CHAPTER 1 WHERE YOU WORK Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES What is long term care? Medical care Nursing and rehabilitative care Personal care Residential care Define what makes life worth living Discussion; small group activity; lecture Discussion; small group activity Discussion Why are people admitted to long term care? The long term care population List the types of care offered in long term care Describe a Long Term Care facility List four services provided in long term care Give two reasons why people are admitted to long term care Discussion; lecture Who provides care in a long term care facility? Define the role of the members of the interdisciplinary health care team Lecture; discussion How is care paid for? Medicare Medicaid Personal resources Managed care plans Long term care insurance Explain how care is paid for Who oversees long term care? Describe the agency that oversees long term care Lecture; discussion CHAPTER 2 Starting Your Job: What to Expect Curriculum Outline Content Providing care Providing the best care possible Mindful caregiving Understanding residents’ routines Values and culture Ethics Developing trust The interdisciplinary team Developing a relationship with the charge nurse Developing relationships with coworkers Daily assignments Approaches to care Factors that influence care Behavioral Objective Suggested Activities Explain what is meant by mindful caregiving List ten questions to ask when learning about a resident’s routine Define ethical decisions Group activities; lecture; discussion Describe the nursing team Explain the importance of developing a trusting relationship with the charge nurse and co-workers Small group activity; lecture; discussion Small group activity; lecture List three questions to ask when receiving an assignment Small group activity Describe the three different approaches to care Discussion; group activities List at least three factors that influence care Job functions Taking care of yourself Coping with stress Coping with your emotions Describe four essential job functions common in nurse assistant job descriptions Describe two ways to take care of yourself Lecture; discussion Lecture; discussion Lecture; discussion Group presentations; discussion; flip chart /student responses CHAPTER 3 Understanding People Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Psychosocial wellbeing Discovering the resident Describe how to know a resident Group presentations; discussion; Lecture Lecture; flip chart; discussion; group presentations List Erickson’s eight stages of psychosocial development Define Maslow’s hierarchy of needs List ways to meet resident’s needs Flip chart /student responses; discussion; Describe how knowing a resident’s history will help understand resident’s needs Lecture; group presentations; flip chart /student responses; discussion Gaining an understanding of residents Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development Maslow’s hierarchy of needs - Physical needs - Safety and security needs - Social needs - Self-fulfillment needs Other needs of residents - Sexual needs - Spiritual needs Cultural and values differences Meeting different needs Understanding a resident’s history Chapter 4 Understanding People’s Rights Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESED ACTIVITIES Legal rights Define rights Right to exercise one’s rights How to assist residents to exercise their rights List the rights in the Residents’ Bill of Rights Flip chart /student responses; discussion; lecture Flip chart /student responses; discussion; group presentations Define terms used for abuse List what is required in an abuse program Flip chart /student responses; Discussion Define the role of the ombudsman Lecture Right to privacy and confidentiality How to protect resident’s rights to privacy Right to information Your responsibilities for providing information Right to choose How to help residents exercise their right to choose Right to notification of change When to notify residents of change Protection of resident’s personal funds Your responsibility regarding resident’s funds Grievance rights Your responsibility regarding resident grievances Admission, transfer and discharge rights Your role in transfers and discharges Right to be free from restraint and abuse What you can do to be free from abuse Ombudsman program Chapter 5 Your Role in Ensuring Quality of Life Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES What is dignity? How perception influences dignity Changing a resident’s self-perception Describe why treating a resident with dignity is important Flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion; group presentations Considering the resident as a customer How to add customer service into your caregiving Describe what a customer service focus means for a nurse assistant Flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion Activities Explain the importance of activities for residents Lecture; discussion Describe the principles of the Eden Alternative Flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion Honoring a resident’s life Who is Anna Mae Halgrim Seaver? Helping the resident to redefine their life What difference does promoting dignity make? Quality of life A different way to provide care Chapter 6 The Role of the Family Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIOR OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES What is family? The family as customer Discussionl; role play; lecture; flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion Why is family important? State why family is important What happens to families when residents get admitted? The adjustment process Guilt Anger Uncertainty Sadness Loss of control Relief Define family Define the family’s adjustment process Flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion; group presentations Explain how to develop a relationship with