row 15 Space 27 concrete marker concrete marker aged 21 years w/o Richard concrete marker Christie, Pearley Mae Christie, Richard Christie, Richard Christie, Robert Christie, Roy Christie, Sally Christie, Sarah Christie, Sinthia Christie, Taylor no dates Clemore, Arsoel Cochran, Henry Cochran, Irene Coles, Claud Coles, Delmer Franklin Coles, Martha Coles, Mary Lou Coley, Otis Corntassel, Lydia Crawler, Joe Lee Crawler, John Kenneth Crawler, John Mayes Curry, Julia Ann Deckard Davis, James P. Davis, Ruby Deckard, Kelly Ann Delay, Leonard C. Delay, Lottie Mae Drywater, Mary Elliott (no other name listed) Feathers, Martha Feathers, Raven Ferguson. O. E. or Q. E. Fixin, Calvin Fixin, Calvin Fixin, Coweta Z. Fixin, Eli (Reverend) Fixin, Infant Fixin, Infant Fixin, John Fixin, Liza Fixin, Lugie Fixin, Ollie Fixin, Tom Flute, Jessie Flute, Josie Flute, Katie Flute, Whistley Foreman, Daniel, Sr. Foreman, Sarah Bearpaw Foreman, Tanner J. E. Caviness Foster, Sallie Fourkiller, Betty J. Frizzly, George Glory, Beaunah E. Glory, Charley A. Glory, Darrell G. Glory, Dick 5/30/1912 1/1/1892 7/19/1916 no date 7/28/1944 no date 1/15/190?? 2/14/1908 no date no date 4/24/1941 2/18/1940 9/16/1903 3/19/1935 3/4/1905 5/24/1934 no date 8/8/1866 3/1/1937 7/14/1944 8/19/1912 11/2/1967 12/21/1912 11/28/1919 4/22/1968 4/1/1919 4/13/1924 5/17/1920 no date 10/27/1927 5/12/1911 1872 2/14/1918 10/30/1946 12/4/1925 10/31/1929 no date no date no date no date 2/27/1900 no date 1/24/1881 no date no date no date 7-5-1892 7/6/1904 11/21/1907 1/17/2003 10/14/1919 11/26/1927 1824 1919 8/23/1914 10/2/1947 no date 2/20/1986 5/20/1912 3/27/1991 no date 11/22/1995 no date 5/5/1979 no date 1944 7/19/1995 1/1/2001 8/25/1988 9/28/1998 7/4/1982 5/29/2005 1926 11/25/1941 11/2/2005 1/25/2005 2/3/1994 4/25/1999 4/18/2002 3/1/2005 7/21/2001 1/31/1984 11/3/1990 7/3/1989 no date 2/23/1998 1/20/1984 1929 9/3/1974 no date 3/9/2002 4/20/1990 no date no date no date no date 10/11/1955 no date 1/17/1956 no date 1929 no date 7-8-1892 6/11/1979 2/28/1991 1/24/2003 8/18/2002 2/17/1973 9/12/1894 1977 9/29/1991 9/16/2003 no date h/o Maggie concrete marker concrete marker age 60 concrete marker h/o Martha h/o Mary w/o Claud w/o Delmer concrete marker h/o Ruby w/o James h/o Lottie w/o Leonard concrete marker Row 31 Space 5 Row 31 Space 11 concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker w/o Levi h/o Inez h/o Regina concrete marker Glory, George Glory, Henry M. Glory, Inez B. Glory, Jimmy Glory, Levi H. Glory, Luther Bob Glory, Martha Glory, Mige Jess Glory, Pearl Addie Glory, Regina T. Glory, Richard King Glory, Tina Mae Green, Robert Grimmett, Bill Grimmett, Elsie Groce, Fannie Groce, Thomas H. Hallmark, Julie Handle, Ed Handle, Edith Fay Handle, Infant Handle, Infant Handle, Infant Hatchett, Daniel Hess, Lillie M. Hess, Ron, Sr. Hill, Barbara J. Hill, Mack Gene Hill, Mary Holcomb, Dick Holcomb, George Holcomb, Infant Holcomb, Infant Holcomb, Sarah Holmes, Annie Holmes, Bertha Holmes, Dave Holmes, Dennis Joe Holmes, Fogg