Illinois PBIS Network –Phases of Implementation (PoI) Tool Full School Name: Date: District Name and #: (Date Reviewed Between External Coach and Team Facilitators) Tier 1 Phase I School staff complete SAS annually Tier 1 team developed and representative of the school staff Tier 1 team meets each month of academic year Data collection system and timeframes for collection/review of “Big 5” data in place Data collected and reviewed monthly (includes: ODRs, OSS, ISS) School-wide expectations matrix developed T-chart of student behaviors developed (classroom managed vs. office-referred) School completes TIC at least 3x/year, or scores 70 on BoQ, or 80/80 on SET Tier 2 Phase I Tier 2 Systems Planning Team leader identified and trained Tier 2 Systems Planning Team meets at least 2x/mo Tier 2/Tier 3 Tracking Tool includes students with simple Tier 2 interventions (CICO or SAIG) Staff are informed and updated on Tier 2 systems, data, and practices at least quarterly Process for direct entrance into Tier 2 supports by family or staff (when other data sources haven’t identified student) developed and communicated to school community DPR for Tier 2 interventions designed and used to progress monitor At least 5% of students are receiving a simple Tier 2 intervention (CICO or SAIG) with 50% experiencing success Tier 3 Phase I Wraparound facilitator(s) and Tier 3 Systems Planning Team leader identified and trained Tier 3 Systems Planning Team meets at least monthly Tier 2/Tier 3 Tracking Tool includes students with highly individualized Tier 3 interventions (Complex FBA/BIP or person-centered wraparound/RENEW/Family Focus) Staff are updated on Tier 3 systems at least quarterly Tier 3 Systems Planning Team develops a decision rule for when students not experiencing success with Tier 2 supports are considered for Tier 3 interventions Process for direct entrance into Tier 3 supports by family or staff (when other data sources haven’t identified student) developed and communicated to school community District-based LAN and/or Community Support contact is identified Wraparound facilitator(s) trained in SIMEO Tier 3 Data System tools (SIMEO/ISIS) used with highly individualized Tier 3 interventions (Complex FBA/BIP or person-centered wraparound/RENEW/Family Focus) At least 50% of students receiving Tier 3 plans are experiencing success IL Phases of Implementation Tool version 4.1, Oct. 2012 IL PBIS Network, revised 10/16/12bcm Tier 1 Phase II Data-based decision-making occurs at every Tier 1 team meeting Team shares data with whole staff at least 3x/yr School completes BoQ or SET annually Trends from demographic, behavioral, and academic data are identified and interventions developed School-wide expectations taught and acknowledgements utilized Team utilizes a Multi-Tiered Action Plan or equivalent (developed from data in SAS, TIC, BoQ, PoI etc.) to plan and celebrate at least 3x/yr Families participate in PBIS activities monthly Tier 2 Phase II A procedure and data-based decision rules are in place to progress monitor students receiving Tier 2 level supports at least 2x/mo School completes BAT annually Tier 2/Tier 3 Tracking Tool includes students with Tier 2 interventions with individualized features DPR is modified to monitor SAIG, group goals, and/or individualized goals from FBA/BIP At least 7% of students are receiving a Tier 2 intervention with 50% experiencing success with CICO and SAIG and Tier 2 with individualized features Tier 3 Phase II A procedure and data based decision rules are in place to progress monitor students receiving Tier 3 level support at least 2x month At least 1% of students have Tier 3 plans with at least 2 person-centered Tier 3 plans (wraparound/RENEW/Family Focus) Active participation with community partners and/or LAN Tier 2/Tier 3 Tracking includes students with personcentered Tier 3 plans (wraparound/RENEW/Family Focus) At least 70% of students receiving Tier 3 plans are experiencing success Full data sets (baseline and time 2 within 6 months) complete for 50% of students receiving Tier 3 plans (SIMEO for wrapround/RENEW/Family Focus; SIMEO or ISIS for complex FBA/BIP) Multiple Tier 1/Tier 2 data sources (grades, ODRs, attendance, etc.) are also used for progress monitoring of Tier 3 plans Tier 3 plans have identified, documented, and implemented strategies based on student strengths Tier 1 Phase III Train new staff on PBIS yearly Booster needs identified for differentiation of teaching and acknowledgement strategies Demographic proportionality data assessed to define next steps and celebrations (ethnicity, gender, reduced/free lunch, IEP etc.) Tier 1 Team develops a decision rule for Tier 1 data (ODRs per student, attendance, grades, etc.) to determine when students also need Tier 2 or Tier 3 supports 70 on BoQ, or 80/80 on SET Families participate in monthly PBIS Team Meetings