NORTH PACIFIC RESEARCH BOARD PROJECT FINAL REPORT Gulf of Alaska Long-term Observations: the Seward Line NPRB project 520 & 603 Russell R. Hopcroft, Kenneth O. Coyle, Thomas J. Weingartner, Terry E. Whitledge Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7220. (907) 474-7842 December 2007 1 Abstract Long times-series are required for scientists to tease out pattern and cause from simple year-to-year variability. In 2005, 2006 and early 2007, we continued multi-disciplinary oceanographic observations begun in 1998 in the northern Gulf of Alaska. Cruises occurred each year, in early May and early September, to capture the typical spring bloom and summer conditions, respectively, along a 150 mile transect across shelf to the south of Seward, Alaska. We determined the physical-chemical structure, primary (algal) production and the distribution and abundance of zooplankton, along with their seasonal and inter-annual variations, to understand how different climatic conditions influence the biological condition in each year. To date, we have observed both extremely warm years where spring zooplankton biomass was low, and extremely cold years where spring biomass was high. Spring 2007 appears to be the coldest since the 1970s. We have also observed seasonal invasion of more southern species during warm years such as 2005. Popular climatic indices do not fully predict these patterns. Our observations continue to show that spring and summer zooplankton biomass, as well as community composition, are correlated with hatchery-released Pink Salmon survival in this region. Key Words Gulf of Alaska, Alaska Coastal Current, physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, biological oceanography, nutrients, primary production, phytoplankton, chlorophyll, zooplankton Citation Hopcroft, R.R., Coyle, K.O., Weingartner, T.J., and Whitledge, T.E. 2007. Gulf of Alaska Longterm Observations: the Seward Line, Anchorage. 38p. 2 Table of Contents Abstract …2 Study Chronology …5 Objectives …7 Methods …8 Results …11 Discussion …31 …33 Projections for 2008 Conclusions …34 Publications …34 Outreach …35 Acknowledgements …35 References …36 Table of Figures Fig.1. Anomalies from the long-term mean for the (a) PDO, (b) the CalCOFI zooplankton displacement, (c) Spring Chinook salmon survival for Oregon and Washington States and (d) the contribution of sub-arctic copepods to the copepod community off Newport Oregon (modified from Peterson and Schwing 2003) …6 Fig. 2. Anomalies of winter sea-surface temperature (SST – top panels), atmospheric sea-level pressure and wind velocities (lower panels) in the Pacific Ocean for (a) the new regime in 1999-2001, (b) the pre 1976 regime shift and (c) post 1976 regime shift (from Peterson and Schwing 2003) . Fig. 3. LTOP stations. In addition basic sampling, purple stations have primary production and zooplankton growth or reproduction incubations. Grey stations occupied only if time permits …7 Fig.4. A) The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and B) Pacific Decadal Oscillation (DFO) indices. C) The average salinity and temperature of the upper 100m along the Seward Line in May. …12 Fig.5. Temperature and salinity profiles at Gak1 for May and September of sampling years compared to the long-term means and their standard deviations. …13 Fig.6. Cross-shelf sections of temperature, salinity and inferred geostrophic velocity across the Seward Line May 8-12, 2005 …14 3 …8 Fig.7. Cross-shelf sections of temperature, salinity and inferred geostrophic velocity across the Seward Line Sept 9-12, 2005 …14 Fig.8. Cross-shelf sections of temperature, salinity and inferred geostrophic velocity across the Seward Line May 8-12, 2006 …15 Fig.9. Cross-shelf sections of temperature, salinity and inferred geostrophic velocity across the Seward Line Sept 14-19, 2006 Fig.10. Cross-shelf sections of temperature, salinity and inferred geostrophic velocity across the Seward Line May 7-11, 2007 15 …16 Fig. 11. Intregated chlorophyll a concentration in the upper 50m of the Seward Line Duing A) Mayand B) early September. …16 Fig 12. Surface concentrations of nitrate along the Seward Line during A) 2005 B) 2006. …17 Fig.13. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the MOCNESS collections during May 2005 …18 Fig.14. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the MOCNESS collections during May 2006 …19 Fig.15. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the MOCNESS collections during September 2005 …20 Fig.16. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the MOCNESS collections during September 2006 …21 Fig.17. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the Quadnet collections during May 2005. …22 Fig.18. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the Quadnet collections during May 2006. …23 Fig.19. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the Quadnet collections during September 2005. Fig.20. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the Quadnet collections during September 2006. …24 Fig.21. Abundance of the dominant copepod species along the Seward Line during May. Upper 5 panels from MOCNESS collections, lower 3 panels form 150µm quadnet 95% confidence errors are indicated for the long term mean (red symbol, green bar) and each year (black). …26 Fig.22. Stage distribution of the Neocalanus copepods along the Seward Line during May. …27 4 …25 Fig.23. Abundance of the pteropod Limacina helicina and the larvacean Oikopleura along the Seward Line during May from Quadnet collections. …27 Fig.24. Abundance of the two most dominant zooplankters in Quadnet collections along the Seward Line during late summer. …28 Fig.25. Abundance of southern affinity zooplankters in Quadnet collections along the Seward Line during late summer. …28 Fig 26. Clutch size, length and weight specific reproductive rate of Pseudocalanus females along the Seward Line …29 Fig 27. Clutch size, length and weight specific reproductive rate of Pseudocalanus mimus females along the Seward Line …30 Fig.27. Survival of