Episode 6 12th March 2013 Activity Shakespeare in School Key Learning Students will develop a deeper understanding of the life and work of William Shakespeare. The Australian Curriculum > English / Language / Language variation and change Content description Understand that the pronunciation, spelling and meanings of words have histories and change over time. Code ACELA1500 General capabilities Literacy Intercultural understanding The Australian Curriculum > History / Historical skills / Explanation and communication Content description Develop texts, particularly narratives. Code ACHHS070, ACHHS086 General capabilities Literacy Develop texts, particularly narratives and descriptions, which incorporate source materials. Code ACHHS124 Focus Questions 1. Before watching Shakespeare in School, predict what the story is going to be about. 2. What are the kids in the story learning about? 3. Learning about the playwright William Shakespeare is usually something kids do in high school. True or false? 4. Why is Shakespeare’s writing difficult to understand? 5. List 3 words invented by William Shakespeare. 6. Name one of William Shakespeare’s plays. 7. Think of three adjectives to describe the work of William Shakespeare. 8. Hold your own classroom poll. Do you think kids in primary schools should learn about the language of Shakespeare? Explain your answer. 9. Why do you think BtN reported on this story? 10. How has your thinking changed since watching the Shakespeare in School story? Activities Playing with words Did you know that William Shakespeare is given credit for introducing nearly 2,000 words into the English language? Check out these words that we still use today. ©ABC 2013 alligator hoodwinked mimic critical jaded obscene eyeball laughingstock puke frugal luggage skim milk gloomy majestic zany Ask students to write what they think is the meaning of each word (including unfamiliar words). Swap definitions with a partner and ask them to add to or change the definition. Check these against the dictionary definition. Further activities for students: Make your own word search Use these words in your own sentences Create a rap using these words As a class watch this fun animation on The History of English to find out more about Shakespeare and how he has influenced the English language. List the words in the animation that were invented by Shakespeare. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMkuUADWW2A Who is Shakespeare? – create a biography Students will develop a biography on William Shakespeare. Establish what students already know about William Shakespeare. What sort of information is included in a biography? What does a biography tell us about a person? The following website has examples of biographies for students to look at http://www.civicsandcitizenship.edu.au/cce/contemporary_gallery,14538.html The following plan provides a guide for students when writing a biography. Research Set a direction for your biography Create a plan Start writing Edit For a more detailed plan download this pdf document. http://planningwithkids.com/wp-content/2012/06/PWKHow-to-write-a-Biography-v1.0.pdf ©ABC 2013 Here are some question ideas to start your research: Why is William Shakespeare famous? What are some of Shakespeare’s greatest plays? When was he born and when did he die? What was his nationality? Who did he marry and did he have any children? Describe the language that Shakespeare used in his plays. Describe the period in which William Shakespeare lived. What impact has Shakespeare had on the English language? Create a timeline – highlight important events that occurred during William Shakespeare’s life on a timeline. Include some other key or interesting events that occurred during the same time. For example, did you know that pencils were invented about the time Shakespeare was born? Encourage students to present their research using maps, timelines, drawings and photographs in an interesting way, for example using: Prezi http://prezi.com/index/ Glogster http://www.glogster.com/ Bio Cube Creator http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/cube_creator/ Remind students that they will need to cite all references in a bibliography at the end of their biography. Further Investigation Create a portrait of William Shakespeare. Encourage students to explore and experiment with different techniques and media to produce their portrait. These could include painting, drawing, photography, collage or mixed media. Related Research Links ABC News – Shakespeare to become part of life for primary as well as secondary schools http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-02-28/shakespeare-to-become-part-of-life-for-primary-as/4546114 Behind the News – Shakespeare in School http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s3208642.htm CBBC Newsround – Who is Shakespeare? http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/find_out/guides/showbiz/shakespeare/newsid_3539000/3539058.stm BBC History – William Shakespeare http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/shakespeare_william.shtml BBC Primary History: Famous People – William Shakespeare http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/famouspeople/william_shakespeare/ BBC Bitesize – Rome and Juliet http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/english/shakespeare_summaries/romeo_juliet/revision/1/ YouTube – Animated Shakespeare for kids http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8B976DA09DC11FE3 YouTube – Shakespeare: The History of English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMkuUADWW2A ©ABC 2013