Doctoral study REGULATIONS - Biznesa augstskola Turība

University” LTD
Unified registration No. 40003135880
Graudu street 68, Riga, LV-1058
Senate meeting of 26.11.2014, minutes No.10,
Turiba University,
Decision of the Board 28.11.2014. No.48
Doctoral study REGULATIONS
1. Used terms:
1.1. Doctoral studies – studies in full and part time doctoral programmes financed by
individual or legal entities that must be performed with an individual plan in accordance
with requirements of the study programme in order to obtain the Doctor’s academic
1.2. Doctoral student – a person enrolled in a programme of doctoral studies.
1.3. Doctoral programme – scientific and academic activities and the supporting actions in
structural units of School of Business Administration Turība (hereinafter in the text –
BAT) as well as outside BAT, in order to ensure high quality and effective doctoral
1.4. Doctorate– awarding of the doctor’s degree.
1.5. Doctoral examination – an examination, where the knowledge of the doctoral student
on the modern theoretical conclusions of the respective branch of science and the sub
branch and the applicable research methods are examined.
1.6. Applicant – a person, who in accordance with Enrolment Regulations of BAT has
submitted an application for studies in a doctoral study programme.
1.7. Doctoral programme council (hereinafter in the text – DPC) – a collegial
administrative institution consisting of not less than three Doctors of Science, who
together with the director of the doctoral study programme supervise the
implementation of the programme. DPC is established by a dean’s decree.
1.8. Council for Doctoral studies (hereinafter in the text – DP) – a collegial administrative
institution which supervises implementation of the doctoral study programmes of the
School; it includes rector (chairman of the council), vice rector for scientific affairs,
deans of the faculties where doctoral study programmes are implemented, and directors
of doctoral study programmes.
1.9. Candidate for doctoral degree (hereinafter – Candidate) – a person who
1.9.1. has successfully completed the theoretical part of the BAT doctoral study
programme, passed all the doctoral examinations in the relevant branch or sub branch of
science, but is yet to have defended his doctoral thesis and has concluded a contract
regarding the award of doctoral degree and thereby conferring the status of Candidate for
the doctoral degree for the completion of his/her doctoral thesis and its approval for
1.9.2. has successfully completed the theoretical part of a doctoral study programme,
passed all the doctoral examinations in the relevant branch or sub branch of science within
doctoral study programmes implemented by other higher education institutions but is yet to
have defended his doctoral thesis and recommended by the DPP, who has evaluated the
respective results of doctoral studies and research work, to conclude a contract regarding
the award of doctoral degree and thereby conferring the status of candidate for the doctoral
degree for the completion of his/her doctoral thesis and its approval for defence.
2. General rules of Doctoral studies
2.1. The goal of BAT doctoral studies is to educate internationally recognised new
generation scientists for scientific research and academic work, as well as for carrying
out research and organizational work in state and private institutions.
2.2. The doctoral programme involves goal oriented studies and scientific research so that
the new scientists:
2.2.1. could formulate, research and solve problems in accordance with the principles of
scientific research work;
2.2.2. would be competent in general and specific research methodology in the relevant
branch of science;
2.2.3. would acquire vast knowledge in the selected sub branch of science and would give
personal original contribution to its development;
2.2.4. would acquire such a level of scientific research work as to be able to work on a
national and international level in a wider scientific context;
2.2.5. would be able to work independently, as well as on projects in cooperation with
other scientists;
2.2.6. would acquire pedagogical work experience;
2.2.7. would draft and submit the doctoral thesis for acquisition of the degree of a doctor
of science.
2.3. Doctoral studies are a part of BAT academic personnel renewal and development target
2.4. The doctoral student has to complete the theoretical part, carry out scientific research
and compile the doctoral thesis to successfully complete the doctoral study programme.
2.5. The doctoral thesis is an original research whose results have a significant meaning in
the respective branch of science or sub branch.
2.6. The doctoral thesis may be:
2.6.1. a dissertation;
2.6.2. a thematically unified set of scientific publications. Publications must be published
or accepted for publishing in scientific periodicals, which are anonymously reviewed,
internationally accessible in scientific information resources and cited in internationally
accessible databases;
2.6.3. monograph – a reviewed scientific book which is dedicated to one theme, is
internationally accessible in scientific information resources, contains bibliography and
summary in a foreign language.
2.7. BAT doctoral programme in one of the study programmes is opened with a resolution
of the BAT Senate, based on the recommendations adopted by the council of a faculty
on commencement of a doctoral programme of studies in the respective branch or sub
branch of science.
2.8. Doctoral programme studies in one of the study programmes are terminated with a
resolution of BAT Senate, based on an application of BAT rector.
3. Doctoral study administration
3.1. BAT DP, doctoral study programme directors, DPC, faculty deans and departments take
part in the implementation of the doctoral study programmes.