the family Flip chart /student responses; discussion Describe how to make the resident’s family feel part of the health care team Group presentations; discussion Your relationship with the family Involving the family in care Communicating effectively with family members Family visits Managing family members’ expectations When families express distress When you become like a family member Chapter 7 Communication Curriculum Outline CONTENT How we communicate Verbal communication Nonverbal communication/body language Touch Listening Validating communication Promoting effective communication BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES List ways to make verbal communication effective Explain the importance of nonverbal communication, touch, and listening Flip chart /student responses; discussion; lecture; small group activity Group presentations; discussion List general guidelines for good communication and active listening Discussion; lecture; flip chart /student responses Explain ways to communicate with residents who have special communication needs Group presentations; role plays; discussion Describe ways to handle residents’ inappropriate behavior or aggression Discussion; flip chart /student responses; lecture Describe how to resolve conflicts Discussion; flip chart /student responses; lecture, group presentations Explain when it is OK to talk about yourself with residents Demonstrate proper telephone courtesy Ending a conversation Problems of ineffective communication Special communication needs Communicating with demanding residents Communicating with residents who need encouragement Communicating with residents with visual impairment Communicating with residents with hearing impairment Communicating with residents who are depressed Communicating with residents with cognitive impairment Communicating with residents with speech impairment Communication and inappropriate behavior Responding to sexual advances Responding to sexual abuse Conflict resolution Understanding yourself Reactions to conflict Nondefensive communication Effective communication when conflict occurs Steps for conflict resolution Communicating about yourself Telephone courtesy Lecture Lecture Chapter 8 Documentation Principles and Procedures Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Gathering information about residents and their care activities Residents The resident’s chart Other communication devices Other people Facility policies and procedures Name all the locations where resident information can be found Small group activity; responses; discussion; lecture; flip chart /student responses The difference between objective and subjective information Explain the difference between objective and subjective information Flip chart /student responses; discussion; lecture; group presentations Explain your role in the care planning process Flip chart /student responses; optional group activity Explain when and how to report and document information Resident assessment Quality indicators Resident care plan Your role in the care plan meeting How to report information Routine reporting Immediate reporting “By a certain time” reporting Lecture; group presentations; flip chart /student responses Incident reports Your role in documentation Guidelines for documentation Correcting a mistake in documentation Common medical terms and abbreviations Group activity; lecture Identify medical terminology and abbreviations Chapter 9 Prevention and Control of Infection Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES TRAINING Discussion; responses; lecture; flip chart ; group activity listing responses How microorganisms cause infections How microorganisms are transmitted: the chain of infection The microorganism The reservoir Portal of exit from the reservoir Modes of transmission from the reservoir Direct transmission Indirect transmission Airborne transmission Portal of entry into susceptible host Susceptible host State how microorganisms are transmitted Describe how the body responds to infection Define your role in identifying the signs, symptoms, and clues of infection Lecture; flip charts Handwashing Demonstrate the skill of handwashing Lecture; skill demonstration; practice; skills check-off Using barriers Gloves Gowns Disposable plastic aprons Eye protection Demonstrate the proper way to put on and remove gowns, aprons, gloves, masks, and eye protection Lecture; skill demonstration; practice; skills check-off Explain your facility’s policies and procedures related to isolation precautions State your role in cleaning objects and disposing of solid items in the resident’s environment Strategies for breaking the chain of infection Handwashing and other strategies Breaking the chain at the mode of transmission link Breaking the chain at the susceptible host link Isolation precautions Transmission-based precautions - Airborne precautions - Droplet precautions - Contact precautions Applying isolation precautions Psychosocial needs of residents on isolation precautions Cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization Cleaning Disinfection Sterilization Designated clean and dirty areas of the facility Flip chart /student responses lecture; discussion Flip chart /student responses Chapter 10 Personal Injury Prevention and Protection Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Protecting yourself from bloodborne infections Standard precautions - Handwashing - Gloves - Mask, eye protection, face shield - Gown - Resident care equipment - Environmental control - Linen - Occupational health and bloodborne pathogens - Resident placement Explain standard precautions Lecture; discussion; demonstration OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard Preventing needlesticks Exposure control plan Engineering and work practice controls Personal protective equipment Housekeeping Hepatitis B vaccination and postexposure evaluation and follow-up Information