City Council March 15, 2010 Regular Meeting

Chelsea, Massachusetts, March 15, 2010
A Regular meeting of the Chelsea City Council was held. The following members were
present: Councilors Robinson, Hatleberg, Cortell, Pellegrino, MeKonnen, Barton, Brown,
Bishop, Vega-Torres, Bongiovanni, and Maronski. Council President Robinson presided
over the meeting. The meeting opened at 7:00 P.M.
Memoriums and celebratory resolutions:
The following Resolution was introduced by Councillor MeKonnen and all members of
the City Council. A motion from Councillor MeKonnen adopted the Resolution under
Estelle Zielinski of 15 County Road, born March 14, 1914,
recently celebrated her 96th birthday; and
Estelle Zielinski enjoys her many nieces and nephews; and
Estelle Zielinski enlightens us all with her friendship and just by
being a good neighbor; now therefore be it
that on behalf of the Citizens of Chelsea, we the members of the
Chelsea City Council, wish you a very Happy Birthday and may
you have many, many more.
The following Resolution was introduced by Councillor MeKonnen and all members of
the City Council. A motion from Councillor MeKonnen adopted the Resolution under
Hazel Ells of 15 County Road, born March 17, 1919, will be
celebrating her 91st birthday; and
Hazel Ells is the proud mother of two daughters and one son, six
grandchildren and eight great grandchildren; and
Hazel Ells is a good citizen and good neighbor to her many friends;
now therefore be it
that on behalf of the Citizens of Chelsea, we the members of the
Chelsea City Council, wish you a very Happy Birthday and may
you have many, many more.
Public speaking:
The public speaking portion of the meeting opened at 7:13 p.m.
The following came forward to speak:
Teresa Czeripica, 21 Prospect Avenue, spoke about the Charter Review, selection process
and contents.
Barney Sullivan, 103 Exeter Street, spoke about the large amounts of participants in the
Chelsea Pride program and the lack of space to provide for all.
David Prusky, 114 Boatwainsway, spoke about the Eastern Minerals agreement.
Michelle Nado 60 Dudley Street, spoke about the Early Learning Center and the high
quality it displays.
Anthony Bongiovanni, 46 Gillooly Road, spoke about Eastern Minerals agreement.
John Kinnard, 22 Winn. Street, spoke about the Eastern Minerals agreement.
Resident of 12 High Street, spoke about the Eastern Minerals agreement.
Resident of 66 Pearl Street, spoke about Eastern Minerals and the noise.
Resident of 130 Congress Avenue, spoke about Eastern Minerals and the sand in the area.
The public speaking portion closed at 7:38 P.M.
The minutes of the City Council meeting dated February 22, 2010 were approved at the
request of Councillor Brown under suspension.
Communications from City Manager:
The following communication was read from City Manager Jay Ash. A motion from
Councillor Vega-Torres to accept and file was adopted under suspension.
Honorable Chelsea City Council
Chelsea City Hall
500 Broadway
Chelsea, MA 02150
Re: Acceptance of Gifts and Donations
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Council:
The Chelsea tree Board has received an unsolicited $250.00 cash donation from the
Waterfront Coalition and pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws and the City of
Chelsea’s Ordinances, the City Council must formally accept this gift.
The gift to the Tree Board is to be used towards the purchase of trees to be distributed to
residents through a giveaway in a class held by the Tree Board at the Chelsea Community
Schools Program.
I would appreciate it if the Council would take action and approve the acceptance of this
Very truly yours,
Jay Ash
City Manager
Communications and petitions to the Council:
A copy of a communication was received from City Clerk Deborah Clayman notifying us
of the Special State Primary on April 13, 2010. A motion from Councillor Hatleberg to
accept and file was adopted under suspension.
A copy of a communication was received from Chelsea City-wide Tenants Association.
A motion from Councillor Hatleberg to accept and file was adopted under suspension.
A copy of a communication was received from Louis T. Addonizio, 59 Garland Street,
regarding monies owed. A motion from Councillor MeKonnen to accept and file was
adopted under suspension. An amendment by Councillor Barton was made to request the
City Treasurer to respond in the proper time frame was also adopted under suspension.
Second Readings:
The following Resolution was introduced by Councillor Robinson and read for the
second time. A motion was made by Councillor Vega-Torres to adopt by roll call.
Councillor Brown moved to divide the question into two parts. The first part being the
$500,000. “Marginal Street Corridor Improvement Project and Memorandam of
Agreement”. the second part being the $1,000,000 Loan Authorization. The amendment
was adopted under suspension. A roll call requested by Councillor Brown for the
$500,000 agreement passed 6-5-0-0. Voting yes were Councilors Robinson, Hatleberg,
Cortell, Brown, Vega-Torres, and Maronski. Voting no were Councilors Pellegrino,
MeKonnen, Barton, Bishop, and Bongiovani. A roll call was requested by Councillor
Brown for the $1,000,000 Loan Authorization. A 2/3 vote being needed to pass the
request. The vote was 7-4 defeating the request. 8 votes being needed. Voting yes were
Councilors Robinson, Hatleberg, Cortell, Barton, Brown, Vega-Torres, and Maronski.
Voting no were Councilors Pellegrino, MeKonnen, Bishop, and Bongiovanni. Councillor
Bongiovanni and Councillor Bishop requested to change their vote to a yes. There were
no objections and the $1,000,000 Loan Authorization was therefore adopted 9-2-0-0.