Prince William Sound hatchery Pink Salmon referenced to year of release (2006 data is preliminary). Data provided by Lew Halderson. …33 Study Chronology Year Date Event 2005 April Project funded May 8-12 First cruise R/V Thompson July 2005 First Progress Report September 9-14 Second cruise M/V Tiglax December Project renewed March Second Progress Report May 14-18 Third cruise R/V Thompson July Third Progress Report September 13-18 Fourth cruise M/V Tiglax March Fourth Progress Report May 6-11 Fifth cruise M/V Tiglax July Fifth Progress Report December Final Report 2006 2007 5 Introduction We now recognize that we live in a constantly changing world, driven by a combination of stochastic events, natural cycles, longer-term oscillations, and the accelerating impact of human activities. Where we once thought the oceans housed relatively stable ecosystems, in the last decade we have come to appreciate that they fluctuate between multiple states or “regimes” apparently coupled to major climatic shifts such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). This appreciation has come initially from long-term and more global views of the physical changes in the ocean and atmospheric, but most importantly from long-term biological observations that have demonstrated the impact of “regime shifts” (Francis & Hare, 1994; Manuta et al., 1997). We are now beginning to recognize that such events may be common (Hare & Mantua, 2000), and we are just beginning to appreciate the mechanisms by which these physical changes impact ecosystems (McGowan et al., 1998; Beaugrand, 2004). Our understanding of community level changes would not be possible without long-term observation programs (LTOPs), whose value has not been fully appreciated until recently (Nisbet 2007, Editor, 2007). Biological time-series such as CalCOFI (e.g. Roemmich & McGowan, 1995) and Station/Line P (Mackas et al., 2004) in the North Pacific, and the CPR series in the North Atlantic (Richardson & Schoeman, 2004) are proving invaluable at documenting the shifts in species distributions (Beaugrand & Ibanez, 2002; Beaugrand & Reid, 2003) and timing of life histories (Mackas et al., 1998; Edwards & Richardson, 2004). Understanding how complex pelagic ecosystems work, and how they might be affected by climate change was the most fundamental goal of the Global Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC) that has now ended its field sampling phase. One of the core hypotheses of that program revolved around the observed out-of-phase covariance of the production regimes by zooplankton Fig.1. Anomalies from the long-term mean for the (a) PDO, (b) the CalCOFI zooplankton displacement, (c) Spring Chinook salmon survival for Oregon and (Brodeur et al., 1996), and Washington States and (d) the contribution of sub-arctic copepods to the copepod community off Newport Oregon (modified from Peterson and Schwing 2003) the fish populations such as 6 salmon that feed on them (Hare et al., 1999). The Gulf of Alaska GLOBEC program began its sampling activities in October 1997, coincident with one of the larger El Niño events in recent decades. Observations from sampling programs around Vancouver and to the south suggest this may also have represented the transition to a new regime in the North Pacific (Fig. 1), corresponding with a change in the PDO (Fig. 1a), an increase in zooplankton volume (Fig. 1b) due to greater contribution from more northern species (Fig 1d), and an apparent improvement in Chinook survival in Oregon and Washington states (Fig. 1c). Fig. 2. Anomalies of winter sea-surface temperature (SST – top panels), atmospheric sea-level pressure and wind velocities (lower panels) in the Pacific Ocean for (a) the new regime in 1999-2001, (b) the pre 1976 regime shift and (c) post 1976 regime shift (from Peterson and Schwing 2003). Based on our understanding of the 1976 regime shift which resulted in a profound shift in Alaska from a shrimp dominated fisheries to one dominated by pollock, salmon and halibut (Francis & Hare, 1994), there was concern that Alaskan fisheries might return to such a pre-1976 state. However, unlike the pre-1976 regime (Fig. 2b) the new regime is characterized by two nodes of atmospheric pressure over the North Pacific Ocean (Bond, 2003; Fig. 2a) that appears to maintain warm water anomalies in the coastal Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea (Peterson & Schwing, 2003). More recent data suggests this “shift” may not be as definitive as initially believed. If this is true, then it is difficult to predict what biological changes might occur in Alaskan waters, and how this might impact fisheries. Continued observations are therefore necessary to observe the state of this ecosystem and assess the impact the ongoing changes in the North Pacific. Objectives The scientific purpose of this project is to develop an understanding of the response of this marine ecosystem to climate variability. Toward this end, the Seward Line cruises on the Gulf of Alaska shelf determined the physical-chemical structure, primary production, the distribution and abundance of zooplankton, and growth or reproduction of key zooplankton species, along with their seasonal and interannual variations in 2005 and 2006. 7 Specifically, we: 1. Determine thermohaline (temperature & salinity), and nutrient structure of the Gulf of Alaska shelf, emphasizing Seward Line, and Prince William Sound stations. 2. Determine primary production and phytoplankton biomass distribution. 3. Determine the distribution and abundance of zooplankton. 