Sweetgrass Development 4th Quarter Minutes

Sweetgrass Development Board Meeting
Sweetgrass Development Office, Great Falls, Montana.
November 17, 2014
Deb Brandon, Cyndi Johnson, Joe Briggs, Jim Hodgskiss, Tony Sitzmann, Lila Evans, Jason Gibson, Mike
Henning, Steve Malicott.
Staff: Sarah Converse and Deven Merritt
Guests: Christin Hileman with Newfields, Jason Crawford with KLJ
Meeting called to order by President Sitzmann at 1:02 p.m. Introductions were made.
Approval of Revised Agenda:
Cyndi motioned to approve and Jason seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Cyndi motioned to approve minutes from the board’s September 9th board meeting and Jason seconded. Motion
Cyndi Johnson presented the quarterly financials (August, September, October) Steve motioned and Jason
seconded they be approved. Motion carried.
Budget Cyndi presented the overview of the 2015 budget. Discussion ensued. Steve motioned to accept and
Jason seconded.
Revolving Loan Fund Report - $127,000 in fund now and all payments are current. As recommended by the
Department of Commerce, we are working with one loan restructure in Glacier County.
Administrative Report:
MEDA conference will be in Great Falls this spring.
Browning Community Development Corporation (BCDC) is trying to get rolling again.
Vibrant Futures will pay for Sarah to attend NADO conference in Washington DC the first week in December.
January 14, 2015 is Economic Development Day in the Capitol Rotunda.
Business Items:
The Final Draft of the Regional Impact Assessment - Sarah and Jason Crawford with KLJ. Cyndi motioned to
approved and Jason seconded. Motion carried.
SBDC funding request – The funding request failed to get a motion and was therefore denied. Correspondence
will be sent explaining SDC’s budget, as approved today, will not support the request and Cyndi made a motion
made to send them a letter explaining the refusal and it was seconded by Deb. Motion carried.
CEDS Disaster Addendum was presented for final approval. Steve motioned for approval and Cyndi seconded.
Motion carried.
EPA Brownfields Assessment application - Christin Hileman with Newfields gave and update and overview.
The application will be completed and submitted in December.
Next meeting will be March 3, 2015, Sports Club in Shelby at 1:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned 2:55 p.m.