3.2. BAT DP:
3.2.1. drafts and implements BAT doctoral study concept;
3.2.2. evaluates the course of implementation of doctoral study programmes;
3.2.3. has the right to decide on the time period allotted to Candidates (not more than one
academic year) to make corrections in the doctoral thesis, submit and defend the thesis
while maintaining his/her status as a student with all the inherent student rights;
3.2.4. organizes the defence of doctoral thesis.
3.3. DP meetings are chaired by the chairman of the council or a member of the council
assigned by him. The meetings are recorded. The minute keeper is assigned by the
chairperson. The decisions are made in open voting, observing the principle of
3.4. Director of a doctoral study programme is a professor or associated professor of the
respective branch or sub branch of science approved by the Senate, who:
3.4.1. organizes evaluation of presentations of applicants for doctoral studies and holds
individual discussions with them, as well as makes decision (as a resolution) on admission
to the doctoral study programme;
3.4.2. together with DPC reviews candidates as scientific advisors of doctoral theses and
proposes to the rector approval of scientific advisors of doctoral theses;
3.4.3. organizes and administrates DPC;
3.4.4. together with the DPP organizes the review and approval of the content of the
study courses of the doctoral study programmes by the respective departments;
3.4.5. organizes the review of doctoral student’s individual plan project and report at
DPC and proposes their approval to the dean;
3.4.6. together with the dean organizes creative seminars for doctoral students;
3.4.7. prepares the self-evaluation report for the doctoral study programme and submits it
to the dean who then forwards it for approval by the Council of the Faculty and Senate;
3.4.8. organizes doctoral thesis project evaluation in a department specified by the dean
together with DPC.
4. Doctoral study programmes
4.1. BAT Doctoral studies are implemented in licensed and accredited programmes in
accordance with laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia, international contracts,
– BAT Constitution, these Regulations and the subordinate BAT documents, observing
requirements of other documents that regulate BAT studies, as far as it does not
contradict with these regulations.
4.2. Doctoral study programmes are designed in a branch or sub branch of science in
accordance with the science classification of Latvian Council of Science.
4.3. Doctoral study programmes are drafted and proposed by the faculties, they are reviewed
by the respective councils and are approved by the BAT Senate.
4.4. Doctoral study programme sets out:
4.4.1. The type of studies its form and duration;
4.4.2. the list of core and optional study courses and their scope relevant to the credit
points, as well as the department or faculty responsible for implementation of the study
4.4.3. scope of the scientific research work;
4.4.4. the necessary preliminary education for commencement of studies and other
provisions for implementation of the programme;
4.4.5. description of content of the studies and implementation thereof.
4.5. Doctoral study programmes foresee the successful completion of two doctoral
5. Enrolment in doctoral study programme
5.1. Enrolment for doctoral studies is held in accordance with BAT enrolment regulations.
Entrants who have successfully completed all the enrolment procedures set out by BAT
shall be matriculated.
5.2. Enrolments are based on the submission of documents that comply with requirements of
BAT Enrolment Regulations as well as discussions with the applicant and positive
evaluation of his/her presentation.
5.3. When applying for studies, the applicants submit to the Study information centre the
documents required in Enrolment regulations and a presentation to the programme
director on topicality of the possible doctoral thesis. The volume of the presentation
must be 10 pages.
6. Implementation of doctoral studies and documentation
6.1. A scientific advisor who has a doctoral degree is approved for each doctoral student to
help compile the doctoral thesis. The doctoral student may also have an approved
scientific consultant, who must also have a doctoral degree.
6.2. The scientific advisor of doctoral thesis shall consult the doctoral student on issues
regarding compilation of the doctoral thesis, drafting of scientific publications and
controls the performance of the individual plan.
6.3. In the first semester after enrolment in the doctoral programme the doctoral student
drafts the individual doctoral study plan for the whole period of studies and together
with the application of the theme of the doctoral thesis and approval of the doctoral
thesis scientific advisor submits it to the director of the doctoral study programme.
6.4. Not later than two weeks before the end of the academic year the doctoral student
submits a report on performance of individual plan of the academic year and individual
plan for the next academic year.
6.5. The Candidate shall submit the BAT DP an application, review of the scientific advisor
of the doctoral thesis and plan for corrections, submission and defence of doctoral thesis
for a decision of the BAT DP on extension of time period for the Candidate who has
successfully completed the doctoral study programme.
6.6. During the doctoral studies the following must be performed:
6.6.1. acquisition of the latest research methods in the sub branch of the science;
6.6.2. acquisition of latest research planning, data processing and presentation techniques;
6.6.3. in depth acquisition of theoretical subjects in the branch and sub branch of science;
6.6.4. acquisition of fundamentals of educator experience by participating in the
implementation of Bachelor’s and Master’s study programmes;
6.6.5. participation in international scientific conferences or seminars with presentations,
6.6.6. independent compilation of scientific results and their submission for publication to
scientific publications.
