1 Paper 4 Authors: Jason, Zhou Jingsong, Dr. Brian Vaughan, Oscar Faber Consultants Title: JUNCTION MODELLING IN EMME/2 Abstract : In an urban environment like Singapore, the capacity and delay of a road network are usually controlled by the performance of its junctions. As part of the model enhancement project in 1998, the Land Transport Authority of Singapore planned to switch from a link based to a junction based modelling approach in order to represent realistically the performance of the road network. The paper presents an iterative approach for highway assignment taking into account the delay of turning movements at signalized junctions using EMME/2. A conical type of turn penalty function is presented. Differences in the departure characteristics of shared lanes are discussed such as blocking in a shared lane due to different periods of green time, and opposed right turns (for left-hand drive). The convergence and a comparison of run-time overhead for a large-scale network between the link and junction based approach are also presented. Introduction During the last decade Singapore has seen a rapid growth in car usage. This has resulted in the expansion of the highway network and traffic control system. There are now about 1500 signalised junctions in Singapore, which are mostly connected to GLIDE, a signal control system. The delays at junctions are a critical factor in travel times for all road based traffic, as well as pedestrians. Historically the Singapore strategic travel demand model has used a link based delay formulation that estimates the junction delay based on a constrained link capacity determined from the type of downstream junction. While such an approach is adequate for the assessment of the expressway system it is a simplification in a highly urbanised environment, and does not reflect the accurate representation of turning movement constraints at junctions. As part of the model enhancement, the Land Transport Authority of Singapore (LTA) has recently redeveloped the highway assignment module to reflect the junction constraints accurately and for each movement at the junction. The aim of this paper is to describe an assignment approach that calculates the junction delays separately and iteratively. It is called the iterative approach. The paper highlights differences between this approach and the normal assignment method, and the treatment of complicated junction situations using efficient macro capabilities of EMME/2. The paper first presents the general approach of the new highway assignment. It then describes improvements to the turn penalty function. The mechanism to calculate the capacity and the effective green time for a turning movement in various situations is explained. The stopping criteria, convergence, runtime overhead and a comparison between the link based and this approach will also be discussed. GENERAL APPROACH Figure 1 below shows the general approach of the new highway assignment module of the strategic transport model. Basically, the approach involved calculating the capacity and effective green time for each movement in the network, which are then fed into a turn penalty function to calculate the movement delay. The equilibrium assignment process will use the movement delay plus link delay to assign link and turning flows which are in turns used to calculate the capacity and effective green time in the next iteration. The iterative process is described in steps as below. Step 1. The model calculates the capacity and effective green time of turning movements using the EMME/2 network calculation module. The calculation is based on the free flow condition with no opposing flow. The capacity of a shared lane is equally split among the sharing movements. 2 Figure 1. Flow Chart of Iterative Highway Assignment Module Step 1. Calculate initial turn capacity and effective green time for each turning movement. Step 3. Recalculate turn capacity and effective green time for each turning movement using the last assignment results. This involves calculating opposing flow and the treatment of various shared lane situations. Step 2. Start the highway assignment for N iterations Stopping Criteria Satisfied? Yes o Step 4. Continue to run highway assignment for N more iterations. Stop Step 2. The model starts the multi-class equilibrium highway assignment for N iterations (in this module 2 iterations are adopted). Step 3. The model checks whether the stopping criteria are met. If yes, the run will be terminated. Otherwise it proceeds to recalculate the turn capacities and effective green times taking into account the latest assigned result. This involves the calculation of the opposing flow and volume of turning movements using a shared lane. Two extra turn attributes are used to store the newly