1 SIMULATION OF POWER CYCLE WITH ENERGY-UTILIZATION DIAGRAM Thongchai SRINOPHAKUN* Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10903, THAILAND Sangapong LAOWITHAYANGKUL Chemical Engineering Practice School, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok 10140, THAILAND and Masaru ISHIDA Research Laboratory of Resources Utilization, Tokyo Institute of Technology 4259 Nagatsuta, Midoriku, Yokohama, JAPAN 226-8503 * To whom all correspondence should be addressed. * Tel. 66-2-9428555 ext. 1214 * Fax. 66-2-5792083 * E-mail: fengtcs@nontri.ku.ac.th 2 ABSTRACT The graphical representation named Energy-Utilization Diagram (EUD) is a very useful tool for exergy analysis of chemical process. This technique can be applied to the power cycle; the combination of heat exchanger and power subsystems. The cooperation of EUD with the process simulator was introduced by retrieve the simulation results and thermodynamic properties. ASPEN Plus simulator was used in this research for constructing the EUD routine by programming in Fortran block and external Fortran files. The Rankine power cycle and the Rankine cycle were selected as a case study for verifying this routine. The sensitivity analysis of the Rankine cycle showed that the exergy loss/net generated power ratio (EXL/NGP) decreased with these three conditions: pump discharge pressure increase, the turbine discharge pressure decrease and steam temperature increase. The increase of subcooled temperature in condenser affected the increase of exergy loss/ net generated power ratio. The ratio of exergy loss/net generated power could be reduced by 12.61% compared to the base case after adjusting the operating condition. In addition, the modification of the Rankine cycle to the Kalina cycle could be achieved the purpose of exergy reduction. The ratio of EXL/NGP could reduce from 2.04805 in the Rankine cycle (improvement case) to be 1.06036 in the Kalina cycle. Thus the efficiency of power cycle could be improved efficiently. Keywords : Exergy Analysis / EUD / ASPEN Plus / Rankine Cycle / Kalina cycle 3 INTRODUCTION Many researchers conducted exergy analysis in the last two decades. Exergy analysis could be graphically presented using the Energy-Utilization Diagram (EUD) as a tool (Ishida, 1981). The EUD is constructed by plotting the energy quality, A, against energy quantity, H. Many exergy analyses using EUD were performed in the chemical process and power generation systems (Zheng et al., 1986; Wall et al., 1989; Jin et al., 1996). Also, Ishida and Zheng (1986) had developed the Graphic Structured CHEMosynthesizER program (GSCHEMER) for calculating and plotting EUD. Now, the exergy analysis could be linked to ASPEN Plus simulator (Hinderink et al., 1996; Harvey and Kane, 1996; Bram and De Ruyck, 1996). However, these analyses could only calculate the quantity of exergy loss in equipment or subsystem by doing the exergy balance over that equipment or subsystem. The grapical presentation of EUD using ASPEN Plus simulator is never mentioned in the previous research works. This research work is extended from the previous research on constructing EUD by using the Fortran block and external Fortran file in ASPEN Plus simulator. The benefit of the linking between the EUD routine and the simulator is to reduce the calculation step of the program because the EUD routine can simultaneously work with the stream properties and the simulation results. ENERGY-UTILIZATION DIAGRAM The definition of exergy is the work that is available in the material stream as a result of the non-equilibrium conditions relative to the reference condition. Normally, the 4 sea level and atmospheric condition are used as the reference condition (at 25oC). Then the exergy loss is denoted by and defined by the following equation. = H – T0 S (1) When the summation of in the system is considered, then j ( H j j T0 S j ) j T0 S j j H j Since H j j in the system is zero by the energy conservation law, then j j j T0 S j 0 (2) j In order to determine the level of energy, a new intensive parameter, called availability factor or energy level (A), was introduced. This parameter is used as an indicator of the potential of the energy donated and accepted by the processes, where: A = / H (3) When substitute Equation (1) into Equation (3), the energy level can be defined in the following formula. 