Diabetes - Fort Mill School District


Fort Mill School District #4

Diabetes Action Plan/ECP

School Year: __2013-2014____________ Homeroom Teacher: _______________

Student Name: _______________________________________

Home Address: _______________________________________

Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________

Date of Birth: __________________

Home Phone: __________________

Work/Cell: ____________________

Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________

Emergency Contact: __________________________________

Diabetes Doctor Name: ________________________________

Work/Cell: ____________________

Phone: _______________________

Phone: _______________________

When was your child first diagnosed with diabetes? ________________________________________

What type of diabetes does your child have? ( ) Type I ( ) Type 2

How many times has he/she been treated in the emergency room for diabetes in the past year? ______

How many times has he/she been hospitalized overnight or longer for diabetes in the past year? _____

How often does your child see his/her doctor for routine evaluations? __________________________

Please list any other medical conditions that your child has: __________________________________


Medication Allergies (please list): ______________________________________________________

CURRENT MEDICATIONS (please list all medications that your child takes):


____ YES ____ NO ____ AS NEEDED

____ YES ____ NO ____ AS NEEDED

____ YES ____ NO ____ AS NEEDED

____ YES ____ NO ____ AS NEEDED

____ YES ____ NO ____ AS NEEDED

____ YES ____ NO ____ AS NEEDED

If medications are to be given during school, a medication consent needs to be filled out yearly. The prescribing physician must sign the medication consent for any prescription medication given at school. Medications must be in the original labeled container. (Most pharmacists will give you an extra labeled container to provide to the school if requested.)

Fort Mill School District #4

Form #DM100 Rev 08/2011 Page 1 of 7

Fort Mill School District #4

Diabetes Action Plan/ECP


Target range of blood glucose: 70-130 mg/dL 70-180 mg/dL Other: _____________

Check blood glucose level: Mid-morning Before lunch ____ hours after lunch

2 hours after a correction dose Before PE After PE

Before dismissal Other: _________________________________________________

As needed for signs/symptoms of low or high blood glucose

As needed for signs/symptoms of illness

Brand/Model of blood glucose meter: _______________________________________________________

Preferred site of testing: Fingertip Forearm Thigh Other: ___________________

Note: The

, fingertip should always be used to check blood glucose level if hypoglycemia is suspected.

Student's self-care blood glucose checking skills:

Independently checks own blood glucose

May check blood glucose with supervision

Requires school nurse or trained diabetes personnel to check blood glucose

Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM): Yes

Brand/Model: _____________________

N o

Alarms set for: (low) and (high)

Note: Confirm CGM results with blood glucose meter check before taking action on sensor blood glucose level. If student has symptoms or signs of hypoglycemia, check fingertip blood glucose level regardless of CGM.

Fort Mill School District #4

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Fort Mill School District #4

Diabetes Action Plan/ECP


Student's usual symptoms of hypoglycemia (please list): ____________________________________________


If student is exhibiting symptoms of hypoglycemia, OR if blood glucose level is less than

______mg/dL, give a quick-acting glucose product equal to _______ grams of carbohydrates.

Recheck blood glucose in 10-15 mins. and repeat treatment if blood glucose level is less than


Additional treatment:


If the student is unable to eat or drink, is unconscious or unresponsive, or is having seizure activity or convulsions (jerking movements), give:

 Glucagon: 1 mg 1/2 mg Route: SC IM

Site for glucagon injection: arm thigh Other: ___________________

 Call 911 (Emergency Medical Services) and the student's parents/guardian.

 Contact student's health care provider.


Student's usual symptoms of hyperglycemia (please list): ___________________________________________


Check urine for ketones every ______ hours when blood glucose levels are above ______mg/dL.

 Additional treatment for ketones:


For blood glucose greater than _______mg/dL AND at least _______hours since last insulin dose, give correction dose of insulin (see orders below).

Insulin pump users : see additional information for student with insulin pump.

Give extra water and/or non-sugar-containing drinks (not fruit juices): ________ ounces per hour.

Notify parents/guardian of onset of hyperglycemia.

For symptoms of hyperglycemia emergency (dry mouth, extreme thirst, nausea & vomiting, severe abdominal pain, heavy breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain, increasing sleepiness, lethargy, or depressed level of consciousness: Call 911 (EMS) and the student's parents/guardian.

Contact student's health care provider.