calculated movement capacity and effective green time, and update the turn penalty functions. Step 4. The assignment preparation module is called and the option of continuing to run the highway assignment with N more iterations is selected. The model then goes back to the step 3. This loop will repeat until one of the stopping criteria is reached. A set of macros has been created to carry out the whole process automatically in EMME/2. To illustrate the approach, the next section will present relevant input data for junctions. The paper will then discuss the turn penalty function adopted for the calculation of movement delay. The subsequent sections will describe in details formulations used to calculate movement capacity under various situations such as opposed flow, shared lane and combinations. JUNCTION INPUT DATA As part of the model enhancement, a major exercise was carried out to code junction data for all signalised junctions in Singapore to the new highway network. Input data describing the junction layout, lane discipline, phasing and signal timings obtained from the GLIDE system were coded into 3 three user attributes, up1, up2 and up3 for each movement. Appendix 1 describes these input data in details. Up1 contains 6 digits used to store detailed lane layout and discipline for a movement in the following order: . 1st digit: number of lanes, . 2nd digit: number of short lanes, . 3rd digit: shared lane description, . 4th digit: flag for signal control, . 5th digit: opposed information, . 6th digit: reserved for future use. Up2 also contains 6 digits. The first three digits store the unopposed green time, while the next three store the opposed green period. If the movement is not opposed only the first three digits are used. Up3 contains the cycle time in seconds for the junction. TURN PENALTY FUNCTION Turn penalty function is used to calculate delay of each movement at junction. The general delay formulations are based on SIDRA method (Akcelik, 1981 & 1990). The method was chosen to maintain consistency with the practices adopted in LTA for detailed junction analysis, and also its methodology is well documented and widely accepted. The function adopted is of conical type. Its curve is close to a straight line when the degree of saturation, x, is low, and asymptotically close to the deterministic line of over saturation flow when x reaches near and beyond 1.0. This type of turn penalty functions is actually derived from a more general function form, which embraces those delay function used in the Highway Capacity Manual, Canadian and Australian methods or SIDRA (Akcelik, 1990) This function has two delay components, the uniform delay and the overflow delay as below: D = Du + D0 Where: D - total delay of a turning movement in seconds, Du - uniform delay in seconds, and D0 - overflow delay in seconds. The uniform delay Du is formulated as c * (1-u) 2 Du = 2 * (1 - u * x) Where: c – cycle time in seconds, u – green ratio (equal to the movement green time divided by cycle time) , x – degree of saturation which is the ratio of arrival flow to capacity, and x = (qc)/(sg) where 4 q - movement arrival flow, and s - base saturation flow. The overflow delay D0 has the following form: D0 = 900 * Tf * z + 4*x z + (Q * Tf ) 2 Where: Tf - simulation period in hours, currently set as 1, Q - movement capacity (vehicles/hour) x - degree of saturation of the movement, and z = x –1. This turn penalty functions is expected to estimate realistically the delay when the degree of saturation, x, is closer to 1.0. The movement capacities and effective green times, which are input to the turn penalty function, are not fixed during the assignment process, but recalculated every time at the end of N iterations. They form the base values for the next N iterations of assignment. The process continues until the stopping criteria are reached. This can be done as part of the new feature of the EMME/2 Release 9. Extra turn attributes can now be passed into turn penalty functions through three parameters, ep1, ep2 and ep3. Even when the values of these extra turn attributes have been changed, the option of continuing the highway assignment with more iterations is still available without the need to restart it from the very beginning. CAPACITY of AN Opposed MOVEMENT The capacity of a right turn, for example, opposed by an opposing through movement is not fixed, but will decrease if the opposing through flow increases and vice versa. Therefore it is necessary to determine the opposing flow for each turning movement. As part of the highway network enhancement, nodes were coded to reflect the true geographic locations of the junctions they represent. And series of links were used to match the curve of a winding road. With this recoded highway network, it is