Please consider the scenarios below and identify –
(a) whether the behaviour(s) described potentially constitute(s) misconduct; if so
(b) the policies/regulations which may be pertinent to the case
(c) what course of action you would pursue in relation to the conduct
The suggested approaches listed below each scenario are a starting point for consideration; the
actual resolution of each scenario would depend on the outcome of investigations of the particular
circumstances of the case.
Scenario 1
When marking assignments, you identify that work submitted by two students appears to be very
similar. On further checking, you find that very significant parts of the assignments of the two
students are exactly the same.
(a) Yes.
(b) Academic Honesty Policy – cheating, plagiarism, collusion.
(c) LIC interviews both students; if breach expected, provides report to HOS. May require further
investigation – eg whether both students complicit or one careless etc. Usually case and penalty
can be determined by HOS.
Scenario 2
You are contacted by a colleague at another university regarding a person who has been admitted to
a postgraduate course at that other university. Your colleague seeks clarification regarding some
element of the student’s course of study at ACU. On investigation, you find that the student has
provided inaccurate information to the other university regarding his studies at ACU.
(a) Potentially yes, but is the person a student?
(b) Academic Regulations, Academic Honesty Policy, Statute 10 definitions.
(c) Write to ex-student to notify of awareness. Does it warrant referring to Police? Solicitors for
University? Other universities?
What if the situation were reversed and you found a student had misrepresented his/her prior study at
another institution?
(a) Yes.
(b) Admissions Policy or Research and Professional Doctorate Degree Regulations.
(c) Contact the student; investigate; recommend termination of enrolment.
Scenario 3
You are conducting a class in one of the large lecture theatres. A person enters the lecture theatre
and begins shouting abuse and threats, not directed specifically to you or to any other individual
person but to everyone in the room; he makes threatening gestures towards the people closest to
him as he moves about the room.
(a) Yes.
(b) Statute 10.
(c) Practical action having regard to level of disturbance/risk; what is feasible/appropriate in the
circumstances. Responsibility to ensure safety of students and self – Ask offender to leave?
End class? Call Security? Call Police? Different avenues of action if the offender
follows/ignores direction. Both Statute 10 and Academic Regulation 9 provide possible avenues
to be pursued. Is follow up (eg counselling/debriefing) needed for students in the lecture theatre
at the time?
Scenario 4
During a laboratory class you issue instructions to students regarding safe handling of some
chemicals being used in the class. One student appears not to have understood or to have ignored
your directions, and you specifically direct her to stop what she is doing and to follow the correct
procedure, which you again explain. The student continues her behaviour and you consider that
there is potential for injury to others in the room and/or to the laboratory equipment.
(a) Yes.
(b) Statute 10.
(c) Issue direction to the student – eg to stop the exercise, leave the class. If dismissed from class,
report to Designated Officer. Set in place other ‘remedial’ strategies?
Scenario 5
A student supplies a medical certificate in support of an application for special consideration in an
assessment task in your unit. You approve the request. Subsequently, it comes to your attention
that it appears that the student supplied an apparently spurious medical certificate in connection with
a request for withdrawal from another unit.
(a) Yes.
(b) Academic Honesty Policy (Statute 10).
(c) Consultation with other staff member, TE&R. If document appears falsified, investigate
(including discussion with student), report to HOS who proceeds under Academic Honesty