and training requirements Information and bloodline pathogens HIV and AIDs Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Nurse assistant tasks involving exposure to blood Define the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens standard Flip chart; lecture; group presentations; discussion Define ergonomics Flip chart; lecture List at least ten common sense rules for preventing injury Demonstration; discussion; flip chart /student participation; lecture Demonstrate good body mechanics Flip chart; lecture; small group activity; discussion; demonstration; return demonstration Preventing resident falls Why residents fall Preventing falls - Devices and equipment used to prevent falls Describe how to prevent resident falls Lecture; demonstration Environmental awareness Wet floor Electrical safety Chemical safety Discuss your role in preventing injuries Lecture; group presentations discussion Special equipment and supplies for infection prevention and control Wastes requiring special handling Injury Prevention (Ergonomics) Mindful decision making: injury prevention Common sense rules Residents Nurse assistant Environment Body mechanics Principles of body mechanics - Step 1: things to consider - Step 2: prepare yourself - Step 3: determine how to move Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Container labeling Emergency first aid for chemical exposures The “Right to Know” law Safety around oxygen Disaster preparedness Weather Fire - If you are first to notice a fire - If a fire alarm sounds on another wing or unit - If an evacuation is ordered Incident reporting Discuss their role in disaster preparedness Flip chart ; Appendix D review; lecture; discussion Chapter 11 The Aging Process and Disease Management Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Learn how residents feel about aging Identify four general characteristics of aging Flip chart; discussion; lecture Avoid labeling Explain why no one should be labeled by disease or condition Acute versus chronic problems Define the terms acute, chronic, observation, signs, and symptoms Cancer Infection Localized responses Whole body responses Silent responses Explain the importance of early detection of cancer Describe how the body responds to infection Flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion Flip chart; lecture; small group activity; discussion Identifying signs and symptoms of common infections Clues to infection in older adults Putting together clues to infection Integumentary system (skin) Structures Functions Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the integumentary system - Dry skin Signs and symptoms of dry skin Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care - Contact dermatitis Signs and symptoms of contact dermatitis Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care Musculoskeletal system Structures Functions Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the musculoskeletal system - Arthritis Signs and symptoms of arthritis Identify the structure, function and aging-related changes of the 10 body systems Give an example of each body system’s changes as the body ages Give five examples of information that should be reported to the nurse Complete a resident’s chart with a description of an illness, disease or problem; signs and symptoms; your role in observation and intervention; the goals of care; and interventions or skills for care. Pre-assigned group presentations or Flip chart; lecture Pre-assigned group presentations or Flip chart; lecture Identify the structure, function and aging-related changes of the 10 body systems Give an example of each body system’s changes as the body ages Give five examples of information that should be reported to the nurse Complete a resident’s chart with a description of an illness, disease or problem; signs and symptoms; your role in observation and intervention; the goals of care; and interventions or skills for care. Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care - Osteoporosis Signs and symptoms of osteoporosis Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care Respiratory System Structures Functions Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the respiratory system - Cold and flu Signs and symptoms Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care Sputum specimens - Pneumonia Signs and symptoms of pneumonia Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Signs and symptoms of COPD Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care Circulatory system Structures Functions Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the circulatory system - Congestive heart failure (CHF) Signs and symptoms of CHF Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care - Peripheral vascular disease Signs and symptoms of peripheral vascular disease Identify the structure, function and aging-related changes of the 10 body systems Give an example of each body system’s changes as the body ages Give five examples of information that should be reported to the nurse Complete a resident’s chart with a description of an illness, disease or problem; signs and symptoms; your role in observation and intervention; the goals of care; and interventions or skills for care. Identify the structure, function, and aging-related changes of the circulatory system Give an example of the system’s aging changes Give five examples of information that should be reported to the nurse Complete a patient chart with a description of an illness, disease, or problem; signs and symptoms; your role in observation and intervention; the goals of care; and interventions or skills for care Pre-assigned Group presentations, skill demonstration, skills practice, skills check-off or Flip chart; lecture, skill demonstration, skills practice, skills check-off Pre-assigned group presentations; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off or Flip