Curriculum Vitae CHEVALIER Mathieu 30 Boulevard des platanes 31400 Toulouse - France Tel : +33 6 63 77 60 31 Mail : Date of birth 11/05/1985 EDUCATION Currently Post-doctoral researcher University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Topic : Spatio-temporal variations of taxonomic and functional diversity and impact on ecosystem functioning : the case of the Tonle Sap lake (Cambodia) Supervisors : Sovan Lek, Gaël Grenouillet 2011 - 2014 PhD in Ecology, Biodiversity and Evolution University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Topic : Climate change and freshwater fish: determinants of demographic variations Supervisors : Gaël Grenouillet, Pascal Laffaille 2009 - 2011 Masters degree in Ecology, Evolution, Biodiversity and Statistical analysis University Claude Bernard, Lyon Topic : Evolution of bet-hedging strategies under eco-physiological constraints Supervisors : Frédéric Menu, Etienne Rajon 2007 - 2009 License degree in Biodiversity, biology of organisms and populations University Claude Bernard, Lyon. Topic : Evolution of trophic interactions between two invasive species and one endemic species : Reynoutria japonica as a troyan horse for the invasion of Lasius niger by Lasius neglectus Supervisors : Bernard Kaufmann RESEARCH INTERESTS Biostatistics, population dynamics, climate change, fish, ecology, modeling, demography, biological invasions. PUBLICATIONS 2015 Chevalier M, Laffaille P, Ferdy Jean-Baptiste & Grenouillet G (2015). Measurements of spatial population synchrony: influence of time series transformations. Oecologia. DOI 10.1007/s00442-015-3331-5. 2014 Chevalier M, Laffaille P & Grenouillet G (2014). Spatial synchrony in stream fish populations: influence of species traits. Ecography 37: 960-968. 2014 Lin M, Chevalier M, Lek S, Zhang L, Gozlan R.E, Liu J, Zhang T, Ye S, Li W & Li Z (2014). Eutrophication as a driver of r-selection traits in a freshwater fish. Journal of freshwater biology 85: 343-354 (co-first author). 2014 Rajon E, Desouhant E, Chevalier M, Débias F & Menu F (2014). The evolution of bet-hedging in response to local ecological conditions. The American Naturalist 184 : E1-E15. 2013 Paz-Vinas I, Comte L, Chevalier M, Dubut V, Veyssière C, Grenouillet G, Loot G & Blanchet S (2013). Combining genetic and demographic data for prioritizing conservation actions: insights from a threatened fish species. Ecology and Evolution 3: 2696-2710. COMMUNICATIONS 2015 A mutli-species analysis of the influence of environment on freshwater fish population dynamics. Ecology and Behaviour (E&B, Toulouse). 2015 Changements climatiques et poissons d’eau douce : déterminants et implications de variations démographiques. Station d’Ecologie Expérimentale (Moulis). 2014 Measurements of spatial population synchrony: influence of time series transformations. Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability in the context of Global Change (ISEM, Toulouse). 2013 Spatial synchrony in stream fish populations: influence of species ecological and lifehistory traits. Journées SEVAB (Toulouse). 2013 Spatial synchrony in stream fish populations: influence of species ecological and lifehistory traits. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS, Munster, Allemagne). GRANTS AND ACTIVITY REPORTS 2015 Intermediary reports at 18 months of ANR TLSCC (ANR-13-JCLI-003) 2012 EGIDE grant (travel and stay) at Wuhan (Hydrobiological institut of academic sciences of China). August/Septembre. SKILLS Theoretical: - General ecology (Community, landscape and aquatic ecology) - Evolution - Biological system modeling - Biostatistics - Population dynamics Technical: - Numerical modeling of biological systems - Data collection and analyses - Informatics: R, C++, JAGS, WINBUGS, MARK and M-SURGE - General taxonomy - Measure of biodiversity - Electrofishing Languages: - English (professional, TOEIC 825) - French (maternal) - Spanish (basics) TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2012/2013 Ecology (25h), Biostatistics (40h), Animal biology (30h), Mathematical modelling of biological systems (10h). STUDENT SUPERVISION 2014 Kuczynski Lucie (Masters student (2nd year), co-supervised by Gaël Grenouillet and Pascal Laffaille): Climate change and freshwater fish : demographic and phenologic evolutions. Currently doing a PhD.