‘Big Writing’ at Sandford School – Position Paper January 2011 Big Writing is our adaptation of the approach to writing developed by Ros Wilson. It is about the development of a ‘writing voice’ through fast, fun, lively and predominantly oral activities. It also provides the opportunity for pupils to write independently. We use this approach with KS2 pupils on a Friday morning. Aims Our main aim for Big Writing at Sandford is to give pupils regular opportunities to learn how to marshal all of their writing skills independently In addition we expect Big Writing to give us the opportunity to: Consolidate pupil’s learning about writing genres Focus pupil’s learning about key aspects of sentence construction Develop portfolios of writing, helping to identify progress and steps for improvement Independent writing One of the key aspects of Big Writing is that, where possible, every pupil should have be expected to write independently for a sustained length of time. We support this independence in the following ways: Signals for independent writing: ‘rituals’ e.g. dimmed lighting, candle, music, special pens Expectations: we expect writing time to be ‘Independent Silent Work’ (one of our learning behavours) Supports: we provide various prompts and supports during the writing time e.g. VCOP mats Minimal adult intervention: where possible adult intervention is limited to individual reminders about targets, to time prompts and to the occasional whole-class ‘harvest’ of good examples. We have to make careful judgments about not immediately intervening with children who are struggling, sometimes they can learn that time and persistence solve their problems. Children seem generally to enjoy this peaceful, independent time and are often proud of and pleased with the writing they produce. Writing genres In KS2 children learn about 6 non-fiction writing genres in addition to learning about fiction and poetry. The genres are: Recount Report Instructions Persuasion Discussion Explanation We introduce and explore these genres through our cross-curricular work in class. This provides a purposeful context for writing. New learning about genres happens in this context. In Big Writing we consolidate children’s learning about genres by revisiting them through the year. A termly schedule ensures that children regularly revisit the range of genres that they have learnt about in class. The session before the independent writing may include a quick revision of aspects of a particular genre. Key aspects of sentence construction We use Ros Wilson’s four ‘generic targets’ to draw children’s attention to the key aspects of sentence construction. These are: Vocabulary: the precise and deliberate selection of particular words Connectives: learning to join together clauses in order to make complex sentences Openers: the use of a variety of forms to begin a sentence e.g. with an adverb Punctuation: the appropriate use of a variety of punctuation These four targets are known as VCOP We focus on these four targets in the following ways: The session before independent writing may include an activity to introduce or revisit one of these elements. Our marking of their writing, draws children’s attention to VCOP in particular Children’s targets for writing often include a focus on one of these elements Portfolios of writing Children complete an extended piece of writing each week. These are grouped together in a writing portfolio which allows the teacher and pupil to see the progress that is being made as well as to identify areas for improvement. Portfolios are stored centrally so that class teachers and other staff can also see pupil’s progress. Portfolios are used as part of the evidence when we make our termly judgements about pupil’s attainment. Assessment We mark pupil’s writing by highlighting good examples of VCOP in their work and by adding a comment that sets them a particular focus for their next piece of writing. Format Big Writing consists of two sessions on a Friday morning. Focus and text-type is introduced earlier in the week. Session 1: Before break 45 minutes of fast paced, lively oracy based writing activities. Linked to genre or VCOP. Developing skills of composition, richness of language and ability to self-edit. 15 minutes planning time for writing task. Session 2: After break Up to 45 minutes of independent silent writing. 15 minutes of review and response.