Uganda Volunteer/Intern/Visitor Policy:

Uganda Volunteer/Intern Requirements
Required length of stay: 3 months up to one year
Number of Volunteers/Interns per year: Because the office space and staff in Uganda are limited,
BeadforLife is only able to accommodate 2-3 volunteers and/or interns per year. If you are
interested in applying for a volunteer or intern position, please make sure you meet the required
stay, skill set, and experience we seek.
Airfare: Unless otherwise specified either by a BeadforLife staff member or an approved
volunteer/intern position, BeadforLife does not pay for airfare to/from Uganda.
Medical Insurance: All volunteers or interns staying in Uganda longer than one week are required
to show proof of medical insurance, as well as emergency evacuation coverage at the time they are
accepted to volunteer at any of the BeadforLife Uganda offices. BeadforLife WILL NOT cover any
required shots before arriving in Uganda or any medication taken while in Uganda. An example of
such medication is malaria pills.
Uganda Visitor Visa: All visitors going to Uganda are required to purchase a 3-month Visitor Visa.
Visas can be purchased either in the U.S. or at the Entebbe International airport in Uganda upon
arrival. If you purchase your Visitor Visa in Uganda, the cost is $50 U.S. Unless otherwise specified
by the BeadforLife Uganda Executive Director or an approved volunteer/intern position,
BeadforLife does not pay for Uganda Visitor Visas. It is best to have the exact amount of $50 for the
Visitor Visa.
Note: When arriving in Uganda, it is best to say that you are “visiting” BeadforLife and not
“working” for us. There are very strict foreigner working restrictions in Uganda, and so you’ll want
to be clear that you’re not working for us, but simply visiting our offices.
Housing: Housing IS NOT provided for volunteers or interns unless otherwise specified by the
BeadforLife Uganda Executive Director or an approved volunteer/intern position.
Finances: Unless otherwise specified by the BeadforLife Uganda Executive Director or an approved
volunteer/intern position, BeadforLife does not pay for transportation around Kampala, food, or
any type of personal spending.