chart; lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice, skills check-off Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care - Coronary artery disease Signs and symptoms of coronary artery disease Nurse assistant’s role in observation Goals of care Interventions or skills for care - Cerebral vascular accident (CVA) Signs and symptoms of CVA Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care Digestive system Structures Functions Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the digestive system - Constipation Signs and symptoms of constipation Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care - Diarrhea Signs and symptoms of diarrhea Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care Urinary system Structures Functions Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the urinary system - Urinary tract infections Signs and symptoms of urinary tract infections Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care - Urinary incontinence Signs and symptoms of urinary incontinence Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Identify the structure, function, and aging-related changes of the circulatory system Give an example of the system’s aging changes Give 5 examples of information that should be reported to the nurse Complete a patient chart with a description of an illness, disease, or problem; signs and symptoms; your role in observation and intervention; the goals of care; and interventions or skills for care Identify the structure, function, and aging-related changes of the circulatory system Give an example of the system’s aging changes Give five examples of information that should be reported to the nurse Complete a patient chart with a description of an illness, disease, or problem; signs and symptoms; your role in observation and intervention; the goals of care; and interventions or skills for care Pre-assigned Group presentations; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off or Flip chart; lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Pre-assigned group presentations; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off or Flip chart; lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Goals of care Interventions or skills for care Bladder training program Prompted training program General guidelines for resident care during bladder training and thereafter Applying a disposable brief or panty liner Urinary catheter care Nervous system Structures Functions Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the nervous system - Multiple sclerosis Signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care - Parkinson’s disease Signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care Endocrine system Structures Functions Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the endocrine system - Diabetes Signs and symptoms of diabetes Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care Sensory system The eye Structure Function Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the eye Identify the structure, function, and aging-related changes of the circulatory system Give an example of the system’s aging changes Give five examples of information that should be reported to the nurse Complete a patient chart with a description of an illness, disease, or problem; signs and symptoms; your role in observation and intervention; the goals of care; and interventions or skills for care Identify the structure, function, and aging-related changes of the circulatory system Give an example of the system’s aging changes Give five examples of information that should be reported to the nurse Complete a patient chart with a description of an illness, disease, or problem; signs and symptoms; your role in observation and intervention; the goals of care; and interventions or skills for care Identify the structure, function, and aging-related changes of the sensory system Give an example of the system’s aging changes Give five examples of information that should be reported to the charge nurse Complete a patient chart with a description of an illness, disease, or problem; signs and symptoms; your role in observation and intervention; the goals of care; and interventions or skills for care Pre-assigned group presentations or Flip chart; lecture Pre-assigned group presentations or Flip chart; lecture Pre-assigned group presentations or Flip chart; lecture - Cataracts Signs and symptoms of cataracts Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care - Blindness Signs and symptoms of blindness Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care The ear Structure Function Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the ear - Hearing loss Signs and symptoms of hearing loss Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care The other senses Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Male reproductive system Structures Functions Aging changes Female reproductive system Structure Functions Aging changes Abnormal signs and symptoms Observations to report Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the female reproductive system - Vaginal infections Signs and symptoms of vaginal infections Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention Goals of care Interventions or skills for care Identify the structure, function, and aging-related changes of the reproductive system Give an example of the system’s aging changes Give five examples of information that should be reported to the charge nurse Complete a patient chart with a description of an illness, disease, or problem; signs and symptoms; your role in observation and intervention; the goals of care; and interventions or skills for care Pre-assigned group presentations or Flip chart; lecture Chapter 12 Themes of Care Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Themes of care Communication Autonomy Respect Maximizing potential Safety Infection control Observation Time management Define the themes of care