1 ICIS Proposal Validation Session Clinical Scenario Please use the following information to build the clinical scenario for demonstration purposes. Three forms that we currently use for documentation are also included. The forms have been scanned and are best viewed in a printed format. The Scenario Evaluation Tool clearly indicates the functions that should be demonstrated during the scenario session. Additional information will be given on site for real-time data entry. Ms Apple, 16 year-old Gravida II, Para 0, Abortion 1; lives in Fayette County. On her first ______ Obstetrics (OB) clinic visit, the clerk notes the patient has not previously been seen in the ________ Healthcare system. The patient is registered as a new patient. Registration Information: Date Time: Angela Jane Apple DOB 10/30/82 Single No insurance Address: Phone: home Guarantor: Mother: Home phone work Chief complaint: pregnancy screening visit Primary care physician: Nurses note (Jane Jones RN): Urine pregnancy test positive at Health Dept 9/8/99. LMP 8/98. Referred by Dr. Peach. Wt.61kg. B/P 120/72, P 68, RR 16 T98.4 Allergies: PCN. OB Physicians Note (Dr. Brown): Normal pregnancy exam. Prior suicide attempt at age 12, parents divorced. Hgb 10 Problem list: Anemia, Depression, and Confirmed Pregnancy Prescription: Mulitvitamin 1 qd, Slow Fe 1 qd Ms. Apple presents to ______ Emergency Dept. (ED) Date 1/18/99 Presentation Time: 0840 DOB 10/30/82 Mode of arrival: walked Triage note entered at 0842 by VS: B/P 136/80, T 99oral, P88, RR 16 Wt 145 lb LMP Aug 98. 533565649 2 Chief complaint: urine infection Triage hx: c/o frequency and burning upon urination x 2 days. Lt lower back pain. Pregnant. Tx prior to arrival: none Last MD visit: OB clinic 9/04/98 Meds: prenatal vitamins and iron Allergies: PCN Acuity 3 Triage completed at 0850 Registration: Data update: Ms Apple has gotten married and is now Mrs. Orange. She lives at ___________________, phone _________. Her guarantor is her husband ________, 18 y.o. who works part time at _________. They have no insurance. Placed in treatment room at 0900 Nursing Assessment (Amy Blue RN): Skin warm and dry, pink mucous membranes. Denies nausea and vomiting. Urine appears slightly blood-tinged, hx of UTI’s in the past. No hx of pylenephritis. Denies any constipation or diarrhea. Denies alcohol, tobacco use or other substance abuse. Nursing Diagnosis: Infection, High Risk Nursing Interventions ordered: clean catch U/A, explain all procedures Nursing notes(Amy Blue RN): 0900 Undressed, instructed on clean catch urine. To bathroom 0910: urine speciman obtained, cloudy. Physician at bedside. 0930 Discharged home with instructions for UTI and Bactrim. Verbalized understanding of instructions Prescription given for bactrim. Discharged with mom at 0930. ED charge Level 2. Physician H & P(John Jones Resident): 16 y.o. gravida 2, para 0, abortion 1, 18 wks gestation presents with burning upon urination, fever to 101 times two days. Review of systems within normal limits. Family hx: recently married, mother diabetic. Physical exam: unremarkable. Medications: multivitamin, Slow Fe Allergies PCN. Urine dip: mod leukocytes, - nitrites, - bili, - protein, ph 7.0, trace blood, - ketones, glucose, specific gravity: 1.020. wbc 12,000. Assessment UTI Plan: Home, Bactrim I DS bid x 7 days, force fluids, tylenol for temp >101. Notify of culture result. Follow-up in OB clinic if condition worsens. Notify PCP and OB MD of this visit Co- signed by ED attending, Chuck Grant MD. 4/19/99 Mrs. Orange presents to ______ Hospital OB triage at 36 weeks in questionable labor that is confirmed. Problem list from ED visit and OB clinic is retrieved. Transferred to Labor and Delivery and placed on a Vaginal Delivery clinical pathway (See ICIS Images: Clinical Pathway 1 and 2. For demonstration purposes only the Admission, Recovery and Maintenance Phase need to be displayed). The “Admission Phase” orders are: D51/2Normal Saline to 533565649 3 run at keep open rate, NPO, check urine for protein on first void, hemogram, type and hold 2 units packed cells, bedrest, fetal heart monitoring, and initiate L & D teaching sheet. A social worker consult is ordered because the patient has no insurance. During “Recovery Phase” of clinical pathway, Ms. Orange meets the outcome “Indicates Desired Pain Relief”. Mrs. Orange delivers Baby Monica Amy. During the “Maintenance Phase”, the nurse determines Mrs. Orange is not meeting the outcome “Demonstrates Appropriate Bonding Behaviors”. The social worker (Mrs. Black) consults with Mrs. Orange and enters consult note: Medicaid application completed. Within 24 hours of admission to Postpartum, Mrs. Orange develops acute pulmonary edema. She is transferred to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) and the Cardiology service, intubated, placed on a ventilator. A Swan Ganz catheter is inserted for fluid and inotropic management. The nurse documents hemodynamic parameters (pulmonary artery