Policy 3:01
Policy 3:01:01
BOUNDARIES. The Association has established and recognizes
specific boundaries for its Districts and recreation leagues. Players
may register with the recreation league or membership organization
of their choice.
In the event that, at the beginning of the seasonal year, a program
or age group is not sponsored by a league, district or association,
players will be permitted to register in an adjacent league, district
or association that offers the program or age group. Players so
registered may complete the seasonal year in the league, district or
association in which they registered even though the league in
which they reside subsequently offers the program or age group.
In the event that a player changes residence either following
registration or during a seasonal year, the player may either
continue to play in the league, district or association within which
he or she registered until the end of the seasonal year or may
transfer to the new league, district or association in which he or
she now resides, subject to space being available on a team. In the
event the player decides to transfer, and the transfer is from one
UYSA league or district to another UYSA league or district (as
opposed to At-Large League), the registration shall be fully
transferable and no additional State registration fees shall be
required for the remainder of the seasonal year. League fees for
uniforms etc may apply.
Policy 3:01:02
MERGER. Where necessitated by lack of sufficient qualified
registered players to provide a program or age group, two adjacent
leagues, districts or associations may merge for the purpose of
providing the program or age group, subject to written approval by
the appropriate authority as indicated below. In this event, one (1)
league, district or association shall assume responsibility for the
program or age group and all players within the program or age
group shall register with and pay fees to that league, district or
association. Mergers automatically expire at the conclusion of the
seasonal year and are reapplied for in the event a need for merger
still exists in a subsequent year.
Policy 3:01:03
APPROVAL AUTHORITY. Districts shall be the approving
authority for inter league registration and merge requests that
pertain solely to leagues within their district. Both district
chairpersons involved shall be the approving authority for interdistrict requests. The state shall be the approving authority for
inter-association registration and merger requests. All requests and
approvals must be in writing, and approval must have been given
prior to any action being taken on the requests (e.g., joining or
forming teams).
Policy 3:02
Policy 3:02:01
REGISTRATION. All players, coaches and administrators shall
annually register with UYSA and timely pay all dues and fees. All
players are required to submit a properly completed USYSA
Membership form.
A player may register with UYSA without being listed on a team's
Policy 3:02:02
VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION. All volunteer coaches, referees
and administrators shall register with the Association by submitting
completed appropriate forms at the beginning of each seasonal year.
Policy 3:03
Policy 3:03:01
The seasonal year of this Association shall begin on August 1st and
end on July 31st of the following year.
Policy 3:04
Policy 3:04:01
REGISTRATION FEE. A player registration fee will be
established each year by the Board of Directors to pay for
necessary program expenses, accident reimbursement plan,
liability insurance, State Office administration and National US
Youth Soccer Association and USSF dues. This fee is the only fee
that leagues, leagues-at-large, clubs and districts may identify as a
state player registration fee. UYSA leagues, leagues at large,
clubs, districts, state competition programs are authorized to set
their own fees, subject to approval by their District Committee to
cover program expenses such as uniform (optional for competition
teams which are not required to use the official league uniform),
team equipment which may include but is not limited to the
following: (a bag, three balls, six cones, a goalie shirt and a first
aid kit), field equipment and maintenance, leagues, leagues at
large, club or district administrative support. The fee charged by
UYSA for administration shall be uniform for all members
throughout the State. The Board of Directors at their discretion can
offer incoming leagues lower fees for a limited time. Only the
league president or the authorized agent that collects the
registration fees can authorize a refund of any or all of the
registration fees. Neither the district nor the state has the authority
to change the league president’s decision.
While it is expected that all players pay their way, it is recognized that
some players may not be able to pay their full registration fee because of
severe financial hardship. Leagues, Districts and Associations may set
their own standards whereby they waive all or a portion of the
registration fee that remains with the league, district or association. Any
shortfall thus incurred must be absorbed within that body’s budget. Such
waiver policies should be approved by the District Committee for UYSA
leagues. The state portion of the registration fee cannot be waived except
by the Board of Directors upon application and a showing of severe
hardship. Players or parents receiving a waiver of all or a portion of the
registration fee should be prepared to volunteer their services to the
waiving body in such areas as fields and equipment, refereeing, or as
Policy 3:04:02
THE STATE. The player is registered from the moment the player
or player's agent (legal guardian) signs the UYSA Participation
Registration Form and other documents as required and pays the
appropriate fees to the team, club, league, district or association
having jurisdiction over the player within the time frame set by that
body. Each member team, club, league, district and association
shall be responsible for insuring proper registration of players,
coaches, volunteers and teams, properly accounting for fiscal
transactions with prompt, accurate reporting of registration data to
the governing authority with District Registrars submitting all
forms and fees to the State Office.