Holmes, Frank Holmes, Jess Holmes, Jessie Mae Holmes, Jim Holmes, Jim Holmes, Joe Holmes, Katie Holmes, Lucy Mae Holmes, Ned Holmes, Pigeon Holmes, Ricky Holmes, Rufus Holmes, Susie Holmes, Tessac Holmes, Virgie Holmes, Willie Hooper, Bobby Lee Hooper, George 8/17/1931 4/11/1985 7/2/1929 11/16/1955 1912 2/18/1923 no date 2/14/1926 7/19/1885 10/1/1958 4/13/1917 12/14/1929 1888 1855 no date 2/6/1917 5/15/1915 7/6/1932 7/1938 no date no date no date no date 1919 12/22/1945 9/14/1942 10/29/1942 9/6/1934 no date no date no date no date no date no date 6/6/1903 4/11/1901 no date 5/30/1955 1/9/1987 1918 no date 11/1/1936 5/26/1860 2/28/1925 3/8/1932 9/6/1908 no date 8/26/1935 2-10-1897 1970 8/7/1928 no date 1906 1941 7/16/1946 1887 3/27/2005 3/24/1976 no date 8/23/1960 1976 4/27/1980 no date 6/26/1996 9/4/1975 no date 8/16/1997 no date 1938 7/14/1935 1901 2/19/1996 11/17/1973 6/26/1997 no date no date no date no date 1977 12/15/2004 7/23/2000 no date 4/6/1998 no date no date no date no date no date no date 1/27/1929 9/18/1987 no date 3/17/1985 5/4/1958 1927 1918 no date 1/17/1913 3/4/1961 2/21/1982 7/20/1910 no date 11/7/1986 10/24/1971 1983 11/11/2004 no date 1927 1941 1918 1/22/1996 1916 w/o Charley h/o Beunah concrete marker h/o Tina w/o Henry w/o Darrell w/o Mige concrete marker w/o Thomas h/o Gannie w/o Ron h/o Lillie w/Mack Gene h/o Barbara concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker w/o Pigeon concrete marker w/o Rufus w/o Bertha h/o Jessie Mae concrete marker age 29 Hooper, Ida Hooper, Infant Hooper, Jack Hooper, Jessie Hooper, Jessie Lee Hooper, Jimmy Hooper, Ju or Jo Hooper, Levi Hooper, Lizzie Hooper, Lizzie Hooper, Louie Hooper, Lucy Hooper, Nannie Hooper, Parker Hooper, Roy Hooper, Sam Hunter, Dorothy Mae Hunter, Infant Hunter, Leona Isaac, Lucy Swimmer James, Fannie Sue James, Jr. (no other name) John, Ollie Johnson, Columbus Rice Johnson, Freeland Johnson, Infant Johnson, John H. Johnson, Luella Johnson, Nellie Mae Jones, Fannie C. Jumper, Brian Wesley Jumper, Buster Gene Jumper, Charlie Jumper, Darian Elizabeth Yahola Jumper, Frank Lee Jumper, Roberta Jean Jumper, Russell Jumper, Willie, Jr. Jumper, Willie, Sr. Justice, Betsy Justice, Infant Justice, Infant Justice, Jennie Justice, John Justice, John Justice, Mentie Justine, George Justus, Mary Kelley, Darrell Glenn Kelley, Joe B. Kelley, Orville Lee Key, Baby Key, Nanie Keys, Andy Keys, Jesse Keys, John Keys, Mollie 4/8/1901 1940 no date no date 1/2/1939 2/7/1954 no date 8/6/1906 7/23/1931 1938 no date no date 1/30/1920 no date 1914 2/20/1913 no date no date no date 6/28/1904 12/20/1937 no date no date 1/31/1924 no date no date 1/31/1924 no date 11/16/1912 3/3/1971 1940 no date no date ?