Fort Mill School District #4

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Fort Mill School District #4

Diabetes Action Plan/ECP


Insulin delivery device: syringe insulin pen insulin pump

Type of insulin therapy at school:

Adjustable Insulin Therapy Fixed Insulin Therapy No insulin

Adjustable Insulin Therapy:

Name of insulin:_____________________________________________________________________

Carbohydrate Coverage:

Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio:

Lunch: 1 unit of insulin per ____________ grams of carbohydrate

Snack: 1 unit of insulin per ____________ grams of carbohydrate

Carbohydrate Dose Calculation Example

Grams of carbohydrate in meal

Insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio = ___________ units of insulin

Correction Dose:

Blood Glucose Correction Factor/Insulin Sensitivity Factor = ________

Target blood glucose = __________ mg/dL

Correction Dose Calculation Example

Actual Blood Glucose – Target Blood Glucose

Blood Glucose Correction Factor/Insulin Sensitivity Factor = ____________ units of insulin

Correction dose scale (use instead of calculation above to determine insulin correction dose):

Blood Glucose __________ to ___________ mg/dL then give ___________ units

Blood Glucose __________ to ___________ mg/dL then give ___________ units

Blood Glucose __________ to ___________ mg/dL then give ___________ units

Blood Glucose __________ to ___________ mg/dL then give ___________ units

Fort Mill School District #4

Form #DM100 Rev 08/2011 Page 4 of 7

Fort Mill School District #4

Diabetes Action Plan/ECP

When to give insulin:


Carbohydrate coverage only

Carb coverage + correction dose if glucose > ______ mg/dL and ______ hours since last insulin dose

Other: _________________________________________________________________________


No coverage for snack

Carbohydrate coverage

Carb coverage + correction dose if glucose > ______ mg/dL and ______ hours since last insulin dose

Other: ___________________________________________________________________________

Other miscellaneous times

Correction dose only if glucose > ______ mg/dL and ______ hours since last insulin dose

Fixed Insulin Therapy:

Name of insulin: _______________________________________________________________________

_________ units of insulin given pre-lunch daily

_________ units of insulin given pre-snack daily

Other: _________________________________________________________________________

Parental Authorization to Adjust Insulin Dose:







Parent/Guardian authorization should be obtained before administering a correction dose.

Parents/guardians are authorized to increase or decrease correction dose scale within the following range: +/- ___________ units of insulin.

Parents/guardians are authorized to increase or decrease insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio within the following range: ____ units per prescribed grams of carbohydrate, +/- ____ grams of carbohydrate.

Yes No Parents/guardians are authorized to increase or decrease fixed insulin dose within the following range: +/- _____ units of insulin.

Student's self-care insulin administration skill:

Yes No Independently calculates and gives own injections

Yes No May calculate/give own injections with supervision

Yes No Requires school nurse or trained diabetes personnel to calculate/give injections

Fort Mill School District #4

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Fort Mill School District #4

Diabetes Action Plan/ECP


Brand/Model of pump: Type of insulin in pump: ______________

Basal rates during school: ____________________________________________________

Type of infusion set: ________________________________________________________

For blood glucose greater than ______________ mg/dL that has not decreased within ______hours

after correction, consider pump failure or infusion site failure. Notify parents/guardian.

For infusion site failure: Insert new infusion set and/or replace reservoir.

For suspected pump failure: suspend or remove pump and give insulin by syringe or


Physical Activity:

May disconnect from pump for sports activity: Y e s N o

Set a temporary basal rate: Yes No _______% temporary basal for _____ hours

Suspend pump use: Y e s N o

Student's self-care pump skills:

Count carbohydrates


Y e s N o

Bolus correct amount for carbohydrates consumed

Calculate and administer correction bolus

Calculate and set basal profiles

Calculate and set temporary basal rate

Change batteries

Disconnect pump

Reconnect pump to infusion set

Prepare reservoir and tubing

Insert infusion set

Y e s N o

Y e s N o

Y e s N o

Y e s N o

Y e s N o

Y e s N o

Y e s N o

Y e s N o

Y e s N o

Troubleshoot alarms and malfunctions Y e s N o

Fort Mill School District #4

Form #DM100 Rev 08/2011 Page 6 of 7

Fort Mill School District #4

Diabetes Action Plan/ECP




Mid-morning snack





Carb Content (grams)

________ to _________

________ to _________

________ to _________ Mid-afternoon snack

Other times to give snacks and content/amount: _______________________________________________

Special event/party food permitted: Parents/guardian discretion

Student discretion

Student's self-care nutrition skills:

Y e s N o Independently counts carbohydrates

Y e s N o May count carbohydrates with supervision

Y e s N o Requires school nurse/trained diabetes personnel to count carbohydrates


A quick-acting source of glucose such as glucose tabs and/or sugar-containing juice must be available at the site of physical education activities and sports.

Student should eat: 15 grams 30 grams of carbohydrate other: ________________

before every 30 minutes during after vigorous physical activity

other: ______________________________________________________________________________

If most recent blood glucose is less than _______________ mg/dL, student can participate in physical activity when blood glucose is corrected and above ____________________ mg/dL.

Avoid physical activity when blood glucose is greater than ______________________ mg/dL or if urine/ blood ketones are moderate to large.

(Additional information for student on insulin pump is in the insulin section on page 6 .)

Parent: In case of serious accident or illness, I hereby authorize:


the transfer of my child to the nearest hospital


the administration of emergency treatment

I understand by signing below that this consent remains in effect the entire time my child is enrolled in school. The school will contact me as soon as possible if an emergency arises.

___________________________________________________ _____________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

I authorize school personnel to implement this Emergency Plan as described.


Health Care Provider Signature

Fort Mill School District #4

Form #DM100 Rev 08/2011



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