Monthly Chapter Report Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk Lodge 209 This Report is to be turned into the Recording Secretary at each Lodge Executive Committee and to be included in the Minutes. Chapters must submit a report each month. Chapter Name: Chapter Chief: Date of Report: Chapter Adviser: Did you have a Chapter Meeting this month? Yes / NO Youths in Attendance: Adults in Attendance: What was the date of the meeting? Where was the meeting held? What topics did the meeting cover? What Activities did your chapter do at the meeting? (If possible, attach a copy of your meeting agenda and minutes) Activities and Events: What events did your chapter attend? How many attended? (If additional space is needed attach additional reports) Date of Event Name of Event Type of Scouts attended Scouters Total Event Attended Attendance Description and Comments: Description and Comments: Description and Comments: Chapter Contact Information Officer Chapter Chief Chapter Advisor Telephone # e-mail Address