/9/1990 10/12/1997 no date 2/27/1980 4/9/1986 1938 no date no date 4/27/2000 no date 1982 8/29/1975 no date no date no date 7/30/1905 10/13/1999 no date 1879 6/18/1983 no date no date 1/10/1988 no date 12/29/2002 5/23/1973 2/4/1950 no date 1/15/1994 no date 12/20/1961 2/13/1942 3/23/1952 3/31/1911 no date no date no date 4/16/2004 6/19/1991 1928 5/17/1994 1940 9/27/1981 1/22/1981 5/16/2005 8/22/1977 no date no date no date 12 years no date no date 9/3/1941 no date 4/1/1911 8/17/1984 1/22/2005 2/18/1992 no date no date 5/31/1958 10/14/1910 1943 10/22/1961 no date no date 11/24/1894 no date 1888 2/9/1966 1/26/1962 1/18/1929 no date no date 12/5/1917 2/801903 1913 3/1880 concrete marker could not read concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker USN-WW II concrete marker concrete marker Twin b/o Columbus concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker Row 14 Space 7 Row 14 Space 9 d/o J & D Justice concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker Possibly Nov. concrete marker concrete marker Keys, Pigeon Keys, Sam Kimble, John H. Kimble, Martha Kirk, Catherine L. Murphy Knight, Granville R. Knight, Henry Knott, Tom Knowles, Robert "Bob" Knowles, Ruth N. Latta, Ada Latta, Jesse Ray Latta, Loyd and Floyd Latta, Poley Leach (no other name) Leach, Annie Leach, Nancy LeMasters, Kelly Raymond Lochner (no other name) Locust, Louise Lovett, Corina Lovette, Hattie Matlock, Billy Lee Matlock, Elsie McClain, Brenda Kay McClain, Forrest McClain, Infant McClain, Lena McClain, Melvin "Pete" McClain, Melvin Anerson McCoy, Ada McKee, Boozie McKee, Infant Meek, Lillie Ruth Sellers Metz, Paige Christie Miles, Nancy Ramona Mixwater, Maggie Mixwater, Mary Jane Molemore, Bill Mose, Nellie Scott Murphy, Watt Myres, Angela C. Newby, Mary Ann Glory Newby, Wilson A. Nofire, Andy Nofire, Ellia Mae Nofire, Jane Nofire, Jim Orautt, Forest Pack, Abe Pack, Billie June Pack, Charles Pack, Charles "Bub" Pack, Charlie Pack, John Pack, Mary Alice Proctor 1/1/1915 1871 11/27/1903 5/20/1915 6/11/1942 4/26/1926 6/81904 no date 2/2/1917 12/1/1918 1885 8/22/1958 1872 12/25/1908 5/29/1915 no date 5/9/1966 4/3/1961 no date 9/12/1936 1904 1935 1896 6/22/1964 no date no date 1/22/1937 9/18/1928 5/25/1975 4/23/1912 no date no date 12/9/1952 10/1938 11/7/1928 1/2/1894 1920 1938 1891 1/19/1891 3/14/1929 5/11/1920 2/17/1930 2/3/1889 2/13/1934 no date 8/24/1941 no date 1/19/1968 no date 8/5/1906 9-21-1869 3/19/1974 1931 7/1/1986 none 3/13/2002 4/7/1990 11/6/1947 no date 9/10/1980 5/27/1991 1937 5/15/1976 12/22/1945 1967 7/26/1910 12/5/2000 no date 4/4/2004 11/24/1995 no date 10/17/1937 1936 1936 1936 7/14/1988 no date no date 10/29/2000 7/1/2002 10/16/1988 10/8/1977 no date no date 5/14/2003 5/1990 10/28/1990 11/8/1918 1922 1949 1944 1/31/1963 1965 7/17/1999 no date 3/28/1938 1936 1938 2/21/1964 6/2/2001 1926 8/21/2001 no date 1/6/1996 no date 6/9/1992 8/23/1917 h/o Martha w/o John concrete marker h/o Ruth w/o Robert w/o Poley h/o Ada concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker could be 1978 w/o Wilson h/o Mary concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker w/o Charles d/o Zeke Proctor Pack, Nelson Pack, Ollive Swimmer Pack, Stella Pack, Zeke Perry, Della Mae Perry, James Arbra Phillips, Millie Divine Philpott, Baby Philpott, Emert Philpott, Evelyn Philpott, George, Jr. Philpott, Mary