4. Determine copepod rates of somatic growth and egg production for selected species Methods General Considerations For a long-term observation series, one of the most critical requirements is consistency of sampling locations, timing of observations and methodology. We employed the same set of 13 primary stations (~18km spacing) and 9 intermediate stations along the Seward Line sampled by the GLOBEC program, which extends from the coast, across the shelf break, to the inner portion of the Alaska Stream (Fig. 3). The 3 Knight Island Passage stations within Prince William Sound represent key “upstream” sources to also be sampled. Dependent on the sampling platform, sampling was conducted on 4-6-day cruises in May and September of each year. Timing of May cruise was consistent with GLOBEC cruise timing, while September sampling occurred 2-4 weeks later than GLOBEC, a delay imposed due to the timing of ship availability. Oceanographic sampling methodology was nearly identical to that employed by the previous 7 years of the Gulf of Alaska GLOBEC LTOP program (i.e. U.S. GLOBEC, 1996; Weingartner et al., Fig. 3. LTOP stations. In addition basic sampling, purple stations have primary production and zooplankton growth or reproduction incubations. Grey stations occupied only if time permits. 2002), although reduced in breath of some measurements. Physical, Chemical, and Phytoplankton A Seabird SBE 911 CTD with fluorometer and transmissivity, PAR, was logging real-time was employed on May 2005 & 2006 cruises (R/V Thompson). A SBE 19 with fluorometer and PAR was employed on Sept 2005 & 2006 cruises operating in logging mode due to lack of a conduction cable. The availability of a conducting cable in May 2007 again allowed real-time data logging. Discrete bottle samples for nutrients and chlorophyll where taken with either 5 or 10L Niskin Bottle Rosette, and 8 operated through a Seabird AFM during September 2005 & 2006. Surface measurements of temperature, salinity, fluorescence and water column velocities were collected and logged automatically by the Thompson’s underway sampling system, were not available on Tiglax cruises. Nutrient measurements were made onboard during Thompson cruises using an Alpkem Rapid Flow Analyzer (Whitledge et al., 1981) and conform to WOCE standards (Gordon et al., 1993). Nutrients were frozen on other cruises and analyzed soon after each cruise. Chlorophyll a concentrations were measured at all stations, typically at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 m, collected from rosettes on upcasts. Additional chlorophyll depths were sampled inconjunction with primary production (PP) stations, Gak 1, 4, 9, 13 and KIP2. Size fraction was conducted at 10 m for primary stations, and PP stations. Extracted chlorophyll a was determined fluorometrically post-cruise (Parsons et al., 1984). Daily measurement of primary production rates was estimated for large (>20 µm) and small (< 20 µm) size classes by the modified 14C-uptake technique (Parsons et al., 1984). Primary production estimates were made at the 4 stations along the Seward Line, plus one in the sound. Water samples inoculated with 13C-labeled Na2CO3 were incubated in 1-liter polycarbonate bottles under natural light ondeck. Following the incubations, both light and dark bottles were filtered, purged of inorganic carbon, and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Hourly and daily estimates of primary production rates were calculated for each sampled site. Concurrent assessments of phytoplankton nutrient utilization were performed using amendment bioassays (nitrogen, phosphorus and silicate) and trace metals. Emphasis was placed on iron enrichments in order to assess potential effects on primary productivity rates. Particulate carbon and nitrogen samples were obtained for each productivity sample. The physical (including transmissivity and PAR) and chemical data was used to quantify the seasonal, interannual, and along- and cross-shelf distributions of water masses, their variability, and to aid in interpreting zooplankton distributions. The ADCP data was used to describe vertical and horizontal shears and convergences, which are valuable in understanding the dynamical structure of the flow (Danielson et al., 1999). These structures, in conjunction with surface measurements, are especially helpful in interpreting biological features and patch sizes (Coyle et al., 1998). Data was used along with historical data from this region (i.e. Seward Line data plus temperature and salinity record at GAK1 since 1970) to examine spatial and temporal variations in both physical and chemical variables and processes. Interdecadal time scales are addressed through the use of sea surface temperatures (available from Scripps since 1947), Sitka air temperatures (since 1828), upwelling indices (from the Pacific Oceanographic Group/NOAA since 1946), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (since 1900), oceanographic buoy data (from NOAA since ca. 1975) and the EVOSTC-supported continuous measurements at GAK 1. 9 Zooplankton Plankton nets: Day time zooplankton samples were collected with a Quadnet consisting of 25 cm diameter nets of 1.6 m length equipped with GO flowmeters. A pair of these nets were constructed of 0.15 mm mesh and sample small, primarily early copepodid stages of calanoids (e.g., Coyle et al., 1990; Coyle & Pinchuk, 2003), while nauplii and the smallest copepodid stages of neritic species were sampled with the pair constructed of 0.05 mm mesh. The tows were made from 100 m to the surface at the 13 stations along the Seward Line, plus the 3 stations within Prince William Sound. At these same stations a 1-m2 MOCNESS system (on Thompson cruises) or 0.25 m2 Hydrobios Multinet system (Tiglax cruises), both with 0.5 mm mesh nets, were fished at night to assess large zooplankton and micronekton, such as euphausiids, that are important components in the diet of many fish, sea-birds and marine mammals. The MOCNESS is equipped with nine nets that were opened and closed electronically from the deck, while the 5 nets on the Multinet could also be programmed to fire automatically at specific depths. At each station, 5 samples were collected at 20 m depth intervals from 100 m depth to the surface, with typically ~150 m3 of water filtered by each net. Additional collections were made to 600 m at Gak13 and PWS2 to assess over-wintering populations of Neocalanus spp. The MOCNESS simultaneously records depth, salinity, temperature, net angle, flow