Small group activity (role model); discussion; large group activity How to use themes in your work List general questions you should consider when beginning a skill Discussion; small group activity; flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion Table 12-1 Common preparation steps List the commonly used preparation and completion steps Flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion List several CMS requirements for services that long term care facilities must provide residents Lecture; small group activity; discussion Table 12-2 Common completion steps The format of skill procedures CMS requirements for quality care Chapter 13 Gathering Information Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Physical exam and history Explain the purpose of an accurate history Flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion Purpose of history Describe what information the health care team obtains about a resident’s past medical history Flip chart; student activity; demonstration; role play activity; lecture Obtaining the history Define two interviewing techniques the health care team uses during the physical exam. Describe two methods used by the health care team for collecting history data Describe questions asked by the health care team during the review of body systems. Explain your role in the physical examination Explain techniques used by the physician to examine the resident Demonstrate how to take an oral temperature Demonstrate how to take a rectal temperature Demonstrate how to take an axillary temperature Collecting the history data Review of body systems Nurses assistant’s role in the physical examination Techniques used in physical examination Taking and recording vital signs Temperature - How to clean a glass thermometer - How to shake down a glass thermometer - How to read a thermometer - Oral temperature - Rectal temperature - Axillary temperature Pulse rate Demonstrate how to take a radial pulse Respiratory rate Demonstrate how to count respirations Blood pressure Demonstrate how to take a blood pressure Demonstrate how to measure height and weight Lecture; flip chart /student activity; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Flip chart; lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Accurate reporting and recording of vital signs Height and weight Flip chart; lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Chapter 14 The Importance of Creating a Home Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Admission of residents The interdisciplinary approach to admission What can you do to prepare for the new resident? Greeting residents Describe your role in admitting a resident Small group activity; flip chart /student responses; lecture; role play activity; discussion Creating a home in a long term care facility List three ways to make a resident’s room home-like Flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion Responsibilities in caring for residents’ personal belongings Care of a residents’ clothes Care of residents’ other belongings Describe their role in caring for a resident’s belongings Lecture; discussion; small group activity Respecting residents’ privacy Explain ways to ensure a resident’s privacy Flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion Bed making Demonstrate how to make an occupied and unoccupied bed Flip chart /student responses Discussion lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Demonstrate the use of a call system Describe your role in transferring and discharging a resident Finishing touches Call system Transfer of a resident Interdisciplinary approach for transferring a resident How you can prepare for the transfer of a resident Transferring residents Discharge of a resident Interdisciplinary approach for discharging a resident Helping residents adjust in the discharge Day of discharge Lecture; discussion Discussion; flip chart /student responses; discussion; lecture Chapter 15 Learning to Position and Move Correctly Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Why moving and positioning are important State the importance of moving and positioning residents correctly Flip chart /student responses discussion; lecture Preparing to move or position a resident When to get help List at least five questions to consider when preparing to move or position a resident Flip chart /student responses; discussion Demonstrate how to move a resident: Up in bed when a resident can help Up in bed when a resident is unable to help • Moving to the side of the bed when a resident can help Moving to the side of the bed when the resident is unable to help. Moving to the side of the bed using a draw sheet Turning a resident from supine position to side lying for personal care Moving a resident from supine to sitting Moving a resident from sitting to supine position Lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off How movement affects body systems Communicating with residents Moving Positioning Fowler’s position Side-lying position Positioning a resident in a chair Moving a resident from one place to another (transfer) Using a guard belt Putting a guard belt on a resident Considerations for transfers Two-person assistive device transfer Stopping a fall If a resident falls and seems injured Positioning a resident on their back Positioning a resident on their side Using a gait belt Transferring a resident Demonstrate how to help a resident move from bed to chair and back with the help of a coworker (with or without a mechanical lift), and how to move a resident up in a wheelchair, commode or toilet Explain what to do if a resident falls Lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Lecture; discussion; skill demonstration Chapter 16 Personal Care Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Making routine activities mindful Define personal care Flip chart /student responses; discussion; lecture Give examples of ways to