Tier 2 Phase III Tier 2 Systems Planning Team develops a decision rule for Tier 2 data (ODRs per student, DPR points, grades, etc.) to determine when students also need Tier 3 supports Tier 2/Tier 3 Tracking Tool includes students with brief FBA/BIP Brief BIPs are reviewed to ensure successful transition for student supports between teachers, grades, and school Multiple Tier 1/Tier 2 data sources (grades, ODRs, attendance, etc.) are used for progress monitoring of brief BIPs At least 7% of students are receiving Tier 2 interventions with 70% experiencing success with CICO and SAIG and Tier 2 with individualized features and Brief FBA/BIP Tier 3 Phase III Academic and behavioral modifications are documented in Tier 3 plans Natural supports and/or community resources are included on at least 50% of individual youth Tier 3 teams At least 2% of students have Tier 3 plans with at least 3 person-centered Tier 3 plans (wraparound/RENEW/Family Focus) Full data sets (baseline, time 2, and time 3) complete for 70% of students receiving Tier 3 plans (SIMEO for wrapround/RENEW/Family Focus; SIMEO or ISIS for complex FBA/BIP) SIMEO/ISIS data used at Tier 3 team meetings to revise Tier 3 plans Natural supports and/or community resources are accessed to support wraparound/RENEW/Family Focus plans as needed Illinois PBIS Network –Phases of Implementation (PoI) Tool Scoring Instructions Glossary of Terms 1. All members of each PBIS tier team separately complete their respective section of the PoI by checking the boxes of all implementation elements currently in place. For the summary, check boxes where 60% or more of the team members scored the items as being “in place.” OR Each PBIS tier team completes together as a group to reach consensus. (Tier 1 team members check the boxes in the Tier 1 section. Tier 2 team members check boxes in the Tier 2 section. Tier 3 team members check boxes in the Tier 3 section.) 2. The team facilitators (internal coach and the facilitators for Tier 2 and Tier 3 teams) summarize the results on one PoI tool. Each Tier coach signs the PoI as an indicator of agreement with the rated items in their respective tiers. 3. The teams can then begin to action plan around the results, using the MultiTiered Action Plan or equivalent. 4. The External Coach also completes his/her perspective of the school’s PoI, and then meets with all three team leaders to reconcile official scores, advise on action plan steps, and collect signatures. It is recommended that the building administrator also participate in this meeting. The External Coach’s summarized PoI (including all three tiers), is then entered online. 5. TACs provide technical assistance to the External Coach where needed, and approves the finalized PoI. Signatures Tier 1 Team Internal Coach Tier 2 Team Facilitator Tier 3 Team Facilitator School Principal Date Date Date Date I have reviewed this PoI, agree with the assessment, and followed-up with technical assistance. External Coach 70 on BoQ 80/80 on SET Action Plan Indicates fidelity of Tier 1 PBIS systems BAT “Big 5” data Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers BoQ Brief FBA/BIP Benchmarks of Quality Complex FBA/BIP A behavior support plan based on assessed function of the youth behavior addressing multiple settings and/or behaviors DPR FBA/BIP Daily Progress Report ISIS Individual Student Information System in SWIS ISS LAN ODRs OSS SAIG SAS SET SIMEO In School Suspensions Simple Tier 2 Interventions Quick and easy interventions for a group of students (i.e. CICO) Tier 2 Interventions with individualized features Generic individualization added to Tier 2 group interventions (i.e. CICO with individualized features) TIC Wraparound/RENEW/Family Focus Team Implementation Checklist Date I have reviewed this PoI, agree with the assessment, and followed-up with technical assistance. TAC Signature: IL PBIS Technical Assistance Coordinator IL Phases of Implementation Tool version 4.1, Oct. 2012 IL PBIS Network, revised 10/16/12bcm Date: Indicates fidelity of Tier 1 PBIS Multi-Tiered Action Plan or a tool that does the same which combines data from multiple sources (e.g. SAS, TIC, BoQ, PoI, etc.) Data graphs aggregated by: 1. Average Referrals Per Day, Per Month 2. Referrals by Problem Behavior 3. Referrals by Location 4. Referrals by Student 5. Referrals by Time A simple behavior support plan based on assessed function of the youth behavior typically addressing one behavior in one setting Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan Local Area Network Office Discipline Referrals Out of School Suspensions Social or Academic Instructional Group Self-Assessment Survey School-wide Evaluation Tool Systematic Information Management for Educational Outcomes A complex and comprehensive plan addressing multiple life domains across home, school, and community driven by youth/family voice