Chapter 3 Test Items Multiple Choice Which of the following is the

Chapter 3 Test Items
Multiple Choice
Which of the following is the most common higher-incidence disability?
a. Speech or language impairment
b. Learning disability
c. Intellectual Disabilities
d. Emotional disturbance
What percentage of students ages 6-21 are those with higher-incidence disabilities of all students with disabilities?
a. 65%
b. 75%
c. 80%
d. 95%
Examples of voice disorders include all but which of the following:
a. A hoarse voice
b. A nasal voice
c. A breathy voice
d. An accented voice
Articulation disorders are characterized by which of the following?
a. Difficulty pronouncing words
b. Spitting
c. Swearing
d. Stuttering
Difficulty in language comprehension, phonology, syntax, or pragmatics are characteristic of disorders of
a. Speech
b. Articulation
c. Fluency
d. Language
What is a word to describe the grammatical structure of language that is concerned with word order and noun-verb
a. Semantics
b. Pragmatics
c. Aphasia
d. Syntax
What is the cause of stuttering?
a. A cleft palate
b. Infection of the adenoid glands as an infant
c. A hypertrophic prefrontal lobe of the brain
d. Unknown
Unaided communication is seen in all of the following EXCEPT
a. Manual signing
b. Making gestures
c. Using a picture board
d. Pointing
Which of the following is NOT an example of assistive technology?
a. Speech activated computers
b. A picture board
c. Sign language
d. A stick to point with
10. Which of the following will facilitate an answer from a student who stutters?
a. Calling on them early in the class period
b. Finishing their answer for them
c. Making an example of them when they answer incorrectly
d. Showering them with excessive praise when they answer correctly
11. The term learning disability is a general one referring to what?
a. A group of learning problems
b. Any student who needs accommodations
c. Any problem that keeps a student from performing well
d. Students who are mentally retarded, but not gifted
12. What percentage of students requiring special education services are classified as having learning disabilities?
a. 29.5%
b. 39.3%
c. 44.6%
d. 59.7%
13. Which of the following is NOT a term used to refer to specific learning disabilities?
a. Dyslexia
b. Dyscalculia
c. Dysgraphia
d. Dysmedia
14. All of the following have been suggested as possible causes of learning disabilities EXCEPT
a. Genetics
b. Environment
c. Nutrition
d. Low self-esteem
15. Students with learning disabilities may exhibit problems in which of the following areas?
a. Phonemic awareness
b. Language and literacy
c. Attention and memory
d. Only A and B
e. All of these
16. What is metacognition?
a. Learning about learning
b. Understanding general concepts before specific ones
c. Intuition
d. Subconscious learning
17. About what percentage of students served under IDEA are classified as intellectually disabled?
a. 9%
b. 15%
c. 20%
d. 25%
18. What is another term for intellectual disabilities?
a. Mental deficiency
b. Mentally handicapped
c. Slow
d. A and B
e. All of these
19. The American Association of Mental Retardation uses what criteria for classifying an individual as intellectual disabled?
a. IQ below 100
b. IQ below 80
c. IQ below 55
d. The classification system is not based on IQ
20. Down syndrome is caused by which of the following?
a. An extra chromosome
b. A lack of oxygen at birth
c. Eating an excessive amount of lead paint during the first year
d. Metabolic time bombs in the body
21. What is the gender ratio of boys to girls in the emotional disturbance category?
a. 3.5 to 1
b. Equal ratio
c. 8 to 1
d. 5 to 1
22. Depression, social withdrawal, self-mutilation, and excessive fears are characteristics of which of the following?
a. Down syndrome
b. Emotional disturbance
c. Schizophrenia
d. Intellectual disabilities
23. Which of the following is NOT a possible cause for emotional disturbance?
a. Genes
b. Peer pressure
c. Cruel teachers
d. Video games
24. According to research student with emotional disorders may function how many years below grade level in reading,
math, writing, and spelling?
a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 3 years
d. 4 years
25. Individuals with emotional disturbances may be provided with all of the following general accommodations EXCEPT?
a. Behavioral contracts
b. Open and accepting environments
c. Positive attribution training
d. ACC devices
26. Teaching students to monitor their own behavior is a strategy recommended for what disability?
a. Down syndrome
b. Emotional behavioral
c. Learning disabilities
d. A and B
e. All of these
27. Which of the following is NOT an adaptation the classroom teacher can make in the classroom?
a. The physical environment
b. The materials
c. The type of clothing students wear
d. Help the students focus
28. According to Kauffman & Landrum (2009) what percentage range of all school-age children may have ADHD?
a. 1% to 2%
b. 2% to 3%
c. 3% to 5%
d. 6% to 8%
29. For a student to be diagnosed as ADHD, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) suggests the symptomatic
behavior must be present for a minimum of how long and must be present before what age to warrant a
a. 6 months and present before age 7
b. 12 months and present before age 5
c. 18 months and present before age 7
d. 6 months and present before age 5
30. You have a student with ADHD in your class who has trouble blurting out answers instead of raising his hand to be
called upon. Since you are working on hand-raising and waiting to be called upon before speaking with this student
which of the following would be an example of an antecedent you could use?
a. Sneaking up behind the student and whispering his name.
b. Calling only on those who raise their hands.
c. Ignoring the student when he blurts out the answer.
d. Asking a question related to the instruction.
Short Answer
What are the characteristics of emotional disturbance?
How does the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) define intellectual
What are three of the characteristics of ADHD and when can the disorder be diagnosed?
Following is the RTI question poised to you in Test 1. For this test I expect your answer to be more comprehensive than the
last time. That is, I expect you to incorporate into your answer information presented to you in the readings referenced in
the RTI handout: Specifically, I would like to see
information presented in Steps 1, 2a, 2b, 3a, and 3b. Please note: I do not expect you to be able to quote the content of
these areas. What I wish to see is that you have a good general knowledge of both your responsibilities and what should be
occurring at each of these RTI steps.
Response To Intervention
Please correctly label the triangle representation of the RTI model.
For each Tier identified in the model explain:
a) The type of instruction/intervention students will receive.
b) Your responsibilities as the General Education teacher.
c) The responsibilities of the Special Education teacher.
Name: ______________________