meter counts, volume filtered, latitude, longitude, and GMT time at 2 second intervals, while the Multinet only records depth and flow meters. All samples were preserved in 10% formalin for later analysis by LTOP methods to the lowest taxonomic category possible. During sample processing, all larger organisms (primarily shrimp and jelly fish) were removed and enumerated, then the sample was Folsom split until the smallest subsample contained about 100 specimens of the most abundant taxa. The most abundant taxa were identified, copepodites staged, enumerated and weighed. Each larger subsample was examined to identify, enumerate and weigh the larger, less abundant taxa. Blotted wet weights of all specimens of each taxa and stage were taken on each sample until the coefficient of variation for any given taxa and stage changed by less than 5%, after which point the wet weight biomass was estimated by multiplying the specimen counts by the mean wet weight. In practice, only calanoid copepods have consistent wet weights after weighing each taxa and stage in about 10-15 samples; wet weights on euphausiids, shrimp and other larger taxa were always measured and recorded individually for each sample. Wet weight measurements were generally taken to ±1 μg on a Cahn Electrobalance. The data was uploaded to a Microsoft Access database for sorting and analysis. At present, multidimensional scaling of percentage dissimilarities between samples has proven an effective method of revealing cross-shelf patterns (Coyle & Pinchuk, 2005). Growth/reproduction Studies of growth and reproduction targeted the large Neocalanus spp. the dominate the spring, and smaller Pseudocalanus species that dominate late summer and fall (Coyle & 10 Pinchuk, 2003). Both were collected using fine mesh nets at the process stations spaced along the Seward Line, plus one inside the sound, as was done in the GLOBEC program (e.g. Napp et al., 2005; Liu & Hopcroft 2006a). For Pseudocalanus, we monitored egg production, because it appears to be reflective of growth in most developmental stages in this system (Liu & Hopcroft, unpublished), and generally reflects the current food climate (Runge & Roff, 2000). For these experiments, 100 females representing a mixture of the 2 species were incubated individually in 70 ml flasks, and the number of eggs produced over each of 2 days was determined (Napp et al., 2005). In contrast, Neocalanus only spawn at great depth during the winter months, thus we must directly assess the growth rates. In their case, single stages of Neocalanus flemingeri/plumchrus were selected and incubated at low densities in 20L carboys (with natural food concentration) for 5 days, harvested, preserved, and the increase in stage and size later determined from the samples (Liu & Hopcroft 2006a). Results Physics The Seward Line observations are largely restricted to the periods where the both ENSO (Fig 4a) and PDO (Fig 4b) have been undergoing changes. In terms of average May temperature and salinity averaged over the upper 100m across the Seward Line, 2005 and 2006 appear roughly comparable to other years while 2007 is anomalously cold (Fig. 4c). Looking specifically at Gak1, where data exist back to the 1970s, May 2005 had surface water that was warmer and more stratified than typical for May (Fig. 5b), and these conditions persisted through September (Fig.5b), 2006 was relatively typical of the long-term means (Fig. 5c,d), while Spring 2007 temperatures were anomalously cold (Fig. 5e), colder than any year since the early 1970s. The early spring 2007 (March and April) water column was less stratified than normal suggesting low winter runoff, strong winter mixing and anomalously high salinities at the surface and low salinities at depth. [Anomalously low temperatures have persisted below 100 m through September (Fig. 5f) and into December 2007 (at least) and these cold temperatures along with an evolving La Niña in the Pacific and a negative Arctic Oscillation suggest that GOA shelf temperatures will remain anomalously low through spring 2008.] Cross shelf profiles of temperature, salinity and density, support these general patterns, and illustrate the relatively cool, and weakly stratified, conditions during spring compared to the strongly stratified conditions during late summer (Fig. 6-10) 11 A summer PDO 15 WARM COOL WARM ? 10 B 5 0 -5 a -10 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 C Fig.4. A) The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and B) Pacific Decadal Oscillation (DFO) indices. C) The average salinity and temperature of the upper 100m along the Seward Line in May. Chlorophyll and nutrients Measurements of chlorophyll over the time-series reveal the brief and transitory form of the spring bloom in the Gulf of Alaska (Fig. 11a), and the generally lower concentration of chlorophyll during late summer (Fig. 11b). Few of the May cruises over the past decade have captured the spring bloom with the exception of May 2002, and to a lesser extent May 1999 and May 2004, all of which were characterized by cool surface waters with poor stratification that significantly delayed the spring bloom. The very low concentration of nitrate in surface waters during May 2005 (Fig. 12a) confirms the bloom has already occurred. In contrast, the high concentration of nitrate in May 2006, and low concentrations of chlorophyll, indicate the bloom had yet to occur. Nutrient concentrations during May 2007 are not yet available (part of project 708), but cold temperatures and intermediate chlorophyll suggest that we are 12 Fig.5. Temperature and salinity profiles at Gak1 for May and September of sampling years compared to the longterm means and their standard deviations. only observing the beginning of the spring bloom. This is supported by the higher “bloom” concentrations of chlorophyll observed within Prince William Sound during May 2007 than observed across the Seward Line: in all years the sound blooms prior to the Seward Line. Nutrient concentrations during September 2005 are low (Fig. 12b), and consistent with expected nutrient limitation during summer stratified conditions. In contrast, the higher nutrient concentrations during September 2006, suggest storms have already begun the mixing normally characteristic of the fall period. 