5 A = 1 – (T0 S / H) (4) It describes the content of exergy on a certain quantity of energy; in other words, the exergy content is the maximum fraction of energy which can be converted to useful work. Basically, the energy transferred between the processes in a system. The process that releases energy is called "energy donor (ed)", whereas the energy receiving process is called "energy acceptor (ea)". The exergy loss in the system is denoted by EXL which is equal to “ j ”. Hence, for the general system, EXL j H ea ( Aed Aea ) 0 H ea (in positive sign ) H ed Where (5) (6) When Hea become smaller, Equation (5) can be expressed EXL j H ea (A ed Aea ) dH ea (7) 0 Consequently, by plotting the energy level of energy donating process (A ed) and the energy accepting process (Aea) against the transformed energy (dHea), the amount of exergy loss in the system can be obtained as the area between the curves A ea and Aed. The energy level difference between Aed and Aea (Aed-Aea) indicates the driving force for the energy transformation. (EUD). This diagram is called the Energy-Utilization Diagram 6 Heat exchanger subsystem (Zheng et al., 1986) For the heat exchanger subsystem, H is defined by Q, also S is Q/T. Then Equation (4) yields: A = 1 – T0/T (8) Therefore, from Equation (8), the energy level (A) ranges from – to 1. The unity is the maximum value of A at infinite temperature (very high temperature). A becomes zero when its temperature is equal to the reference temperature (T = T0 = 298.15 K). When the temperature is close to zero, the energy level becomes minus infinity. The energy balances between energy donor and energy acceptor must be considered for calculating the temperature at any change in Hea. Hence, the energy level of both energy donor and energy acceptor could be calculated by Equation (8). Power subsystem (Ishida and Kawamura, 1982) In power subsystem, in which H is equal to W whereas S = 0. Therefore, Equation (4) becomes: A = (H – T0 S) / H = 1 (9) It means that the energy level of work source (for compressor) and work sink (for turbine) are always equal to one. However, the energy level of acceptor (compressor) and donor (turbine) can be calculated by using Equations (10) and (11), 7 then replacing them in Equation (4) to get the equation used to calculate the energy level in both compressor and turbine. H nC p (Tout Tin ) T S n ln out Tin Cp Pout Pin (10) R (11) Isentropic compressor/turbine The isentropic efficiency of compressor is defined by Equation (12), whereas Equation (13) shows the definition of isentropic efficiency of turbine (Avallone and Baumeister III, 1997). c isentropic work h s out hin actual work hout hin (12) t h hin actual work out isentropic work h s out hin (13) Also, the isentropic efficiency can be expressed in terms of inlet-outlet pressure, temperature and the ratio of Cp and Cv (or k) as shown in Equation (14). c 1 t Tin ( Pout / Pin )( k 1) / k 1 Tout Tin (14) 8 The enthalpy change in the power system can be calculated from the energy balance equation and it also equals to the work in power subsystem as expressed in Equation (15). H W nc p (Tout Tin ) (15) The required work (for compressor) or generated work (for turbine) can be calculated in terms of inlet-outlet pressure as shown in Equation (16) (Ishida and Kawamura, 1982). P ( k 1) / k k out W nPinVin 1 c (1 k ) Pin ( k 1) / k t k Pout nPinVin 1 (1 k ) Pin (16) Polytropic compressor Polytropic compressor still uses energy balance equation (Equation (15)). However, the polytropic efficiency (p) is defined by Equation (17) (Avallone and Baumeister III, 1997). k 1 ln( Pout / Pin ) p k ln( Tout / Tin ) (17) 9 In the polytropic process, the polytropic coefficient (m) is expressed by Equation (18). PVm = constant (18) The polytropic coefficient (m) can be defined in terms of Cp/Cv ratio and polytropic efficiency (p) as in Equation (19). m 1 k 1 1 m k p (19) The required work for polytropic compressor is given by Equation (20) (Ishida and Kawamura, 1982). P ( m 1) / m m 1 W nPinVin out 1 Pin 1 m p (20) Pump The work required by pump in any flowsheet is very low compared to the work generated by turbine or the compressor work. In addition, the enthalpy, entropy and temperature change slightly after the pump operation. Hence, it could be assumed that the temperature increases linearly with pump. Calculation of the energy level of energy acceptor at any intermediate points is not required. The energy level calculation was required only at the inlet and outlet stream. 