A. The initial league registration of recreation, developmental and
competition players, coaches, volunteers and teams shall take place
each year prior to June 15. Registration of recreation, developmental
and competition shall continue throughout the seasonal year as needed
for the demands of each league or district program.
B. Each league will submit to their respective district a database file,
either on disk or by email, for players coaches, volunteers, and teams;
compatible with the State's registration program, team rosters and
registration forms to competition teams separated by team, tally
sheets, reconciliation sheets and a check equal to the total of all
reconciliation sheets for all registered players by July 1st. Each league
will update their registration of players, coaches, volunteers, and
teams by submitting to their respective district an updated database
file, team rosters, registration forms for competition teams separated
by team, tally sheets, reconciliation sheets and a check equal to the
reconciliation sheets for the additional registered players by the 15th of
each month through the following May 15th. Updates are not due if
additional players were not registered. Play-up forms must be
included with the submissions to the State.
C. All Districts shall submit to the State a database file, either on disk or
email, of players, coaches, volunteers and teams; compatible with the
State's registration program, team rosters and registration forms for
competition teams separated by team tally sheets, reconciliation sheets
and a check equal to the total of all reconciliation sheets for registered
players by July 15th. Also, list the total number of recreation players
by league and age group on the tally sheet with the league number and
total recreation and competition players on the Reconciliation Form.
Play-up forms must be included with the submissions to the State. In
order to effectively manage the competition program, submissions
after the fall and/or the spring deadlines for the team alignment
meeting may not be accepted. Both the registration fee and
competition fee is not refundable after the alignment meeting has
D. Verification of player registration for insurance purposes will be made
by the State from the submitted league databases.
Policy 3:05
Policy 3:05:01
Utah Youth Soccer Association claims jurisdiction over all amateur
youth soccer players in Utah who have not reached nineteen years
of age before the first day of August of the immediately preceding
seasonal year in which they apply for registration.
Policy 3:05:02
LIMITING AGE. Players who attain the limiting age for any age
group on or after August 1 of the seasonal year will be eligible to
play in that age group for the remainder of the seasonal year.
player which is over-age shall forfeit the game(s) in which that
player participates.
Policy 3:05:03
EQUAL AGE GROUPS. All member leagues, districts and
associations, unless otherwise sanctioned by the Board of Directors
of this Association, shall divide play (to include all competitions
and tournaments) among teams of equal age grouping as follows:
UNDER-19 Player has not reached 19 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
UNDER-18 Player has not reached 18 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
UNDER-17 Player has not reached 17 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
UNDER-16 Player has not reached 16 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
UNDER-15 Player has not reached 15 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
UNDER-14 Player has not reached 14 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
UNDER-13 Player has not reached 13 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
UNDER-12 Player has not reached 12 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
UNDER-11 Player has not reached 11 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
UNDER-10 Player has nor reached 10 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
UNDER-08 Player has not reached 08 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
UNDER-06 Player has not reached 06 years of age before AUGUST 1st of the immediately preceding seasonal year.
Policy 3:06
Policy 3:06:01
COMPETITIVE PLAYERS. All players in competitive programs
are required to meet USYSA standards and furnish as proof of age one of
the following documents:
Birth Certificate
Current Drivers License or State Issued ID
Alien Registration Card issued by the U.S. Government
Uniformed services Identification and Privilege Card (DD Form
1173) issued by the uniformed services of the United States
Birth registration issued by an appropriate government agency
Certificate issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service
attesting to age or a certification of an American Citizen born
abroad issued by the appropriate government agency
Hospital, baptismal or religious certificates WILL NOT be
Current Drivers License
PLAY-UP. No player in the U-10 or younger age group may be
registered to a team that competes in an age group more than one year
older than the player's age group. Upon written consent of the player's
legal guardian and the league/club president of the member organization
with which the player is registered, a player who is U11-U14 may be
registered to a team that competes in an age group not more than two years
older than the player's age group. U-15 and older will be unrestricted for
play-up. The actual age of the player shall determine the play-up, not
the age division the player is registered in.