E. Philpott, Maxwell M. Philpott, Theodore Pritchett, Andrew Pritchett, Janice "Moochie" Pritchett, Jennie Rabbit, Arch Redbird, Cubie Reed, Bert Rider, Polly Ann Ridge, Helen Ridge, Jessie Lee Ridge, Juvenile Lynn Ridge, Larry J. Ridge, Watie Rooster, Maggie Rooster, Will Ross, Ceely Ruckman, Bobby J. Ruckman, Edyth A. Ruckman, Joe Ruckman, Luke D. Ruckman, Regina Ruckman, Roy "Pete" Ruckman, Ruby Ruckman, William J. Samples, Lucille S. Samples, Summer Michelle Samples, Terry A. Sanders, Infant Schell, Roy Lee Scott (no other name) Scott, Baby Scott, Baby Boy Scott, Dorothy E. Scott, Euna Bell "Tuxey" Scott, Homer Freeman Scott, Infant Scott, Infant Scott, Infant Scott, Leser W. Scott, Pearl Scott, Riley Scott, Samuel Wayne Scott, Tom no date no date no date 1/17/1887 no date no date 1866 1947 11/5/1903 1913 3/15/1959 4/15/1905 5/3/1931 7/12/1927 5/16/1946 8/31/1955 7/6/1918 no date 9/24/1925 12/19/1909 7/16/1918 1/12/1921 4/6/1946 3/21/1975 10/28/1949 8/24/1919 11/6/1899 1917 no date 12/1/1946 3/10/1916 1/29/1881 2/12/1913 5/9/1947 10/18/1942 2/4/1929 11/14/1907 9/18/1936 2/26/1927 no date 6/16/1931 no date no date 2/22/1927 4/15/1930 7/2/1916 8/2/1925 no date no date no date 3/8/1907 2/14/1908 5/8/1892 4/27/1933 2/13/1905 no 1920 no date 10/18/1971 no date 1929 1917 1947 7/18/1977 1925 3/17/1959 5/16/1979 5/24/1964 9/8/1928 1/8/2000 1/4/1998 3/12/1995 no date 11/21/1988 5/7/1985 1/26/1995 5/25/1999 6/9/1969 4/18/2001 12/28/1999 2/2/1972 8/11/1958 2001 1918 2/10/2000 11/1/1978 7/6/1962 10/10/1982 no date 6/3/2004 6/6/2002 9/17/1945 no date 7/23/1981 11/17/1993 no date 11/1/1991 no date no date 8/1/2005 2/16/1984 3/11/2003 no date no date no date 1/13/1990 none 2/23/1972 6/27/1934 12/23/1985 Polly Foreman Crowder concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker w/o Watie h/o Helen concrete marker h/o Regina w/o Luke h/o Edyth w/o Bobby w/o Roy w/o Terry h/o Lucille concrete marker Row 21 Space 20 w/o w/o h/o Row Row Row h/o w/o Homer Leser Dorothy 4 Space 22 4 Space 26 4 Space 28 Euna Tom h/o Pearl Scraper, Lucy Adair Sellers, Sally Ann Sevenstar, Betty Lou Sheppard, Bud Smith, Derek Chase Smith, Fannie Barbara Standingdeer, Annie Standingdeer, Dave Stanley, Lucinda Stayathome, Bird Stayathome, Cynthia Stayathome, Infant Stayathome, Infant Stayathome, Infant Stayathome, Infant Stayathome, John Stayathome, Katie Mae Stayathome, Mary Jane Stayathome, Ned Stayathome, Sarah Stephens, Ellen Stephens, Henry Stephens, Joe Stopp, Betsy W. Stopp, Infant Studie, Esther Chune Study, Joe Study, Joe, Jr. Swepston, Coeta Revay Swimmer, Alex Swimmer, Alex, Jr. Swimmer, Annie Swimmer, Betsy Swimmer, Dollie Swimmer, George Swimmer, George Swimmer, George Swimmer, Infant Swimmer, Jim Swimmer, Levy Swimmer, Lou Swimmer, Love Swimmer, Lydia Swimmer, Lydia Swimmer, Nannie Swimmer, Ollie Swimmer, Steve Swimmer, Susie Swimmer, Tom Clu Swimmer, William Terrapin, Callie Terrapin, Gracie Terrapin, Hoolie Terrapin, Rosalee Terrapin, Wennie Thorn, Grace Thorn, Harley 