NO. R-478. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HONORING THE LAMOILLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION’S FEDERAL PROJECT IMPACT PROGRAM AND THE VERMONT RIVER MANAGEMENT FLUVIAL GEOMORPHIC ASSESSMENT PROGRAM ON THEIR 10TH ANNIVERSARIES. (S.C.R.58) By Senator Bartlett, Whereas, in 1998 the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated the Lamoille County Planning Commission (LCPC) as a Project Impact Community, and Whereas, the LCPC was honored to be the first FEMA Project Impact designee in Vermont and thrilled to receive the accompanying federal grant of $500,000.00, which it matched with $310,000.00 in cash and in-kind contributions, and the funds were applied to 26 strategic disaster prevention programs in coordination with 75 local, regional, state and federal partners, and Whereas, the launching of the Vermont River Management Fluvial Geomorphic Assessment Program (VRMP) was, and a decade later remains, one of the most important and enduring of the funded programs of Project Impact, whether measured anecdotally, economically or scientifically, and Whereas, the VRMP, formed a decade ago, was based on Project Impact’s primary principle “that public and private buildings and facilities, and the utility and transportation systems that serve them, are vulnerable to natural and man-made hazards,” and that, with respect to natural hazards, every effort must be taken to avoid new risks and to lessen existing risks, and NO. R-478 Page 2 Whereas, flowing bodies of water, especially the Lamoille River and its tributaries, are the primary natural hazards in Lamoille County, and Whereas, the VRMP adopted a new, and now nationally recognized and emulated, paradigm for the management of river corridors that focused on both protecting communities and individuals from flood-related losses and on reducing “water quality degradation due to nutrient and sediment contributions that began in the upper reaches of watersheds,” and Whereas, the VRMP’s early two-person staff, which consisted of river management engineer and program manager Barry Cahoon and fluvial geomorphologist Mike Kline, now comprises a team of 13 scientists, engineers and technicians, and Whereas, this highly competent and well-trained VRMP staff assists local communities in conducting geomorphic assessments that are based on the premise that flowing bodies of water are changing due to natural and, more often, man-made causes, and the understanding of current conditions and anticipation of future changes serve as invaluable tools in developing a river management plan, and Whereas, the continuing and beneficial legacy of the LCPC’s designation as a FEMA-designated Project Impact Community deserves recognition, now therefore be it NO. R-478 Page 3 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives: That the General Assembly honors the Lamoille County Planning Commission’s federal Project Impact program and the Vermont River Management Fluvial Geomorphic Assessment Program on their 10th anniversaries, and be it further Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to Michele Boomhower, executive director of the Lamoille County Planning Commission, and to the Vermont River Management Fluvial Geomorphic Assessment Program at the Agency of Natural Resources.