Template No (12) Course Specification University/Academy: Suez Canal University Faculty/Institute: Faculty of Science Department: Marine Science 1-Course data Code: Course Title: Marine Geology Academic year/Level: Pre-Master Department/program: Marine Theoretical: 2 Practical: 2 2- Course aim(s) 1-Identify the basics of scientific research, recognize the analytical methods and their uses in the marine Geology field 2-Outline the current problems in the marine geology studies and find their solutions. 3-Utilize the available marine geological resources in the area of Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea and achieve their continuous Sustainability. Science/ Hydrography and Meteorology program 3- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs): 3.A- Knowledge and understandings: 3.B- Intellectual Skills: A1-Define the basics and fundamental of the marine geological studies. A2-Explain the ethics and rules of scientific research in the marine Geology field. B1- Analyze the available marine geology information regarding the area of the Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea. B2- Evaluate the risks in the marine geology practices. 3.C- Professional Skills: C1- Implement the basics and updated marine geological skills C2- Apply methods of marine geological to achieve standard quality results. 3.D- General Skills: D1- Use of information technology to serve the professional practice in the marine geology field. D2- learns about effective time management for the execution of scientific tasks. 1 Topic 4- Course content: (theoretical and then practical) Theoretical part content No. of Week(s) Hours No. - Global patterns and history of the oceans and Sea (E.g. Pacific and Atlantic ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea) - Paleoceangraphic and sediment history of the ocean basins Plate tectonic theories and seismcity. - Tectonic history and global patterns of the oceans crust and Sea - The Environmental analysis related to geological hazards -The oceanographic geologic setting of the continents and oceans Mid-ocean ridges and oceanic crust formation - Marine Stratigraphy, correlation, and Chronology - Field investigation to estimate different faces of marine environments. - Ocean Circulation - Field trips and equipment’s No. of Lecture(s) 4 1,2 Two 4 3,4 Two 4 5,6 Two 4 7,8 Two 4 9,10 Two 4 11,12 Two 4 13,14 Two Practical part content Topic Field investigation to estimate different faces of marine environments. - Ocean Circulation Field trips and equipment’s Analysis and discussion sessions. 5- Teaching and learning methods: No. of Hours week(s) No. Practical Tutorial 10 1,2,3,4,5 Five - 8 6,7,8,9 Four - 10 10,11,12,13,14 Five - 5.1-Delivering lectures using pre-prepared power point presentations 5.2-Providing samples for each rock group from the cycle. 5.3-Class Discussions. 2 6- Teaching and learning methods for limited capability students: None 7- Students assessment: 7.A- Assessment Methods: 7.B- Assessment schedule 7.C- Assessments Weights 7.A.1- Hand written quiz to assess 7.A.2- Oral examination to assess 7.A.3- Practical examination to assess 7.A.4- Mid-term examination to assess the overall skills 7.A.5- Final examination to assess the overall skills Assessment 1 Mid-term examination: Week 7 Assessment 2 Oral examination: Week 14 Assessment 3 Practical examination: Week 14 Assessment 4 Final-term examination: Week 15 or 16 according to faculty's schedule for exams. Activates Final-term Examination Practical Examination Total 10 % 60 % 30 % 100 % 8- List of Books and references 8.A- Notes: 8.B- Essential books: 8.CRecommended books: 8.D- Scientific periodicals, websites ….etc 8. A1 Pre-prepared handouts are being provided to students. 8.B.1 - Kennish, M., 2000. Practical Handbook of Marine Science, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Pp. 876. 8.B. 2- Kennett, J. P., 1982. Marine Geology. Prentice Hall, Pp.813. 8.B. 3 - Telford, W.; Geldart, L. and Sheriff, R., 1990. Applied Geophysics, 2nd Ed., Cambridge Revised 8.C1. Keller, E, 1985, Environmental Geology, Grand Rapid, Michigan, Pp.479. 8.C2. Pettijion, F. 1975. Sedimentary rocks, Harper and row publishers, New York, Pp. 628. 8.C3. Anderson, R. 1989. Marine Geology: A Plant Earth perspective, Revised printing, John Wiley and sons, New York, Pp. 328. None Course coordinator: Dr. Hamdy Aboulela Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Ashraf Ibrhiem 3 COURSE SPECIFICATION University: Suez Canal Faculty: Science Course Title: Marine Geology 1- Course Matrix table A- Knowledge Course contents and understandings: Course Code: B- Intellectual Skills: CProfessional Skills: D- General Skills: A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 D1 D2 D3 D4 Define Global patterns and history of the oceans and Sea (E.g. Pacific and Atlantic ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea) Explain Paleoceangraphic and sediment history of the ocean basins Plate tectonic theories and evaluate seismcity. Tectonic history and analysis global patterns of the oceans crust and Sea The Environmental analysis related to geological hazards The oceanographic geologic setting of the continents and oceans Mid-ocean ridges and oceanic crust formation Apply Marine Stratigraphy, correlation method, and Chronology Field investigation to estimate different faces of marine environments. Use of information Ocean Circulation to serve the practice in the marine geology field. 4 Field trips and equipment’s Course coordinator: Name: Dr. Hamdy Aboulela Signature: Date: Head of Department Name: Prof. Dr. Ashraf Ibrhiem Signature: Date: 5