EPRFT (Version 3.0, 10.12.1990) ===== EPRFT is a program for the

EPRFT (Version 3.0, 10.12.1990)
EPRFT is a program for the simulation and least squares fit of
isotropic EPR spectra, treating hyperfine interaction to first order,
assuming constant linewidth. Convolution of lineshape is achieved
by using Fourier transform techniques. For the iterative fit procedure,
now (version 3) three methods are offered: an evolutionary
Monte-Carlo-technique (as in previous versions), the simplex method
and the Marquardt algorithm.
New features of version 3.0 (December 1990):
* Simplex method and Marquardt algorithm optionally applicable
for fitting procedure,
* mixed Lorentzian-Gaussian lineshape available,
* calculated area of integrated simulated spectrum is reported,
* provision for editing parameters is offered.
(C) Copyright:
*** Dr. Burkhard Kirste, Institut fuer Organische Chemie, ***
*** Freie Universitaet Berlin, Takustrasse 3,
*** D-1000 Berlin 33, Germany
The program may freely be used and distributed by the scientific
community, provided that the copyright notice is not removed.
The program may also be modified to meet personal requirements.
The program may not be sold or used commercially.
There is no warranty whatsoever, regarding proper function of the
program, errors, or any damage it might cause; i.e., the user
takes full responsibility.
IBM-PC/AT or compatible:
EPRFT.EXE (or EPRFTSM.EXE) may be used on its own, but it is
recommended to have VIEW.EXE installed (in the same directory or
in the search path) which may be called to display spectra.
The PC must be equipped with an arithmetic coprocessor, best results
are obtained on 486-machines. VIEW.EXE requires a graphics card
(EGA, VGA or Hercules).
Atari ST:
EPRFT.PRG (or EPRFTSM.PRG) should run on any 1040ST or Mega ST,
for graphics display, a monochrome monitor is required. The
version compiled with double precision numbers needs a lot of
computer memory, therefore desk accessories may have to be
removed. An arithmetic coprocessor (68881) is helpful, but
computation speed cannot compete with an 386/387 or 486 IBM-AT.
EPRFT (or EPRFTSM) has been successfully compiled on an IBM RT,
operating system AIX. Graphics support is not provided, however.
FITTING of experimental spectra
For fitting of experimental spectra, these must be stored on disk
in a suitable format. It is assumed that only ordinates (y-values)
are given and that the experimental points are equally spaced,
maximum number of data points is 4096 (4 K).
Data format may be ASCII (certainly the safest way) or 16-bit integer;
the program should recognize these formats automatically.
INPUT of parameters
At the beginning, it is recommended to provide parameters
interactively (see below). These parameters may be stored on
disk. For subsequent runs, this parameter file may be edited by
a suitable text editor or by means of EPRFT.
Several numbers on one input line should be separated by spaces,
although commas are acceptable. Simple questions (yes/no) are
answered by hitting the respective key (case insensitive), i.e.
y,Y,n or N without additionally hitting the RETURN key.
(Alternatively, RETURN yields the default answer.)
VARiations for fitting
The proper choice of VAR values (the "maximum" variations in an
iteration cycle) is of crucial importance in Monte Carlo and
simplex methods. They should roughly correspond to the estimated
In the Marquardt method, the only difference on input is non-zero
(to be modified) or zero (to be held constant). On output, the
error estimates are given.
Interactive questions
> Parameter input from/output to file, y/n/quit?
> Name of parameter file:
If the parameter file does not yet exist, a new one is
generated. Otherwise the data file names and parameters are
read in and the interactive input is skipped. In either case,
the final parameters are stored in the file.
> Do you wish to fit an exp. spectrum, y/n/quit?
Answer Y if you want iterative fitting, N for a plain simulation.
> Select Input File:
> Do you wish to store the simulation, y/n/quit?
> Select Output File:
> Number of sets of nuclei (max. 12)?
SETs of equivalent nuclei.