13 Fig.6. Cross-shelf sections of temperature, salinity and inferred geostrophic velocity across the Seward Line May 8-12, 2005 Fig.7. Cross-shelf sections of temperature, salinity and inferred geostrophic velocity across the Seward Line Sept 9-12, 2005 14 Fig.8. Cross-shelf sections of temperature, salinity and inferred geostrophic velocity across the Seward Line May 8-12, 2006 Fig.9. Cross-shelf sections of temperature, salinity and inferred geostrophic velocity across the Seward Line Sept 14-19, 2006 15 Fig.10. Cross-shelf sections of temperature, salinity and inferred geostrophic velocity across the Seward Line May 7-11, 2007 13 B A Chloro -2 (mg m ) 12 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 11 Seward Line Station 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 1998 2006 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fig.11. Intregated chlorophyll a concentration in the upper 50m of the Seward Line Duing A) May and B) early September. 16 16 16 Nitrate (µM) 14 A May 2005 Sept 2005 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 B May 2006 Sept 2006 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 GAK Station GAK Station Fig.12. Surface concentrations of nitrate along the Seward Line during A) 2005 B) 2006. Zooplankton Larger zooplankton collected with the MOCNESS, show the night-time communities characteristic of the Gulf of Alaska, with May samples dominated numerically and in biomass by Neocalanus species, Metridia pacifica, and Calanus marshallae (Fig. 13, 14), and September samples dominated by Metridia pacifica, Calanus sp., Eucalanus bungii, and euphausiids (Fig. 15, 16). It is notable that in both Septembers, the more southern Calanus pacificus were obvious in most offshore samples, while in September 2005 warmer-water salps were also obvious in most offshore samples. Collections from the finer- meshed Quadnets made during daytime give a slightly different impression of community composition, with May samples dominated numerically by Oithona similis, Pseudocalanus spp. and calanoid nauplii, while biomass continues to show a dominance of Neocalanus species, and Calanus marshallae, but with significant contribution by Pseudocalanus spp. (Fig. 17, 18). It is notable, but expected, that the strong diel migratory Metridia pacifica was not dominant in daytime collections. In September, samples remained numerically dominated by Oithona similis, Pseudocalanus spp., but biomass then showed a dominance of Pseudocalanus spp., with notable contribution by Oithona similis, as well as Calanus sp. (Fig. 19, 20). Calanus pacificus’s occurrence offshore was consistent MOCNESS observations. 17 Fig.13. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the MOCNESS collections during May 2005 18 Fig.14. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the MOCNESS collections during May 2006 19 Fig.15. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the MOCNESS collections during September 2005 20 Fig.16. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the MOCNESS collections during September 2006 21 Fig.17. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the Quadnet collections during May 2005. 22 Fig.18. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the Quadnet collections during May 2006. 23 Fig.19. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the Quadnet collections during September 2005. 24 Fig.20. Abundance and biomass of zooplankton along the Seward Line in the Quadnet collections during September 2006. 25 Like all biological communities, we observed changes in abundances of species between years. Viewed over the entire GLOBEC-NPRB period, several species-specific patterns are notable. From May observations, of the large copepods that dominate the spring, the largest, Neocalanus cristatus, shows no significant pattern across years, while the slightly smaller N. plumchrus/flemingeri show significantly higher abundances in 3 years and lower abundances in 3 years, with 2006 along with 1998 and 2002 representing a “good” year (Fig. 21). Similarly, Eucalanus bungii, and Metridia pacifica, show significant variation between years, while Calanus marshallae shows large increases in abundance during 2005& 2006. Smaller species (i.e. Oithona, Pseudocalanus, Acartia) are also variable, but there appears to be little consistency in pattern between species. Although warm years may not always affect abundance, they do affect growth rates & passage of stages through the ecosystem (Fig. 22), with both good years for N. plumchrus/flemingeri since the change in sign of the PDO (i.e. 2002 & 2006) having delayed 180 18 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 140 25 20 15 10 5 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Calanus marshallae (May MOC) 120 Mean Abundance (No m-3) 100 80 60 40 20 80 60 40 20 0 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 1998 2006 3000 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 5000 Pseudocalanus spp. (May vert) Mean Abundance (No m-3) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 400 Oithona similis (May vert) 300 Mean Abundance (No m -3) Mean Abundance (No m -3) Eucalanus bungii (May MOC) 30 100 Metridia spp. (May MOC) Mean Abundance (No m-3) 35 16 Mean Abundance (No m -3) Mean Abundance (No m-3) Mean Abundance (No m -3) Neocalanus cristatus (May MOC) N. plumchrus & N. flemingeri (May MOC) 160 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Acartia spp. (May vert) 200 100 75 50 25 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fig.21. Abundance of the dominant copepod species along the Seward Line during May. Upper 5 panels from MOCNESS collections, lower 3 panels form 150µm quadnet 95% confidence errors are indicated for the long term mean (red symbol, green bar) and each year (black). 