6.7. Pedagogical work foreseen in individual plan of the doctoral student can be performed
in BAT or any other accredited higher education institution in Latvia or abroad. In order
to credit pedagogical work that has been performed in another higher education
institution, the doctoral student must submit to the director of the doctoral study
programme a reference on pedagogical practice, indicating the type of work, its volume
and indicating the programme.
6.8. A BAT doctoral student is transferred to the next academic year with a decree of the
6.9. BAT doctoral studies, subject to academic and administrative supervision, can be also
implemented outside BAT.
7. Examination procedures
7.1. A doctoral student during studies in the doctoral programme must pass examinations
and tests in accordance with the study plan.
7.2. Examinations as well as tests are organized by the dean.
7.3. All doctoral programme examinations, except in the subject of foreign language, must
be passed in writing.
7.4. In the examination of foreign language the ability of a student to present and discuss the
topic of his/her doctoral thesis is examined. The oral examination must be passed.
7.5. A committee of three persons, where at least one of them is a professor or associated
professor and the rest – doctors of science approved by the dean at the recommendation
of the director of the doctoral study programme shall conduct the doctoral examinations.
7.6. The dean shall assign the design of the doctoral examination to the department
responsible for the implementation of the study course or with the approval of the
director of the doctoral programme shall organise a working committee involving
educators who are doctors in the respective field of science.
7.7. The doctoral examination programme is approved by the dean.
8. Completion of studies
8.1. After the successful completion of the programme including passing the doctoral
examinations the results of the doctoral studies and research work are evaluated in a
seminar organised by the respective DPP and
8.1.1. a decision is taken on forwarding the doctoral thesis for defence or
8.1.2. a recommendation to the rector is given on ex matriculating the doctoral student
and concluding a contract for 2 years regarding the award of doctoral degree and thereby
conferring the status of candidate for the doctoral degree for the completion of his/her
doctoral thesis and its approval for defence.
8.2. If the candidate within 2 years after his/her ex matriculation has not submitted to the
BAT research department all the documents necessary for the defence in accordance
with the requirements of the regulations No. 1001 of the Cabinet of Ministers of LR as
of 27th December 2005 „Regulations on procedure and criteria for award of doctoral
degrees” then
8.2.1. DPP, upon evaluating the results of research work of the Candidate shall
recommend conclusion of a new contract regarding the award of doctoral degree and
thereby the maintaining the status of candidate for the doctoral degree for the completion of
his/her doctoral thesis and its approval for defence.
8.2.2. The Candidate shall cover all the costs related to the process of award of doctoral
degree in conformity with an estimate drawn up based on the BAT regulatory documents
by the relevant doctoral board.
8.3. Upon successful completion of theoretical part of accredited doctoral study programmes
from other higher educational institutions the Candidate shall conclude a contract for
the award of doctoral degree and BAT DPP shall confer the status of candidate for the
doctoral degree for the completion of his/her doctoral thesis and its approval for
defence. The Candidate shall cover all the costs related to the process of award of
doctoral degree in conformity with an estimate drawn up based on the BAT regulatory
documents by the relevant doctoral board.
9. Award of the degree of doctor of science
9.1. Persons who have successfully graduated an accredited doctoral study programme or
whose academic activities, which have been performed outside this programme, is
recognised observing the procedure foreseen in this programme and in accordance with
criteria established by the Cabinet of Ministers, and who have successfully passed
doctoral examinations in the respective branch or sub branch of the science have the
rights to defend the doctoral thesis.
9.2. Scientific degree is awarded for an independently compiled and publicly defended
doctoral thesis.
9.3. When claiming a second degree in another branch of science the doctoral thesis can also
be compiled without the scientific advisor of the doctoral thesis, using consultations of
the leading specialists of the branch (consultants). The main results of the doctoral
thesis must be published in scientific publications.
9.4. Doctoral thesis is accepted for public defence if it complies with the following criteria:
9.4.1. the author of the doctoral thesis has motivated the choice of the theme, has defined
the goal and tasks of the research, has characterized the scientific achievements in research
of the theme and the methods used, has outlined as well as discussed the results and
statements gained in the work, summarizing them in conclusions and in the thesis to be
forwarded for defence;
9.4.2. the volume of the scientific work is sufficient in accordance with requirements set
forth in the respective doctoral board regulations on defence of doctoral theses;
9.4.3. modern analysis and data processing methods have been used in the work;
9.4.4. work results are published in scientific publications or the intellectual property
associated therewith is patented;
9.4.5. the results of the work have been presented in international conferences or
9.4.6. the work is not fabricated or plagiarised nor has any other violation of scientific
activity been committed.
9.5. BAT has been granted the right to award doctoral degrees by the regulations No. 1000
of the Cabinet of Ministers of LR as of 27.12.2005 “Regulations on grant of rights to
higher education institutions on the award of doctoral degrees”.
Vice rector for scientific and academic affairs