12/14/1956 3/8/1930 1/22/1958 no date 11/11/1985 3/23/1910 no date no date 10/3/1928 11/16/1906 5/13/1909 no date no date no date no date no date 4/30/1922 9/12/1935 8-15-1899 no date no date no date no date 3/16/1925 no date no date no date Oct. 1913 no date 10/10/1894 1935 no date no date no date 1867 1792 no date no date no date no date no date no date no date 1/18/1887 3/5/1887 no date no date no date 10/10/1899 no date 1875 1/30/1917 1933 1935 no date 7/15/1937 10/31/1931 6/4/1985 5/25/2000 11/25/1990 no date 9/7/1987 3/11/1995 no date 1949 10/27/1989 11/1/1924 11/13/1982 no date no date no date no date no date 10/7/1968 7/18/2004 6/5/1955 no date no date no date no date 3/4/2000 no date no date no date 11/12/1982 1933 9/3/1962 1975 no date no date no date 1939 1863 no date no date no date no date no date no date no date 11/27/1957 3/18/1939 1920 no date no date 8/11/1986 no date 1948 11/2/1979 1934 1935 no date none 7/24/2001 concrete marker Row 1 Space 27 Row 1 Space 28 Row 1 Space 29 Row 31 Space 30 concrete marker concrete concrete concrete concrete marker marker marker marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete concrete concrete concrete concrete concrete concrete marker marker marker marker marker marker marker may be Ollive Pack concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker w/o Harley h/o Grace Torres, Christian Zach Trolinder, Hattie J. Trolinder, Robert S. Unknown * Unknown Infants* Walker, Maggie Walker, Richard E. Waterdown, Allen "Bullett" Waterdown, Lucille Waterdown, Nellie Waterdown, Nellie Key Waterdown, Sammy Joe Waterdown, Steve Wells, James Wickett, Charles Wickett, Susie Wilkerson, Johnnie Windsor, James Eldon Windsor, Virginia A. 5/4/2003 12/4/1909 11/11/1907 5/25/2003 10/16/1936 11/21/1963 no date 5/12/1908 10/12/1934 no date no date 9/18/1907 no date no date 2/28/1935 no date no date no date 9/19/1915 2/15/1920 no date 10/4/1969 1/28/1994 no date no date 2/2/1971 no date no date 6/24/2002 no date no date no date 8/7/1986 11/6/2003 w/o Robert h/o Hattie approx.161 markers approx. 13 markers concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker concrete marker h/o Virginia w/o James Married 4-7-1938 There is one headstone that is inscribed in the Cherokee Alphabet. There are two graves that have funeral home markers that all the information cannot be read on. They are the following: Sara S..... died 7-........ Velma born 3-.... There is a Baby Girl 77 years Died 1988 - 67 years with the date of June but the rest can not be read Some of the "unknowns" have the date of 1921, 1940, 1941 on them. There are approximately 3 blank stones or else the inscription is so faded it can't be read as well as some of the funeral home markers that can't be read. The concrete markers sometimes have year or dates in the corners, sometimes it is just the year of the death. There is one "Christie" with no information on it that has a border with a bed of flowers planted in it. Maybe someone knows which Christie family member this is.