10 RANKINE CYCLE The Rankine cycle is selected as an example for testing the routines by applying them in the ASPEN Plus simulation program. This cycle consists of two heat exchangers, one turbine and one pump as shown in Figure 1. The Rankine cycle is the cycle that is used to produce the electric power. This power can be generated when the high pressure steam reduces its pressure to a lower pressure. For this example, the high pressure steam at 2000 kPa and 773.15 K (stream 2) is fed into turbine to reduce the pressure to 100 kPa. At the outlet condition (stream 3), the enthalpy of steam is reducing from the inlet condition. The difference of inlet enthalpy and outlet enthalpy is transformed to the outlet power from the turbine. The outlet steam is then passed to condenser. The steam is condensed in this heat exchanger to become saturated liquid after leaving at the outlet (stream 4). The cooling water (streams 7 and 8) is used in condenser as cooling media. The increase of cooling water temperature is limited to 10 K, i.e. from 303.15 K to 313.15 K. The condensed liquid from condenser is then raised to a pressure of 2000 kPa before being fed to the steam boiler (stream 1). In the boiler, the high pressure liquid changes its phase to become high pressure steam (superheated steam). The outlet condition of stream 2 is returned back to be at 2000 kPa and 773.15 K. The exhaust gas (streams 5 and 6) that consists of plenty of nitrogen is fed into hot side of boiler to release heat to the cold side. The exhaust gas temperature is decreased from 1273.15 K to 444.25 K. Figure 1 Rankine cycle 11 ENERGY-UTILIZATION DIAGRAM OF RANKINE CYCLE Heat exchanger subsystem There are two heat exchangers in Rankine cycle, the boiler and the condenser.Thus, the EUD can be divided into two sections as shown in Figure 2. In the boiler section, the hot gas is the energy donor. Its temperature reduced from 1273.15 K (Aed = 1 – (298.15 / 1273.15) = 0.76582) to 423.95 K (Aed = 1 – (298.15 / 423.95) = 0.29674). The water in the cycle plays the role of energy acceptor. The boiler feed water changed its phase from liquid at 374.99 K (Aea = 1 – (298.15 / 374.99) = 0.20492) to become the steam at 773.15 K (Aea = 1- (298.15 / 773.15) = 0.61437). At the middle points in energy acceptor line, the temperature and energy level were constant at 485.59 K and 0.386, respectively. Figure 2 EUD of heat exchanger subsystem in Rankine cycle In the condenser section, the exhaust steam is the energy donor. Its phase has changed from steam at 493.31 K (Aed = 1- (298.15 / 493.31) = 0.39561) to become saturated liquid (water) at the hot side outlet (at 374.69 K, Aed = 1 – (298.15 / 374.69) = 0.20427). The cooling water is the energy acceptor in the condenser because of change in its temperature from 303.15 K (Aea = 1 – (298.15 / 303.15) = 0.01649) to 313.05 K (Aea = 1 – (298.15 / 313.05) = 0.0476). In this section, the phase change occurred only on energy donor side (Exhaust steam from turbine). The shaded area of this figure represents the overall exergy loss in heat exchanger subsystem. The exergy loss was calculated to be 29.274 MW. The exergy loss in boiler and condenser were equal to 17.513 MW and 11.761 MW, respectively. 12 Power subsystem The power subsystem considered were turbine and pump, which exist in the Rankine cycle. This subsystem did not need sorting as required in the heat exchanger subsystem. But the user must separate the generated and consumed work for calculating the net generated (or consumed) work in cycle. It was separated into two equipment, i.e. turbine and pump. The generated work from turbine was 13.8 MW but the consumed work by pump was 0.0746 MW. Thus, the net generated work, which could be calculated by subtracting pump work from turbine work, was 13.748 MW. Figure 3 could be plotted for showing the power subsystem EUD for Rankine cycle by using data from simulation. Figure 3 EUD of power subsystem in Rankine cycle The X-axis value illustrates the value of consumed work by pump, generated work from turbine and the net generated work. The consumed pump work was very low relative to the generated power from turbine. The pump work was approximately only 0.5% of the turbine work. Table 