26 60 20 0 Stg3 40 Stg4 20 80 Stg3 Stage4 40 Stage5 60 Neocalanus cristatus 100 Percentage Stage 80 Neocalanus plumchrus/flemingeri Stage5 Percentage Stage 100 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fig.22. Stage distribution of the Neocalanus copepods along the Seward Line during May. 1400 800 700 1200 1000 Mean Abundance (No m-3) Mean Abundance (No m-3) Limacina helicina Inner Trans Outer PWS 800 600 400 200 Oikopleura spp. 600 Inner Trans Outer PWS 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fig.23. Abundance of the pteropod Limacina helicina and the larvacean Oikopleura along the Seward Line during May from Quadnet collections. development, while two of the three years in between had accelerated development. When development is delayed, Neocalanus remain in the surface waters longer before completing the growth phase of their life cycle and descending to depth, making them available longer to their potential predators. In contrast, there appears to be no relationship between population abundance and developmental stage in N. critatus. Of the mucus-net feeders recently implicated as important items in the diets of juvenile Pink Salmon, it is notable that in May, Limacina helicina abundance has been increasing significantly since 2003 in all domains along the Seward Line, while Oikopleura spp. has shown no systematic pattern (Fig 23). Similar to observations from May, during September zooplankton communities show notable year-toyear variation, as seen for example in the numerically dominant Oithona similis and Pseudocalanus spp. 27 (Fig 24). In cases such as these, there are no clear relationships to environmental parameters. The more interesting patterns during late summer appear primarily in less common, and in particular species with warmer water and more “southern” affinities. During the warm summer of 2005, the small southern species Paracalanus parvus, became unusually common along the Seward Line, while the southern Calanus pacificus has been increasingly common during the warm summers of 1998, 2003, 2005 & 2006 (Fig 25). Similarly, the copepods Mesocalanus tenucornis, and Clausocalanus spp, as well as salps are 3500 3500 3000 3000 Pseudocalanus spp. Mean Abundance (No m-3) Mean Abundance (No m-3) more likely to be encountered during warmer summers (not shown). 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Oithona similis 0 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 1998 2006 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fig.24. Abundance of the two most dominant zooplankters in Quadnet collections along the Seward Line during late summer. 500 40 Mean Abundance (No m -3) Mean Abundance (No m-3) Paracalanus parva (Summer vert) 400 300 200 100 Calanus pacificus (Summer vert) 30 20 16 12 8 4 0 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year Fig.25. Abundance of southern affinity zooplankters in Quadnet collections along the Seward Line during late summer. 28 60 Pseudocalanus newmanii PWS Gak1 Gak4 Gak9 Gak13 Clutch size 50 40 30 20 10 Prosome Length (mm) 0 1.2 1.0 0.8 -1 Population SEP (% d ) 0.0 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 May Aug 2001 May Aug 2002 May Aug 2003 May Jul 2004 May Sept May Sept 2005 2006 Fig 26. Clutch size, length and weight specific reproductive rate of Pseudocalanus newmanii females along the Seward Line 29 50 Pseudocalanus mimus PWS Gak1 Gak4 Gak9 Gak13 Clutch size 40 30 20 10 Prosome Length (mm) 0 1.2 1.0 0.8 -1 Population SEP (% d ) 0.0 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 May Aug 2001 May Aug 2002 May Aug 2003 May Jul 2004 May Sept May Sept 2005 2006 Fig 27. Clutch size, length and weight specific reproductive rate of Pseudocalanus mimus females along the Seward Line 30 In terms of growth rates, Neocalanus plumchrus/flemingeri Stage 4 copepodites had an average growth rate of 10% per day (SE of 1%), and stage duration averaged 8.5 days (SE of 1.3 days) in 2005, with growth notably slower and development time longer than the rest of the Seward Line. Both these rates suggest slightly faster growth and development than other years, consistent with the warmer surface water temperatures of May 2005. In contrast, N. plumchrus/flemingeri C3 and C4 had an average growth rate of only 4% per day (SE of 1%), and stage duration averaged 34.6 days (SE of 10.7 days) in 2005. Although these rates are generally consistent with growth patterns established for this species along the Seward Line once corrected for incubation temperature (Liu & Hopcroft, 2006), 2006 appears comparatively low for reasons that are still unclear. The reproductive patterns of both Pseudocalanus species were generally consistent with other years (Fig 26, 27), with clutch size and prosome length of females greater in May than summer/fall, but weight-specific egg production showing far less seasonal modulation. May 2005 had higher rates of reproduction than May 2006 for both Pseudocalanus species, likely due to the warmer temperatures in May 2005. Biological sample processing for the May 2007 cruise is occurring under project 708, and is currently in progress. Semi-quantitative impressions from live collections indicate that the zooplankton communities were substantially retarded in their development in comparison to previous years. For example, the mean developmental stage of Neocalanus species were at least one, if not 2 stages, behind their normal status for May, with C5s being very uncommon over the shelf, but more abundant off the shelf. Females of Pseudocalanus spp. were also extremely rare compared to earlier stages. This delayed development is consistent with the lower than normal temperatures, and more similar to what was observed for the April period during the GLOBEC sampling years. It is unclear what consequences this will have for higher trophic levels, but we speculate that the peak of zooplankton biovolume (as measured by the Prince William Sound hatcheries) has occurred much later than normal in 2007. Discussion The first extensive