make routine activities mindful and to consider the resident’s preferences in personal care. State why observation is important during personal care. Discussion; small group activity Demonstrate how to help with the following skills: Complete bed bath Perineal care Back rub Tub bath Shower Whirlpool bath Shampoo and conditioning Lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Daily routines based on personal preferences Determination of assistance needs and observation during personal care Flip chart /student responses; lecture Use of gloves in personal care Personal care routines Bathing Using a resident’s personal care products Waterless products Whirlpool bath Partial bath Shampooing and conditioning Oral hygiene Brushing and flossing Dentures Mouth care for comatose residents Brushing and flossing Caring for dentures Mouth care for a comatose resident Grooming Shaving Facial hair Hair care Care of fingernails Care of toenails Assisting the resident with dressing and undressing Preparing for an event Shaving Trimming facial hair Hair care Care of fingernails Care of toenails Assisting with dressing and undressing Lecture; demonstration; practice & return demonstration; nursing arts lab Lecture; demonstration; practice & return demonstration; nursing arts lab Lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Chapter 17 Assisting with Nutrition Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES The role of the food service department Explain the role of the food service department and how you work with that department Discussion; flip chart /student responses; lecture List ways to provide and encourage good nutrition Small group activity; discussion; flip chart /student responses; group presentations Give examples of ways to make dining a pleasant experience Flip chart; small group activity; group presentations; discussion / brainstorming Demonstrate how to properly record residents’ intake and output Flip chart; lecture; small group activity Assessing residents’ nutrition Working together to provide the best for the resident Helping residents with a special diet Making the dining experience pleasant Environmental factors Service factors Social factors Assisting residents with meals Preparing residents for meals Tray preparation Serving residents Assisting with feeding residents Assisting residents with dysphagia Important observations while eating Identifying residents at risk Special devices for eating Dietary supplements Residents with feeding tubes Dehydration Preventing dehydration Food and fluid intake Evaluating food intake Evaluating fluid intake Chapter 18 Assisting with Elimination Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Determining elimination patterns The resident The resident’s family The resident’s chart Describe how to determine residents’ elimination patterns Flip chart /student responses; discussion; small group activity; group presentations Maintaining residents’ dignity when helping them with elimination List ways to help residents maintain their dignity when you help them with elimination Display; demonstration; lecture; discussion Assisting with elimination Equipment for elimination Identify equipment used to help with elimination Demonstrate correct ways to help a resident use a bedpan, urinal, and portable commode Discussion; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Problems with elimination State how to identify changes in residents’ elimination patterns Lecture Collecting specimens Urine specimens - Urinalysis - Clean-catch urinalysis - Collecting a 24-hour urine specimen - Using reagent sticks (dipsticks) for testing urine - Glucose and ketone testing Stool specimens Demonstrate specimen collection techniques Lecture; demonstration Helping a resident with an ostomy Types of ostomies Ostomy care - Emptying an ostomy bag Describe your role in ostomy care Display; discussion; flip chart; lecture Tips for promoting regular elimination patterns Chapter 19 Maintaining Skin Integrity Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES The challenge of skin care Describe factors that influence skin health Discussion; lecture Maintaining skin integrity Describe why maintaining skin integrity can be a problem for residents in long term care Flip chart; lecture List at least five strategies for keeping residents’ skin healthy Group presentations; discussion Describe what can happen when a resident’s skin integrity is not maintained Discussion; flip chart; lecture Other types of wounds Demonstrate other kinds of wounds Lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Wound care Demonstrate how to remove a wound dressing, clean a wound and dress a wound Discussion; demonstration Observation and reporting Pressure ulcers Early signs and symptoms of pressure ulcers Stages of pressure ulcers Treatment of pressure ulcers Chapter 20 Emergency Care Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES First Aid Define emergency first aid Lecture; discussion Your role and responsibilities in an emergency Explain your role and responsibilities in an emergency State general guidelines to follow in an emergency Discussion; lecture Identify five signs and symptoms of a heart attack and the care to give a resident having a heart attack Discussion; flip chart; lecture Explain how to give cardiopulmonary resuscitation Flip chart; lecture; demonstration Identify the signs of choking and explain the Heimlich maneuver Flip chart; lecture; demonstration Identify the signs of a seizure and how to care for a resident with seizures Group presentations; discussion Explain what care to give to a resident who has a burn Explain what care to give to a resident who is bleeding Identify the signs and symptoms of shock and the care of a resident who is in shock Heart attack and cardiac arrest Heart attack Cardiac arrest Airway Breathing Circulation Choking The Heimlich maneuver Seizure Burns Hemorrhaging Shock Chapter 