1 shows the summary of the net generated power and the overall exergy loss in Rankine cycle. Table 1 Summary of net generated power and exergy loss in Rankine cycle It was observed that the main exergy loss existed in the heat exchanger subsystem (about 90.86%). Only 9.14% of total exergy loss was in power subsystem. The exergy loss in boiler accounted for 54.35% of the total exergy loss and was the major 13 part of exergy loss in system. On the other hand, the exergy loss in pump could be considered negligible since it was relatively low compared to the total exergy loss (only 0.18%). SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF RANKINE CYCLE Scopes of the study Constraints - Constant water circulation rate in cycle = 100 tons/hr - Constant temperature difference of cooling water in condenser from 303.15 K to 313.05 K - Constant temperature difference of hot gas in boiler from 1273.15 K to 423.95 K Variables to be adjusted - Pressure discharge of pump, - Pressure discharge of turbine, - Outlet temperature of boiler, - Subcooled temperature of condenser. There are some awareness during the simulation stage regarding the input of improper operating conditions. - Liquid phase exists either at outlet conditions or at some intermediate conditions (Turbine) - Cold stream is hotter than hot stream (Boiler and condenser) - Feed not all liquid, outlet conditions may be wrong (Pump) 14 Results and discussion In order to compare the exergy loss in each case, a new variable was introduced to perform sensitivity analysis. Since the net generated power (NGP) were not equal in each case, the ratio of exergy loss divided by net generated power (EXL/NGP) was a new variable to study the increase or decrease of exergy loss in system. The results of sensitivity analysis of operating conditions change show in Table 2. Table 2 Summary of sensitivity analysis results Effect of pump discharge pressure The increase of pump discharge led to the NGP increasing by 1.70% and the total exergy loss reducing by 0.91%. The main reduction of exergy loss occurred in the heat exchanger subsystem. The explanation is that the increased pressure raises the boiling point of water in cycle close to that of the hot gas. Thus, the area between energy donor and energy acceptor gets closer. In addition, while the different pressure across turbine increases, the outlet exhaust steam temperature from turbine decreases close to the cooling water temperature. Hence, the area between cooling water and exhaust steam/condensate reduced. In contrast, the exergy loss in power subsystem increased because the pump required additional work for building up the increased pressure. The higher the pressure difference, the higher the turbine generated work. In the consideration of EXL/NGP ratio, the increase of pump discharge pressure led to the decrease of total EXL/NGP ratio by 2.57%. It meant that the increase of pump pressure has the potential to improve the Rankine cycle efficiency. 15 Effect of turbine discharge pressure The decrease of turbine discharge pressure led the NGP increasing by 2.41% and the total exergy loss reducing by 0.55%. The main reduction of exergy loss occurred in the heat exchanger. When the turbine pressure was reduced, the temperature outlet from turbine was reduced. Then, the temperature difference between exhaust steam and cooling water was reduced to decrease the exergy loss in the condenser by 3.44%. But the temperature difference in boiler between boiler feed water and hot gas was then increased much more than the base case. The boiler must input more heat duty from energy donor to energy acceptor. Thus, the exergy loss in boiler had increased by 0.75%. However, after calculation, the overall exergy loss in heat exchanger subsystem was reduced by 0.93%, whereas the exergy loss in power subsystem was increased 3.24% because both pump and turbine had a large pressure difference between the outlet and inlet. Finally, the total EXL/NGP ratio tended to decrease by 2.89% when the turbine discharge pressure decreased from 100 kPa to 90 kPa. In order to reduce the exergy loss in the Rankine cycle, the turbine discharge pressure should be decreased. Effect of boiler outlet temperature The increase of boiler outlet temperature increased the NGP by 10.97% and the total exergy loss increased 2.83%. The exergy loss in condenser