Planning Checklist 2014-2015

Outdoor Education Centres
Planning Checklist
September 2014
Information home:
Parents or Guardians should receive information about the
trip and details as to date, suitable dress, footwear, lunch,
Bus transportation for your class to the Outdoor Education
Centres will be paid for by Learning Services. This year the
school board has signed a contract with Stock Transportation
Limited to provide transportation for all Outdoor and
Environmental Education field trips. You must:
1. Contact Stock Transportation at 519-742-6224 to arrange
transportation to OEE Centres.
2. Complete the Off-Campus – Instructional Services
Form IS-11-FA
3. Scan the form and e-mail to Waterworks conference
“FinSrv Off Campus.”
4. Fax or mail a copy of the form to the Stock Bus Lines
(fax# 519-579-2530,
Times for buses: during the preplanning process, teachers
will be informed of specific school pick-up and Centre
departure times.
Travel by car: check with your Principal to ensure that all
legal requirements are met if arranging transport by private
You may bring as many parent volunteers as you wish. Extra
adults can help out in many ways. Please give volunteers as
much information about the trip as possible, and outline
specific responsibilities you may have for them.
Class Groupings:
Many of our activities are best done in small groups. Centre
staff will let you know how many groups you need.
Materials and Equipment:
Teachers may be asked to copy worksheets for their
students. You will be provided with print masters if
necessary. It is helpful if students bring their own
pencils/pens. Clipboards are available at each of the
Name Tags:
We appreciate having the kids wear name tags. It helps us to
connect with them quickly. We find that pin-on buttons (not
straight pins), or around-the-neck cards work well.
- preparation of students regarding program expectations
- student behaviour and discipline while on the trip
- participation in program with students
- ensuring students are dressed appropriately for the season
and have a nutritious lunch
- lunch time supervision
Centre Staff
- communication with schools and teachers regarding
bookings, program planning and expectations, and
organizational aspects of the trip
- program delivery and leadership on the day of your visit
Planning Form:
Please complete the Outdoor Education Planning Form
and return to the appropriate Centre at least one week
prior to your visit date. There is an electronic version on
WaterWorks in the Out/Env conference. A hard copy can
be printed and sent via the mail bag as well. This is the
only written record we have regarding your class and
program, and we cannot be fully prepared for your visit
without it.
Cancellation due to bad weather:
Trips are canceled if schools are closed and/or buses are
not running. In cases of extreme weather (heavy rain,
extreme cold) you or your Principal may choose to cancel
a trip. We will reschedule if possible. Centre staff may
also make such a recommendation if deemed necessary.
Students (and teachers and parents!!) must be dressed
appropriately for the season of your visit. Children not well
dressed will be uncomfortable and as a result the learning
experience is compromised. Centre staff will not allow
students poorly dressed to participate in outdoor activities.
Recommended clothing for cold/wet weather:
- warm sweater and windproof jacket
- rain coat with hood
- warm socks and waterproof boots
- hats, mitts and scarves
- ski suit and/or snow pants
An active day outdoors requires a lot of energy. Please
emphasize the need for a good breakfast and a nutritious
lunch. Quick snacks such as granola bars or fruit are also
encouraged. Please help us to reduce throw-away
garbage by bringing reusable and recyclable food and
drink containers.
The Centres have large urns for providing hot water. You
may choose to bring, or have the students bring, hot drink
or soup mixes.
Centres and Staff:
Camp Heidelberg 885-6528
Laurel Creek
Wrigley Corners 632-7503
Peter Rasberry
Allan Woodhouse
Sean McCammon
Levi Moore
Ian Mann
(ext. 4243)