As a timely way to keep you informed, we offer the Jeffco Good News. Our goal is to provide you with a snapshot of the many accomplishments that occur every week in your schools. Please feel free to share the good news and as always, thank you for your support! WATER BOTTLE ART PROVES A POINT Coronado Elementary School students created environmental project out of trash as part of Project: Water Bottle. The school collected disposable water bottles for six months, strung them up and displayed them out on the school grounds. The bottles, laid end to end, stretched over half a mile. Teachers walked their students through the project to learn more about the use of bottled water and the available sustainable choices. The project was meant to educate students, teachers and community about the waste created by drinking water from disposable water bottles. Lessons included the cost of making plastic bottles, the price of water, and the sustainable choices, such as filtered water fountains, refillable water bottles, and support of municipal water. Coronado students say that if every school in Jeffco collected the exact same number of bottles, they would have a string which reached to Colorado Springs. If every school in Colorado did the same, they would reach Disneyland in just six months. SHELTON STUDENT WINS NATIONAL PTA CONTEST Shelton Elementary School second-grader Siena Frankland snapped a picture of a fleeting moment between her two brothers that helped her win a National PTA contest. Frankland received an Award of Excellence in photography for her age group. She was one of the top three scores from each art category in each age division. This year’s Reflections theme was The Magic of a Moment. Frankland’s picture, Brotherly Love, was related to the contest theme. Her artist statement explains, “My brothers are laughing together instead of teasing each other. That is a moment of magic.” See the winning picture at SCHOOL PRODUCTIONS ARE SPOTLIGHTED Several Jeffco schools, including Bear Creek, Evergreen and Lakewood high schools are recognized in the 2013 Bobby G. Award nominations. The awards program is named after pioneering local theater producer Robert Garner, who died last year. The parent national awards program is known as The Jimmys, after Broadway impresario James M. Nederlander. The categories are patterned after Broadway’s Tony Awards, with honors going to best actors, actresses, directors, student designers and many more. View the 2013 Bobby G. Award nominations. SUMMIT RIDGE FORMS AN ALLIANCE Summit Ridge Middle School is the only school in the county to receive a 2013-14 Alliance Project grant from the Scientific and Cultural Collaborative. The non-profit organization, comprised of cultural organizations, distributes funds from a sales and use tax to cultural facilities throughout the seven-county metro area. The grant helps to partner the arts, cultural and science organizations with teachers in creating curriculum applications and learning opportunities for students. The cost of museum admissions, oncampus activities, library materials, substitute teachers, and the majority of bus costs are also covered by the grant. Students from Powderhorn Elementary School will participate in the project as a partner school. STUDENTS DRIVE UNDERWATER Bell Middle School’s iSTEM program is headed to Indianapolis to compete in the National SeaPerch Competition. Students built an underwater, remote-operated vehicle that they have practiced driving at the Golden Recreation Center pool. In the competition, students will move their underwater car through a course of rings, pick them up with an arm and finish in a set amount of time. Find more information about SeaPearch. STUDENTS REACH OUT TO BOSTON WITH KINDNESS Two Normandy Elementary School sixth-graders were moved to act after watching the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings. They created a card and letter to the Boston community sending best wishes and thoughts to the victims, their families and the city and sent it off to Boston TV station Fox25. The newsroom was so moved by their card and its sentiment that they invited the Normandy class to join them live via Skype on their newscast. Watch the Boston Fox25 segment. Submissions of 80 words or less should include complete names, locations, dates and descriptions of accomplishments. Due to the large number of submissions Communication Services reserves the right to edit or place requests. To submit a story or unsubscribe to this weekly publication send an e-mail to View the archive of past issues.