Remapping Cultural Space (II): Cultural Globalization and European Identity Module Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mădălina Nicolaescu Syllabus for Semester 2 # Title Themes for Presentation & Discussion; Bibliography 1 What is globalization ? Introduction into the issue of globalization: scapes, globalization, globalism, globality. What narratives about globalization are now being challenged ? Arjun Appadurai, “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy” in Roland Robertson and Kathleen White (eds.) Globalization. Critical concepts in Sociology. Vol.1 Routledge 2003. Jan Aart Scholte, Globalization. A Critical Introduction, London: Palgrave, 2000, XXX4162( “What is global about globalization”) FURTHER READING Anthony Giddens, “The Globalizing of Modernity” in Held, D. and McGrew, Anthony (eds.) The Global Transformation Reader, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2000 David \Held and A. McGrew.”Rethining Globalization”. Held and McGrew. The Global Transformation Reader” Cambridge: Polity. 2003 2 What is glocalization? What is the relation between local-global? In which ways does glocalization differ from Macdonaldization? George Ritzer, “Globalization”, “Grobalization”, in The Globalization of Nothing. Thousand Oaks, London: Pine Forge Press and Sage, 2004, 71-114 Ian Nederveen Pieterse, “ Globalization as Hybridization” in Roland Robertson and Kathleen White (eds.) Globalization. Critical concepts in Sociology. Routledge 2003. 3 Economic globalization: FURTHER READING Johnathan Friedman, “ The Hybridization of Roots and the Abhorence of the Bush in Featherston and Lash (eds.) Spaces of Culture, Sage, 1999 Madalina Nicolaescu, Fashioning Global Identities, Bucuresti 2002 What are the major agents in the MacWorld? What is the scope of transnational corporations (TNCs), of relocation and outsourcing, off-shore capital, deregulation? Jan Aart Scholte, Globalization. A Critical Introduction, London: Palgrave 2000 chap 5, 111-132 J. Stiglitz. The Making of Globalization. Preface, Another world is possible. XXXXXX FURTHER READING Noam Chomsky, “Free Trade and Free Markets: Pretense and Practice” in Frederic Jameson and Masao Miyoshi eds. The Cultures of Globalization, Durham: Duke University Press, 1998, 356-371 David Held and Anthony McGrew,”A global Economy?” Globalization/ Antiglobalizationi, Polity 2003, 38-58 5 Global Conflict : global vs. From globalism to imperialism and nationalism, as national its flipside=sources of global terror Globalisation and State Sovereignty David Harvey. “From Globalization to the New Imperialism” in Richard Appelbaum (ed) Critical Globalization Studies. 7-8-9 Europeanization, European Identity, EU enlargement and migration Routledge: 2005 John Agnew. “Globalization and State Sovereignty” , Globalization and Sovereignty.New York: Rowman, 2009 Tom Nairn and Paul James. “Introduction : Mapping Nationalism and Globalization” and “Global Tensons : A clash of social Foomations”, Global Matrix. Nationalism, Globalism and State- Terrorism. London and Ann Arbour: Pluto Press, 2005 Mary Kaldor. “Nationalism and Globalisation” in Nations and Nationalism, 10 (1/2, 2004) Who are the Europeans?. “What is European Society”. N. Fligstein (ed) Euroclash Oxford: Oxford Univ. P. 2008 Jaques Thomassen. “The Legitimacy of the European Union” in Thomassen “The Legitimacy of the EU after the Enlargement”, Oxford: Oxford Univ. P., 2009 Dario Castiglione. “Political Identity in a community of Strangers” in G Checkel and P. Katzenstein (ed) European Identity . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009 Richard Mole. Introduction-Discursive Identities and Political Power” in R. Mole(ed.) Discursive Constructions of Identity in European Politics . London: Palgrave, 2007 Richard Woden. “Doing Europe” in R. Mole (ed). Discursive Constructions of Identity in European Politics . London: Palgrave, 2007 Adrian Favell “Immigration, Migration and Free Movement in the Making of Europe”, in European Identity E. Kant. “perpetual Peace” FURTHER READING Ulrich Beck. “Cosmopolitan Europe : Reality and Vision”. The Cosmopolitan Vision .Cambridge:Polity Press, 2006? Making European Citizens? Rey Koslovski “International Migration and the Globalization of Domestic Policy- A conceptual Framework” in R. Koslovski (ed) International Migration and the Globalization of Domestic Policy 6 Globalization and Cosmopolitism In what ways can cosmopolitanism be a proper response to the fragmentariness produced by globalization? - Ulrich Beck. ”Global Sense, Sense of Boundarylessness “, “The Truth of the Others” in The Cosmopolitan Vision, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2006 - Alain Badiou. “Paul: Our Contemporary”, “Universality and the Traversal of Differences”.St. Paul. The Foundation of Universalism. Stanford: Stanford Univ.Press. 2003 FURTHER READING J. Derrida, “Cosmopolitanism” in Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness Kevin Robins. Towards a Transcultural Policy for European Cosmopolitanism. In Ulricke H. Meinhof (ed) Transcultural Europe. Palgrave 2008 10 Migrating Women Why do women migrate? Why do they migrate ahead of their husbands or male relatives? When Women Come First “Transnational Families in the 21st century” in Debora Bryceson and Ulla Vourella. Transnational Family.Oxford, New York: Berg, 2002 11 Reading Monica Ali: Bricklane- novel and movie Bharati Mukherjee: Desirable Daughters