> hfc,spin,number[,var]
Hyperfine coupling constant (e.g., in mT), spin (0.5, 1, 1.5, ...),
number of equivalent nuclei within the set (max. 50),
and estimated error of the HFC (vide supra).
> Lineshape (1=Lorentzian, 2=Gaussian, 3=mixed)?
"Mixed" means mixed Lorentz-Gauss shape with the same peak-to-peak
width of the two components and selectable (but fixed) Lorentzian
> Linewidth peak-to-peak[,var] ?
Peak-to-peak linewidth and its estimated error (units as for HFC)
> Lorentzian fraction (0..1) ?
Only in the case of mixed lineshape (type 3)
> Length of spectrum (units as above) :
Total width of the experimental (or simulated) spectrum
> Position of point 1 (units as above)[, var] ?
This is usually a negative number, because the spectrum center
(symmetry center) is taken as 0.0.
> Which part of the spectrum shall be fitted?
> From point (...) to (...)?
Only in the case of iterative fitting; hit RETURN if the whole
spectrum shall be taken into account.
> Number of data points (1024, 2048, or 4096)?
Only in the case of a plain simulation.
> Edit (re-edit) input parameters?
(Y or N) - Opportunity to modify parameters selectively;
hit RETURN to keep the proposed value, or type in a new value,
followed by RETURN:
> No. of sets of nuclei
> --- Set no. %d -->
> Lineshape
> Linewidth
> Lorentzian fraction
> Length of spectrum
> Pos. of point 1
> Method of fitting: C=Monte Carlo, S=simplex, M=Marquardt ?
Note: the Monte Carlo method has "no algorithm" and is probably
the most robust method but will need the largest number of
iterations. There is no criterion for convergence other than
the failure of further improvements in the sigma value.
The simplex method also avoids calculation of derivatives
but provides a more deterministic scheme.
The Marquardt (or multidimensional Gauss-Newton) method strictly
follows gradients and will only work if the starting point is
sufficiently close to the global minimum, otherwise convergence
will fail. The convergence behavior may be improved by selecting a
factor less than unity. Convergence will also fail in cases of
counteracting parameters. On the other hand, successful convergence
is clearly stated and estimated errors of fitted parameters are
given (which are not provided by the other methods).
> Marquardt factor (0.1..1.0):
Only for the Marquardt method, see remarks above.
> Number of iterations ?
> Display of iterations: N=none, T=terminal, P=printer ?
> Input done!
Typically, the following set of data and parameter files is used
in a session:
sample.DAT (input, experimental data file, only y values)
sample.PAR (output or input/output, parameters)
sample.SIM (output, simulated or fitted spectrum)
Example parameter file (do not use comments # ... !):
2.7981 0.5
0.3011 0.5
0.0113 0.5 18
name of exp. data file
name of sim. spectrum file
no. of sets of nuclei
HFC, spin, no. of nuclei, variation
line shape (1, 2 or 3)
linewidth, variation
spectrum width
position of first point, variation
first and last point (for fitting)
The program has been compiled by means of Turbo C++ (1.0), but
Turbo C (2.0) should also work. Required modules are:
the optional file selector box also requires:
MYFRAME.C and SCREENC.OBJ (that material is copyrighted by
Said Baloui and Markt&Technik Verlag AG).
Use memory model compact.
The program has been compiled by means of Turbo C 2.0, but version
1.1 should also work. Required files:
Use compiler switches -P (absolute calls) and -M.
fcc eprftsm.c get_fnam.c -o eprftsm
The Monte Carlo method and an early version of program EPRFT have
been described in:
B. Kirste, J. Magn. Reson. 73, 213-224 (1987)
[Least-Squares fitting of EPR Spectra by Monte Carlo Methods].
Most standard numerical methods have been taken from:
W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling,
"Numerical Recipes", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986,
or from "Numerical Recipes in C".
Acknowledgment is made to Dr. Martin Plato, Institut fuer
Molekuelphysik, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Arnimallee 14,
1000 Berlin 33, Germany, for supplying me with several simulation