was greatly increased from base case. When the temperature outlet from boiler increased, the temperature of exhaust steam from turbine increased too. Thus, the condenser had to remove more heat duty from hot side at the same operating pressure. Two units that had the exergy loss reduction were boiler and turbine. Because the temperature difference between hot gas and steam in boiler was reduced, the area of exergy loss decreased. If the turbine operated at higher inlet temperature, the gap between energy donor line and energy 16 acceptor line was reduced. The overall exergy loss in the Rankine cycle increased by 2.83%. However, if the EXL/NGP was considered, this ratio was decreased by 7.33% for the case of boiler outlet temperature increase. In order to improve the cycle, the boiler outlet temperature is recommended to be increased. Effect of subcooled temperature in condenser The increase of subcooled temperature of water in condenser did not give any exergy loss reduction. Most of exergy losses were increased after the subcooled temperature increased. The major change of exergy loss occurred in boiler by increasing 11.85%, whereas the change of exergy loss was about 4.30%. Both heat exchangers were affected by the increase of subcooled temperature. The temperature difference in boiler increased between energy donor and energy acceptor. Then the heat duty in boiler increased. Also, in condenser, the heat duty must increase for cooling the condensate below the boiling point. The ratio of EXL/NGP was finally increased by 8.00%. Thus, the increase of subcooled temperature led to the increase of exergy loss. It was not recommended for the Rankine cycle improvement. The decrease of EXL/NGP ratio was affected by pump outlet pressure increase, the turbine outlet pressure decrease and the increase of boiler temperature. Thus, this conclusion will be used in the next topic for applying into improvement case. 17 Improvement case As mentioned in previous sections, the change of operating condition was used to check how much exergy loss could be reduced without any modification on the flowsheet. New operating conditions are listed as below. - Increase pump discharge pressure from 2000 kPa to 2175 kPa - Decrease turbine discharge pressure from 100 kPa to 90 kPa - Increase boiler outlet temperature from 773.15 K to 848.15 K Table 3 shows the exergy loss of the improvement case. Table 3 Exergy loss of improvement case compared to base case All of EXL/NGP ratios reduced after changing the operating conditions. The main reduction of exergy loss occurred in the heat exchanger subsystem. Boiler could reduce the exergy loss by 15.17%, while 9.67% was reduced in condenser. Also, the exergy loss of power subsystem reduced by 9.27% and 4.57% for turbine and pump, respectively. The overall exergy loss reduction for improvement case was achieved by reducing EXL/NGP ratio by 12.61%. Thus, the change of operating condition could reduce the exergy loss by 12.61% without any flowsheet modification. KALINA CYCLE In order to improve the power cycle efficiently, the modification of the process is required. In this case study, the study of the Kalina cycle was performed. The Kalina cycle was introduced into the engineering society by Kalina (1984). The Kalina cycle 18 uses an ammonia-water mixture as the working liquid in the cycle. The boiling point of the mixture in boiler is variable temperatures unlike the pure water as in the Rankine cycle. The variable temperature boiling can maintain temperature closer to that of the hot gas in the boiler. Thus, the exergy loss could reduce in the Kalina cycle. Figure 4 shows the Kalina cycle (Wall, 1989). Streams 1 and 2 represent the hot gas fed to the boiler as the heating media. The ammonia-water vapor (3) from boiler is then expanded in the turbine to generate the power (4). The turbine exhaust gas (5) is cooled (6, 7, 8), diluted with the ammonia-poor liquid (9, 10) and condensed (11) in the absorber by cooling water (12, 13). The saturated liquid leaving the absorber is pumped (14) to an intermediate pressure and heated (15, 16, 17, 18) in reheater1, reheater2 and distiller, respectively. The saturated mixture is separated into an ammonia-poor liquid (19) which is cooled two times (20, 21) and depressurized in a throttle. Whereas an ammonia-rich vapor (22) is cooled (23) and some of