STATE COMPETITION LEAGUE. No player in the U-9 or
younger age group may be registered to play in the State
Competition Program. No player in the U-10 age group may be
registered to a team that competes in an age group more than one
year older than the player's age group. Upon consent of a player's
legal guardian and the league/club president of the member
organization with which the player is registered, a player who is
U11-U14 during the seasonal year may be registered to a team
that competes in an age group not more than two years older than
the player’s age group. U-15 and older will be unrestricted for
play-up. The actual age of the player shall determine the playup, not the age division the player is registered in.
Any altering or falsifying of proof of age documents or
misrepresentation of age may result in both disqualification of the
player from further UYSA play as well as forfeiture of all games by
the team on which the player played.
Any individual (coach, player, parent/guardian & others) who
knowingly falsifies records, documents, player passes or in any other
matter or manner, shall be grounds for immediate suspension from
further participation and membership in UYSA or any league, team
or club pending a hearing.
Policy 3:06:02
A. A team is required to submit to UYSA a UYSA-approved team
roster form listing all players properly registered to that team.
Submission of the team roster form binds the players on the roster
to that team for the Seasonal Year unless a player is granted a
release pursuant to Policy 3:07:02.
B. A team may not roster more than five (5) players who were
rostered to other UYSA-registered teams during the same Seasonal
Year. This restriction may be waived if any of the following
conditions are met:
1. All previously rostered players over the limit are from a team
where the coach has voluntarily resigned or has been suspended, a
new coach cannot be found, and the transferring players would not
otherwise be able to play; or
2. The action is approved by the Board.
The team obtaining a waiver cannot register for and compete in
State Cup for that Seasonal Year.
(Section 3:06:02 updated February 2010)
Teams may be formed without respect to current Utah Youth Soccer
Association boundary restrictions for the purpose of playing in
tournaments. Such teams shall exist for the expressed purpose of
play for a stated tournament or tour.
Policy 3:06:03
PLAYER ADVANCEMENT. Coaches, administrators and other
UYSA adult volunteers are pledged to assist players in reaching the
highest level of play within UYSA that their skills, desires and
inclinations permit. Those individuals that interfere with or subvert
the efforts of others to help players reach these goals (such as
actively discouraging players from trying out for competitive teams)
are subject to disciplinary action (this does not apply where a team
has been established and playing for that year, and player
advancement would cause the team to drop below eleven players,
resulting in its disbandment).
Coaches, administrators or others who persist in unwelcome
attempts to secure a player’s services after the player or his/her
parents have indicated their decision not to participate in the
program are subject to disciplinary action.
Policy 3:07
Players U10 and under may not be registered nor play on more than
one team sponsored by Utah Youth Soccer Association at the same
Policy 3:07:01
Players in the U-11 through U-19 age groups may register for more
than one team sponsored by UYSA under the following
A. Both teams are entered on equal competition levels but in
different age brackets/or gender groups. (example: both teams
registered in the State Competition Program or both teams
registered in their district competition program)
B. Neither team competes against each other in league or
tournament play
C. The first team (primary) to which the player is rostered is the
only team with which the player may participate in National
Championships competition for a seasonal year, except1) if a player is rostered to more than one team on the
same day, the player must designate on that day the only team for
which the player is to be rostered for National Championships
competitions and failure to designate on that day makes the player
ineligible for any National Championships competitions for that
seasonal year (National Rule 224); and
2) as provided by State Rule 3:07:03 (National Rule 221
Section 2)
D. Competition fees must be paid for both teams
E. U-11 and U-12 age group teams shall be made up with less than 7
non multi-rostered players, and U-13 and older age group teams shall
be made up with less than 9 non multi-rostered players.
(Section 3:07 updated 04-2008)
A. Release without Player Request. Without a request from a player, a team
may not release such player from its roster unless one of the following
conditions exist:
1. The player has committed a substantial violation or multiple minor
violations of USSF, USYSA or UYSA bylaws or policies;
2. The player has committed a substantial violation or multiple minor
violations of the team’s or club’s rules; or
3. The player has an injury that will prevent the player from competing
for at least three (3) months.