possible to calculate the flows of the opposing movements automatically according to their relative positions to the opposed movement. A macro called OPPVOL.MAC created by Heinz Spiess (1994), and with some modifications, was adopted in the new model to calculate opposing flows and save them into the turn attributes of the opposed movement. The saturation flow So and effective green time Go of an opposed movement during the opposed period can be calculated using the traditional gap acceptance approach (Akcelik, 1981) as below: q * exp( - * q ) So = exp( - * q ) 5 Where: So – Effective saturation flow for the green period during which the movement is opposed (vehicles/seconds), q - Opposing flow (vehicles/second), - Critical gap (default = 4.5 seconds), and - Follow-up headway (default = 2.6 seconds). And (s*g-q*c) Go = = (s-q) 0 when x < 1 (or sg >qc) and when x >=1 Where: Go - Effective green time in seconds, s - Opposing movement saturation flow (vehicles/second), q - Opposing flow rate (vehicles/second), g - Green time (seconds), and c - Cycle time (seconds). So the effective capacity of the opposed movement Qu can be calculated as: ( S0 * G o + s * g 1 ) Qu= c Where: S0 - effective opposed saturation flow, Go - effective opposed green time, s - base saturation flow per lane, and g1 - green period in seconds during which the movement is not opposed by any opposing flow. And the effective green time Gu for the movement during the whole cycle time will be c * Qu Gu= s The effective capacity Qu and effective green time Gu of the movement will be fed into the turn penalty function for the calculation of the movement delay. SHARED LANE ISSUES It is common that two movements may share a lane at a signal-controlled junction. Figures 1 and 2 below show an example of a complicated shared lane case. As shown in Figure 2, the right turn movement has to filter through the opposing traffic in phase B and its green time is effectively reduced to Go. Consequently the through traffic may be blocked by the right movement in the second phase and thus loses 6 the capacity. The lane interaction method (Akcelik, 1990) was applied to solve this problem. This example is used to illustrate how this situation is dealt with in the new model. Figure 1. Example Of An Opposed and Shared Lane Signal Phasing 1 2 1 2 3 A B In this example, the movements 1 and 2 share a same approaching lane. They both have the right of way in both phases, but the right turn is opposed by the through traffic in the phase B. FIGURE 2. APPLICATION OF THE LANE INTERACTION METHOD Opposing flow (3) A g2 B C Phase Right turn (2) Shared lane Go Through traffic (1) g1 g2 c Green Time Red Time In order to apply the lane interaction method the movement flows that actually use this lane need to be calculated. The current model adopts the following method. Firstly the portion of a movement flow that uses the shared lane, q si needs to be calculated. qi qsi = (2 * ni - nsi) Where: 7 i - movement indicator (1 for through traffic and 2 for right turn), qsi - part of the movement flow in the shared lane only, qi - total flow of movement i, ni - number of lanes including shared lanes for movement i, and nsi - number of shared lanes for the movement i. Secondly the proportion of each movement flows in the shared lane, p i is calculated. qsi pi = qsi Where: pi – flow proportion of movement i in the shared lane, and qsi - same as above. And pi = 1. The capacity of the shared lane in the common green phase A, Qa can be calculated as: s * g1 Qa = c Where: s - basic saturation flow per lane, g1 - common green time in the phase A , and c - cycle time. During the green period Go in the phase B, the capacity of the shared lane Qb1 is calculated as: (p1 * s + p2 * So) * go Qb1 = c Where: p1 - proportion of the through traffic in the shared lane, p2 - proportion of the right turning movement flows in the shared lane, s - basic saturation flow per lane, So – opposed saturation flows for the right turning movement, go – opposed green time for the right turning movement, and c - cycle time. During the period (g2-G0), The through traffic can depart the junction before the first right turn vehicle arrives and blocks the lane. The capacity of the shared lane during this period Qb2 is calculated as: ( s * gs ) 3600 * Pd * 1 - Pd 8 Qb2 = ( Pb * c ) Where: Pd - proportion of the through traffic in the shared lane, Pb - proportion of the right turning movement in the shared lane (=1-Pd), s - base saturation flow (vehicles /second), gs - the second period in phase B (=g2-G0). It is treated as the lost time for the right turn. The through traffic can depart until the first right turn vehicle arrives and block the lane, and The total capacity in the shared lane Qs is calculated as: Qs = Qa + Qb1 + Qb2 Each movement