February 22, 2010
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has approved a $500,000
grant for the Highland Park renovation project under the
Massachusetts Parkland Acquisition and Renovations for
Communities (PARC) Grant program; and
the Highland Park project will include installation of artificial turf
on the existing soccer field, thereby providing a year-round and
reliable playing surface for soccer and other active programs at a
park which now has an uneven playing surface, is hard to maintain
and is intentionally closed by the City for at least 5 months a year
to allow for City staff to try to regrow the field to provide for a
minimally acceptable playing surface; and
the Highland Park project is consistent with the City’s Open Space
and Recreation Plan and the City’s overall effort to improve fields
of play, expand their hours and weeks of operation and meet the
growing and unmet demand for additional play space for youth and
adult organizations and leagues, and
the $500,000 PARC Grant, which is the maximum the State
contributes to local park projects, must be matched with another
$500,000 for the $1,000,000 Highland Park project to be
undertaken; and
the City Administration has entered into a Memorandum of
Agreement with Eastern Minerals, dated June 12, 2007 and entitled
“Marginal Street Corridor Improvement Project and Memorandum
of Agreement,” which, in addition to creating another public open
space along the waterfront and numerous other community
benefits, provides the $500,000 match towards the $1,000,000
Highland Park project; and
the PARC Grant process requires the City to fund, borrow or
otherwise set aside $1,000,000 to bind the PARC Grant
commitment, after which the PARC Grant will make
reimbursements for eligible expenditures and the City will collect
the Eastern Minerals match; and
in order to commit to the State the City’s intentions to move
forward on the Highland Park project, the City Administration
finds it necessary to not only set aside the $1,000,000 for the
Highland Park project, but to confirm, through a Council vote, the
approval of the sources to then fund the project, namely the PARC
grant and the Eastern Mineral match; and
to confirm and secure the Eastern Minerals match so as to assure
the State of the Highland Park projects viability, the City Council
is requested to hereby confirm the Memorandum of Agreement
between the City and Eastern; therefore be it
that the Chelsea City Council hereby endorses the PARC Grant
receipt and authorizes the Treasurer, with the approval of the City
Manager, to borrow the sum of $1,000,000 under and pursuant to
Chapter 44, sections 7 and 8, of the General Laws, as amended, or
any other enabling authority and to issue bonds or notes of the City
thereto, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized to file an
application with the State Municipal Finance Oversight Board of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to qualify any bonds or notes
to be issued under the authority of the Loan Order for issuance in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 44A of the General
Laws; and therefore be it further
that the Chelsea City Council hereby confirms the Memorandum
of Agreement with Eastern Minerals, dated June 12, 2007 and
entitled “Marginal Street Corridor Improvement Project and
Memorandum of Agreement,” which, among other community
benefits, provides for the sum of $500,000 for the Highland Park
New Business:
The following Order was introduced by Councillor Vega-Torres. Councillor Vega-Torres
moved to adopt the Order under suspension and it was adopted.
ORDERED, that a meeting be held to receive an update from Department of Public
Works on Tuesday, March 23,2010 at 6:30 P.M..
The following Resolve was introduced by Councillor Brown. Councillor Brown moved to
adopt under suspension. Councillor Barton objected to the suspension and requested a
roll call. Councillor Brown moved the Resolve to a second reading.
ORDERED, that due to the recent State of Economy, and the loss of jobs here in
Massachusetts, the Resolve requests that the State Delegation move with expediency to
adopt the Cori Bill pending before the House and to move to have it enacted into law
before the end of this legislative sessions.
The following Order was introduced by Councillor Robinson. Councillor Hatleberg
requested that the Order be adopted by roll call. The roll call passed 11-0-0-0. Voting yes
were Councilors Robinson, Hatleberg, Cortell, Pellegrino, MeKonnen, Bartopn, Brown,
Bishop, Vega-Torres, Bongiovanni, and Maronski.
ORDERED, that the State Warrant for the Special Election be adopted.
The following Order was introduced by Councillor Brown. Councillor Brown moved to
adopt the order by Suspension. Councillor Barton amended the order to send to the
Traffic Department. Councillor Barton then withdrew her amendment and the request by
Councillor Brown for suspension was adopted.
ORDERED, that a Sub-Committee on Conference be held with the M.B.T.A. officials
to discuss changes that were made to the 112 Bus from Admirals’s Hill to DeMoulas.
The following Order was introduced by Councillor Vega-Torres. A motion from
Councillor Vega-Torres for a roll call passed the order 11-0-0-0. Voting yes were
Councilors Robinson, Hatleberg, Cortell, Pellegrino, MeKonnen, Barton, Brown, Bishop,
Vega-Torres, Bongiovanni, and Maronski.
Be it ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Chelsea, as follows:
Pursuant to Section 3-5 of the City of Chelsea Ordinances, and pursuant to Chapter 44 &
53A of the Massachusetts General Laws, the City Council hereby accepts a gift from the
Waterfront Coalition to the City of Chelsea Tree Board in the amount of $250.00.
A moment of silence was conducted for the passing of Larry Hooker and John Fineran at
the request of Councillor Bongiovanni.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul G. Casino
Clerk of the Chelsea City Council