Famous Leader Project & Presentation

Famous Leader Project & Presentation
Students will understand:
 There are many styles and definitions of leadership.
 Different situations require different leadership styles.
Students will be able to:
1. _____ Choose a well-known national or global leader (past or present) and become the authority on that
person. You may look for someone you admire, someone you know very little about, or someone in whom you
are interested.
2. _____ Write a 4-6 page leadership biography on your leader. Include a cover page with picture; use 12 pt font;
use Calibri, Times New Roman, or Arial font; use double spaced paragraphs; use .5 to 1 inch margins; and
number each page.
3. _____ Describe 3 events when this person demonstrated leadership and identify which style of leadership
they portrayed. How did their style impact the results? Did they adapt to each situation? What happened as a
result? What was the outcome? Was anybody affected? For better or for worse?
4. _____ Compare your leader’s style with other leaders of that time. Discuss the styles of at least 1 other leaders
during the time your leader held power or had influence.
5. _____ Tie in class related materials to the report. For example, can you determine this person’s leadership
style? Can you determine what this person’s leadership philosophy might have been? What leadership qualities
does this person possess?
6. _____ Consult at least 1 biography on the leader. In addition to the biography, 4 additional sources. Only 1
may be an encyclopedia. You may only cite 2 Wikipedia article! All sources should be well documented and you
should include a works cited page to your report.
7. _____ Clearly cite information. Incorporate citations and a bibliography.
8. _____ Present your leader to the class. Your presentation should involve a visual aid ( PPT, poster, movie, etc.)
Students will explore:
1. Background data on the person – family life, education, location, early tendencies towards leadership.
2. The historical context of the leader’s life.
3. Events when this person demonstrated leadership.
4. Class related materials such as:
a. The difference between authority and influence.
b. Common leadership styles.
c. The situational leadership model.
d. Types of leadership behavior.
e. Types of leadership styles.
5. Methods to clearly cite information.
6. Writing style.
- Students will be instructed how to search for and cite historical and biographical information during class.
In addition, at least 2 more class periods will be spent working on selection and research.
Students will have a completed rough draft of their paper by ________________
I will edit and return papers early in the second quarter ________________
A final draft will be due _________________.
Peer Reviewers Name:
1- No
2- Somewhat
3- Mostly
4- Yes!
Content X5
Does the student
display a mastery of the
content, or a basic
understanding? Is the
required information
accurately and clearly
addressed or is it partial
or ignored?
Caliber X3
Is the product
complete? Are all the
requirements met? Is
the quality of the
product high or low?
Does the product
reflect the students
best effort?
Clarity X2
Does the student use
correct grammar,
syntax, and vocabulary?
Are the parts organized
and displayed in a
functional manner?
Peer Reviewers Comments (at least 3 comments):