the original condensate (24) is added to the nearly pure ammonia vapor to obtain an ammonia concentration of about 70% in the working fluid (25). The mixture is then cooled (26) and condensed (27) by cooling water (28, 19). The condensate of working fluid is then compressed (30) again, and reheated in feedwater heater before sending to the boiler (31). Figure 4 Kalina cycle ENERGY-UTILIZATION DIAGRAM OF KALINA CYCLE Figure 5 shows the overall Energy-Utilization Diagram (EUD) of the Kalina cycle described above. This diagram could separated into many equipment existed in the process as the note. As observed, the exergy loss represented by the area between the 19 energy donor and energy acceptor lines was a smaller area than the exergy loss in the EUD of Rankine cycle. In the boiler section, the energy level of energy acceptor (working mixture fluid) declined its boiling temperature in the middle point of the line. At this range, the boiling temperature of ammonia-water mixture varied along the energy transferring in the boiler. The reduction of exergy loss should be improved by changing the working fluid to become mixture. Comparing EUD in Figure 5 with EUD plot by Wall et al., 1989, the feature of the curve was observed to be the same together. However, some of energy transferring in turbine and heat exchanger might be different because of the Thermodynamics option set was selected in the different set between of these two works. Also, the operating conditions in this cycle that was simulated by ASPEN Plus had differed from the work of Wall et al., 1989, the energy level in heat exchangers was then also slightly different. Table 4 shows the summary of net generated power and exergy loss in the Kalina cycle. Table 4 Summary of net generated power and exergy loss in Kalina cycle From above table, the net generated power in the Kalina cycle could account to 168.32 KW. The exergy loss in heat exchanger subsystem was the major part (about 79%), of total exergy loss. The exergy loss in turbine was increased from the original Rankine cycle from 9% to 21%. Main exergy loss in cycle was in the boiler about 64% of total exergy loss. The exergy loss in other heat exchangers was minor sections in this study. This table also presents that the ratio of exergy loss and net generated power (EXL/NGP) was much more improvement for the power cycle study. The EXL/NGP ratio was reduced from 2.04805 in the Rankine cycle improvement case to be 1.06036 in 20 the Kalina cycle case. This was a big improvement of the efficiency of power cycle system. CONCLUSIONS 1. The concept of exergy analysis and Energy-Utilization diagram (EUD) was used as a tool for improving and developing the combination process of heat exchanger and power subsytems. The EUD could be graphically represented for exergy analysis by showing the amount of heat transferred or generated (or consumed) work on X-axis, while Y-axis shows the energy level in terms of energy donor and energy acceptor. The area between the energy level of donor and acceptor indicates the value of exergy loss in the system. In order to construct the EUD by ASPEN Plus simulator, the EUD routine was programmed in Fortran block and external Fortran file. 2. The constructed routines were applied to the Rankine cycle. The simulation found that the main exergy loss existed in the heat exchanger subsystem (about 90% of total exergy loss), whereas the exergy loss in pump was negligible since its value was approximately 0.2% of the total exergy loss. 3. Sensitivity analysis of Rankine cycle demonstrated that the total exergy loss per net generated power ratio (EXL/NGP) tended to decrease when the pump discharge pressure increased, the turbine discharge pressure decreased or the steam temperature increased. But the increase in subcooled temperature in condenser led to the increase in total exergy loss per net generated power increase. This analysis could be used as a guideline or suggestion for improving the Rankine cycle efficiency or related power generation cycle. In the improvement case, the ratio of total exergy loss per net 21 generated power could be reduced by 12.61% by adjusting the operating condition without any flowsheet modification. 