obtains the proportion of the capacity of the shared lane as below: Qsi = Qs * pi Where: i - movement indicator (1 for through traffic and 2 for the right turn), Qsi – part of the shared lane capacity dedicated to movement i, Qs - total capacity in the shared lane, and pi – proportion of the movement i in the shared lane. The effective capacity and green time for each movement are saved in extra attributes, which will be fed into the turn penalty functions through ep1, ep2 or ep3. Convergence and Running time overhead The stopping criteria in this approach are the same as those available in the highway assignment module in EMME/2, i.e., relative gap, normalized gap and maximum number of iterations. Typical criteria used in the current Strategic Transport Model are shown in the Table 2. This iterative assignment approach is actually equivalent to applying the Jacobi method for solving an asymmetric cost network equilibrium problem. This procedure is known to converge in most applications. It is also the case in this model. Tests with various highway networks and demands have been undertaken. All of them have shown able to converge quickly. Running time overhead is another concern. Modeling the junction in details means a significant increase in the requirement of computer space and time. New computers with large space and high speed and the arrival of the EMME/2 Release 9 make all these achievable. The current computer system in LTA is the Sun Ultra -10 Unix system with 8 GB of hard disk, 300 MHz CPU and one SCSI Card for a tape driver. EMME/2 macros were created to carry out a full model run automatically. They were written and tested in a way to reduce unnecessary run time as much as possible, and managed to achieve a run-time overhead which is not significantly longer than the normal equilibrium assignments. As shown in the table below, the average CPU run-time per iteration in the new model is just about 17 seconds more than a normal link based assignment, and less than 10 extra iterations are required. With the stopping criteria shown in the table, the Singapore 1998 highway network assignment using the junction approach can be finished within half an hour. 9 COMPARISON OF THE LINK BASED AND JUNCTION BASED HIGHWAY ASSIGNMENT APPROACHES Model Type Total number of zones Number of regular nodes Number of auto links Turn entries Total demand (pcu) Relative Gap (%) Normalized Gap (%) Maximum No. of Iterations Number of iterations required Objective function (106) CPU per iteration (seconds) Old Model (Link based) 931 7823 17926 0 265000 0.5 0.5 200 20 10.5 88 New model (Junction Based) 931 7823 17926 13161 265000 0.5 0.5 200 24 11.2 105 CONCLUSION The new model uses an iterative approach together with new turn penalty functions. It is able to represent various situations at signalized junctions with effectiveness. Relatively quick convergence has been achieved in various tests. A comparison with the link based approach shows that the computer run-time overhead for this junction based approach is satisfactory. However, there is still scope for further development of this junction based model to incorporate various short lane situations and signal coordination. Acknowledgement Whilst the authors acknowledge the permission of Land Transport Authority to publish and present this paper, the views presented here are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Land Transport Authority. References AKCELIK, R. (1981). "Traffic signals: capacity and timing analysis". Australian Road Research Board Research Report, ARR No.123. 109p. (ARRB: Vermont South, Vic.) AKCELIK, R. (1990). "Calibrating SIDRA". Australian Road Research Board Research Report, ARR No.180. 110p. (ARRB: Vermont South, Vic.) Emme/2 Release 9 Manual (1998). Highway Capacity Manual (1985). 10 Appendix Input of Lane Configuration Up1 1st Digit 2nd Digit 3rd Digit 4th Digit 5th Digit 6th Digit Description (for left-hand drive) Number of lanes allocated for the specific movement (including shared and short lanes). Number of short lanes. Shared lane information: 0= no shared lanes, 1= 1 lane shared with left turn only, 2= 1 lane shared with straight movement only, 3= 1 lane shared with right turn only, 4= 1 lane shared with U-turn only, 5= 1 lane shared with more than one movement, and 6= 2 shared lanes (applies to straight-ahead movement, with one shared lane on the left and another on the right). Is movement signal controlled? (1=yes, 2=no). Give way /opposed flow information: 0= not opposed, 1= opposed by pedestrian, 2= right turn opposed by oncoming vehicles, 3= right turn opposed by oncoming vehicles and pedestrian, 4= left turn giving to the traffic from right, 3= left turn giving to the traffic from right and pedestrian. Reserved for future use ( left blank) 11