21 Pain Management, Sleep, and Comfort Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Pain Screening for pain Understanding pain Reporting pain accurately Pain left untreated Pain treatment Describe your responsibility for reporting pain Lecture; discussion; flip chart Describe what you might see when a resident is in pain List five side effects of pain medications Describe five complementary or alternative measures to help manage pain List ways to promote comfort and sleep Promoting comfort and sleep Lecture; discussion; flip chart Flip chart; lecture; group presentations Lecture; flip chart; discussion Chapter 22 End of Life Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Living wills Describe a living will Lecture; flip chart /student responses Feelings about dying Describe different feelings about death Stages of dying List the stages of dying Lecture; discussion End of life care Hospice Describe end of life care Flip chart; lecture; discussion Your role through the dying process Comfort measures for the dying resident Helping the family during the process of dying Religious and cultural practices Helping other residents cope with their loss Managing your own feelings List specific things you can do to help residents and family members during the dying process Discussion; discussion; lecture Lecture; discussion; group activities Signs of approaching death Physical care of the body Describe the care of the body after death Lecture Chapter 23 Other Work Environments and Resident Populations Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Assisted living facilities Describe the services that are provided in an assisted living facility Discussion; flip chart; lecture Subacute care units Describe the types of patients admitted to subacute care units Small group activity; flip chart; lecture Facilities for residents with developmental disabilities Mental retardation Down syndrome Autism Cerebral palsy Epilepsy Define developmental disability Group presentations; discussion Describe mental retardation, Down syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and Epilepsy Care of residents with developmental disabilities Define the habilitation model used for the care of residents with developmental disabilities Flip chart; lecture Understanding cognitive impairment and dementia List the diseases that can cause dementia Flip chart; lecture Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease Name five symptoms of each stage of Alzheimer’s disease Your role in caring for residents with Alzheimer’s Disease and related disorders Provide guidance and direction Discover and use residents’ abilities Promote each resident’s dignity Comfort and reassure each resident Anticipate basic needs Enjoy residents and help them enjoy life Describe six principles guiding your care of residents with Alzheimer’s disease General techniques for responding to behavioral symptoms Enter a resident’s reality Know your resident Know your resources Communicate with the resident Body language Facial expressions Tone of voice Communicate techniques Motivate the resident Stop when a resident resists your care Specific behavioral symptoms Agitation Anxiety Delusion Depression Wandering Insomnia List general techniques for responding to behavioral symptoms Different long term care environments Care of residents with HIV or AIDS Flip chart; lecture; group presentations; discussion Flip chart; lecture Hallucinations Specific techniques for activities of daily living Toileting Hydration Eating Dressing Bathing Grooming Discuss ways to change your care when helping residents with Alzheimer’s with the activities of daily living Group presentations; discussion Chapter 24 Specialty Skills for Subacute Environments Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Care of residents with diabetes in a subacute setting Glucometer testing, refrigeration, sharps management Flip chart; demonstration; lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Care of the residents and persons needing oxygen therapy Describe your role in oxygen administration Positioning for easier breathing Demonstrate how to assist with diaphragmatic breathing, deep breathing, coughing and an incentive spirometer List safety rules during oxygen therapy Demonstrate how to assist with administering oxygen by nasal canula and by simple face mask Describe the three common types on artificial airways, and mechanical ventilation Hot and cold applications Caring for the person receiving dialysis Alternative nutrition Describe a subacute setting Demonstrate how to obtain a blood glucose sample by fingerstick Demonstrate how to provide diabetic foot care List the types of heat applications and explain guidelines to follow when applying heat List the types of cold applications and explain guidelines to follow when applying cold Describe dialysis and your role in caring for a person receiving peritoneal dialysis State the signs and symptoms to observe and report when a person is receiving hemodialysis State the reasons for enteral feedings or total parenteral nutrition Flip chart; bridging; flip chart discussion; lecture; group presentations; discussion; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Lecture; flip chart Bridging; discussion; lecture; group presentations Flip chart; lecture Chapter 25 Care of the Person Having Surgery Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Common fears about surgery Option one Discussion; pre-assigned role modeling; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off (Involves entire chapter) Explain how you can help reduce a person’s fear and anxiety about having surgery Option two Flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion Before surgery After surgery State what information is given to the person Flip chart; lecture Explain your role in preoperative phase of surgery Flip chart; lecture Name at least five items on the preoperative