19 November 2013 - Moggill Historical Society

Moggill Historical Society Inc.
5th General Meeting – 7pm, 19 November 2013
Meeting opened at 7:11pm
Attendance: as per attendance book.
Welcome by President
Apologies: Alison Bailey
Conflicts of Interest: None Recorded
Minutes from previous meeting were provided. Moved Bevley D’Aquino, seconded Roslyn
Hale that minutes be accepted as an accurate record of the meeting; all in favour.
A note of thanks was requested to Jessie Barker for taking the minutes at the last meeting.
Financial Report presented by Bevley D’Aquino. Balance of bank account = $230.00
Official Business
o Lord Mayor's Suburban Initiative Fund. A meeting was held with Helen and Councillor
Margaret de Wit in which Margaret encouraged the society to apply for any essential
funding. The Society is hoping for a grant of $2600, including insurance of $600.
Other General Business
o Projects: Street Names- Members present each selected a local road in which they would
try to research the origin of its name, for presentation at the February Meeting.
o Field Trips: The Queensland State Archives were considered for an end of year outing,
however they are booked out in December, so a visit is planned for 20 January 2014,
around 10am.
The Brisbane City Council archives is now proposed for the end of year outing. Members
will be emailed further details when they have been arranged.
Council organised Tours of Walter Taylor Bridge, as run by 'Brisbane Greeters' are now
booked out. It was suggested that maybe an alternative tour could be organised for
interested society members.
o The monthly article by Helen for the Local Bulletin did not appear in November as hoped,
so has now been postponed until the January issue.
o Barry Derham spoke about a book he is writing, set in Moggill at around 1942 and again in
1957. He is looking for general information about facilities in the area at that time. He has
an information question sheet which will be emailed around to members. A brief
discussion took place about roads, energy, water and effluent disposal strategies used then.
o Margaret Greer spoke about the Descendants of the Moggill Pioneers Organisation which
has a get together every year. Anyone with an interest in Moggill History is welcome to
attend. The next meeting is on 24 November 2013 at the Moggill Cemetery at 2pm, or at
the Uniting Church in the event of wet weather. BYO chair and cup.
o The Kenmore History Group has now been reformed as the Kenmore and District Historical
Society. Pat Dryden (pjdryden@bigpond.com) is the coordinator, and meetings are proposed
to be held at Kenmore Library starting sometime next year.
Tea/Coffee Break
Online Researching Tutorial using National Library 'Trove' and the State Library 'One
Next Meetings: Tuesday 21 January at 7pm. Neville Marsh, author of the book "Island in
the Flood" is the guest speaker.
The February meeting on the 18th will include a report back on the Street Name Project.
Meeting Closed 9.00pm.