Laryngologic Seminar

Laryngologic Seminar
Mitomycin can reduce granuloma formation
2002-8-28 R3 KST
mucosa injury release of plasma protein, blood cells, PLTs + TFs
fibrin-fibronectin matrix, migration of capillaries, fibroblasts, inflammatory cells,
fibroblast proliferation, formation of collagen & GAGs & fibronectin
granulation tissues (about 1 week)
collagen maturation, myofibroblast contraction (about 2 weeks)
scar formation [6]
Previous Mx: limited effects
1. Avoid mucosal injury/ cricothyroidectomy/ high tracheostomy
2. Avoid tube-free self retaining tracheostomy
3. Soft pliable, biocompatible stent /stoma tubes
4. antibiotics, anti-reflux agents
5. steroid (local, systemic)
6. cold humidification
7. penicillamine, beta-aminoproprionitrile, 5-FU, N-acetyl-L-cysteine:
inhibit cross-linking of collagen/ scar formation
1. An aminoglycoside from fungus Streptomyces caespitosus
2. alkylating antineoplastic agents: ssDNA breakage /C-G cross linking
 inhibit RNA and protein synthesis at higher dose (cytocidal)
3. Systemic form side effects:
delayed bronchospasm/lung fibrosis, HUS, GI upset, HF, BM suppression etc.
Mitomycin's effects on fibroblasts:
1. increased Fas-expression, small increase in Bax, Bcl-2, bcl-x, but increased apoptosis
of fibroblast is not inhibited by Fas receptor blocker
some Fas receptor signaling-independent pathway [1]
2. Inhibition of fibroblast proliferation, migration, ECM production, collagen formation
by single exposure: but still some growth factors of fibroblast expression, ECM / some
scar formation
Animal model (dogs in UADT stenosis, rabbits in antrostomy/choanal atresia)
1. Vocal fold healing/ function:
Negative consequences of topical MMC on vocal fold function: fewer fibroblasts
and less collagen in Reinke’s spaces diminished mucosal wave [8]
Microflap excision of mucosa + MMC, LVS before, 2 4 wks, manual adduction, air
compressor air flow:
2. Laryngeal injury/stenosis:
CO2 laser expose cartilage near CA joint1 + 1 % MMC: improved CAJ mobility,
decreased granulation tissue, no 2nd vocal granuloma, No Cx [9]
Suture arytenoid adduction, mobility by tensiometry
3. Subglottic/glottic stenosis:
a. CO2 laser + MMC [10, 15]: decreased submucosal collagen,
b. Suction of seretion reduce stenosis
c. Repeat MMC days later: no further improvement of stenosis: Single topical use
4. Sinus antrostomies patency:
a. Dose-related delayed closure of antrostomy and nasal mucosa healing.
b. Ciliary function: initially impaired, normalized within 2 week after MMC,
c. No Cx/ permanent microscopic changes, decrease posto stenosis. [11, 13]
Clinical practice of mitomycin in reducing granuloma formation:
1. Clinical use: Dose and time-dependent inhibitory effects
2. Most clinical single topical use/studies:
0.1-0.4 mg/ml for 1-5 mins in Grade 0-2 laryngotracheal stenosis
3. Higher dose (e.g.1 mg/ml): cytocidal effect on fibroblast
In Ophthalmology:
1. Pterygium: 1st use by Kunitomo and Mori, decrease recurrence: 88% to 2~3%
2. trabecular patency: in glaucoma surgery
3. NLD patency: after DCR
4. Optic nerve sheath fenestration
5. Strasbismus
Reported complications:
1. 2nd glaucoma/cataract, scleral/corneal ulceration, scleromalacia, symblepharon,
calcification, iritis, ocular hypotonia, decreased wound healing infections,
2. Most single topical use is safe:
0.02 % (0.2 mg/ml) for 5 mins, 0.04% for 3 mins: No significant different effects of
fibroblast inhibition.
