UIW Alumni Association Board Meeting April 18, 2008 8:00 a.m. UIW Feik School of Pharmacy Minutes Louis Agnese, III Trevor Alexander *Anais Biera Marisol Bustamante Jenny Carnes Dawn Cunningham Shellie Eagan Richard Garcia Cleofas Garza Tai Ingram Ann Lauder Nikki Lee Cheryl McMullan Barbara Aranda-Naranjo Donna Normandin Enzo Pellegrino Anthony Ramos Lisa Schultz Keith Patrick Steinhurst Veronica Vela Whitacre Guests: Rick Smith *indicates members absent President Donna Normandin called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m. Trevor Alexander offered an opening prayer. I. Committee Reports Alumni & Parents Weekend- Lou Agnese reported that we are going to reinstate the name “Homecoming.” We will also have a week-long celebration leading up to the weekend. This week of activities will be planned primarily by the current UIW students. Donna thanked Tony Ramos, Lisa Schultz and Rick Smith for their involvement in the Spring Fling. Dawn Cunningham wanted to know the difference between Spring Fling and Wordstock, their attendance and fundraising. Trevor Alexander explained that Wordstock was held to welcome student from the area back to school. Spring Fling is primarily a UIW softball team fundraising event. Phonathon- Enzo Pellegrino stated that the main goal of Phonathon in the past few weeks was to get accurate addresses and valid telephone numbers. He stated that previous recommended strategies from the 1 committee have not been implemented by Mr. Patrick Greener. Mr. Pellegrino would like to see a competition between athletics to see who could raise the most money in a given time. He would also like to see a similar competition between other organizations. A discussion ensued over the low participation rate. Donna Normandin felt it might be because people now have caller ID. Dawn Cunningham liked the idea of callers beginning their call by inviting alumni to upcoming events and then asking for a pledge. Mr. Pellegrino suggested a matching gift program, where alumni companies/businesses will match amount raised on a given night. All were enthusiastic. Richard Garcia suggested that those who have never given be encouraged to give the amount of their graduation year. (ex. $20.08) Alumni Networks- Richard Garcia reported on past and upcoming mixers. At the Tryst mixer in San Antonio, Mr. Garcia spoke to each participant individually to find out what they wanted from their UIW Alumni Association. He found that they would like more community service and networking opportunities for alumni. Alumni would like to have alumni sports games, as well as an online community. They would also like more alumni merchandise available for purchase. Some of the items discussed were car magnets or bumper stickers and more clothing. Keith Steinhurst wanted to know if they had anymore IWC memorabilia that they would be willing to sell. It was suggested to have an online auction of IWC merchandise between alumni. Veronica Whitacre was disappointed in the UIW representation at high schools in the Valley. She suggested we provide UIW pennants to high schools to display during college recruitment week. Lisa Schultz said she would meet with the UIW Bookstore manager to discuss strategy for offering more alumni merchandise. Nikki Lee and Enzo Pellegrino both agreed that it would be nice to have a shopping cart on the UIW website to purchase alumni merchandise. Mr. Pellegrino would like UIW to offer return address labels to alumni as an incentive to give to the Annual Fund. Alumni of Distinction- Lisa Schultz reported for Cleo Garza that the committee has selected Dr. Arturo Chavez for the 2008 Alumni of Distinction Award recipient for the May Commencement. Dr. Chavez will also serve as the afternoon commencement speaker. The application is online to submit names for future alumni of distinction recipients. Young Alumni- Tai Ingram was unable to make the first young alumni mixer held at Barbed Wire Smokehouse, but heard that those attending had a great time eating, networking and watching the Spurs game on the 2 big screen television. Rick Smith announced the rate of $17 offered by the Witte Museum for their Human Body exhibit for the May 15 mixer. All agreed that young alumni would not pay that rate for a mixer. Dawn Cunningham suggested the Merchants Grand Café in Alamo Heights, which is partially owned by her husband’s family. She also suggested current upper classmen inviting young alumni to events. Donna Normandin proposed a financial planning seminar to graduating seniors. Nominating- Donna Normandin reviewed the two selections for vacant Board positions. Aaron Seaman, BA 2007 would complete Todd Rasco’s remaining 2 years on the Board. Elizabeth Worley would replace Diane Gottsman and hold a 3-year term. This motion was made by Donna Normandin and was seconded by Keith Steinhurst. All were in favor of accepting the nominations. II. Proposed New Committee- Donna Normandin explained the need for a new committee to promote alumni participation in on-campus events. The OnCampus Event Committee will assist with on-campus events and programming to bridge the gap between current students, faculty and administration with alumni. Some events include but are not limited to: Spring Fling, Campus Move-In Day, Tailgates, Meet the Mission, Graduation Finale and athletic events. Richard Garcia motioned to accept the new committee and Ann Lauder seconded the motion. All were in favor. Trevor Alexander was selected as the Chair of the committee and was welcomed to the Executive Committee. III. By-Laws- Donna Normandin proposed and motioned for an amendment to the UIW Alumni Association By-Laws to change Article VI. Committees, Section B. to read: Board or Committee members may serve on no more than two (2) standing committees and may Chair only one concurrently. Veronica Whitacre seconded the motion. All were in favor. IV. Election of Officers- Donna Normandin recommended another one-year term in office for Louis Agnese, III as Vice President and Enzo Pellegrino as Secretary. Ann Lauder made a motion to accept the recommendation and Cheryl McMullan seconded that motion. All were in favor. V. New Business iModules – Lisa Schultz gave a brief update on the alumni social networking site and announced its launch date of April 28, 2008. Rick Smith encouraged all Board members to build their profiles. Donna Normandin suggested that Mr. Smith resend the Board the link and instructions. 3 Student Alumni Association – Rick Smith discussed the formation of an on-campus Student Alumni Association to begin this fall. All thought it was a great idea to get students involved in the Alumni Association, so they will be ready to serve and will be active alumni, when they graduate. Donna Normandin said the organization should be an extension of the Young Alumni Committee, under the direction of Tai Ingram. Other Business i. We should start reaching out to ADCaP students, before they graduate. ii. More publicity is needed for the MARS Scholarship. iii. The Alumni Association will actively participate in the fall student Move-In Day. The football team will assist in moving items into the dorms. iv. Donna Normandin is still waiting for a comprehensive sports package from Mark Papich. The goal is for the package to be ready for this year’s Homecoming. v. Lisa Schultz and Donna Normandin will look into saving the funds raised from special events or fundraising events, instead of these funds going into the general UIW fund. vi. It was announced that the UIW Fashion Show will be held Monday, April 21 and that there were still tickets available. It was also announced that the Swing-In Auction Party and Golf Tournament will be held May 1-2. vii. Shellie Eagan will look into the cost for a UIW James Avery charm we could purchase. viii. Ann Lauder announced that the Headwaters Coalition is working on an ecological sanctuary on the UIW campus. She will keep us updated on the progress. Donna Normandin adjourned the meeting at 9:55 a.m. Next Executive Meeting- Tuesday, July 22, 2008 (8:30-10 a.m.) Tuesday, October 28, 2008 (8:30-10 a.m.) Next Board Meeting- Friday, November 21, 2008, (8-10 a.m.) 4