overview of the Gulf of Alaska (Hood & Zimmerman, 1986) now seems dated. Observations over the past decade, many arising from the GLOBEC program (Weingartner et al., 2002) have fundamentally revised our understanding of the coastal Gulf of Alaska ecosystem and allow us an appreciation of not only its major properties, but also their inter-annual variability (Spies 2007). The general behaviors of this ecosystem in terms of physics (Weingartner 2007), chemistry (Childers et al. 2005), and zooplankton communities (Coyle & Pinchuk, 2003, 2005) have been described from the first phase of the GLOBEC program, and there is no need to repeat such information here. The goal of this report is to highlights some of the newer observations and insights collected over the past few years, and 31 in particular place 2005 & 2006 in the context of the past decade of observations. It is also important to state that observations along the Seward Line, remain very much an ongoing effort as this report is being prepared. When this project began in 2005, both atmospheric indices and observations from other West Coast LTOP programs were suggesting the 1997 El Niño represented the transition to a new regime in the North Pacific (Peterson & Schwing, 2003; Batten & Welch, 2004). More recent data from 2003-2007 suggest this “shift” may not be as definitive as was initially believed, complicated by anomalously warm conditions during 2005 and 2006 (Mackas et al., 2006, Hooff & Peterson, 2006). In contrast, spring conditions in 2007 were anomalously cold, and seemly at odds with the existence of a moderate El Niño occurring early in 2007 which was similar in magnitude to the El Niño in the winter of 2002/2003 that resulted in the high temperatures during 2003. Nonetheless, this cool spring gave way to warm surface waters by summer, even though deeper waters remained anomalously cool, with 2007 thus being in sharp contrast to previous years where a clear long-term warming trend was apparent at depth for Gak1. Clearly, the relationship between climate indices and conditions in the Gulf of Alaska are much more complicated than we had begun to believe. Of the more obvious biological patterns observed, our observations of the “invasion” of more southern species during warmer years is consistent with observations of other sampling programs to the south, and particularly observations in the transitions zone near Vancouver Island (Mackas et al., 2004, 2006). Such shifts appear to occur over the entire Gulf of Alaska domain for more oceanic species (Batten & Freeland, 2007), such as we observed strongly with Calanus pacificus, but such shifts can be restricted to neritic species (e.g. Paracalanus parvus, Clausocalanus spp.) transported within the rapidflowing Alaska Coastal Current (ACC) that are then sometimes subsequently distributed across the shelf. The distribution and composition of zooplankton communities is further influenced by the degree to which the ACC mixes with the “transitional” shelf waters (Coyle and Pinchuk 2005), as well as eddies that propagate along the shelf break that enhance cross-shelf and oceanic-shelf exchange (Mackas & Coyle 2005). Warming also has the potential to change important timing aspects of species season cycles (such as we observe in Neocalanus stages), resulting in increased or decreased population success (Mackas et al., 1998 & in press), and the degree of match or mismatch between predators and prey (Edwards & Richardson, 2004). All of these factors have the potential to result in profound change of ecosystem structure, with consequences to upper trophic levels of commercial and managerial interest. Thus far, there appears to be no systematic trend in PWS Pink Salmon survival over the past decades subsequent to the 1976 North pacific regime shift (Fig. 28). Recently, it has been suggested the availability of preferential prey types for juvenile pinks during August and September (i.e. pteropods and larvaceans - Armstrong et al., 2005) may be important determinants of juvenile pink survival (Cross et al. 32 2005; Halderson et al., unpublished). While this may prove to be true, our data remains consistent with the more traditional belief that years of high spring-time Neocalanus abundance often result in higher pink salmon survival at the critical periods of ocean entry (e.g. Cooney, 1993; Willette et al. 2001). Therefore, continued monitoring of both physical and biological oceanographic state of the ecosystem still holds the potential to help predict the success of higher trophic levels thereby aiding in management decisions. 4 Pink Salmon Survival Anomoly (%) 2 0 -2 e -4 1980 1990 2000 Fig.28. Survival of Prince William Sound hatchery Pink Salmon referenced to year of release (2006 data is preliminary). Data provided by Lew Halderson. Projections for 2008 As indicated previously, conditions on the Gulf of Alaska shelf in spring 2007 were unusually cold and salty. Monthly temperatures anomalies at GAK 1 were more than 1oC below normal throughout the water column. The temperature anomalies were greatest (~1.3oC) at depths deeper than 100 m, with these represneting the coldest temperatures observed since the mid-1970s. Data from the May 2007 cruise showed that temperatures were colder inshore than offshore, in sharp contrast to previous years where a clear long-term warming trend was apparent at depth for Gak1. The vertical salinity distribution in 2007 was also anomalous; salinities were fresher (saltier) below (above) about 150 m depth. The salinity anomalies imply that stratification of the winter and early spring water column was unusually weak and favorable to deep mixing. Deep mixing would have increased the supply of nutrients to the euphotic zone in time for the onset of the spring bloom and would thus have enhanced primary production. On the other hand the weak vertical stratification would have suppressed primary production because algal cells would have been mixed below the euphotic zone. Ongoing chemical and biological analysis of samples will soon