In ENT fields:
1. myringotomy: longer patency
2. Glottic, subglottic, tracheal, hypopharyngeal stenosis +/- LTR or CTR:
Endoscopic CO2 laser radial incision+ dilatation+ topical MMC
(93%): 14/15 improvement of airway and preoperative symptoms, no complication,
e.g. Wegner’s granulomatosis [3]
[4, 1st use] [5] [6]
Against [12]
Subglottic or upper tracheal stenosis s/p LTR:
topical MMC at the time of extubation or stent removal,
No difference in MMC (+) or N/S groups in stenosis distribution
3. Esophageal stenosis:
dilatation+ MMC: minor improvement [6]
4. Choanal atresia: (e.g. CHARGE, VACTERL syndrome)
s/p endoscopic drillout, transnasal: unilateral+ some bilateral, some transpalatal, +/postoperative stenting:
Msot open decrease need for stenting, dilatations, revision
surgery [6, 14]
In surgery:
1. Abdominal adhesionalysis:
bush cecum and peritoneum induce + laparoscpic MMC 10 days later [2]
2. bilateral bronchial necrosis:
a. Restenosis despite Argon-laser, stentin, dilatation many times in cystic fibrosis s/p
bilateral lung transplantation
b. Open after endoscopic dilatation and stenting + MMC [7]
Ischemia induced donor lung infection, bronchomalacia, granuloma
Possible applications: (before possible granuloma formation or after removal)
1. In prolonged intubation,
airway trauma at surgery.
2. Before airway stent, while changed,
3. Following dilatation/ laser surgery for UADT stenosis
4. Autoimmune/Granulomatous diseases: Wegner’s granulomatosis, sarcoidosis etc.
5. ? slow-release form over stenting
6. No data indicating what conc., duration, frequency of application of MMC is
more efficacious, e.g. in UADT stenosis
1. Crowston JG, Chang LH, Constable PH, et al. Apoptosis gene expression and death receptor
signaling in mitomycin-C-treated human tenon capsule fibroblasts. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
2. Cubukcu A, Alponat A, Gonullu NN, et al. An experimental study evaluating the effect of
Mitomycin C on the prevention of postoperative intraabdominal adhesions. J Surg Res
3. Rahbar R, Shapshay SM, Healy GB, et al. Mitomycin: effects on laryngeal and tracheal stenosis,
benefits, and complications. Ann ORL 2001;110:1-6
4. Rahbar R, Valdez TA, Shapshay SM, et al. Preliminary results of intraoperative mitomycin-C in
the treatment and prevention of glottic and subglottic stenosis. J Voice 2000;14:282-6
5. Ward RF, April MM. Mitomycin-C in the treatment of tracheal cicatrix after tracheal
reconstruction Int J Ped Otorhinolaryngol 1998;44:221-6
6. Rahbar R, Jones DT, Nuss RC, et al. The role of mitomycin in the prevention and treatment of scar
formation in the pediatric aerodigestive tract: friend or foe? Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
7. Erard AC, Monnier P, Spiliopoulos A, et al. Mitomycin C for control of recurrent bronchial
stenosis: a case report. Chest. 2001;120:2103-5
8. Garrett CG, Soto J, Riddick J, et al. Effect of mitomycin-C on vocal fold healing in a canine model
Ann ORL 2001;110:25-30
9. Spector JE, Werkhaven JA, Spector NC, et al. Preservation of function and histologic appearance
in the injured glottis with topical mitomycin-C. Laryngoscope. 1999;109:1125-9
10. Correa AJ, Reinisch L, Sanders DL, et al. Inhibition of subglottic stenosis with mitomycin-C in
the canine model. Ann ORL 1999;108:1053-60
11. Rahal A, Peloquin L, Ahmarani C. Mitomycin C in sinus surgery: preliminary results in a rabbit
model. J Otolaryngol 2001;30(1):1-5
12. Hartnick CJ, Hartley BE, Lacy PD, et al. Topical mitomycin application after laryngotracheal
reconstruction: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck
Surg 2001;127:1260-4
13. Ingrams DR, Volk MS, Biesman BS, et al. Sinus surgery: does mitomycin C reduce stenosis?
Laryngoscope 1998;108:883-6
14. Prasad M, Ward RF, April MM, et al. Topical mitomycin as an adjunct to chanal atresia repair.
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002;128:398-400
15. Elishar R, Eliachar I, Esclamado R, et al. Can topical mitomycin prevent laryngotracheal
stenosis ? laryngoscope. 1999;109:1594-1600
16. Occleston NL, Daniels JT, Tarnuzzer RW, et al. Single exposure to antiproliferatives: long-term
effects on ocular fibroblast wound-healing behavior. Invest Opthalmol Vis Sci. 1997;10:1998-2007