Christmas Children’s Story Your children’s Christmas story should have the theme of the “Spirit of Christmas.” Complete a story map to help you to create the main ideas of the story. An initial draft of the story will be written – the story needs to have a beginning, middle, and end You must have dialogue in your story (with quotations) It should be no longer than one page since it will be written over a series of pages like a proper picture book. The draft will then need to edited and revised (see checklists provided) The final good copy of the story will be put into a picture book format that Mrs. Hughes will provide the paper for when she sees your edited work. All pages of the story, including the cover, need to be illustrated There should be a proper book cover with pictures and information about the author section at the back of the book The outside back cover should have a short summary of the book We will be reading these stories to students throughout the school on the last day before the Christmas holidays. First Draft: December 3rd Edited Draft: December 10th Final Copy: December 13th Rubric Categories Reasoning -complexity of ideas and connection to story line Level 1 -uses only a very few simple ideas that have little or no connection to the story line Level 2 - uses simple ideas that are connected to the story line Level 3 - uses developed ideas that are connected to the story line Level 4 -uses well-developed interesting ideas that advance the story line -number and relevance of supporting facts and details -uses very few supporting details -uses some supporting details -uses sufficient supporting details to clarify the point of the story -uses imaginative details that develop the story line Communication -Purpose: to write a story about the spirit of Christmas -the purpose of the writing is unclear to the reader -the purpose of the writing is somewhat clear to the reader -the purpose of the writing is clear to the reader -the purpose of the writing is clear and engages the reader -the vocabulary is limited or used inappropriately, with few descriptive words -a limited variety of vocabulary is used appropriately but with limited effect -a wide variety of vocabulary is used appropriately to add descriptive detail to the story -the extensive vocabulary creates images or pictures for the reader -has no clear beginning, middle or end -shows some evidence of a beginning, middle, and an end -has a clear beginning, a middle, and a logical end -contains ideas and details that are unconnected and has no paragraph structure -includes ideas and details that are somewhat connected within paragraphs -has sentences that are linked together in paragraphs -flow smoothly, progressing logically from the beginning to the middle to the end -has sentences that are clearly organized in paragraphs to develop the story line -uses very few of the conventions studied correctly -uses some of the conventions studied correctly -uses most of the conventions studied correctly -uses all or almost all of the conventions studied correctly -produces a visual presentation that is not clear -produces a visual presentation that is basically clear -produces a clear visual presentation -produces a clear and effective visual presentation that enhances the story -word use and vocabulary Organization -overall structure (beginning, middle, and end) -paragraph structure Conventions -grammar, spelling, punctuation -visual presentation (e.g., indentations, spacing, margins, title) __________________’s Story Map Topic: The Spirit of Christmas Story Title What will you call your story?____________________________________________________ Characters Who is the main character of your story? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Are there other important characters in your story? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Events What are the major events that occur in the story? What are the problems or challenges the main character faces? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Setting Where will your story take place? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Conclusion/Story Ending How are the problems solved? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Name:_____________________ Revising Checklist My story has a title I made sure that the order of all of my sentences and paragraphs make sense. I have character(s), setting(s), a problem, events and a resolution in my story (all the challenges or problems are solved). I made sure my story had a beginning, middle and end. I made sure that there are no extra or repetitive words or sentences in my story. My story fits the purpose intended (A story about the spirit of Christmas) Self-Editing Checklist Paragraphs Did I start a new paragraph each time … a new character spoke in my story the location changed a new event occurred there was a new idea introduced Did I indent for every new paragraph? Sentence Structure and Word Choice Did I write clear and complete sentences? Did I use interesting and descriptive words? Did I use the right word? (for example, to – too – two) Punctuation and Capitalization Did I end each sentence with a punctuation mark? Did I use quotation marks correctly? Did I start all my sentences with a capital letter? Did I capitalize nouns that name specific people, places, and things?