4. The modification of flowsheet from the Rankine cycle to the Kalina could reduce the ratio of EXL/NGP from 2.04805 in the Rankine cycle improvement case to be 1.06036 in Kalina case study. It meant that the modification of flowsheet and the working fluid change could decrease the exergy loss in the system. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. This study should extend to perform the sensitivity analysis on the Kalina cycle in order to find the optimum operating condition for reducing the exergy loss in the system. 2. From the economic evaluation point of view, the sensitivity analysis should consider the cost saving of exergy loss reduction (by calculating the operating cost of cooling water and hot gas and the generated power cost) compared to the increasing cost of equipment for any case in the sensitivity analysis. 3. The research should be extended to other subsystems to cover all unit operations used in a real plant. The investigation on the reaction subsystem and distillation column are suggested for further study. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to express their thanks to all of these professors, Dr. Goran Wall (Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Sweden) 22 and Dr. Yehia M. El-Sayed (Advanced Energy System Analysis, USA), for their warm consideration and all document and data support in this research. NOMENCLATURE A = Availability factor or Energy level [dimensionless] AA = Energy level of energy acceptor [dimensionless] AD = Energy level of energy donor [dimensionless] Cm = Mean heat capacity [J/kg-K] Cp = Constant pressure heat capacity [J/kg-K] Cv = Constant volume heat capacity [J/kg-K] EXL = Exergy loss [J/s] G = Gibb’s free energy [J/s] H = Enthalpy [J/s] h = Mass enthalpy [J/kg] k = Ratio of Cp and Cv [dimensionless] m = Polytropic coefficient [dimensionless] NGP = Net generated power [J/s] n = Number of moles [mole] P = Pressure [N/m2] Q = Heat duty [J/s] R = Gas law constant [8314.33 J/kgmol-K] S = Entropy [J/s-K] s = Mass entropy [J/kg-K] T = Temperature [K] 23 V = Volume of gas [m3] W = Work [J/s] Subscript 0 = Reference condition (at 298.15 K) c = Isentropic compressor ea = Energy acceptor ed = Energy donor i = Integer numbers (1, 2, 3, …) in = Input j = Integer numbers (1, 2, 3, …) out = Output p = Polytropic compressor t = Isentropic turbine Superscript s = Isentropic operation Greek letters = Exergy change [J/s] = Efficiency 24 REFERENCES 1. 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Duplicate outlet hot and cold streams Go to other heat exchangers Do loop for i = 1 to n+1 Calculate pressure at the inlet of each section Supply divided heat duty into hot stream Call FLASH subroutine Get inlet temperature of hot stream in each section Draw divided heat duty from cold stream Call FLASH subroutine Get inlet temperature of cold stream in each section Calculate energy level of energy donor and energy acceptor Export data for sorting and plotting in MS Excel Calculate exergy loss 36 APPENDIX B.: Steps of calculation for isentropic compressor or turbine Read inlet and outlet stream Read calculated work and isentropic efficiency Calculate value of C p/C v ratio and C p Go to other compressors/turbines Specify number of sections and divide the different pressure in each section. Do loop for i = 1 to n+1 Calculate required or generated work in each section Calculate the outlet temperature in each section Calculate entropy change in each section Compressor: Calculate energy level of energy acceptor Set energy level of energy donor to be 1 Turbine: Calculate energy level of energy donor Set energy level of energy acceptor to be 1 Plot EUD by MS Excel Calculate exergy loss 37 APPENDIX C.: Steps of calculation for polytropic compressor Read inlet and outlet stream Read calculated work and polytropic efficiency Calculate value of C p/C v ratio, C p and m Specify number of sections and divide the different pressure in each section. Go to other compressors Do loop for i = 1 to n+1 Calculate required work in each section Calculate the outlet temperature in each section Calculate entropy change in each section Compressor: Calculate energy level of energy acceptor Set energy level of energy donor to be 1 Plot EUD by MS Excel Calculate exergy loss 38 APPENDIX D.: Steps of calculation for pump Go to other pumps Read inlet and outlet stream Read calculated work Pump: Calculate energy level of energy acceptor Set energy level of energy donor to be 1 Plot EUD by MS Excel Calculate exergy loss