A team releasing a player under this provision must fill out and execute
the appropriate section of UYSA’s Player Action Form and deliver it to
the appropriate registrar.
B. Process for Player Request. A player may request release from a team by
filling out the appropriate section of UYSA’s Player Action Form and
delivering such form by hand, mail, or electronic means to the coach of
the team.
C. Denial of Player Request. If extenuating circumstances do not exist, a
coach shall deny a player’s request for a release if any of the following
1. Release of the player would drop the number of players on the team
below the minimum number of players required to be rostered by state
policy plus two (2);
2. The request is made outside of the seasonal transfer window, which
window starts on November 15 and goes through January 15 of the
UYSA Seasonal Year;
3. The player has outstanding fees with the team and/or club that have
been contracted for in writing.
None of these restrictions shall apply to transfers within a UYSA-affiliated
club. Please note that any intra-club transfer will count towards the
transfer limit found in 3:06:02.
D. Appeal of Denial. If a coach denies a player’s request for a release, the
player may appeal sequentially to the president of the member
organization with which the player is registered, the chairperson of the
district in which the player is registered, UYSA’s Vice-President and,
finally, UYSA’s Appeals Committee.
E. Automatic Release. A player is automatically released from a team on
June 1 or upon dissolution of the team, whichever occurs earlier.
F. State Cup Roster. A player may roster to a team for National
Championships Series (NCS) (State Cup) providing the following
conditions are met:
1. Their primary team will not be participating in the NCS;
2. Their primary team coach must grant permission;
3. They acknowledge that they will not be eligible to participate in
President’s Cup for that Seasonal Year;
4. They are rostered to their primary team for all regular season practices
and games and may only participate with the NCS rostered team for
practices and NCS qualifying matches;
5. This will be considered a transfer to the State Cup Team and a transfer
to the Primary Team.
Effective Date: June 1, 2010
(Section 3:07:02 Updated 9-2010)
RELEASE OF PLAYER BY DISTRICT CHAIR. In the event a coach declines a
request by a player for release, the player may seek the release sequentially from the
president of the member organization with which the player is registered, the chairperson
of the district in which the player is registered, or then the State Vice-President.
Thereafter any further appeal should be directed to the Protest and Appeals Committee.
Policy 3:07:03
The team may not roster any player who was previously rostered during
the seasonal year to another team, or the same team, unless a written
request, stating the reason why this action has been requested has been
made to and approved by the governing authority on the appropriate form.
Policy 3:07:04
The team may not roster more than five (5) previously rostered
players in any seasonal year. A waiver of the five (5) previously
rostered player limit may be obtained by meeting the following
A. All previously rostered players over 5 are from a team that:
1. The coach has voluntarily resigned or has been suspended
2. A new coach cannot be found
3. The remaining players will not otherwise be able to play
B. This action is approved by the District Board of Directors
C. This action is approved by the State Board of Directors
D. The team using this waiver cannot register and compete in State
Cup for that seasonal year
Policy 3:08
Policy 3:08:01
All state competition players shall present their player passes to the
referee before the start of the game. All passes are to be returned to
the coach or manager of the team at the conclusion of the game,
unless a player or coach was ejected for misconduct.
All state competition players and all players playing on teams entered
in out-of-state tournaments or tournaments that include out-of-state
teams must have a valid laminated player pass issued and signed by
the District or Association Registrar. Passes will be issued to players
on a team basis by appointment prior to the beginning of each
seasonal year. During the year, passes will be issued to new and
transferred players after receipt of all required forms and fees.
Policy 3:09
Policy 3:09:01 A youth player will be permitted to play in an unlimited number of
senior games without losing his/her youth eligibility. The youth player
must obtain permission on the proper UYSA form from the youth
coach, youth president and senior president. The youth player shall
request, in writing or by form 1) eligibility clearance from the Youth
State Association through which the player is registered, and 2)
permission from the appropriate Adult State Association. When the
clearance and permission have been granted, the Adult State
Association has sole discretion in permitting a youth player to play
adult games and will be responsible for establishing the procedures
under which the youth player will be allowed to play. In the event of a
conflict between an adult game and a youth game, the youth game
shall take precedence. A youth player who is required to sign an adult
form shall retain youth eligibility.