pressures, cardiac output, cardiac index) (See ICIS images ICU flowsheet ) Vital signs in ICU 4/20 0400 0500 0600 0700 4/21 Temp 99F 99.4 99.6 99.2 HR 130 128 130 110 BP 140/85 136/80 140/84 130/80 RR 32 30 30 28 CO 4.0 4.0 5.4 CI 2.0 2.0 2.5 CVP 19 18 15 PCWP 18 16 14 PAS/PAD 35/20 36/14 22/16 SVR 1050 908 922 SpO2 95 95 96 97 ABG Ph PCO2 PO2 Os sat HCO3 Base Excess 0400 7.30 32 86 96 18 -1.0 Glu BUN Cr NA K Cl CO2 Mg 180 38 1.0 138 3.2 105 26 1.4 533565649 0500 0600 7.32 35 92 97 20 0.5 150 40 1.2 142 4.5 105 22 1.4 0700 4/21 0600 98.2 100 122/80 24 5.7 2.8 14 12 36/14 932 98 0600 145 42 1.4 142 4.4 106 24 1.4 4 WBC RBC Hgb Hct Platelets 10.5 4.3 9.2 30 138 12.1 4.0 9.6 31 148 The nurse documents a shift assessment at 0400. (The data for the Circulation section of shift assessment note will be given to you on-site, see ICIS Images:ICU/Acute Care Flowsheet for current note format) Respiratory : Respirations regular, breath sounds crackles in both bases, requires suctioning OETT, Secretions clear, thin, white. OETT, Gastrointestinal/Renal: Abdomen soft, Bowel sounds: hypoactive, Stool: Last BM: enema 4/19, Diet: NPO, Renal: foley, Urine: cloudy, sediment, yellow Immobilization: N/A The admitting resident was called away to another patient’s code before he could write the admit note (delayed charting) (The Cardiology admit note will be given to you on site for data entry). Mrs. Orange has an echocardiogram, an arterial blood gas, 2 hemogram panels (hemoglobin, hematocrit, WBC, RBC, platelets) and 3 electrolyte panels (sodium, potassium, chloride, CO2, BUN, creatinine, magnesium) during the first 24 hours in the CCU. Mrs. Orange is started on Captopril 12.5 mg PO TID. On 4/21 the Resident physician enters his progress note (The Resident progress note will be given to you on-site for data entry). When Mrs. Orange’s condition stabilizes, she is transferred to a telemetry floor. Her K+ is 4.2 and Creatinine is 1.0 the day after transfer. Captopril is increased to 25 mg PO TID. Two days later, the MD orders lisinopril 5 mg PO BID. The captopril is not d/c’d. The ordering MD is notified of duplication from same drug category. 4/30/99 Mrs.Orange. is discharged. Per physician request the clerk checks the system for back –to –back f/u appointments on the same day for ______ OB clinic with Dr. Brown and _____ Cardiology clinic with Dr. Peyton are ordered in 1 month, first available in the afternoon. The discharge is entered: Date of Birth 10/30/82 Admit Date: 4/19/99 Discharge Date 4/30/99 Discharge Physician: Admit Diagnosis: Labor Discharge Diagnoses/Problem List: Anemia Depression Status post UTI Status post Infection-High Risk Uncomplicated vaginal delivery with live birth 533565649 5 Acute Pulmonary Edema Postpartum Cardiomyopathy 16 year old white female with history of anemia, depression (nonpharmacological treatment only), UTI presented to _______ Hospital 36 weeks’ gestation in labor. Dr. Brown had followed patient in _______ OB Clinic and Dr Peach in Harrodsburg. Delivered 7lb 5 oz female infant without complication. Approximately 24 hours postpartum, developed acute respiratory distress requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation. Transferred to CCU where pulmonary artery catheter placed and inotropic support and diuresis initiated. Hemodynamic parameters and oxygenation subsequently improved. Successfully extubated after 36 hours on the ventilator to nasal cannula. Tolerated ACE inhibitor therapy. Patient was transferred to telemetry monitoring for 3 days with continued improvement in hemodynamic status. Discharged to home on the following medications: Captopril 25 mg PO BID, Lasix 20 mg PO QD, Slow Fe one tab QD and daily multivitamin. Follow-up with _______ OB and Cardiology clinics in 2 weeks. Dictating MD: Attending MD: 5/12/99 At the OB clinic visit The clinic nurse documents wt 110 lbs. BP 112/80 lying, 110/75 sitting, respiration even, unlabored. HR 78, RR 16, T 98.4. her inpatient Vaginal Delivery clinical pathway is reviewed and an electrolyte panel is obtained. 5/12/99 During the Cardiology clinic visit ________ reviews the patient’s problem list (anemia, depression, UTI, infection-high risk , vaginal delivery, postpartum cardiomyopathy) from the discharge summary and trends all labs obtained in the hospital and _____ OB clinic after discharge. Creatinine is 3.2. The physician is prompted by a rule that suggests stopping ACE Inhibitors if Creat. > 3.0. ________ reviews the vital signs. _______ documents the plan for discontinuation of ACE inhibitor and f/u appointment with him in 1month (The Outpatient clinic progress note will be given on-site). _________ enters the diagnosis postpartum cardiomyopathy. System suggests an appropriate level of service dependent upon documentation. Show how to look up patient in enterprise master member and patient index Show to register a new patient (Patient information will be provided on site for registration of new patient). 533565649