allow us to know where these observations occurred relative to the spring bloom. Observations at GAK 1 through summer and over the shelf during the NPRB September 2007 cruise indicate that shelf waters below 75 m have remained cooler (by ~1oC) than normal, and that summer heating and/or ocean advection did not ameliorated the cold anomaly initiated last winter. This suggests 33 that shelf water temperatures will be even colder in spring 2008 than in 2007 since fall temperatures at the onset of the cooling season are lower than they were in 2006. Moreover, a La Nina is currently developing in the equatorial Pacific, and the Arctic Oscillation Index is trending to negative values: both of these broad-scale atmospheric indices tend to be associated with enhanced air-sea cooling and lower than normal water temperatures in the Gulf of Alaska. In general, cool springs are correlated with better than average years for Neocalanus plumchrus/flemingeri. Analysis of 2007 zooplankton samples currently underway may help further confirm such patterns. Strong years for Neocalanus plumchrus/flemingeri are in turn generally correlated with above average survival years for juvenile pink salmon. Provided the expected cool conditions in Spring 2008 do not result in a timing mismatch between the spring bloom and the critical Neocalanus first-feeding stages, we can expect the pink salmon released in Spring 2008 to have a year of strong survival. Conclusions Long-term observations along the Seward Line continue to advance our understanding of this large marine ecosystem. A decade of observation not only allows us to recognize the degree to which observations are typical, or atypical, of the average state of this ecosystem, but to relate such variations the success of higher trophic levels. We have now reached a level of understanding of this ecosystem where we can make some educated predictions on its performance several months in advance. Continued long-term monitoring will be required to confirm, refine, and generate such predictions. Publications (most with shared credit: GLOBEC & NPRB) Liu, H., and Hopcroft, R.R. 2006. Growth and development of Neocalanus flemingeri/plumchrus in the northern Gulf of Alaska: validation of the artificial cohort method in cold waters. J. Plankton Res. 28: 87-101. Hopcroft, R.R., Liu, H., and Clarke, C. Growth and development of Neocalanus flemingeri/plumchrus in the northern Gulf of Alaska: II. lip accumulation in copepodite CV. Planned for second half of 2008 Hopcroft, R.R., Liu, H., Coyle, K.O., Pinchuk, A.I., and Clarke, C. planned. Secondary production of zooplankton in the northern Gulf of Alaska, 2001-2007. Planned for second half of 2008 Hopcroft, R.R., Napp, J.M., Baier, C.T., and Clarke, C. in prep. Egg production rates of Pseudocalanus mimus, Pseudocalanus minutus and Pseudocalanus newmani in the Gulf of Alaska. Planned for first half of 2008. Mar. Ecol Prog. Ser. Coyle, K.O., Hinkley, S., and Herman, A. planned. Validation of a coupled biophysical model using GLOBEC - NPRB long-term observations on the northern Gulf of Alaska shelf. Coyle, K.O., Hopcroft, R.R., and Pinchuk, A.I. planned. Long-term zooplankton abundance, biomass and species composition on the northern Gulf of Alaska shelf. 34 Coyle, K.O., Hopcroft, R.R., Weingartner, T.J., Whitledge, T.E., Lessard, E.D., Strom, S.L., Dagg, M.J., and Napp, J.M. planned. Mechanistic links between climate forcing and the ecosystem response on the northern Gulf of Alaska shelf: results from a biophysical lower trophic level model and GLOBEC - NPRB field observations. Stockwell, D.A. in prep. Primary productivity patterns in North East Pacific coast waters. Stockwell, D.A., and Whitledge, T.E. in prep. Size-fractionated chlorophyll distributions in Alaskan coastal waters. Outreach Web pages developed: All data plots and posters presented from the combined GLOBEC & NPRB periods are posted at as soon as they become available. Conference presentations: Inter-annual variations of zooplankton in the northern coastal Gulf of Alaska. Poster 4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium, Hiroshima, Japan (May 2007) The Gulf of Alaska Seward Line - 2005 & 2006. Poster Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage (January 2007) The consequences of climate change on Alaskan marine life. Presention Alaska Forum, Anchorage (Feb 2006) Climate change research in the Gulf of Alaska: the Seward Line. Presentation. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage (January 2006) Workshop Participations: GLOBEC Synthesis meeting/workshop. Anacortes, WA (May 2007) GLOBEC Synthesis meeting/workshop. Anacortes, WA (Dec 2006) GLOBEC PI meeting. Seattle (Jan 2006) Images: Some images taken during the NPRB funded period appeared on the cover of the 4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium program book, others appeared in presentations by various authors at that meeting. Acknowledgments We thank the captain and crew of the R/V Alpha Helix, R/V Thompson & M/V Tiglax for various forms of assistance in execution of this work. This work would not have been possible without the students and volunteers that provided much of the manpower during 2005-2007 cruises. This time-series has been funded both by the North Pacific Research Board under grants 520 & 603, and by the US GLOBEC 35 program, jointly funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under NSF Grants OCE-0105236, OCE-9711482, and OCE 0109078. Literature Cited Armstrong, J.L., Boldt, J.L., Cross, A.D., Moss, J.H., Davis, N.D., Myers, K.W., Walker, R.V., Beauchamp, D.A., and Haldorson, L.J. 2005. Distribution, size, and interannual, seasonal and diel food habits of northern Gulf of Alaska juvenile pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha. Deep-Sea Res.II. 52: 247-265. Batten, S.D., and Freeland, H.J. 2007. Plankton populations at the bifurcation of the North Pacific Current. Fish. Oceanogr. 16: 536-546. Batten, S.D., and Welch, D.W. 2004. 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