
What is the general topic of the article? What is the issue ?
Topic = bilingual education versus English immersion.
The question / issue raised in this article is how immigrants should learn in the US.
Paragraph n° 1
What is the US second language ? How can you explain that?
Spanish as the Latino community is one of the biggest foreign communities in the US. We
know that illegal immigration from Mexico has always been a major problem for the US
Why does the journalist refer to Canada?
Canada is officially bilingual; it means that every citizen, wherever they live, has the right
to choose the language they want to be educated in. French immersion classes were
therefore created in English-speaking provinces and English-speaking schools
were also set up in the officially French-speaking province of Quebec.
What do you understand by “ language remains a social issue with strong emotional
overtones.” Line 4
In the US, the use of foreign languages especially Spanish by state governments or in
education is a real social issue as it causes / generates divisions among the people. Indeed
some agree that state governments may use Spanish to help immigrants to become
integrated while others want to limit its usage for fear that / lest it should have the same
legal status as English (in education for example.) Those people are therefore against
bilingual education.
Paragraph n° 2
Line 5 define “advocates” in the text.
People who are in favour of /who support / back up English as the only official and legal
language in education.
Find a synonym for “curtail” in the text. Line 7
Limit ( synonym line 6) Les textes journalistiques sont très répétitifs, il est donc fréquent de
trouver des synonymes ou des explications sous formes de phrases (périphrases) des mots qui
à la première lecture ne sont pas toujours connus. Pensez donc à lire les phrases qui entourent
les mots inconnus, vous y trouverez des synonymes ou expressions équivalentes. Le contexte
vous éclairera également.
Sum up paragraph n° 2 in your own words. = see answer 4.
Paragraph n° 3 and 4
What does the adjective “the latter” issue refer to ? Line 8
The second = the latter
Give a definition for “bilingual education”.
In the US bilingual education means Latino immigrants study all subjects in Spanish and learn
English in separate classes. (ESL = English as a second language classes) See Line 10
On contextualise toujours la definition !
“Voter split on the issue” Line 11 = find a synonym for split
split = disagreed / didn’t agree / were divided
to split split slit = verbe irrégulier, fendre, scinder, diviser, partager = en verbe transitif
se scinder, se déchirer, se fendre = en verbe intransitif.
What does “ballot setback” means in the sentence “ The Colorado vote marked the
first ballot setback for the English immersion movement.” Line 16
A setback = something that happens which delays or prevents a process from advancing
Here it means a failure ! Echec électoral
Sally had been recovering well from her operation, but yesterday she experienced/suffered a
setback. Une rechute
There has been a slight/temporary setback in our plans. Un contre temps
Ballot = a system or occasion of secret voting
Representatives were elected by ballot.
They decided to hold a ballot.
What measure was put to vote in November 2002? What were the results in
Massachusetts and Colorado?
The measure means that immigrants have to take all their classes in English.
Massachusetts voters (l’électorat) approved of the measure whereas Colorado rejected it.
Paragraph n° 5
What is the name of the movement that tries to have non-English-speaking students
take all their classes in English ?
The English immersion movement.
Does the Latino community agree on one teaching method ?
The Latino community is divided on the issue, they don’t know if their children will learn
better in bilingual programmes or in English-only classes.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods
Bilingual Education
English-only method
Foster self-esteem as
students they can
understand all subjects,
learn and pass.
Integration with American
students. Influence of
English = learn quicker.
Their level of English might Some students might not
not be sufficient when they cope with English-only
leave school.
classes and find it difficult
to understand (bad for
their self-esteem) so they
just may drop out of school
= quit with no diplomas.
( difficulty to get a job and
become socially fully
Paragraph n ° 6
Rephrase the sentence “ the measures to curtail bilingual education have had mixed
results” Line 25. Justify the use of the present perfect tense.
The measures to limit bilingual education haven’t been entirely successful. (see why
Present perfect = it’s still true
In California are all students following the English-only method? Why ? What do
educators think?
Some 150 000 students attend bilingual programmes in California. Teachers are afraid that the
English-only method may urge the students, who have difficulties, to drop out of school.
Paragraph n° 7
Find a synonym for backed by in the sentence “ they were financially backed by Ron
Unz, a Californian and millionaire software developer” Line 32
What was the method used in Colorado and Massachusetts to make sure that all
students would follow the English-only method?
Students are allowed to sue their former teachers if they think their level of English isn’t
good enough / is insufficient.
Did the governor of Massachusetts agree with that method?
Although the governor of Massachusets agrees on limiting bilingual education, he
dissaproves of the method.