checklist Flip chart; lecture; small group activity Describe how you can support family members during surgery Flip chart /student responses; lecture; discussion; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Explain your role in postoperative care Flip chart /student responses; discussion; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Chapter 26 Special Skills for Special Times Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Your role in prenatal care Explain your role in prenatal care Brainstorm/discussion; flip chart; lecture Identify signs and symptoms during pregnancy to report to report to the health care team Flip chart; lecture State two normal signs and symptoms of pregnancy for each of the three trimesters Flip chart; small group activity; discussion Explain the reason for childbirth classes Brainstorm/discussion. lecture Explain two signs that labor is about to begin Identify the five physical characteristics of the newborn evaluated at 1 and 5 minutes after birth Explain the immediate care of the neonate Name at least one reason why a woman might need a cesarean birth Group presentations; discussion Labor and delivery Care of mother during postpartum period Neonatal care Working with children Explain what care is given to the mother during the postpartum period and how to promote post partum health Demonstrate how to assist the postpartum mother with a sitz bath Identify standard care given to the newborn in the first 24 to 48 hours after birth Name two questions parents frequently ask about caring for their newborn Demonstrate how to diaper a newborn, how to bathe a newborn and how to care for a circumcision Explain how to assist a mother and newborn with breast feeding and bottle feeding Give four examples of when parents should call the health care team about their infant Name two standard procedures followed before mother and newborn are discharged from the hospital Describe pediatric areas in which nurse assistants can work Explain why evaluating a child’s growth and development is important Name two standard procedures followed when a child is admitted to a pediatric floor and describe your role in caring got a hospitalized child Identify two safety tips to teach parents and describe the importance of immunizations Name two universal good health habits for all age groups, two specific good health habits for adolescents and at least five behavior risks for youths today Growth and development Promoting health from infancy into young adulthood Group presentations; lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Brainstorm/discussion; lecture Flip chart; lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Group presentations; discussion Flip chart; lecture; brainstorm/discussion Chapter 27 Restorative Activities Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES What are restorative activities? Describe your role in promoting independence Small group activity; brainstorm/discussions; flip chart; lecture List different kinds of equipment that promote independence Flip chart; display items; discussion; small group activity; lecture Demonstrate range-of-motion exercises and assisted walking Flip chart; lecture; skill demonstration; skills practice; skills check-off Helping residents in the restorative process Short- and long-term goals Cuing, prompting, and encouraging Assistive devices Types of assistive devices Prosthetic and orthotic devices Positioning and seating devices Aids for activities of daily living Improper use of equipment Faulty equipment Exercise Range-of-motion exercises Active exercise Active assisted exercise Passive exercise Guidelines for ROM exercises Which joints to exercise How joints move Starting a ROM program Walking with a resident Chapter 28 Pulling It All Together Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES The nurse assistant’s contribution to care State how nurse assistants contribute to quality care Brainstorm/discussion; lecture Time management Give examples of things that influence how tasks are prioritized Brainstorm/discussion; lecture Describe the theme of time management Bridging; flip chart; discussion; group presentations; case studies; group activity/ presentations A day in a facility Day shift Evening shift Night shift All shifts Managing your time: the balance of art and science Resident’s preferences and routines Shift responsibilities Assignment Organizing care Chapter 29 Promoting Your Own Health Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Your health choices List the factors that influence health Guided discussion; flip chart /student responses; lecture Developing a positive attitude Explain why having a positive attitude is important Guided discussion; group presentations Good nutrition USDA guidelines Describe general guidelines for good nutrition Exercise and health State the benefits of exercise Good health Tips for getting started Chapter 30 How to Be a Successful Employee Curriculum Outline CONTENT BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Preparing for the state competency evaluation Describe what you can do to ensure you pass the state competency evaluation Discussion; lecture; flip chart /student responses; discussion Getting a job as a nurse assistant Explain how to find a job Discussion; flip chart /student responses; lecture Getting a successful start at your job Describe what you can do to be successful when you start your new job Bridging; lecture; discussion Ongoing success Managing yourself and staying motivated List what you can do to stay motivated on the job Describe how you can resolve problems on the job Group discussion Describe the importance of inservice education Lecture Effective communication and problem resolution Assertiveness: how to accomplish what you think is important Evaluating your work: learning to grow Improving care through inservice education Lecture; flip chart; small group activity Lecture