Meredith Huls Unpacking, Assessment Alignment, and Overview Subject: Social Studies Grade: 5th Topic: Exploration and Colonization of North America Core standards, objectives, and indicators: 1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c, 1.1f Unit Objective: Students will analyze the exploration and contributions to the early colonization of North America. Lesson Title American Explorers Unpacking # of Indicator(s) Days 1-2 1.1 c Identify explorers who came to the Americas and the nations they represented. Objectives (1) I can (2) comp are and contr ast (4) 3 (2) explo rers who came to the Amer icas Alignment Overview Type of Assessment Lesson outline Assessment (Evidence) Small Fill out graphic Bellwork organizer on Watch the explorers of explorer video. America, glue into Read the social studies exploration journal article. Pair students Small Match the explorer up and have to the nation they them fill out represent graphic worksheet. (glue in organizer as journal) they read the article. Big Exit Ticket: Model this. Compare and As a class go contrast three over graphic explorers who came organizer. to the Americas and 1 Meredith Huls the nations they represent in journal. At least half page. and the natio ns they repre sent. Explorer Routes 1-2 1.1 a Using maps including pre-1492 maps - and other geographic tools, locate and analyze the routes used by the explorers. (1) I can (2) analyze (4) 3 (2) routes used by explorers in the Americas. Small Small Big Graphic organizer word web with routes and features of the routes to fill out. Glue in journal. Vinn Diagram of two routes compare and contrast. Glue in journal. Exit Ticket: Choose three routes used by Students give answers on graphic organizer. Check for student understanding. Ask for questions. Handout explorer nation worksheet. Students fill out worksheet. Review the explorers. Revisit objective Exit tickets. Bellwork Read objective as a class. Handout maps of the routes explorers took to the Americas. Handout out graphic organizer. Students fill out word web. 2 Meredith Huls the explorers and analyze them. Glue in journal. Explorer Maps 1-2 1.1 a Using maps including pre-1492 maps - and other geographic tools, locate and analyze the routes used by the explorers. (1) I can (2) locate on a pre1492 map (4) 3 (2) routes used by the explorers. Small Small On a worksheet with unnamed routes color in routes that are color coded with a key of routes that go with specific explorers. Glue in journal Small group making their own map with routes and other features and present to class. Each child in group explains part of map. Discuss as class explorer routes. Students complete Vinn Diagram. Watch video on explorer routes. Review routes with class. Ask for questions Revisit objective Exit ticket. Bellwork Read learning objective together. Handout explorer maps. As a class review the maps and the early routes. Students analyze the length of the routes and the route themselves. 3 Meredith Huls Big On a blank map draw in and name routes used by the explorers. Glue in journal. Technological 1-2 Advances 1.1 b Explain how advances in technology lead to an increase in exploration (e.g. ship technology) 1) I can (2) analyze (4) 3 ways (2) advances in technology lead to an increase in exploration Small In journal list at least three advances in technology that lead to an increase in exploration. Small Describe the advances in technology relation to increased exploration. (Journal) Big Exit Ticket: In journal analyze Handout worksheet and have students fill it in. In a small group students will create their own maps. Group presents their map to the class. Review the maps with the class. Revisit the objective. Exit ticket. Bellwork Read objective with class. Technology video Class discussion about the technologies that influenced exploration from video. Students list 3 technological advances that 4 Meredith Huls three ways advances in technology lead to an increase in exploration. American Indian Contributions 2-3 1.1 f. Analyze contributions of American Indian people to the colonial settlements. (1) I can (2) analyze (4) 3 (2) contributions of American Indian people to the Small List the contributions of AI people to the CS in social studies journal. lead to an increase in exploration. Students predict what exploration would have been like without these advances in small groups. Groups share with class. Students describe the advances in technology in relation to increased exploration in journal. Revisit objective. Review technological advances. Exit ticket. Bellwork Read learning objective to class. Show pilgrim 5 Meredith Huls colonial settlements. Small Big Word web graphic organizer to fill out of the colonial settlements in middle and contributions in smaller circles glued into journal. One page written in journal analyzing three contributions of American Indian people to the colonial settlements video Ask questions after video. Write student answers on board. Jigsaw activity Students write in their journal 3 contributions of the American Indians. Students research the settlement of Jamestown or Plymouth. Students fill out graphic organizer. Students share graphic organizer. Switch so students can share with others. Revisit objective. Review lesson. Exit ticket. 6 Meredith Huls Summative Assessment Students will create a flip book that includes the requirements from each exit ticket in each lesson. Will graded with a rubric with the requirements from each exit ticket. 7